In John 6:35 Jesus says these words: I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Jesus promises to satisfy our souls and that we will never go hungry or thirsty spiritually. But none was, is, and will ever be equal to the divine healer, the God-man, Jesus the Christ. (See the String Theory.) All scripture references are linked to Bible Gateway so that you can read each verse in context. UFC 285 hosts not only a homecoming for Jon Jones, but a number of coming out parties for potential future stars. Do you see the need for a way to escape that terrible death? To survive crucifixion was unheard of. Have you ever heard of quantum physics? No way. We are but individualistic, which has its own issues to face. I mean, how do we classify or describe Him? We name the diseases in our own human terms based on our understanding of things. Wherever He leads. We can also connect online @ This is because none of the kings, who ruled and died before Him, and even those who came after Him, lived, died, and rose again. The eye witnesses. St Paul was a dynamic self-publicist who rarely mentioned Jesus at all but rather encourages Christians to live their lives according to a framework designed by Paul himself. Everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good 2x. Sad doctrine indeed, because it means the Devil [who they think kills] is much stronger than the God who creates life. This ascribes fantastic miracles and spectacles to Jesus far more in line with the traditions and expectations of the Jewish Messiah. John 14:16: And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. 10 Ways To Know. We hardly understand what it means to be a king in our 21st century because of many factors. This may seem misplaced; I mean didnt Jesus come for us? If the gospel stories are but creative stories, then our faith is indeed in vain. It was as if a wave of truth washed my clouded mind. And here He shines the light on 4 great reasons to follow the Lord. An amazing fact when compared with the works of Plato, Homer or many other writers or personalities of antiquity. In addition, you can select to hear an audio version of any verse by clicking on the speaker icon. With There are so many reasons! WebJesus the Christ was, is, and will always be God in the human form. He said that was the ugliest creature he ever has seen and will never ever want to see again. Everything is in Jesus, living and nonliving alike. We dont understand them easily, just as we may not easily understand mathematics at first. Jesus is the way. Another case in point: Larry is a friend of mine who shares his faith with strangers. None have a Jesus. They were in Egypt, and they were in Israel, as well as in other countries around them. They knew John was preparing people to receive the Messiah when He came. Jesus went on to say in John 14:15, If you love Me, keep My commandments.. He is not only the cause, while the creation is the effect, but He is actively involved in every detail. He wanted to cut through all the rules and regulations to get to the relationship, purposely putting all the goodies down on the bottom shelf where anyone (whether they be fisherman or Pharisee, freshman or physics prof) could have the chance to understand and embrace Him. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Through Him, we can have eternal life and not have to suffer eternally for our sins. Afghanistan 3. Then he just waits for the confused look to spread across the persons face. The second reference is considered to be absolutely genuine. Whether or not you believe he was something more is a matter of personal faith and belief between you and your god (or lack of) and that is something we will not delve into! Jesus says a couple chapters later, Whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me (Matthew 10:38). With that said, lets dive deep into the article. Tacitus writes, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. I turned over so many leaves in my life I looked like Sherwood Forest! Well yes, of course. Nigeria 10. Sean Cole is the lead pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Sterling. If Jesus the Christ indeed rose again, then why are we not following Him forever? David and his son Solomon were great leaders and many more. Blue light is emitted by electronic devices, and it can disrupt your sleep. Below are GOOD This month marks the 20th anniversary of Elizabeths return home and on this weeks episode of All In, we speak with Chris Thomas who acted as spokesperson for the Smart Family throughout their entire They do not make reference to Jesus as a historical figure or even as the Messiah. It's a call to a radical abandonment. Much is made by sceptics of the other gospels including the Gospel of Thomas which is believed to predate Mark. Even if Paul had made up a fake man/god he would not have gone to the trouble to invent a living brother for him, someone whose existence the Christian faithful could verify for themselves and someone with whom Paul did not seem to enjoy a harmonious relationship. The Impossible Help us create more great content. How to respond when God says no to your prayers, Calf tears and achilles tears nothing you want to mess with, Logan County Sheriffs Deputies make arrests for misconduct, aggravated motor vehicle theft, Business of the Week: Logan County Veterans Service. How often do we pause and say, Why am I doing this? In fact, one of the great ways to unclutter your life is to ask that question repeatedly as you eliminate the habits and work youve grown accustomed to doing. Some may say that feels like being drafted into Gods army against your will, but in reality, it is an invitation to be a close friend and companion with the creator of the cosmos. So dont let the extra stuff that the American culture of spirituality promotes dominate you the stuff many of us do (if truth be told) at least partly to show others or ourselves how pious we are. 8: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is tender mercy. When He finished, Jesus fixed His eyes on the disciple and simply said, Follow Me!(John 21:19). We find the Second Coming of Christ in Revelation 1:7-8: Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. We dont understand it when we talk of a man dying in order to save others who later on believe in Him, but thats it. Are we like Thomas who bows in worship and adoration of Jesus as our Lord and God? Look how dangerous religion is. The Gospels attribute miracles to him he can even kill with a word when he chooses to but far from using his powers for the glory of Judea and to attack the hated Roman invaders he preached a ministry of love and humility. Ash from the Jabal ad Druze volcanos could have easily darkened the sky of Jerusalem and it is not unlikely that any earthquake activity could have set off some volcanic activity in that field. As Christ followers, the Someone we are to follow is Jesus. God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it., 10: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the Coming King. They also like to point out that all the other accounts of the life of Jesus are nothing more than hearsay and therefore should be dismissed as unreliable. What should we do when we fall into sin? Much like the fact that Mark has Jesus coming from the wrong city the baptism plays into the criterion of embarrassment a doctrine of historical analysis that states that the more embarrassing a story is to the people who are writing it the more likely it is to be true. 1. But there was none that led as Jesus the Christ did. No. If He is indeed God, then He is the truth because everything is because He makes everything become. What is the result of suppressing the truth? If Jesus the Christ offered Himself up to be treated the way He was treated, crucified, died, and buried, just to save the whole world from sin and its consequences, then Jesus must be the love Himself instead of being full of love. Im addicted to the love of God. He was writing about the great fire of Rome which the Emperor Nero blamed on Christians. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:31-33 (NASB), Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. He is as gracious in the manner of His mercy as in the matter of it. Do you see the conflict? No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. John 1:17-18 (NASB), God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. He wants us to have fullness of joyoverflowing, abundant. Web6 Reasons Why Im a Follower of Jesus 1. North Korea CT noted Asia Rising as India entered the top 10 for the first and ranks No. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. John 1:1-3(NASB), And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14 (NASB), For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. Why is Jesus more than just a good example for us to follow, but in fact, a sacrificial substitute who died in our place and is worthy of all our worship? Want this year to be different? But was I a real follower of Jesus Christ? In fact the only pertinent facts that the Gospels really agree on is that Jesus was baptized by John and that he was crucified and rose from the dead. He is the way, the truth, and the life. Even so. Victims died from exhaustion leading to asphyxiation. WebWhy There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments Armin Navabi 1. For this reason, Jesus followers, Christians, must realize that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph. Web1: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the Lamb of God who takes away our sin. WebHere are our top 10 reasons to believe Jesus really existed that he was born and died, a man like any other. "There's no evidence that God doesn't exist." In Luke 19:41-44, Jesus predicts the terrible judgment that would come on Jerusalem. Jesus. Whether COVID-19 was created in a human-made laboratory, or it was brought from some unclean animals, or God sent it to earth because people are following and worshipping their own knowledge and wisdom, Jesus warned us about it long ago. A human but a great political and military leader for Israel. Bible Gateway allows you to change the verse to your favorite translation and compare it side-by-side with multiple translations. Establish a regular sleep schedule. If He rose again, and we believe He did, then He is the ruler of life and that of death. Web6 Powerful Reasons to Follow Jesus instead of the World 1. You also have Him in you even when you are dead because a human or disease cant create or destroy life. 2. My narrow-minded pastor (i.e. Jesus the Christ was, is, and will always be God in the human form. This month marks the 20th anniversary of Elizabeths return home and on this weeks episode of All In, we speak with Chris Thomas who acted as spokesperson for the Smart Family throughout their entire Web10. WebUFC 285 hosts not only a homecoming for Jon Jones, but a number of coming out parties for potential future stars. There are many healers today even in His name, but there is no doubt He said Hell deny many if not all of them at the Last Day. You believe in Jesus, so you follow Jesus. This will help you see some reasons why it is very important for each one of us to have a role model in life. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. John 15:14-15 (NASB), Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. When Christians put off a thought, word, or action that is sinful, negative, un-Christlike, etc, they must also put on a thought, word, or action that will replace that which they put off. Jesus Himself demonstrated this when He denied It gives guests with balconies angled views of the street that are unlike anything most other hotels can offer. The Shroud of Turin has been proved to be a fake, the ossuary of James, Jesus brother has also been exposed as a fraud. We may not first understand advanced mathematics and its calculation methods. Try to curse a live tree now and see if it will die. He broke all His own natural laws, the very laws He created. All these men were in trouble.
Sceptics love to claim that this is proof that the whole thing is a construct but nothing could be further from the truth. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He enjoys you, and He wants you to enjoy Him. No. No more. When we look at the evidence we see a story that no person in their rational mind would use as the basis for a religion and yet it took off. My religion is bass fishing, but my relationship is with Jesus. He believes the Christian faith is not a religion at all, but a personal relationship with the living God; not just some structured ceremonial hoops to jump through each Sunday morning, but a moment-by-moment dynamic intimacy with the Savior of our soul. There are plenty of studies out there highlighting the economic benefits of infrastructure investment, and the $1.2 trillion package passed by Congress in 2021 is already doing a whole lot to boost the economy. Evidence in the geologic record shows that there were earthquakes in the Jerusalem area during that period although nothing can be dated exactly we know that there was a large earthquake in around 31AD and a more localized earthquake at sometime between 26 and 36 AD but most likely after the 31AD earthquake. He gave up His own life as young as I am, just to save the world: 33 years old. Thanks for reading, please support our sponsors. You cant measure the strings because they seem to be everywhere at the same time. Top ten reasons the era of listicles is done: Theyre stupid. But Jesus is a unique prophet. Here are a few of my ideas. Some physicists call it spooky and weird. Sceptics claim that this proves that Jesus did not exist but that he was a construct which Paul could use to hang his new way of life on. And Jesus wasnt hoping for us to have a little bit of happiness. Meditate a little on the mercy of God. He intercedes for us and for the world of sinners and unbelievers to repent from their sins and turn to God for salvation. The Gospel of Mark is understood by Bible Scholars to be the earliest of the four. How do we set ourselves up for God-honoring romantic relationships and lasting marriages? Do you know what Paul said when he saw the resurrected Jesus? The author was advising a man to eat responsibly when someone calls him to his home to eat with him. I do! 9: Jesus is worthy of our worship because He is the resurrected Lord. To be able to truly say: I like being with you in your presence; it brings me pleasure is just about the biggest compliment you can pay anyone. Web1 Three Common Reasons Why People Are Not Willing To Follow Jesus Mark 11:27-33 Introduction: 1) In Matthew 23:37-39 (cf. Jesus doesnt want us there, so He came and died. It was God, his Father who sent him on a mission. Top ten reasons the era of listicles is done: Theyre stupid. They're pretty basic, yet somehow we often manage to lose sight of them. There were many When Adam and Eve sinned, sin became imprinted in our DNA. The highly respected Jewish historian Titus Flavius Josephus was born shortly after the death of Jesus. However, Jesus the Christ was, is, and will forever be the one who does not only foretell the future but the One who knows and controls the future. It is tender mercy. I ran from God and His truth long enough. God is even far smaller than what we can see and examine, yet He is bigger than the biggest. But instead of saying Yes, Lord and accepting his destiny, Peter threw his own private pity party, wondering aloud why he would have to suffer such a cruel death, while the other disciple, John, would not. Where Its Hardest to Follow Jesus: 1. Everlasting Love 5. The opening words of Acts are The former treatise have I made O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach The former account referred to can only be the Gospel of Luke which we know, from the opening verses was also written to Theophilus. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. We have the promise from Jesus that the Holy Spirit will live in us forever and will never leave us nor forsake us. Would He be a loving God still? The quarantine laws, the hygiene laws, and many other cleanliness laws were given to the Israelites long before natural science came to life. List Land gets commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Jesus quite simply did not fit the model of the perfect Messiah. But Jesus the Christ was such a leader of His own type. But today, we use that verse (and many others) out of their original context. Some people dont understand why I say this but honestly, what do you have to lose? 10: Buy America Maximizes Taxpayers Investment. Try to learn more about string theory in physics. It is a shame this list is limited to only 10 points as there are many other proofs of the life of Jesus, including the tantalizing evidence of what might be included in the intriguing but still missing Q (source) Gospel, believed to be the original on which all others were based. Remember, Jesus spoke to a fig tree, and it heard Jesus, and then it died. We are called to be humble like Him, suffer as He did, and live exemplary lives, but we will never be in an equal match to His character as mere humans. Have eternal life and not have to lose string theory in physics on understanding! Was given through Moses ; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ will ever be equal to the healer... To the divine healer, the very laws He created north Korea CT noted Asia Rising as India the... 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