did father anthony mary leave ewtn

May Jesus heal you, and return you to health soon. And so let us all raise our minds and hearts and unite to the Sacred Heart of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His Blessed Mother our hearts desires and pray for our dear Father Anthony Mary and all those who are in pain and suffering. I wonder what happened to you! We love you and miss you. May God continue to keep you alive and strong for us. Im sure Father is bearing with his illness with grace and humor. Fr. I love the way he speaks to us through his Homiles. I miss him too. I rebuke your ailment in the precious name, body and blood of Jesus Christ. We are keeping you in our prayers. The daily Mass is the best programme put out by EWTN and Fr Anthonys homilies were always enlightening and entertaining.. Fr. May God keep you in His care and continue blessing you and restore back your health. I will be going into the hospital this month a few times for all day IV infusions. God please take care of Father Anthony. I will pray for you and hope it will be soon when you are back saying mass at EWTN. My old-lady boss liked his way of doing the homily. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. God bless you hoping you will be back soon on the aire. I am so happy I finally found out what happened to our beloved Fr Anthony. My wife and I think and speak of you so often. Fr. You bring so much to the mass. I pray for you everyday. Still no word on Fr. I dont know what is causing your fatigue Father. I miss the Real world homilies , Mich like those of the OBLATE), (OSFS) that I studied under, many former military chaplains. I watch the Mass every day. Prayers and wishes for improved health sent to you, specially to St. Anthony of Padua, who intercedes for those who have lost their health and strength. Anthony Mary, his homily captured me, his passion, his simple words, his smile, I understood . ! , Dear Father Anthony my friends and I have been wondering why you havent been saying Mass on EWTN. Hope you feel better soon. I miss his gentle voice, sweet smile and spiritually inspiring homilies. Our loving Jesus is constantly by your side, caring for you and keeping you safe in His embrace giving you strengths and love, and also by our dear Mother Mary of whom youve chosen your religious name, will always keep you underneath her mantle keeping you safe and protected from pain and discomfort! I would love to hear from you if you are interested. My mother only watches one TV show. Anthony Mary? A prayer goes out to Father Anthony . Do not worry OFFER UP TO GOD BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU THE MOST. You always gave great homilies that I felt you were talking directly to me. Miss your sermons, and your refreshing smile.you light up our day! Please know you are much loved. We miss you. Thank you for giving us an update. I am praying for Father Anthony. Our prayers are with all of the Franciscan friars. I had the honor to see him ordained on TV only, but it is something I cherish. making your way back, slowly but surely, after a spell of health issues. 1 Feb 2023. hello father anthony i am still waiting for you to come back on ewtn tv let jesus and mary take over . Fr. LISTENING TO YOUR HOMILIES, TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH ARE A WONDERFUL WAY TO START THE DAY & ARE SURELY MISSED. ANTHONY TO MOTHER MARY AND OUR DEAREST LORD TO GIVE YOU YOUR STRENGTH BACK TO YOUR HEART SO WE WILL BE GIFTED WITH YOUR PRESENE ON EWTN;. If not the one conducting the Mass, can he be allowed to serve as an assistant periodically, though his personal touch in his Homily is most refreshing? God be with you. I am praying for you. I have been watching for almost 30 years, but feel such a great sense of loss without Fr. I havent seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. Its been 3 years since you posted this msg, Mary. My family in Minnesota misses you to no end at the EWTN daily Mass. I miss your good sermon, hopping God willing will come back ewtn. Well said. Appreciate the efforts EWTN is doing to provide daily Mass for us duing the coronavirus. Pax et Bonum. Anthony. She is your true Mother If it our Holy Will bring Father Anthony back to the daily MASS on our beloved EWTN. . I look forward to seeing you when you are in better health. Each day I pray all the psalms st Augustine was saying before he died, you gave us in one of your homilies, I question God of your health. I missed Fr. God bless you abundantly with every heavenly blessings. This makes me very sad. You are in our prayers. I loved your sermons . He gives the best homilies to start our days!! I miss his homilies , I hope he comes back soon I miss him it is because of him I am back in my church. So glad there is an EWTN. Dear Father Anthony, I truly miss your homilies, full of love, full of family, with Jesus Christ always at the centre. God Bless!! Blessings from Green Isle, MNWe miss you, especially your natural wit & fruitful messages. And we missed your presence at the beautiful Mass today. I miss Father Anthony, the twinGod Bless him and Gods Holy Mother keep him. Blessings for the work you do. I enjoy the celebration of the Holy Mass and always looked forward to your homilies, your beautiful heart, and joyful beautiful bright smile. Dear Fr. May St Anthony of Padua intercede for you as well as our dear Mother Angelica to regain your health. You are greatly missed. I think that a homily that you preached on the relationship between St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica was one of the best you ever blessed us with. Anthony and anxiously await his return . All the EWTN priests are superb but he is definitely our favorite, the model priest. God Bless you all. To me you come second after Father Mitch Pacwa in preaching. It drove me to the internet and discovered this site. May God Bless YOU. ANTHONY MARY MY ENTIRE FAMILY ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY MASS AND HOMILIES. Father Anthony through Christ and in Mary I pray your health will be restored, Send your Spirit Lord to heal Father Anthony. Could at least have a talk show for half an hour and just talk about Jesus, our Lord! I pray for you and all our priests from EWTN. Anthony? He was trained for manual labor, since his father was a weaver, but in 1829 he entered the seminary at Vich. I miss you and your homily Fr. NOW TODAY I CAN RECEIVE THE SACRAMENTS! I wish him a very good health which he deserves so that he will continuously carry on his divine mission. And bless God!! I guess you really made a serious impact on my life. Could someone please let us know exactly what his health problem is? thank you. Anthony. Amen. He fathered a child born in 2008. Anthony, we truly miss him!! GOD IS GOOD. ODD, NO ON EVEN SPEAKS OF HIM ON EWTN. Please God, may he return soon. It is still very sad. really miss you not saying Mass hope you are able to come back soon. Father Anthony, We wish you a speedy recovery and will be very happy to see you back on the air. I am praying you are healed soon. May God bless you with good health soon. WE HOPE YOURE HEALTH IS IMPROVING WITH EACH PASSING DAY. I was asked by the Holy Spirit to do this and have chosen my characters and plot and dont want any credit for it but worry about the spiritual welfare of children growing up in our society. The love of words you speak make us hungry for more salvstion, My favorite priest. Sad to hear about Fr. Anthony may the peace of Our Lord be with you now and forever. I, too, live and serve our Lord through chronic pain, fatigue, and suffering. Get well soon We continue to pray for you all the way from Nairobi Kenya. We didnt know what happened to him and he lifted me up in times of need. I will pray for your healing & good health! Its so sad that very little has been said about someone whos been such a special part of EWTN for such a long time! I pray for the day that you are able to return. Thank you and God Bless you All! And tons of help, time for ourselves, prayer, & the spirit of Our Lord within. Anthony Mary. You are a blessing to us all..you give us the ability to watch and listen whenever we wantespecially when we are home-bound!! Miss seeing you and listening to your homilies. I miss Father Anthony and am relieved to hear that he will be returning. Praying for you. I pray to our Blessed Mother Mary for your healing and strength..I know that Jesus will hear my prayers to His Mother..God Bless.. My husband and I also miss Father Anthony and his homilies, Sorry to hear he is not well. You are so authentic and dear to so many. We were blessed to come over back in Aug 2008 and spent several days at Irondale and Hanceville. I believe GOD will give you speedy recovery. Oh Dear Jesus I will pray for you and you family. Thanks for all you do.it does make a difference. 2. Were praying for him. I told her I would try to find out and beholdthis posting. Gods Blessings to you all .. May Almighty God grant him HIS healing mercies in Jesus name. I was wondering why I havent seen for months glad to hear hes doing much better, Father Anthony we all miss you we love the other Fathers too but also you God be with all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Father Anthony. God bless you Fr. Anthony, We miss you so very, very much. MAY FATHER ANTHONY GET WELL, MISS HIM DURING THIS MONTH OF MAY WITH THE PROCESSION, We are all waiting but seems like their is no new news about him anywhere? I cannot add more. God Bless our Fr Anthony Mary. Anthony, also. We see that joy in the smile of Father Anthony Mary, and that joy radiates to us all. Anthony, take a well-earned rest. Father Anthony please get well. Because of him, I honestly feel I have become a better person. Anthony was born at Salent in the Diocese of Vich in Catalonia, Spain, in the year in which Napoleon invaded Spain. I pray that he is still recovering. Needless to say y ou are greatly loved by all those you have reached through the grace of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and in other priestly activities through the years. Father Anthony, you are greatly missed. All4JMJ, Sarah Miller. I enjoy each and every one of your programs and will continue to support you . I always check to see if you are doing the mass for the day. Anthonythe Twin, God Bless him and Gods Holy Mother keep him. It is great to learn that your recovery is moving in the right direction. People have continued to leave comments/notes, letting him know he is loved and missed, with the most recent dated May 5th, only a few days ago. Anthony and may our blessed Lord heal and strengthen you. Prayers for you, Fr Anthony Mary. So good to hear the voice of Fr Anthony in his series of Lenten retreats on your web site. LOOKING FORWARD TO Im a Eucharistic Minister for the home bound , there are two very sweet ladies that miss you greatly. Father Anthony, we miss you. Anthonys condition. I watch EWTN mostly in the morning and miss Fr. Prayers being said that you will be well and return to EWTN. GOD BLESS AND HEAL YOU FAST SO YOU CAN RECOVER OF WHATEVER YOUR You have reached many hearts with your word, may our lord and savior keep you safe and return to your calling. His homilies are so special and spirit filled with that adorable sense of humor. Anthony may soon be back. I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU FATHER ANTHONY NOW THAT I KNOW YOU ARE SICK. Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. You are missed. God bless you. . God bless. Thanks for sharing the news about Fr. Finally..only today I read the comments here about Fr. Your wit, humour and your genuine demeaneur are inspirational. Dear Father Anthony Mary, I miss your wonderful homilies very much and seeing you on EWTN. You are missed so very much. Anthony Mary! Amen. Will look forward to his smilies and bright homilies! They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). We miss him! May God richly bless you. I pray for him EVERY DAY! Prayers and greetings from across the pond here in England to Fr Anthony and all the brothers and priests who support you and the work of the Holy Spirit at the shrine and EWTN. Anthony, I pray for your return to good health. I wii keep Father Anthony Mary in my prayers also I miss him Hes sermons were so inspiring I remember on Sunday Father said he liked HoHos I found them at Targets Do you still eat them ? We dont hear anything about him in mass anymore. Thank you for the update on Fr. Restful times may allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with future inspirational homilies. I know we should not have favorites, but he is my favorite. I miss his insightful homilies and cheeky sense of humor. I have greatly missed you and your awesome homilies! I will keep him in my prayers! father anthony, May the peace of God be with you all. I am so grateful for the inspiration and hope hes given me thru his homilies. God bless. I am praying for his return also, Have you heard on any new updates of Father Anthony? Holy Mary, please pray for us sinners and especially Mother Mary, please pray for Father Anthony Mary and for the increase of priestly vocations and all other religious orders/vocations. I have a group of priest who gives me spiritual strength through their spirituality and Fr. So Im only able to watch mass on TV, or listen on my radio. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but dont use a website yet because am not very technical. We all enjoy your jolly homilies, teaching us about the importance of a loving heart in the Glory of Our Lord. I plan to go there in November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga. Hope to hear an update soon and that he is well. We always enjoyed your homily. Always made me see how things werent so bad. May the Lord and Our blessed Mother bless and recover soon. It would be wonderful to see and hear him again. I miss Fr. You are in our hearts and prayers , hurry home. Hope to see you Daily Mass soon. Didnt know about his health challenges. As a secular Carmelite our mission is to pray for Priests. Please God restore Father Tony to good health. Happy New Year! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. The darkness always do anything to disturb the light. Can you please post an update on Father Anthonys condition? I pray your health continue to get better And you continue to give us Gods good news. On Dec. 31, two top editors at the EWTN-owned Catholic News Agency announced their departures. Anthony Mary, on the At Home With Jim and Joy program, which fortunately was available on YouTube! Congrations to them! May God bless you. You have brought Richie and I through some very rough times ,one being Richie accident and loss of his leg and the struggles we have been through ,Please know we miss you and are praying for your return .With Gods love and prayers we hope to see you back soon.. I am housebound and the EWTN services provide me that blessing. Has Fr. I am so glad to hear that Fr Anthony will be returning. Father Anthony, I wish you a smooth recovery and hope to see you back on EWTN soon to celebrate a mass. I will keep you in my prayers, as so many people are doing! Danial 3.1-3 you too my friend will walk out of the furnace. Keep praying for us, and listen to your Mother Mary.rest and prayLet the Lord do the rest..! A true and inspiring individual. We will keep you in our prayers as well as all your brother Friars and all. I miss your homilies and your sense of humor on EWTN. May all the saints extend their healing hands for your quick recovery. Thank you for your homilies and thank you for your strong faith. We miss him and his wonderful homilies. Father Tony.. .you are sooo missed! It would be great if you could say a Mass once in awhile. You were instrumental in my return to the Catholic Church and I cant wait to see your smiling face again. Required fields are marked *. God bless. Thank you for the update on Fr. Keeping you in our thoughts & prayers. Why is there no word on Fr Anthony? Joan. I started my day through the prayers and mass everyday. I pray for you as you prayed for us. You helped me endure the loss of both my mother and father as my faith journey deepens each day. You did the mass and we met you briefly after mass. Father Anthony, I am so grateful you re back. Hang in there and have the strength to do his will. Anthony, I am joining hundreds of Catholics who are praying for your speedy recovery. Do please pray for us. I one day hope, hope, hope to come and visit you all in Alabama, We miss Father Anthony Mary and look forward to him back on EWTN! Anthony. You are a big reason why I returned to the Catholic church. Anthony Maryhe is one of the best priests I have seen in EWTN masses I miss his contagious smile and his uplifting homelies. Joseph and EWTN staff. Fr. Those words are germinating and growing, and by Gods grace would bear fruits in abundance to the glory of God and our salvation. My husband and I are thrilled that Fr Anthony is feeling somewhat better, do not hurry back till you are healed, we are so selfish and protective of our EWTN priest and brothers. I have been really wondering about you, Father Anthony for a while and is always looking for ward to hear you at mass and listen to your homily. My prayers are with you Father. ANTHONY! God Bless !!! we love you are in our prayer and in the resary. Father Anthony, I did not know about your heath problem. Fr. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. I feel encouraged after your . Fr. We love and miss you Father Anthony! May the healing power of God help you to deal with the pain and offer it to Christ. Take care Father cant wait to have you back soon. I love you like a son,! May this special Divine Mercy feast find you healed totally. Fr. I can identify with the symptoms mentioned on this page. Ive also placed your name under my St. Joseph statue; as I would have put you under St. Anthony, St. Joseph has a nifty little drawer! God Love you both and to all of EWTN. Wasnt aware he had health problems because most of the time he was smiling, which made us happy to see his masses. Im so happy to hear Father Anthony will be returning soon! Father Anthony I truly miss seeing you on EWTN especially your homilies. Father Joseph Mary, I did not know how to contact you. Amen. I enjoyed his gentle, kind, soothing voice. searching something to watch on satellite, I found EWTN, I stopped there because of the holy mass. Bless your heart! We miss you. We NEED you. I have missed Fr. I pray that your dear twin sister look down upon you in her prayers for your rapid return to good health! Anthony will be able to return to lead us through a Mass and his wonderful homilies?I am not even Catholic but an Episcopalianhowever, I end my days watching the Mass for many reasons and it is so similar to an Episcopal Mass-I hope he gets well soon, not just for me but for himself and all the people who miss himhe is greatly loved and missed.. Gods Name is Mercy. I was truly delighted just now to find out that youre God Bless You Always. You gave me reason to be stronger after a loss in my family. You set a great example for everyone. The courage and deep faith you displayed when you were able to return to your beautiful calling of Priesthood was inspirational to me. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery so he can return to inspiring ALL of us! Youre greatly missed but I am hopeful that the Lord with his mercy will provide you with all the blessings you need. Miss Father Anthony at mass on EWTN. Joseph Mary brother of Fr. I look forward to seeing and hearing your talks once again. assigned as Employee Chaplain of the EWTN Alabama Facilities in August 2014. Many thanks to all of you and especially, Fr. God bless you and hurry back. Anthony, Finally located this site and that you are hoping to return to Daily Mass at the Chapel. Dear Father Anthony Stone, formerly known as Father Francis Mary Stone when he hosted the TV show "Life on the Rock," was suspended from his religious order and placed on long-term leave of absence at EWTN after it became known he had fathered the child. I just googled his name to find out that he is not well. So sorry you are ill Father Anthony. Had missed his Mass on EWTN which I often enjoyed with his humour. Anthony and I am so glad to know you will be serving Mass once again as you recover. Your in my prayers and I know God walks with you. I have also been worried about Father Anthony. HI FATHER ANTHONY HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER AND I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS HOPE YOU RETURN TO EWTN SOMETIME, Sorry to hear that you are illpraying that God will heal you soon. God Bless. LOL Prayers going out to Father Anthony I miss him, Dear Father Anthony , Fr. May God continue to bless Father Anthony. Peace be with you! It is now almost March and still no Father Anthony Mary. Am upset that no updates are given about Fr Anthony Mary. Get well soon and come back soon! First GOD First, thanks be to GOD for everything. He is in our prayers and hope he recovers soon. Father Anthony, I sincerely pray for your recovery and returning to our Daily Mass. Anthony. I miss him and will be praying for him and hope he returns to EWTN Mass soon. Is there a site we can go to be able to read any recent homilies he has written? Mi nombre es Maria Valadez, soy una fiel seguidora del padre Anthony, me sorprende mucho esterarme de la condicin de salud puesto que no sabia que se encontraba delicado. I wish the Priests would let us know how any active priest is doing if they are away from live masses! Father Anthony is such a blessing. I enjoyed your homilies. I was listening to your homily for 2014-9-21 Mass. COME BACK ! May the Good Father bless you forever. I too had a bout with illness that knocked me down. Please do update of his recovery. Dear Fr Anthony Mary, for months now I have wondered where you had gone as I had not seen you say the televised Daily Mass. God be with you always. In my prayers Father Anthony. We miss him terribly, and will pray for our Father Anthony. Your friendly personality shines through in your homilies & reaches out to us who participate in the EWTN daily masses all over the world I imagine I am in Kingston, Jamaica in the West Indies. My heartfelt prayers go with Fr Anthony Mary, may the grace of our blessed mother protect him always and all you brothers and sisters. Father Anthony I miss your smiling face and inspirational homilies. Love your homilies laced with your humor and smile. Father Anthony have you been checked for Lyme Disease? I think all of you are great. He has the most natural way of helping understand things through his humor and serious messages through the homilies. I will continue to pray for the entire network and hope to see you again. We are praying for Father Anthony and his health, and we all look forward to seeing him again soon. I look forward to you returning to EWTN,. Fr Anthony, I hope you are gaining strength each day. I have been praying for you and all the friars but I will triple my prayer for you. Anthonys homilies! Anthony. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. We have been praying for you not know what happened but new something was wrong. FROM SAN DIEGO WE LOVE YOU. The Franciscan Missionary Priests through the Seraphic Mass Association will be celebrating these Masses for you, daily and into eternity. It got me thinking about writing books for children with a religious theme. Father Anthony ~ I, too, miss your Homilies. For weeks she has been missing your masses, Father Anthony. God bless you, Fr. Anthonys getting back to good health and returning to celebrating daily mass. There are many things we want to do and my mother used to call me lazy because we dont have any obvious thing wrong with us. I will continue to look for updates and the good news that we will see you in the pulpit again very soon. 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