california border inspection rules

So as you peruse Californias laws regarding using and growing and keeping marijuana in your car, understand that this only applies once you are in-state. But The Golden State is also an economic powerhouse, Protecting all the fun and farmland begins right at the California border, with, Heres some good news: bringing common household pets into California is not a problem at all! Forbidden fruit became fresh mango salsa, homemade applesauce, fresh squeezed lemon juice, peeled and sectioned grapefruit chunks. In a way that: Functions as the initial component of a comprehensive, immigration enforcement system; Prevents the entry of terrorists, drug traffickers, criminals, and other persons who may subvert . The border inspection process is designed to determine your eligibility to enter the US or Canada. 90 K Street NE. Border States. All of this in a civil tone out of curiosity, of course. But, theres a caveat when it comes to transportation of it. We had the emerald beetle decimate 75% of the trees in one particular provincial park a few summers ago. Today there are 16 of these facilities located on the major . A: The traffic jams after weekends on Interstate 15 southbound (into California) are caused by two factors. A casserole already cooked, half and half for coffee and coffee. CDFA claims California's plants are relatively bugfree and they want to keep them that way. Check with your city or county for your specific required actions preferably before you arrive. [2] The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is a state government agency with a primary mandate of protecting California "against invasion of exotic pests and diseases". This makes no sense at all. The UK government has been forced to delay the introduction of import checks by six months, in a U-turn in post- Brexit policy, because a network of 30 border posts being built to process incoming . Most hay passes inspection, but occasionally pests are found and the shipment is rejected. . I can understand that at least the original intention was to limit bugs in fruit, but not so sure now. Additionally, several federal and state plant quarantine regulations prohibit or restrict the movement of firewood. One study indicates that for every dollar spent on pest prevention, $14 are saved in later control costs and economic losses. Interesting about the plants and veggies. Under current federal law, it is illegal to transport marijuana or any cannabis products (like edibles) across state lines. that is all they had to eat until they got to fremont. No inspector has ever asked to verify that I really dont have any produce, or to see it if I said I did on the few times that we werent waved through without a question. Pasted as rich text. Truth is, you never know exactly what is going to happen when you approach a ag checkpoint station. Oh well I was glad to see similar comments from other readers. For those of you that have never RVed through the agricultural portions of The Golden State, California Border Protection Stations (aka inspection stations) are checkpoints located on popular routes entering California where state inspectors check vehicles with the hopes of stopping the spread of invasive species that could decimate local crops. By rocksbride Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform. What I find most interesting in passing through these stations though, is the oxymoron of what is or is not good to ring in state. Oddly enough, often the same distributor services the stores in Norther Ca. This position will be located in: Williston . Greg Abbott ordered increased inspections cost Texas more than $4.2 billion in goods and services and the equivalent of 36,000 jobs . This list is provided as a courtesy by the State of California. They may have already known how many people were in it, depending on how well a thermal scanner works when the sides of the vehicle are so much warmer than anything inside, but I think they main reason they talk to you is to see if you look nervous or in any way suspicious. . When making a reservation for services crossing the US-Canadian border, you must provide certain information, including your date of birth, gender, country of citizenship, and detailed information regarding the form of ID that you will carry with you on your trip. she got mad and said "get out of here". By Matthew Brown But The Golden State is also an economic powerhouse, with a GDP larger than all but a handful of the worlds countries, and a fair chunk of that GDP comes from agriculture. Im terribly sorry you feel put out by the inspection. At these stations, vehicles are inspected for commodities infested with invasive species. Paste as plain text instead, Find Your Smog Check . The state is full of fruits and nuts. Always just waved through, even though an MH is more likely than a passenger car to be carrying fruit (Id suppose, since they have fridges). That's good to know, Linda. My whole family are bugs we come from a long, long line of bugs. Its called The Mulford Act. to get hitchhiker bugs. California's Border Protection Stations (BPS) are the first line of defense in our pest exclusion efforts. California is particularly serious about barring all of it, The process and sometimes the long wait at Californias border stations can seem like an unnecessary hassle when youre sitting there in your loaded-up vehicle. In for a real treat then! Are they stopped? My point is I dont like government bureaucracy anymore than anybody but if they are truly trying to prevent unwanted pest then Im good with it. Please submit any compliance documentation by emailing a scanned copy or photos of your documents to [11], The agricultural inspectors are not allowed to make arrests if they stumble into illegal non-agricultural material, such as cocaine or illegal aliens, but will try to stall the vehicle until California Highway Patrol officers can arrive. States: Must be the entire word and not the two-letter abbreviation. Section 23225 states that the above may not be kept in a vehicle unless it is in the trunk, or out of reach if there is no trunk, or as a last resort inside a locked container. When you arrive at the station with livestock, you will be asked to provide information on the owner, origin, destination address, species, and number of animals. any bottle, can, or other receptacle, containing any alcoholic beverage that has been opened, or a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed. This extensive list by the CDFA lays out all the fun and surprises. They dumped everything we had out in our truck and trailer and then said you good go. Nogales, AZ 85621 Phone (520) 285-5400 - Fax (520) 287-2117 CALIFORNIA USDA, APHIS, PPQ Plant Inspection Station 222 Kansas Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone (310) 955-3258 - Fax (310) 321-0035 USDA, APHIS, PPQ Plant Inspection Station 560 Eccles Ave. South San Francisco, CA 94080 Phone (650) 876-9093 - Fax (650) 876-9008 USDA, APHIS, PPQ Pretty soon they will be asking to see any guns and ammunition you have in your possession. Your explanation was great.and then you had to make sure the person knew YOU were affronted by their observations. It's all specially curated for you in our "I'm Moving" section. regarding firearms information for new California residents: Any person transporting handguns into California is required under California law to transport those handguns unloaded and in a locked container other than the glove compartment or utility compartment of a vehicle.. Additionally, the prioritized inspection of terminals includes those never before inspected and those from which hazardous . And like the big brother watch comment above, there are many scanners and cameras before entry into the checkpoint. Dave Helgesons many roles in the RV industry started before he even had a drivers license. The border partol does not guard between states. (Important Person). Checkpoints along California land borders with other states, California Department of Food and Agriculture, United States Department of Homeland Security, United States Border Patrol interior checkpoints, "California Agriculture A State of Abundance", "The Battle Against Invasive Pests and Disease", "Road Block Ahead: Help Stop those Invasive Pests & Diseases", "Designed to keep pests out, Yermo station to be replaced", "Plan to Close Border Stations is Criticized", "Border Stations Guard California's Crops", "California inspection station protects agriculture, angers drivers", "California Border Protection Stations (BPS)",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 00:27. Anyone stayed at the Cleveland County RV Park in Norman, OK. You won't even notice when you cross from Arizona to CA other than maybe a sign. Although the primary focus is on plant materials (i.e., fruits, vegetables, nursery stock, hay, firewood, etc. If you arent sure where your iguana stands, check directly with the authorities in your specific region. A pity for the aspiring spy, but its best to leave all of these behind if youre moving to California. In turn we will just retain the services of the ACLU (Ants, Cockroaches, Lice and other Universal bugs) to fight against your unjust cause. This assessment is based on several factors, including route of travel, time of year and vehicle type. I totally understand the need for inspection stations and am not bothered by stopping at them. Off we went. One large category of prohibited items might surprise you, and thats all citrus plants. My right to self defense is a threat to you? It doesnt bother me at all to be stopped and asked about produce or firewood. You hurt the cause far more than help it. With the new gate, the third in . THE CALIFORNIA BORDER AGRICULTURAL INSPECTION STATION SYSTEM William A. Sandige Program Supervisor Pest Exclusion Branch . ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. Get an instant movers quote on i asked my formal boss and he said that bugs and what ever can not fly over the mountains to get in the u.s.( another stupid californian). Actually they are law enforcement, carry a badge and a gun and have the right to search for fruit and vegetables if you consent which is an exceptionto the requirement for a warrant. Answer is normally no, since my kids dont usually go for that much on the road. Yes! The border partol guards the international borders between Mexico & the US or Canada & the US. International travelers eagerly waited to the side of the U.S.-Mexico border line Sunday night until the clock struck midnight . Upload or insert images from URL. July 19, 2017 in RV Housekeeping. Reviews inspection results, inspects unusual vehicles, and more. [4][5] As of 2017, an average of 27million vehicles were stopped and inspected annually by CBPS staff. Im sure hes very, very good at his job. Posted: January 17, 2023. Further conditions apply. Im uncomfortable with being stopped for no reason and having to answer questions to proceed while not being able to actually get a straight answer as to why. Ages: "Months" or "Years" is accepted while "mos" or "yrs" is not. The Truck and Bus regulation has been in effect since December 2008 and we are now in the last replacement phase of the regulation with a final deadline of January 1, 2023, to upgrade to 2010 or newer model year engines. FOIA Office. Poor Alvin escaped in Susanville, but we were able to catch 3 more to transport home to the hih desert. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Each owner is allowed to carry up to three pets In case one animal becomes sick or dies, clinical tests must be performed to determine the source of the problem. These are CA Department of Ag people, they are not going to ask about your guns. An outbreak of invasive insects and pests could wreak havoc on the economy of the state, and the supply of fruits and vegetables across the country. Full-Time. Ensure the driver has keys or knows the combination for all door locks. The contract with DTSC started in 1992. Thinking about moving? [1] [2] The stated primary purpose of these inspection stations is to deter illegal immigration and smuggling activities. Depending on the time of year, and the location of the station, they are interested in different things. Exceptions to this law are: Persons 12 to 15 years of age may operate a vessel powered by a motor of 15 hp or . Your link has been automatically embedded. Go ahead, call the bug police, get a flyswatter, get Monsanto on the phone, order in the Insecticide patrol, put bug-screens up all around your beautiful State. The process and sometimes the long wait at Californias border stations can seem like an unnecessary hassle when youre sitting there in your loaded-up vehicle. Houseplants that have not been grown outsideare generally allowed, as long as they are potted in commercially sold soil and not dirt from your old backyard. This and the speed limitation on tows to 55 mph are good reasons for staying out of CA. carriers with a BASIC percentile at or above the Federal alert level will have all California terminals selected for inspection. Im crossing the California border and would like to take a few grocery items. The CA Department of Food & Agriculture says on their website that they have the legal authority to conduct inspections of vehicles per California Food and Agricultural Code 5341-5353, 6301-6465, and to prevent entry to CA for people who refuse. Make of it what you will, but California is tougher on huckleberries than they are on handguns. Where are you coming from? A fix to I-15 traffic congestion on the Nevada-California border is coming next year. If bringing hay, be sure it is loaded so the outer surface of the bales can be easily seen. I dont think this was Jerry Brown Governor of California who made the remark. Once it was identified as a common ant I was allowed in. Not to be too paranoid, but with their mandatory stop of all vehicles and refusal to answer why they are stopping people and the fact that they have a huge border style gate and a lot of uniformed officers at many locations, it just seems like soon they will be asking about guns or papers as though CA is a separate country. During border inspection, verbally attest to their COVID-19 vaccination status. In a cooperative effort, these regulations are enforced at our border stations. However, I have noticed that some stations are closed, after a certain hour or on some days, with no rhyme or reason. The only border inspection stations between California and Nevada are on major routes entering CA from the NV side- agricultural inspectors are trying to stop incoming plants and produce that could carry pests/disease to CA's huge agriculture economy. As a native Californian I can assure you we prefer inspecting fruits, vegetables, nuts, and guns to illegal aliens, criminals, and narcotics. Bill Joyce Somewhere last summer (maybe AZ or NM, I forget?) only thing they ever wanted from me was this "new gal" wanted to see "my papers" , so after stating that my trailer was empty, she demanded, so i handed over the 3 in thick signed receipt of delivery papers. This option is also available to importers of 1-2 dogs who do not have a CDC Dog Import Permit. (California Vehicle Code Section 27360.) For a period of time, the ag stations were closed due to state funding issues and guess what Ca survived any critter or veggie brought in state. Referee Program Information . at 558. Dave has also served as President of a local chapter of the Recreational Vehicle Dealers Association (RVDA), worked on the board of advisors for the RV Technician Program of a local technical college, and served as a board member of the Manufactured Home and RV Association. California's Border Protection Stations (BPS) are the first line of defense in our pest exclusion efforts. I would prefer that California put more money into its roads and less in to its inspection stations. The inspection station on I-10 between Quartzsite and Blythe has always waived us through as had the one on I-8 between Yuma and Winterhaven. Hi Im a bug. The following year, similar inspection stations were placed in operation on the three principal highways leading into Southern California from the eastern and southern United States to detect pests from cotton and citrus-growing southern states. It makes sense for them to be tough. It is the second time in two days that such a discovery was made at California border crossings from Mexico. Try visiting the California Department of Food and Agriculture ( as a good starting point. And now it is an established bureaucracy that will be there forever, needed or not. Just that his boss told him too. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 20082023 RV LIFE. For more information visit the CDFA Report a Pest Website. Constitution. I was taken aback from the normal regiment of questions. California's Border Protection Stations (BPS) are the first line of defense in our pest exclusion efforts. Only time they check fridge was open 07, now we are usually waived through, once in a while ask about firewood (which we never have), sometimes it is a stop, look around, no one there, proceed slowly through and off we go! At that time, a pilot program was created DTSC and DEHQ to address concerns about hazardous waste generated in the United States being transported to Mexico for illegal disposal. So many times my friendly hi there is greeted with unfriendly stares and terse questions.They otta have a secret shopper grading them Id say. Im sure it happens on a regular basis because it is pretty much in the homie system. Many states are now inspecting any water craft for bad hitchhikers. Bad enough to keep you from wanting to cross the border and share your money with them. ), other items are also frequently inspected. Children who are 8 years of age OR have reached 4'9" in height may be . Heres some good news: bringing common household pets into California is not a problem at all! I-10 and other major highways in Texas also have mandatory inspection stations. He can make an honest and respectable person such as myself, with nothing to hide, feel completely unnerved with a just a stare. i am sure that the u.s.agriculture inspected the bananas when they came into the u.s. i think maybe the guards(militia) were hungry. As long as you are 21 or older you are permitted to bring alcoholic beverages into California provided it is for personal or household use. I guarantee they wont be tougher than Canadian Customs and Immigration officers (not sure of the correct title). Was asked if we had driven the coach from Ma. i do not understand this because the u.s. does not grow bananas. I bet they saw the wood in the bed of his PU and knew what he had before the stop. We are in the middle of a draught which has weakened the trees defense. Not an issue for owe anymore as I left Ca 6 years ago and have no reason to go back. What are the requirements for travelers entering the United States through land POEs? From stunning national parks and perfect sandy beaches to those big-screen Hollywood dreams and beyond, its no wonder close to 40 million people like to call California home. CA is a beautiful state, I dont miss living there that much anymore. If I do, it was acquired in a supermarket, and recently. CBP officers assigned to the Calexico Port of Entry on January 31 . Chad Heiser Passing through the CA inspection stations on a regular basis, Ive learned a couple of things. Border States is 100% employee-owned, which means you're empowered to make decisions, find solutions and receive rewards for your hard work. Report inappropriate content Tet14 Uden, The. The agent must of been making sure you didnt have cases of fruit stacked in your rig. Started February 12, By CDL Driver. But it narrows to two lanes when it enters California. Start Preamble Start Printed Page 74162 AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. You can read about it here: For more information on livestock entry requirements, visit the CDFA Animal Health Division Website or phone (916) 654-0446. I have vivid memories of stopping at inspection stations southbound. Didnt check, didnt ask to see anybody, etc. Dec 12, 2021, 9:00pm PST. These templates are designed to help users meet . We were the only ones there at the time. The DFW also offers information on restricted species. The Agricultural Inspection Station on Interstate 15 in Yermo, Calif., is one of 16 stations from Oregon to the Mexican border, the front line in defense of California's $43.5 billion agricultural . Mail Stop 1181. Broken down, come January, any diesel truck or bus in that . California gun laws were tightened by then Governor Ronald Reagan with the blessing of the NRA. Can we inspect your RV? Your previous content has been restored. Just a thought. Persons 21 and older are also legally permitted to. Traveling to Colorado many times in my life I have seen what the pine borer beetle can do to a forest, not a pretty site. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) offers an impressive list of animals that can not be imported into the state. the author being bothered, he was just commenting on the state of things,not complaining. After years of stopping at the stations, we have been well trained to answer the normal regiment of questions. Our inspectors check vehicles and commodities for compliance with California and federal plant quarantine regulations. There are 16 inspection stations in California, located at all the major highways coming into the state. For more detailed guidelines check out these Q&A by the CDFA. As a former Ca. Every driver of a commercial vehicle shall stop and submit the vehicle to an inspection of the size, weight, equipment, and smoke emissions of the vehicle at any location where members of the California Highway Patrol are conducting tests and inspections of commercial vehicles and when signs are displayed requiring the stop. What was the official policy? Have all plant materialincluding fruits, vegetables, plants, hay, and firewoodpacked for easy access. I am from Toronto Canada. Both of these are put out by the California Department of Food and Agriculture: Having lost produce to inspectors during our last visit to the state, I wanted to ensure all my houseplants and groceries made it through this time. Started 23 hours ago, By The Department's legal authority for conducting vehicle and commodity inspections lies in the California Food and Agricultural Code, specifically Sections 5341-5353 and 6301-6465. . 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