Jill does not claim credit for developing the technique. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Neptune Calendar | When the Moon begins into a Void of Course period, these areas of our life seem to hit a disconnect. It But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. Most of them says that it makes person anti materialist. They rather suffer in silence. 29th degree is assumed as critical degree even if its pisces to aries. When our emotions are dampened by the Void of Course period, we have a difficult time retaining new information. Aphorism 9: Generally consider the state of the Moon, for if she be void of course, theres no great hopes of the Question propounded, that it shall be effected; yet if she be in Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius, or Pisces, your fear may be the less, for then she is not much impeded by being void of course. Affirmations - 40 Topics Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Relieve Your Pain, Get In The Pool Train to Gain - Lift, Eat, Sleep, Repeat The Bank of Consistency Tune Into Your Body How To Prepare For Hot Yoga Pain Changes People Emotional Source of Disease Bach Flower Remedies Coffee, Tea and Stevia if (document.jksearch.se[i].checked==true) In this case, the natal house with Cancer on the cusp is the source of irritation. This definition has caused quite some debate, even among horary astrologers in that it's unsure if one has to use the whole sign approach or if one still has to take the orbs of the aspects into account. The advantages of knowing when the Moon is Void of Course or not will help you on the road to the realization of your dreams. This way, web sites are more and more becoming a real network, living from the knowledge and information that YOU (or any other visitor) provides and posts. Also, they do not fit easily into the family and easily feel misunderstood. WebTime Nomad is one of the top astrology apps and perhaps the best free astrology app available on iPhone and iPad. [ back to top ] Pragmatic, practical solutions are the primary focus. To achieve greater success in all your endeavors please consider using this beneficial astrological tool in timing things in your life. WebThe void of course Moon period is only interrupted by Moon's aspects to the Part of Fortune (Pars Fortunae), a virtual point calculated by the formula Ascendant+Moon-Sun 1) Once you generate the chart image using your favourite website, copy the image address, http://erosastrology.proboards.com/thread/22/natal-moon-void-course, https://www.astrologyweekly.com/forud.php?t=118441, https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/traditional-astrology, https://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4797. Do not fret, however, if this represents a moment of imbalance or the gritty nature of life: we cant appreciate the sweet without the sour. January 2009 *** Void of course Moon *** Moon enters Pisces on 1 Jan 2009, 12:27 am Moon sextile Jupiter on 3 Jan 2009, 8:50 am *** Void of course Moon *** Moon enters Aries on 3 Jan 2009, 9:49 am Moon sextile Neptune on 5 Jan 2009, 2:44 am *** This Just In --> Advanced VoC Adjustable Tables with Aspects Listed --> Find the Link Under the Moon Widget -->. 7th house: Other people are annoying, your significant other does annoying things or has annoying habits. Needless to say, over the past few years since I discovered that I was born during one, I have thought of finding others who share this situation. How do I use the VoC table? In our own research we have been taking both schools of thought into account and consider the Moon void of course when it is so according to BOTH methods. WebTime Nomad is one of the top astrology apps and perhaps the best free astrology app available on iPhone and iPad. The Void of Course Date Table now provides adjustable UTC-based information. /* 468x15, created 4/4/10 */ New experiences and adventures are paramount and feel necessary right now. The Void of Course (VoC) table is set up to show you two months of VoC beginnings and endings. Although Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars already has Void of Course information on one of its calendar systems, it has been decided to bring the Moon's Void of Course Dates Table onboard to provide current information quickly, efficiently and concise. Thats it! WebThe term "Moon Void of Course" refers to the time during which the Moon has made its last major aspect before leaving that astrological sign. A Void-of-Course transit of the moon is a period of time between the last aspect of the Moon while transiting in one sign and the point that the Moon enters the next sign (ingress). Something bothers you and you can't let it go. 1st house: Dissatisfaction with your personality or appearance. WebWhen the Moon makes its final aspect with another planet before it enters the next zodiac sign, a phase which we call "Moon void of course" begins. Web 2.0 is a catchall term for user-generated content and interaction with viral spread. The This has an interesting This process is often called "social networking"; web sites are becoming a platform or open source of information that YOU help to build. Teenager worries about skin or pimples, clothing. 0 Scorpio can be a very accident-prone degree with retrograde Mercury here, so beware! You are using an out of date browser. To reset - click button without changing the time zone. One aspect of the lunar cycle that is frequently overlooked, and therefore not as well-understood, is the Void of Course Moon. var sc_invisible=1; The void of course Moon is not thought to have any significance for birth chart interpretation. For other countries, you may use the time zone converter. ] Time conversion examples are shown at the end ofthe free printable VOC calendar available from the link below. Time Nomad is an advanced planetary positions calculator } This void of course period may last only a few minutes or it may last several hours to a day. 2/24/2023. Around October 25, there is relief after some hard work for the ones born around October 24, January 21, April 21 or July 24. (In case of a tie, look for the highest number of minutes.). The same holds for job interviews and all other important new decisions: no job interviews when the Moon is truly void of course! It quite possibly may not be a thing. Keep in mind, the Void of Course Moon will have been in play all afternoon and messing with your emotions as it prepares to leave Gemini and enter Cancer. We also published a page about There may be excitement and a breakthrough in juridical matters. When the Moon goes Void of Course, there is a tendency for people everywhere to effectively tune out, as this energy is naturally dizzying and disjointed. A great article to refer to on the Moon's Void of Course energies can be found on The Mountain Astrologer. The Void of Course info on this page is set up for UTC, but it is also adjustable. Because of this, it only impacts you and NOT the people around you or anyone else. This page comes directly from the notes I took at Jill Melichars fantastic workshop on progressions. Our Void of Course charts would help you to make the most of this generally dull and sluggish period. When you dont feel caught off guard by a potentially challenging transit, you are much more capable of and willing to tackle it with courage and zeal. Some astrologers will ignore the Moon's transiting aspect patterns altogether, and use specific degrees within each sign as being the point in which the Void of Course Moon will begin and end. This only increases its relevance: every two days and a half there is a void of course Moon period that lasts for several hours. The Moon has been our protector, our guide, for as long as humans have inhabited the planet. The advantages of knowing when the Moon is Void of Course or not will help you on the road to the realization of your dreams. You may feel pulled in various directions, urged to act but action during this time often results in frustration later, as the energies of the Moons new transit begin to make themselves clear. The progressed v/c Moon I am extremely close to VOC moon in my natal chart. She credits March and McEvers, as well as a book by the late Nancy Hastings. cur.form.action=searchaction[index] The void of course Moon is considered to be significant in horary astrology. March 1, 2023, 11:23 GMT, Free will and Destiny in Electional Astrology. WebVOID MOON 2023 RETROGRADE 2023 Moon in Astrology The Moon in astrology is our soul and it's responsible for our emotional and mental needs. Aspects to the Moon's Nodes, Lilith and Chiron are ignored. For U.S. Central, Subtract 1 hour - For U.S. Mountain,Subtract 2 hours -For U.S. Pacific, Subtract 3 hours. The Moon is void from 8:07 PM EST, with the Moons last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Saturn), until the Moon enters Cancer at 9:40 PM EST. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Children are sassy, recreational plans dont pan out. Is abundance on the horizon for you this March? From the sample of natal charts with a true void of course Moon, we could not find anything conclusive related to the quality or the duration of a marriage or a love relationship. The void Moon occurs from 9:23 AM EST, with the Moons last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Pluto), until the Moon enters Leo at 10:16 This should get you started with some ideas about the ways these irritations and annoyances play out. A Void Moon is actually a shorter phrase for a Void of Course moon. Libra Moon trine Pluto on 3 Feb 2007, at 10:54 am, Moon enters Virgo on 3 Feb 2007, at 2:33 pm, Virgo Moon square Pluto on 5 Feb 2007, at 10:36 pm, Moon enters Libra on 6 Feb 2007, at 2:14 am, Libra Moon sextile Pluto on 8 Feb 2007, at 11:38 am, Moon enters Scorpio on 8 Feb 2007, at 3:09 pm, Scorpio Moon square Saturn A on 10 Feb 2007, at 10:38 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 11 Feb 2007, at 3:am, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto on 13 Feb 2007, at 8:45 am, Moon enters Capricorn on 13 Feb 2007, at 11:41 am, Capricorn Moon sextile Venus on 15 Feb 2007, at 3:23 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 15 Feb 2007, at 4:34 pm, Aquarius Moon conjunct the Sun on 17 Feb 2007, at 4:13 pm, Moon enters Pisces on 17 Feb 2007, at 6:29 pm, Pisces Moon square Pluto on 19 Feb 2007, at 4:43 pm, Moon enters Aries on 19 Feb 2007, at 7:05 pm, Aries Moon trine Pluto on 21 Feb 2007, at 5:41 pm, Moon enters Taurus on 21 Feb 2007, at 8:02 pm, Taurus Moon trine Mars on 23 Feb 2007, at 7:46 pm, Moon enters Gemini on 23 Feb 2007, at 10:41 pm, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto on 26 Feb 2007, at 1:21 am, Moon enters Cancer on 26 Feb 2007, at 3:47 am, Cancer Moon trine Uranus on 27 Feb 2007, at 6:03 am, Moon enters Leo on 28 Feb 2007, at 11:29 am, Leo Moon trine Pluto on 2 Mar 2007, at 7:02 pm, Moon enters Virgo on 2 Mar 2007, at 9:31 pm, Virgo Moon square Pluto on 5 Mar 2007, at 6:56 am, Moon enters Libra on 5 Mar 2007, at 9:24 am, Libra Moon sextile Pluto on 7 Mar 2007, at 7:51 pm, Moon enters Scorpio on 7 Mar 2007, at 10:16 pm, Scorpio Moon square Mercury on 10 Mar 2007, at 1:51 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 10 Mar 2007, at 10:36 am, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto on 12 Mar 2007, at 6:26 pm, Moon enters Capricorn on 12 Mar 2007, at 8:34 pm, Capricorn Moon square Venus on 14 Mar 2007, at 8:20 pm, Moon enters Aquarius on 15 Mar 2007, at 2:51 am, Aquarius Moon sextile Venus on 17 Mar 2007, at 4:am, Moon enters Pisces on 17 Mar 2007, at 5:29 am, Pisces Moon square Pluto on 19 Mar 2007, at 3:58 am, Moon enters Aries on 19 Mar 2007, at 5:41 am, Aries Moon trine Pluto on 21 Mar 2007, at 3:33 am, Moon enters Taurus on 21 Mar 2007, at 5:15 am, Taurus Moon square Neptune on 22 Mar 2007, at 3:11 pm, Moon enters Gemini on 23 Mar 2007, at 6:06 am, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto on 25 Mar 2007, at 7:56 am, Moon enters Cancer on 25 Mar 2007, at 9:48 am, Cancer Moon trine Uranus on 26 Mar 2007, at 2:35 pm, Moon enters Leo on 27 Mar 2007, at 5:04 pm, Leo Moon trine Pluto on 30 Mar 2007, at 1:23 am, Moon enters Virgo on 30 Mar 2007, at 3:26 am, Virgo Moon square Pluto A on 1 Apr 2007, at 1:37 pm, Moon enters Libra on 1 Apr 2007, at 3:42 pm, Libra Moon sextile Pluto A on 4 Apr 2007, at 2:29 am, Moon enters Scorpio on 4 Apr 2007, at 4:35 am, Scorpio Moon opposition Venus on 6 Apr 2007, at 2:54 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 6 Apr 2007, at 4:56 pm, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto A on 9 Apr 2007, at 1:35 am, Moon enters Capricorn on 9 Apr 2007, at 3:35 am, Capricorn Moon trine Venus on 11 Apr 2007, at 9:56 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 11 Apr 2007, at 11:22 am, Aquarius Moon sextile Pluto A on 13 Apr 2007, at 1:49 pm, Moon enters Pisces on 13 Apr 2007, at 3:38 pm, Pisces Moon square Pluto A on 15 Apr 2007, at 3:01 pm, Moon enters Aries on 15 Apr 2007, at 4:46 pm, Aries Moon trine Pluto A on 17 Apr 2007, at 2:26 pm, Moon enters Taurus on 17 Apr 2007, at 4:10 pm, Taurus Moon square Neptune on 19 Apr 2007, at 2:28 am, Moon enters Gemini on 19 Apr 2007, at 3:50 pm, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto A on 21 Apr 2007, at 3:51 pm, Moon enters Cancer on 21 Apr 2007, at 5:49 pm, Cancer Moon square Mercury on 23 Apr 2007, at 9:11 am, Moon enters Leo on 23 Apr 2007, at 11:37 pm, Leo Moon trine Pluto A on 26 Apr 2007, at 7:01 am, Moon enters Virgo on 26 Apr 2007, at 9:23 am, Virgo Moon square Pluto A on 28 Apr 2007, at 7:14 pm, Moon enters Libra on 28 Apr 2007, at 9:44 pm, Libra Moon sextile Pluto A on 1 May 2007, at 8:06 am, Moon enters Scorpio on 1 May 2007, at 10:40 am, Scorpio Moon square Neptune on 3 May 2007, at 6:41 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 3 May 2007, at 10:47 pm, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto A on 6 May 2007, at 6:45 am, Moon enters Capricorn on 6 May 2007, at 9:20 am, Capricorn Moon sextile Mars on 8 May 2007, at 7:34 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 8 May 2007, at 5:47 pm, Aquarius Moon square Mercury on 10 May 2007, at 9:46 pm, Moon enters Pisces on 10 May 2007, at 11:31 pm, Pisces Moon square Pluto A on 12 May 2007, at 11:52 pm, Moon enters Aries on 13 May 2007, at 2:18 am, Aries Moon trine Pluto A on 15 May 2007, at 12:23 am, Moon enters Taurus on 15 May 2007, at 2:48 am, Taurus Moon conjunct the Sun on 16 May 2007, at 7:27 pm, Moon enters Gemini on 17 May 2007, at 2:33 am, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto A on 19 May 2007, at 12:57 am, Moon enters Cancer on 19 May 2007, at 3:37 am, Cancer Moon sextile the Sun on 21 May 2007, at 7:46 am, Moon enters Leo on 21 May 2007, at 7:56 am, Leo Moon trine Pluto A on 23 May 2007, at 1:08 pm, Moon enters Virgo on 23 May 2007, at 4:25 pm, Virgo Moon square Pluto A on 26 May 2007, at 12:43 am, Moon enters Libra on 26 May 2007, at 4:15 am, Libra Moon trine Mercury on 28 May 2007, at 4:15 pm, Moon enters Scorpio on 28 May 2007, at 5:11 pm, Scorpio Moon trine Venus on 30 May 2007, at 5:11 pm, Moon enters Sagittarius on 31 May 2007, at 5:06 am, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto A on 2 Jun 2007, at 11:28 am, Moon enters Capricorn on 2 Jun 2007, at 3:08 pm, Capricorn Moon opposition Venus on 4 Jun 2007, at 9:43 pm, Moon enters Aquarius on 4 Jun 2007, at 11:14 pm, Aquarius Moon sextile Pluto A on 7 Jun 2007, at 1:46 am, Moon enters Pisces on 7 Jun 2007, at 5:23 am, Pisces Moon square Pluto A on 9 Jun 2007, at 5:51 am, Moon enters Aries on 9 Jun 2007, at 9:26 am, Aries Moon trine Pluto A on 11 Jun 2007, at 7:56 am, Moon enters Taurus on 11 Jun 2007, at 11:28 am, Taurus Moon square Neptune A on 12 Jun 2007, at 11:16 pm, Moon enters Gemini on 13 Jun 2007, at 12:23 pm, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto A on 15 Jun 2007, at 9:58 am, Moon enters Cancer on 15 Jun 2007, at 1:44 pm, Cancer Moon square Mars on 17 Jun 2007, at 7:39 am, Moon enters Leo on 17 Jun 2007, at 5:24 pm, Leo Moon sextile the Sun on 19 Jun 2007, at 9:21 pm, Moon enters Virgo on 20 Jun 2007, at 12:45 am, Virgo Moon square Pluto A on 22 Jun 2007, at 6:49 am, Moon enters Libra on 22 Jun 2007, at 11:43 am, Libra Moon sextile Pluto A on 24 Jun 2007, at 7:22 pm, Moon enters Scorpio on 25 Jun 2007, at 12:26 am, Scorpio Moon square Saturn on 26 Jun 2007, at 8:22 pm, Moon enters Sagittarius on 27 Jun 2007, at 12:23 pm, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto A on 29 Jun 2007, at 5:07 pm, Moon enters Capricorn on 29 Jun 2007, at 10:04 pm, Capricorn Moon sextile Uranus A on 1 Jul 2007, at 8:44 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 2 Jul 2007, at 5:23 am, Aquarius Moon sextile Pluto A on 4 Jul 2007, at 6:02 am, Moon enters Pisces on 4 Jul 2007, at 10:51 am, Pisces Moon square Pluto A on 6 Jul 2007, at 10:08 am, Moon enters Aries on 6 Jul 2007, at 2:56 pm, Aries Moon trine Pluto A on 8 Jul 2007, at 1:05 pm, Moon enters Taurus on 8 Jul 2007, at 5:53 pm, Taurus Moon square Venus on 10 Jul 2007, at 4:53 pm, Moon enters Gemini on 10 Jul 2007, at 8:09 pm, Gemini Moon sextile Venus on 12 Jul 2007, at 9:11 pm, Moon enters Cancer on 12 Jul 2007, at 10:39 pm, Cancer Moon conjunct the Sun on 14 Jul 2007, at 12:03 pm, Moon enters Leo on 15 Jul 2007, at 2:43 am, Leo Moon trine Pluto A on 17 Jul 2007, at 3:54 am, Moon enters Virgo on 17 Jul 2007, at 9:39 am, Virgo Moon square Pluto A on 19 Jul 2007, at 1:43 pm, Moon enters Libra on 19 Jul 2007, at 7:53 pm, Libra Moon square the Sun on 22 Jul 2007, at 6:28 am, Moon enters Scorpio on 22 Jul 2007, at 8:17 am, Scorpio Moon square Saturn on 24 Jul 2007, at 10:29 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 24 Jul 2007, at 8:29 pm, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto A on 27 Jul 2007, at 12:13 am, Moon enters Capricorn on 27 Jul 2007, at 6:21 am, Capricorn Moon trine Mars on 29 Jul 2007, at 2:22 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 29 Jul 2007, at 1:13 pm, Aquarius Moon sextile Pluto A on 31 Jul 2007, at 11:55 am, Moon enters Pisces on 31 Jul 2007, at 5:40 pm, Pisces Moon sextile Mars on 2 Aug 2007, at 3:36 pm, Moon enters Aries on 2 Aug 2007, at 8:42 pm, Aries Moon trine Pluto A on 4 Aug 2007, at 5:30 pm, Moon enters Taurus on 4 Aug 2007, at 11:15 pm, Taurus Moon conjunct Mars on 7 Aug 2007, at 1:49 am, Moon enters Gemini on 7 Aug 2007, at 2:01 am, Gemini Moon sextile Venus A on 9 Aug 2007, at 5:26 am, Moon enters Cancer on 9 Aug 2007, at 5:35 am, Cancer Moon trine Uranus A on 10 Aug 2007, at 12:56 pm, Moon enters Leo on 11 Aug 2007, at 10:41 am, Leo Moon conjunct Venus A on 13 Aug 2007, at 1:33 pm, Moon enters Virgo on 13 Aug 2007, at 6:02 pm, Virgo Moon square Pluto A on 15 Aug 2007, at 9:01 pm, Moon enters Libra on 16 Aug 2007, at 4:03 am, Libra Moon sextile Saturn on 18 Aug 2007, at 12:20 pm, Moon enters Scorpio on 18 Aug 2007, at 4:12 pm, Scorpio Moon square Saturn on 21 Aug 2007, at 1:33 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 21 Aug 2007, at 4:43 am, Sagittarius Moon trine Saturn on 23 Aug 2007, at 12:54 pm, Moon enters Capricorn on 23 Aug 2007, at 3:19 pm, Capricorn Moon sextile Uranus A on 24 Aug 2007, at 11:40 pm, Moon enters Aquarius on 25 Aug 2007, at 10:34 pm, Aquarius Moon opposition Saturn on 28 Aug 2007, at 1:23 am, Moon enters Pisces on 28 Aug 2007, at 2:34 am, Pisces Moon square Pluto A on 29 Aug 2007, at 10:21 pm, Moon enters Aries on 30 Aug 2007, at 4:24 am, Aries Moon trine Saturn on 1 Sep 2007, at 5:18 am, Moon enters Taurus on 1 Sep 2007, at 5:35 am, Taurus Moon trine Mercury on 3 Sep 2007, at 12:46 am, Moon enters Gemini on 3 Sep 2007, at 7:29 am, Gemini Moon square Mercury on 5 Sep 2007, at 11:am, Moon enters Cancer on 5 Sep 2007, at 11:07 am, Cancer Moon trine Uranus A on 6 Sep 2007, at 5:03 pm, Moon enters Leo on 7 Sep 2007, at 4:59 pm, Leo Moon trine Pluto on 9 Sep 2007, at 6:06 pm, Moon enters Virgo on 10 Sep 2007, at 1:09 am, Virgo Moon square Pluto on 12 Sep 2007, at 4:13 am, Moon enters Libra on 12 Sep 2007, at 11:30 am, Libra Moon sextile Pluto on 14 Sep 2007, at 4:09 pm, Moon enters Scorpio on 14 Sep 2007, at 11:36 pm, Scorpio Moon sextile the Sun on 16 Sep 2007, at 11:40 pm, Moon enters Sagittarius on 17 Sep 2007, at 12:20 pm, Sagittarius Moon square the Sun on 19 Sep 2007, at 4:47 pm, Moon enters Capricorn on 19 Sep 2007, at 11:51 pm, Capricorn Moon trine the Sun on 22 Sep 2007, at 6:14 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 22 Sep 2007, at 8:17 am, Aquarius Moon trine Mars on 24 Sep 2007, at 9:13 am, Moon enters Pisces on 24 Sep 2007, at 12:54 pm, Pisces Moon square Mars on 26 Sep 2007, at 12:30 pm, Moon enters Aries on 26 Sep 2007, at 2:22 pm, Aries Moon sextile Mars on 28 Sep 2007, at 1:58 pm, Moon enters Taurus on 28 Sep 2007, at 2:16 pm, Taurus Moon square Venus on 30 Sep 2007, at 5:10 am, Moon enters Gemini on 30 Sep 2007, at 2:33 pm, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto on 2 Oct 2007, at 10:51 am, Moon enters Cancer on 2 Oct 2007, at 4:56 pm, Cancer Moon trine Uranus A on 3 Oct 2007, at 8:41 pm, Moon enters Leo on 4 Oct 2007, at 10:26 pm, Leo Moon conjunct Venus on 7 Oct 2007, at 5:28 am, Moon enters Virgo on 7 Oct 2007, at 7:02 am, Virgo Moon square Pluto on 9 Oct 2007, at 11:08 am, Moon enters Libra on 9 Oct 2007, at 5:57 pm, Libra Moon sextile Pluto on 11 Oct 2007, at 11:22 pm, Moon enters Scorpio on 12 Oct 2007, at 6:13 am, Scorpio Moon square Neptune A on 13 Oct 2007, at 9:22 pm, Moon enters Sagittarius on 14 Oct 2007, at 6:57 pm, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto on 17 Oct 2007, at 12:32 am, Moon enters Capricorn on 17 Oct 2007, at 7:02 am, Capricorn Moon square the Sun on 19 Oct 2007, at 8:32 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 19 Oct 2007, at 4:51 pm, Aquarius Moon trine the Sun on 21 Oct 2007, at 7:35 pm, Moon enters Pisces on 21 Oct 2007, at 11:02 pm, Pisces Moon square Pluto on 23 Oct 2007, at 8:16 pm, Moon enters Aries on 24 Oct 2007, at 1:23 am, Aries Moon opposition Mercury A on 25 Oct 2007, at 9:45 pm, Moon enters Taurus on 26 Oct 2007, at 1:06 am, Taurus Moon square Neptune A on 27 Oct 2007, at 7:15 am, Moon enters Gemini on 28 Oct 2007, at 12:10 am, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto on 29 Oct 2007, at 7:50 pm, Moon enters Cancer on 30 Oct 2007, at 12:49 am, Cancer Moon square Mercury A on 31 Oct 2007, at 5:14 pm, Moon enters Leo on 1 Nov 2007, at 4:47 am, Leo Moon trine Pluto on 3 Nov 2007, at 7:13 am, Moon enters Virgo on 3 Nov 2007, at 12:44 pm, Virgo Moon square Pluto on 5 Nov 2007, at 6:10 pm, Moon enters Libra on 5 Nov 2007, at 11:46 pm, Libra Moon sextile Pluto on 8 Nov 2007, at 6:45 am, Moon enters Scorpio on 8 Nov 2007, at 12:17 pm, Scorpio Moon square Neptune on 10 Nov 2007, at 3:18 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 11 Nov 2007, at 12:58 am, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto on 13 Nov 2007, at 7:52 am, Moon enters Capricorn on 13 Nov 2007, at 1:pm, Capricorn Moon sextile the Sun on 15 Nov 2007, at 9:18 am, Moon enters Aquarius on 15 Nov 2007, at 11:29 pm, Aquarius Moon sextile Pluto on 18 Nov 2007, at 2:51 am, Moon enters Pisces on 18 Nov 2007, at 7:14 am, Pisces Moon square Pluto on 20 Nov 2007, at 7:25 am, Moon enters Aries on 20 Nov 2007, at 11:23 am, Aries Moon trine Pluto on 22 Nov 2007, at 8:39 am, Moon enters Taurus on 22 Nov 2007, at 12:18 pm, Taurus Moon square Neptune on 23 Nov 2007, at 6:52 pm, Moon enters Gemini on 24 Nov 2007, at 11:28 am, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto on 26 Nov 2007, at 7:37 am, Moon enters Cancer on 26 Nov 2007, at 11:06 am, Cancer Moon trine Mercury on 28 Nov 2007, at 4:22 am, Moon enters Leo on 28 Nov 2007, at 1:23 pm, Leo Moon square Mercury on 30 Nov 2007, at 5:25 pm, Moon enters Virgo on 30 Nov 2007, at 7:43 pm, Virgo Moon square Pluto on 3 Dec 2007, at 2:11 am, Libra Moon sextile Pluto on 5 Dec 2007, at 2:47 pm, Moon enters Scorpio on 5 Dec 2007, at 6:30 pm, Scorpio Moon square Neptune on 7 Dec 2007, at 10:16 am, Moon enters Sagittarius on 8 Dec 2007, at 7:10 am, Sagittarius Moon conjunct Pluto on 10 Dec 2007, at 3:35 pm, Moon enters Capricorn on 10 Dec 2007, at 6:50 pm, Capricorn Moon sextile Uranus on 11 Dec 2007, at 11:57 pm, Moon enters Aquarius on 13 Dec 2007, at 5:am, Aquarius Moon sextile Jupiter on 15 Dec 2007, at 11:50 am, Moon enters Pisces on 15 Dec 2007, at 1:14 pm, Pisces Moon square Jupiter on 17 Dec 2007, at 6:26 pm, Moon enters Aries on 17 Dec 2007, at 6:52 pm, Aries Moon trine Mercury on 19 Dec 2007, at 7:32 pm, Moon enters Taurus on 19 Dec 2007, at 9:37 pm, Taurus Moon square Neptune on 21 Dec 2007, at 6:06 am, Moon enters Gemini on 21 Dec 2007, at 10:13 pm, Gemini Moon opposition Pluto on 23 Dec 2007, at 8:25 pm, Moon enters Cancer on 23 Dec 2007, at 10:17 pm, Cancer Moon trine Venus on 25 Dec 2007, at 1:17 pm, Moon enters Leo on 25 Dec 2007, at 11:51 pm, Leo Moon trine Pluto on 28 Dec 2007, at 2:53 am, Moon enters Virgo on 28 Dec 2007, at 4:43 am, Virgo Moon sextile Venus on 30 Dec 2007, at 1:08 pm, Moon enters Libra on 30 Dec 2007, at 1:37 pm. 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