He agrees to take the others as well. Morgan just wants to make sure everybody survives and reminds them despite their failures they still made a difference in the world, and they should keep living their lives. Although Daniel doesn't know who was broadcasting, he is certain that he recognizes the voice. Strand and Alicia leave and Charlie apologizes for the fact that she's not Ofelia. Daniel asks if its for Madison and Strand breaks the news about her and Nick to Daniel's visible sorrow. Inside, they find Daniel and his family. Dante hoarded the water as a currency, and selling them to the people with extortive prices. As Strand approaches, Daniel tells Strand he was wrong and the two men make peace with each other. The strangers claim that Vida is having pregnancy complications. Daniel was greatly saddened with the passing of his wife but maintains composure as they attempt to escape the facility. She manages to take Grace hostage and Hill grabs Daniel hostage and the pair back their way to a station wagon where Hill is ordered to take the captives to a rendezvous. Daniel believes Nick did not kill Ofelia but insists someone led the horde to the Ranch. Efran hands Lola, who is the doctor, a blade and Daniel knows what she is about to do. When he woke up, everyone was dead and burned. Daniel warns her Strand will double cross her as he know this. After Episode 15 of Fear the Walking Dead aired, several clips were released in the lead-up to the Season 6 finale. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the Gonzalez Dam. Morgan announces that he wants the killing to stop, despite Sherry's demand that they hand Virginia over. Liza is reluctantly convinced to go with the soldiers as well. When everyone doubts Alicia's claims about seeing a little girl and needing to go back to the Tower for her, Daniel is the first to jump to his friend's defense, remembering how awful it had felt when people had doubted him. A trio of new spinoffs are on the way. Daniel reaches Nick. Much to Strand's surprise, Daniel accompanies Alicia inside with one of the Rangers informing Strand that Daniel had pushed through the barrier and almost broke Stern's neck. She promises to read more about his condition and return. Together, Strand and Alicia manage to snap Daniel out of his fugue state and back into reality. And, sure enough, some people lived,. Daniel senses Nick is lying and locks the door to the room. Nick leaves and Daniel sits alone with his thoughts. Daniel finds Lola trying to fix the levers. Daniel gives him their location and starts comforting Grace. He is aware of a rig made to shoot him when he opens a door, so he taps it and dodges the bullets, taking the keys to a car from a walker that emerges before heading out with a bunch of new supplies and Skidmark. He tells Grace they need to talk, but Daniel picks up and says she has become terribly ill. Grace tells Morgan she hopes to see him again and watch him smile, but doesn't think there's much time left. She realizes the entrance in unprotected. As Ofelia says her farewells to her parents, Daniel tells her that he can't guess how long he will be away. Daniel's ( Rubn Blades) memory loss is guiding him to believe his daughter, Ofelia (Mercedes Mason), is still alive and because he'll do anything to find her, that's a real liability . Strand approaches with a gun drawn and orders her to step away. He admits she could use that advice and then reveals he has to leave to take care of something. At the naval base, Daniel hears someone's transmission over the SWAT van's radio, just as the others rush outside. Following Ofelia's death, Daniel interrogates Nick on what happened at the ranch, believing that Troy lead the herd. Strand asks if he could borrow his plane to find his friends. Daniel slowly rises up with a bullet hole in his cheek, spitting blood and teeth from his mouth. Daniel finds Celia praying near a monument with the same symbol on it as Luis' pendant. After Adams relays his story about the civilians in the arena to Travis, Daniel goes to the arena to validate his story. Wes is a major character in the sixth season, after appearing as a recurring character in the fifth season. While torturing Adams, Daniel suggested that he was often put into the position of choosing whether he would be the torturer or the tortured in a situation. In the video tape, an irritated Daniel asks her "why are you interviewing me? Following a near death experience, Daniel becomes Lola Guerrero's chief security officer at the Gonzalez Dam. He hears people running in the hall. Daniel comes upon Lola's body on the bridge with a note on it. In Daniel's case, Charlie needs him to be there for her. In "Breathe With Me", a concerned Luciana continues to look after Daniel and reassures him that they will continue working together on his problems. They find fresh bullet rounds by a gas station. He sees something in the distance and rushes to it, only to find Strand emerging from the sewers. "If you come back, the next one will be in your face," he tells him. Daniel marches toward her asking where Ofelia is. The next morning, Daniel notices Grace is succumbing to her illness as Morgan radios her. Daniel rushes Lola to the truck as the crowd turns on them and attacks. 2023 is a big year for The Walking Dead universe, as AMC has revealed that two new shows will premiere this year, in addition to the conclusion of Fear the . "Take the gun, Daniel," says a voice, but the room is empty. Upon the beginning of apocalypse, Lola stayed at her post and supported nearby communities as best as she could, providing medications and water to the needed. For a reason that he hasn't explained yet, Daniel is pretending that he doesn't recognize the people in Morgan's group. The communication cuts out as Logan interrupts the signal and says they need to chat. He orders Daniel to torture Efran until he reveals the person who helps him steal the water, and offers Daniel weapons to torture Efran with. "She's waiting for you," Strand lies. He knows that Adams is a good person and tells him that the deeper he goes, the more sensitive the nerve becomes, resulting in more pain. By the end of the first season, it appears as if Madison and Daniel have developed a sense of trust between each other. After 3 unknown survivors, 2 men and a woman, board the ship, Daniel, Travis and Madison rush upstairs to interrogate the strangers. Lola is shot in the back and in the head by Proctor John. He is seen helping Travis and Madison on board alongside Chris with Liza's corpse. Daniel is approached by Walker and presented with a cross pendant necklace. At night, Daniel and Grace's transmission gives out because their truck is too heavy with supplies. There is a clear divide between them on how the dam should be operated. Daniel stumbles John's men before taking their gun and killing them all. Efran fills a jug and explains that water flows from the fountain at 5 PM every Tuesday. She hints at her disapproval of his water distribution system. Daniel elected to remain on the boat with his daughter once the boat docked, still suspicious of Strands intentions. Later, Daniel attends John and June's wedding in the chapel. Charlie urges Daniel to go, but he refuses as he wants to be with her. Daniel remains outside with most of Morgan's friends and watches in horror as the cult manages to get a nuclear missile with ten warheads off before Morgan and Strand can stop them. Madison says she wanted him to know she loved him, and that she was looking forward to getting to know him. Daniel unlocks the weapons depot and discovers that someone took all the weapons during the explosion. Lola offers Madison a seat while the men in the room remain standing. Daniel cuts Efran's hair and admits that he's killed many people in his life. And then that peace literally blows up around them as an explosion goes off at the edge of the community and Daniel discovers the weapons he confiscated earlier are missing, all of which leads him . Strand shoots Daniel in the chin in front of Lola. Strand and Alicia convince Daniel that he can be there for the dying Charlie as he couldn't be for Ofelia. Efran and Daniel eat dinner at Efran's hideout. A few years later, Daniel reunites with Victor Strand and, although cautious at first, eventually helps him rescue the rest of his group. Daniel suggests they post guards at the dam's entryways and use the explosives as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the dam if the Proctors don't negotiate with them. The Infected attack Strand. Lola questions whether or not he is going to go back with Madison to see Ofelia, Daniel vows to fulfill his promise to Lola by staying at the dam, he believes Ofelia is better off without him. He watches as Travis' girlfriend Madison Clark is about to kill a zombified Susan Tran, but stops after Travis persuades her not to, and mutters that she is "weak" as a result. The crowd disperses when an Infected herd approaches. After Luis Flores shoots both Ben and Breannah with an assault rifle, this gives time for Daniel to slip his binds and grab his gun back from Reed's hand as Ofelia slams him on the door before Madison stabs him with the crowbar. Their relationship seems to be seriously strained at "Cobalt", as after Ofelia sees him torturing Andrew, she runs out of the house crying, and he tells Madison that she may never understand why he had to do it. Daniel fires a couple of shots into the air, insisting Strand to leave now. She was portrayed by Mercedes Mason. Lola wants to continue providing water to the people but Daniel wants to be more careful. Daniel catches a eel and explains that they will have it for dinner Travis later walks over to Daniel and asks what him and Chris talked about. After Daniel himself proves to be responsible, Daniel decides to leave Valley Town to return to his warehouse, but to Daniel's surprise, Strand offers to take him in at Lawton for Ofelia's sake. Lola and Madison were both leaders and sometimes did not see eye to eye on each others views. Daniel, having heard their radio transmission, arrives at the airstrip to help Sarah and Wendell light the runway for the plane's arrival with some tools from his warehouse. Daniel lays down, laughing. Daniel later witness the drama unfolding on the Abigail regarding Alex and Jake and that they cannot stay aboard. He asks her to look after Charlie if anything ever happens to him, and she agrees. Daniel exits Valley Town and finds that Morgan has returned and gunned down the walkers. He later witness the aftermath of the attack on a sailing boat, and stands on guard with the shotgun in hand again. At one point, Daniel snaps that he's sorry that Luciana is all alone in the world, but she is not his daughter. Lola Guerrero, also known as "La Reina del Agua" (meaning The Water Queen), is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. Strand admits that he no longer has control over the Rangers and they need his help to get past the Rangers to the roof. He insists that he was protecting her. Daniel finally gets the urgency of the situation across and as everyone moves inside, he orders June to see to Charlie first before patching him up. Along with the rest of Morgan's Group, Daniel has been moved from Fort San Vicente to the sub by Morgan and Sarah. Daniel plays music over the radio as a storm approaches. The next day, the convoy stops their truck because they realize its too heavy to make it across a bridge. Moments later, Daniel invites them inside. At the dam, Lola orders Daniel to pretend that he met her when he came begging for work. They're skeptical, but he makes the case they won't be able to help anyone without it and suggests they should find it first before his former crew. of Episodes 16 Main Cast; Character Actor Madison Clark . Daniel rummages through luggage in search of antibiotics for Ofelia. Shortly thereafter, the group returns to the parking space where they left the three cars. He says this is the reason they played it safe and required everyone to check their weapons at the gate. She says it feels like a contraction. She clarifies this by saying that she understands the new world and her father- and that they are "cruel.". In "Things Left to Do," Strand is ordered to kill Daniel, but he turns on Virginia instead. The following day, still suspicious of Strand, he begins searching the captains room of the boat, eventually finding a sealed compartment. Daniel is devastated. At the dam, Lola orders Daniel to pretend that he met her when he came begging for work. Daniel and Madison catch up. By now, many people know about serial liar Rep. George . "Jack?" A humble man who keeps to himself and shelters his family. Daniel explains that Rollie was a cult member, and that this was how the cult found out they were coming to the sub. Dismayed, Daniel leaves Efran's home in the middle of the night and forges out into a rain storm. Daniel is extremely cautious around those he does not trust, such as Victor Strand and appears to be highly skilled at identifying a potential threat from body language and social cues. "You ask too many questions," he says, as he plays a cassette on the boombox. Lola is present when Dante orders Daniel to torture Efran until he reveals the person who helps him steal the water. J.C., Dante's head of security, questions Lola's decision to hire Daniel as a new janitor. Lola elects they will deal with them later. Lola also demands that Ofelia show up at the exchange. Daniel insists someone moved them there, then admits he is confused. Ofelia's most notorious trait is . Daniel feels the baby kicking in Grace's belly. At the dam,Lolamobilizes her group to distribute water on the street. "By taking others," Daniel says. Their relationship is seemingly over when the two are separated during the Abigail Estate fire, however when the two are reunited after Ofelia's death, Daniel harbors a great amount of rage towards Madison, and even points his gun at her. That night, they finish setting the lights on the tarmac as the plane gets closer. In a private meeting, Dante asks for Daniel's help tracking down a water thief. When Daniel questions Madison on her whereabouts, she tells him that she left, having had enough of everything going on, to which Daniel states he doesn't blame her. Daniel asks Lola to be forgiven, then hands over his gun to her and kneels before her. Daniel later finds a hidden map of the Mexican border to which he announces the destination to the rest of the group with Victor menacingly staring at him. Daniel tells his interrogator that he had to prepare for the worst. Madison stands up to tell Lola of the threats she will be facing. Right then, Sarah finishes her repairs. When the Abigail is attacked by remnants of the Mexican Navy, he stabs several of the attackers in the head to prevent reanimation, but when he comes to Luis, he is startled when the dying man gives him a pendant with symbols on it that Daniel seems to recognize. This list shows the victims Daniel has killed: Daniel is Griselda's husband, and the couple trust and love each other greatly. Madison agrees to provide them with the required arrangements in exchange for 10,000 gallons of water a week until the rains come. She introduces him to Dwight, who Daniel says needs a haircut. He says he will, but they're bringing a herd of walkers with them. "You'd say anything to save your life," Daniel said. On the day after Ofelia's death, Daniel seems to have mostly forgiven Madison. A diverse group of people come together as they realize that a reported virus is actually the start of the zombie apocalypse chronicled in The Walking Dead . Daniel and Efran urge her to stay behind for her safety, but she insists on joining them. In the infirmary, Daniel exchanges fire with two Rangers as Strand treats Alicia, killing both Rangers. Andrew reappears and threatens Daniel with a gun. A beaten Efran is begged to confess. Then the group evaluates Daniel, with a woman named Lola ruling he is going to lose his leg. Upon seeing Luis, he aims him and orders to drop his gun though Nick tells him that he's a friend of Strand. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) He says hes going to the warehouse, but Strand offers to take Daniel in at Lawton and keep an eye on him. Daniel and Nick don't interact much after they first meet, but they have a stable relationship. Daniel and Lola rush to the pump room to determine why the dam water is flowing the wrong way. When Luciana finally hands him the gun, Daniel executes Rollie without hesitation. Daniel seems to be a fan of English-American superband Traveling Wilburys, as he has played their music several times. Daniel tells his interrogator that everything changed after that moment. I don't know how but I got out." Daniel invents an excuse for her. Lola is next up to be executed. Daniel smiles and drops his act, commenting that Morgan needs a haircut. Daniel tells his interrogator that he wanted Valley Town to be a community where Grace's baby could grow up. Lola explains that municipal president Dante Esquivel took over the dam after Tijuana fell. In the woods, Strand tells Daniel they should consider joining Virginia, but Daniel reminds him she's not giving them a choice and that's all they need to know. She also stated how sorry she was for his loss. Daniel later finds Dante interrogating Efran. Every time you help people, you end up hurting them. He hands her Skidmark and says they can have everything in his warehouse except for a cigar, which is for when things get better. Daniel later reveals that his anger is not because he was shot in the face, but because Victor deceived him about Ofelia, preventing Daniel from finding her until it was too late and thus missing his chance to tell Ofelia what he wanted to say. On the road, Daniel tells Grace that for a while, Skidmark was all he had. Ofelia may be gone, but it's not as if Daniel has nothing left. A herd of walkers approaches the dam. He is reluctant to trust her because of Strand, but Madison reveals Walker helped her and now they need Daniel's help. At the medical facility, Ofelia, Daniel, Madison, and Travis search for Nick. The Entire Fear The Walking Dead Timeline Explained. A humble man who keeps to himself and shelters his family.". Daniel is grateful for the return of his beloved cat and the peace offering and the two men acknowledge that they were both playing a game that they couldn't let the other in on while under Virginia's rule, but one that worked out well for both of them. After getting to the truck, they head to a nearby hospital but find that it is overrun with the infected, with the National Guard shooting the infected patients coming out of the hospital. As she gets up, she sees Strand in one of the security cameras and runs off. He demands to know what kind of sick joke this is and points the gun at Madison as he breaks down in tears, demanding an answer. Daniel is now a barber and was cutting Virginia's hair as Strand and Alicia watched. That night, the group gets separated and driven away. Dante pleads that Daniel cannot kill him as Daniel owes Dante for letting him into the group and pulling him off the streets. Only when he returned and betray them did she see his true colors. The plane roars toward the dark runway as Wendell fixes the lights at the last second, allowing the plane to finally land. Daniel and Morgan sit by Grace's side as she experiences contractions. Daniel sees Ofelia, his only daughter, as the "purest" being he has ever seen. "She never did know the man that brought her to the United States," Daniel said. He owns and operates a barber shop. The Gonzalez Dam has been taken over by less savory forces and Lola now finds herself caught between her allegiance to the people and her need to defend the reservoir. Daniel drives off in the car, abandoning Strand. He sees Victor Strand getting tackled at the gate, watching with a smirk, and seeing Dante approach. Daniel meekly apologizes to the others, as Riley chuckles that he told them there was no escaping it. After being held at gunpoint and seeing Daniel get shot, she was able to walk away with Daniel to safety. She asks about Ofelia. Attention! Danieland Efran urge her to stay behind for her safety, but she insists on joining them. The group debates their next move. Walker explains that she poisoned their enemies and saved many lives. Madison ignores his advice. Suddenly, walkers show up and overwhelm them, ruining his vinyl collection. Later, Daniel wakes up and sees footsteps approaching. After Alicia returns with Morgan's group, the two are reunited for the first time in years and Daniel expresses his condolences for Alicia's losses. Daniel first appears this episode alongside Travis and Madison. Daniel doesn't trust this information, and suggest they instead go to the coordinates he wrote down after hearing a voice broadcast them over the radio. Her father is dead. Daniel admits he is looking for her. Daniel Salazar is back in Fear The Walking Dead, as season 7's "Ofelia" picks up a tragedy-tinged storyline that had awaited resolution far too long.As a former CIA-trained operative in El Salvador, Daniel Salazar (played by the aptly-named Rubn Blades) went from cutting throats to cutting hair, and joined Fear The Walking Dead after the Clark family took refuge in his salon. Daniel sees all the people lined up outside the dam exchanging goods for water. Daniel remains very protective of Ofelia and constantly worries about her gun shot injury. He is thinking about Ofelia, but she counsels Daniel to stop looking for Ofelia. He threatens Strand. Strand reiterates that Ofelia had died in Mexico and that Luciana had lied to Daniel for the same reason that Strand did: so Daniel had something to fight for. Daniel and the rest of the caravan survivors rest along the outskirts of Humbug's Gulch as Morgan contacts with Virginia for help. Season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead will begin filming in . Daniel orders him to turn around slowly. . He adds a few more to the list when he . Charlie recognizes it and the two begin to bond. Lola questions whether or not he is going to go back with Madison to see Ofelia but he swears his allegiance to Lola and vows to fulfill his promise to Lola by staying at the dam, and he believes Ofelia is better off without him. Daniel and Victor have a very untrustworthy and tense relationship. She looks at Daniel, shocked, while he leaves with Dante. He tells her, though, that these people will attack and drag them out of the dam. As Daniel starts to cry, Charlie calls out to him as well and Daniel orders her to look away, not wanting this to be what she remembers of him. Daniel insists he did not raise a soldier. At the last moment, however, Daniel is denied leave and the soldiers take Nicholas instead. He has raised an American daughter. It's October 12 according to a calendar. Liza has trouble answering, and Daniel realizes that Griselda is dead. Strand insists he doesn't know. He then tells Charlie to show herself, which she does. Dakota runs up and says she recalls Virginia saying that the enemy went underground. Daniel forces him to reveal that he had tricked Daniel about Ofelia, preventing him from finding his daughter until it was too late. This article is about the Fear character. Their relationship is further strengthened when Madison allows Daniel to torture Andrew Adams in order to get information on Nick and Griselda's whereabouts. In Season 6 and Season 7, Daniel becomes convinced that Ofelia is still alive due to his guilt over her loss affecting his mental state. Lola first appears when the group evaluates Daniel, a newcomer, with Lola ruling he is going to lose his leg. FanSided.com; Our 300 . The abductors of Daniel are the members of. Daniel guesses Strand had an accomplice. Daniel joins Morgan, Sarah and Jacob as they look for Grace in the woods. Cause of Death "Sleigh Ride" After receiving an answer from him, she waves on the rest of the caravan to keep moving before returning to her assigned vehicle. Daniel and Strand sit in Strands car as a herd crosses the road ahead. Charlie then hugs him and Daniel explains that he has finally been able to make peace with the loss of Ofelia. From his cell, Daniel tells his interrogator that the community would not have come together if he and Morgan had initially told everyone what they were building. Daniel tells her they have her at their camp and he believes their word. Deeply saddened by the death of her close friend, she is instilled with a desire for revenge. He left his country after the war with his wife and emigrated to Los Angeles where he came to own and operate a barbershop called "Salazar's Cuts". They ditch their trucks and make the journey on foot. Liza, where is my wife?Daniel to Liza about Griselda's whereabouts. He searches the premises of Celia's home and discovers she keeps walkers in her basement as she believes they are still alive but changed. Lola also demands that Ofelia show up at the exchange. Walkers begin showing up outside Valley Town's walls, drawn by the sound of the explosion. He is left considerably shaken as Celia tries to get him to contemplate making peace with the dead. A clear divide between them on how the cult found out they were to... Asks her `` why are you interviewing me hoarded the water as a storm approaches how cult... Through luggage in search of antibiotics for Ofelia, but Strand offers to care... The rains come the United States, '' he tells him that he them... Footsteps approaching about serial liar Rep. George worries about her and now they need to.! To make it across a bridge body on the street Daniel meekly apologizes to the truck as crowd... 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