I was debating whether to put Popcorn Love in, but seriously, you are probably already reading it, haha. Beautifully written, with a evocative and rich descriptive style that really draws you in and makes you experience what the characters are feeling during the emotional scenes. And all In Progress fics are actively updated, no abandoned works here. Regina demanded as she rolled her eyes. "Yes, I dont trust her, and you shouldnt too, how has she forced you into following her?" Please keep in mind that comments are moderated by the guidelines laid out in our comment policy. After the fight with Zelena, Emma takes Regina home to make sure that shes okay, but she accidentally reveals something that makes Regina see her in a different light. As years go on, she desperately tries to find love, to find someone who will love her again. Fantastic story. Expect the twist. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Reading that story about The Idol and I realized I was just saying Yuck. Already added it to my collection of epub. Regina took the front of the sadle, leaving poor Emma to cling onto Regina's waist at the speed they traveled. Emma is sick and getting worse with each passing day, she doesn't say anything to anyone until she passes out at Granny's and a lot of things happen along the way. Meanwhile detective Rex Mills an Swan Queen Enchanted Forest AU ~ When Princess Regina is forced to marry King Leopold of Misthaven, despite her attempts to escape her fate about how this was not the life she wanted to live, she plunges into a state of despair and depravity at being in a loveless marriage, forever forbidden from true love and a pure A random collection of my Oneshots being transferred from my AO3 account. Work Search: Lovely and fluffy piece. So sweet, and jumping off from the first season, which was the best season by far. Very very long fic (111 chapters! A really realistic portrayal of how Regina and Emma could have gotten together if there had been no curse. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed Emma almost has everything. Great read! No, its not Scandal lol. "Im ridding us of two people whom will slow us down, do you not want to go back to Storybrook?" I think we need to get her away from here, he says almost casually as he drops himself down onto the stool in front of the breakfast bar. Think Frank Millers 300 movie. He just hoped the Emma that survived would still love him. Anything by Ames78, amycarey, foxbones, pyrophonic, deemn, devje or reagancrew, Reading right now: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5670844/chapters/13063867, Is it possible to get addicted to reading??? Great read as a one-shot, and with lots of potential as a series if the author decides to continue it. The politics of the Enchanted Forest are forever shifting like the tides. Mulan asked, "She hasnt, I dont follow anyone and it certainly wouldnt be her that I follow if I did.". Will Snow become selfish to keep her daughter out of harms way? Hi I had to check my tags, and I only had 3 books listed on my blog, and what a nice surprise did I find when I went researching on amazon! She saved me, but that was before she became the Evil Queen, Emma. Tragic and heartwarming. The Queen was , but the Savior was ready to put her pieces . And maybe, just maybe, Regina wouldnt have become the Evil Queen if more people were willing to help her!, You lost your wings trying to find Reginas soul matethey will return when that task is complete. this summarizes what ive been occupying every hour im not at work with Swan. Women were strange in that wayalways scanning one another, sizing one another up; often comparing themselves to others. But then she stole the watches and he took them without taking her. This blog is dedicated to the beautiful Swan Queen and the lovely actresses who portray them! Navigation and Actions. Of Love and LoathingBy Sapphire Smoke (Complete; Sequel in progress). ), I guess Ive read enough to do a fic rec list, lol. I really wish the author will write more SQ fics. Instead of Ryan going with laura to the hackkete house he goes with Dylan to the scrapyard, basically switching places with Kaitlyn. The SQ is slow-burn, with a great balance of angst and fluff. She shook her head to chase away the memories and went back to stroking her childs beautiful golden locks. I have a soft spot for Evil!Emma fics, and this is really enjoyable. Tinkerbell rolled her eyes, trying her best not to slap the Fairy standing in front of her. Dont let the premise of Regina hiring a prostitute (Emma) put you off, since the premise is simply that. I can't find it and I really want to re-read it! Keeping my fingers tightly crossed the sequel will come soon. Cracky and completely LMAO. All her other fics are really great too. Swan Queen (Once Upon A Time FanFic) Fanfiction Instead of Emma and Snow falling into Jeffersons hat, Regina and Emma fall in instead. I mean, he was probably just saying that, but still!. No birth mother to ruin her life. She takes in the familiar sight of Regina sitting up in bed, glasses on her nose, reading a book. I recommend it! All I Wanna Do by Raug-moss (In Progress). They sent it. Fan Fiction Friday: 25 Swan Queen Stories to Make You Wish . By:coalitiongirl, Follow If You Lead By: MaybeWeAre ( cross over between FTL AU and canon divergeant), The princess and the prisoner By :Chrmdpoet, The first time Regina Mills slept with Emma Swan, she changed the world. Once Upon a Time - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 111,625 . Will they get along? Many of Snows stories about the Evil Queen included herself, and as trying as telling such stories could be, she loved the way Emmas eyes always lit up upon hearing them. Your followers are awesome <3 It was indeed 'A new hope' by Obsidianna. Featuring an older Regina and Emma, their banter is superb, and little Henry is irresistible. My apologies for the nerdgasm folks, fanfic on. On your suicide mission, trying to help the Evil Queen?, Lets be clear: I lost my wings because you took them away. There is nothing in the world that we can count on. A teacher student AU where Emma is older and is a tutor to a younger Regina in high school. Its Hard Not to Get Emotional, Right Now A+ Read a Fucking Book Club: I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself. He looks hopeful, excited and a little pensive all at the same time. Sometimes there is no happy ending. I am going crazy trying to find a fic! Emma wonders. Emma yelled throwing her hands down in defeat, suddenly the logs began to burn as a fire appeared from nowhere. Will she defy the high-school hierarchy and risk her reputation to be with Emma? Simply phenomenal. This is a Swanqueen story 100% but the slowest of burns. Beautiful and touching piece. A beautiful and emotional story. But, seriously, THIS STORY IS AMAZING! It was all she ever dreamed of, once upon a time. Henry was upset by his mothers behaviour towards each other, and Regina could hardly admit that their ongoing enmity was based on their decisions to have sex with other people. How does she look so splendid and regal in what looks like my grandmothers curtains? Which is ouatisbae. It was the masochistic part of her personality; the part her mother made special care to develop so that she would have something to compliment her own sadistic ways. I have read tons of fanfiction and fiction alike that is beautifully written and this is just aweak piece of work, in the grand scheme of things. The brilliance that is SQ fanfiction writing. I do feel obliged to add Maleficientlys Somewhere, Someone Must Know the Ending to be found on ao3, Ravenbears nearly complete Falling in the Frey from ff net (read this especially if you loved Letters from War!) Fragments of a Life Less Lived by Heartsways (Part 1 and 2 Complete; Part 3 In Progress), This fic will likely make you love Swan Queen if you havent already. Based on Ouat S2 (Not seen S3 onwards) All Rights Reserved Long fic but entertaining stuff. ', Regina arched an eyebrow at the young womans blunt speech but she could hardly help a chuckle from escaping as she lowered herself into the seat across from her. Plot: A non-magic AU set in NYC. A super duper cute story by the author of Popcorn Love. Very light and funny, huge fun to read. What if Hook's cursed lips played a bit differently? A newer SQ author, with multiple ongoing fics that are all good reads too. Snow White never thought she would get the chance to see her daughter as a small child. I am addicted to read. Pure of Heart by Bayloriffic (In Progress). The Queens Revenge by Tigerhorse717 (Complete). I have been looking for a new SwanQueen story and I havent heard of almost any of these ones yet. The Landing Spot by Alaska829Snow (Complete). Every day I read these fics. Wonderful work, with marvelous characters that you want the story to go on forever. SwanQueen version of the last episode of season 4. I discovered SQ 3 years ago. (On a sidenote, if you want to cry, read her other work The Art of Being Extraordinary, it will leave you in tears), Ill Take Note of That by Dirty Curtains (In Progress). Princess Emma is also a Knight, I am trying to approach her character with a more set personality. Very enjoyable read from start to end. A one-shot that will sucker-punch you with emotional feels. 20 Questions?!" Especially since that dog ended up being a wolf. Thief Emma Swan Plot Twists Surprise Ending Au in which Emma and Killian are thieves together, and Emma winds up getting shot But luckily for her, Killian took first aid in high school and is now a self proclaimed medical expert (Whumptober promt No.6 Proof Of Life) Part 6 of 31 Days Of Suffering Language: English Words: 206 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 7 ===============================================, Lost in Translation by Purplehershey (Complete). If it helps I cried as I wrote! I dont know if youre scared, but if you are, try not to be, okay? she whispered. SwanQueen. A universe where I really hope the author will continue to write more stories in. follows along almost exactly to the game with some obvious changes to fit the ship. Summary: In the South Pacific island of Makatea, career-driven magazine editor Regina Mills is on a week-long vacation getaway with her boyfriend, Robin Locksley. So good an SQ vidder even did an awesome trailer for it. Emma snapped, Regina twisted her head but kept the two women off the ground. Eyes on the road, dear, Regina says in response. ABC owns the OUAT characters I just borrowed their names and personalities. Ongoing, chapters are short but very entertaining. It starts with Emma and Regina getting drunk and they get married and form a magical bond that can't be broken and then snow and charming make them move in together hoping itll tear them up but they end up falling in love. Summary: Something goes terribly wrong when the Jolly Roger falls into the portal. She felt broken by what had just happened, appalled and enraged, dirty. "I just stopped her killing you and your foolish enough to point a blade at her?" Seriously, read it and then compare the writing to gems such as Someone, somewhere knows the ending, and anything by deemnfic, amycarey, fictorium, and quite a few others. Usually their daughter is also awake and quite chattybut tonight she is passed out with a movie still playing in the background. ", "What? I justIm sorry but I just dont get the mass fawning and obsession over Popcorn Love. If you do, then this fic is perfect for you. So does this make us both the other woman by Coalitiongirl (Complete). Search Works. Added to that, Henry has to learn to share Regina with Emma, who can be very bratty. Now she's standing in front of Killian Jones, and he's vowing to win her heart, without any games, without any trickery, and the bad thing is a part of her wants it. The Swanqueen fandom and ao3s brillant download option made me invest in an iPad last year..Crazy long and brilliant stories! But what would happen when said brunette turns out to be her literature teacher during her senior year at Storybrooke High, not to mention her new bes Two women. "This is Mulan and Aurora." Summary:When Snow realizes Gold is after Regina and Emmas truelove children, the family will do anything to keep them safe-including sending them back in time to the care of their former selves. Here you go anon! Your mom and I both read your thesis. I could get used to." Based on Ouat S2. Emma grinned before she fell asleep. Well make our home on the water by Bayloriffic (Complete). Regina scowled when she looked up to see Emma inbetween Mulan and Aurora. I'm going to correct this story because I don't know what happened to me to damage something that was going so well.I already look like a producer of SQ or SC and what a horror, firstly hetero than homophobic. Temporary Distractions by Amycarey (Complete). Super fun and all the nicknames that Emma calls Regina are so cute and funny. Emma extra emphasised 'Sent with' so Regina could catch on. Eight since Emma went into the forest and never came back out. Nothing is really what it seems, and the author just traps you in her dark web. How will this experience impact Regina? Police AU. A unique piece set in ancient Rome with Emma as an enslaved gladiator and Regina as a vestal priestess. Really great work, I thoroughly enjoy reading it. Plot: Emma and Regina are going to be roommates, for two nights only. RuPauls Drag Race Episode 1507 Recap: Thank You, Mistress, May I Have Another? Plot: Swan Queen Teacher AU: Emma Swan is subbing and has to deal with smart but sassy and difficult student Regina Mills. O que deveria ser somente uma noite casual, movida a tequila e uma boa dose de tentar calar a realidade. One random day a few months after the curse breaks, she learns that her daughter is more like her than she ever thought. "What the hell was that?" Youve got some great selections. It's the only SQ fic where I feel I'm reading a graphic novel instead. Why is it always true love with you people? Emma demands, stabbing at her plate so violently that it tips to one side with a loud scrape against the table. 27 - IM FINE. I PROMpassing out | vertigo | collapse. Recueil de textes divers sur Once Upon a Time. The twist here is that Reginas deaf, but fear not since theres minimal angst. currently reading Having been deemed a savior even before birth, she never had the opportunity of finding out. Regina helps to deliver Emmas baby and they start raising little Allison together with big bro Henry. Dont like don't read but at least give it a chance. Emma yelled angrily. Another long fic. Emma has a magical mishap and Regina has to take care of her. THANK YOU! "Do you two always bicker like this? Spinning Matchsticks into Needles by Amycarey, One of the best Hogwarts and Swan Queen crossover. That job youve been raised for your whole life, well princess youre not very good at it. The fic that was the death of me and likely every other reader while it was in progress. "What happen- oh." I can't for the life of me find the original post anywhere. Different and polished. Thankfully the logs lit and the camp warmed up slightly. And thank you to all of you amazing Swen writers!! I mean, he was probably just saying that, but still!, the... Jumping off from the first season, which was the best season by.. But at least give it a chance themselves to others not since theres angst! It tips to one side with a great balance of angst and fluff and with of! The opportunity of finding out the best Hogwarts and Swan Queen teacher AU: Emma and Regina as vestal! And ao3s brillant download option made me invest in an iPad last year crazy... 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