She was a figure skater for several years, but began gymnastics at age six. Two years later, she moved to Moscow to train full-time at the Round Lake Gymnastics Center. ." I think that Austins hungarian skin tone comes from the tanning bed. Skinner can do a double twisting double layout in floor. She was inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame in 2005. 1934- This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Apart from being a wife and a mother, she is also a businesswoman. 2. In the 1988 Summer Olympic Games held in Seoul, she registered four medals in her name, out of which two were gold medals. 24 Feb. 2023 . This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Illinois. Family (1) Spouse She went on to compete in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, where she won four medals: gold in the team competition, gold on vault, silver on floor, and bronze in the individual all-around. GK has great stuff but basically everyone uses GK so I wonder if Bosco can make some really cool and different stuff. In 1990, Svetlana Boginskaya became only the third woman to sweep the European Championships winning the gold medal in every individual event. The same year, she also won three gold medals at the European Championships. She won a bronze and a silver medal at her first international tournament, the 1987 World Championships. Today, Svetlanaloves being a mother. 2019TR076385 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076296,2019TR076313,2019CM001954,2019TR076440 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076442,2019TR076408,2019TR076487 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076326,2019TR076466,2019TR076553,2019TR076317,2019TR076571,2019TR076411 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019CF002094,2019TR076343,2019TR076356,2019TR076441,2019SC005332,2019TR076484,2019TR076420,2019TR076379,2019TR076429 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076292,2019TR076320,2019MR001087,2019SC005341,2019TR076555,2019TR076549,2019DT002010,2019OV002573,2019TR076543 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076418,2019AR001400,2019TR076462 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076344,2019SC005333,2019SC005336,2019CM001959 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076485,2019TR076395 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076311,2019TR076446,2019TR076483,2019TR076518 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019OV002576,2019TR076325,2019TR076546 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019CH001058,2019TR076314,2019CM001957,2019TR076475,2019TR076470,2019TR076464,2019TR076548,2019SC005347,2019TR076394,2019MR001084,2019TR076416,2019TR076452 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076397,2019TR076300,2019TR076561 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076428 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076461 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076679,2019CM001960 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076471,2019OV002570,2019TR076511 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019LM002284,2019TR076338 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019OV002575,2019TR076459,2019TR076430,2019TR076531,2019TR076580,2019TR076414,2019LM002285,2019TR076287,2019TR076398,2019TR076327,2019TR076510,2019TR076525,2019L 001040,2019TR076456,2019LM002278,2019MR001085,2019TR076527,2019AR001394,2019TR076371,2019OV002566 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076449 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076482,2019TR076497,2019OV002581 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076315,2019TR076405 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019LM002280,2019SC005346,2019SC005343,2019LM002276,2019TR076486,2019TR076412,2019TR076427 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076323 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076473,2019OV002567,2019OV002591,2019TR076436 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076289,2019SC005334,2019AR001398,2019TR076445,2019CF002096 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019CM001958 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019DT002011,2019SC005344,2019TR076373 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076530,2019TR076293,2019L 001035,2019TR076513,2019OV002569 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019AR001396,2019TR076506,2019TR076368,2019TR076402 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019OV002574,2019TR076570 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076444 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076552 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076505,2019TR076457 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076468,2019LM002287,2019TR076417,2019TR076495,2019TR076434 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076501,2019TR076500,2019TR076537,2019SC005358,2019TR076376,2019SC005355,2019LM002281,2019TR076526,2019AR001399,2019TR076503,2019TR076557 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019CF002090 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076384,2019AR001402,2019LM002286,2019TR076476,2019TR076572,2019TR076372,2019CM001956,2019TR076451,2019TR076400,2019TR076316,2019L 001039,2019TR076413,2019TR076453 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076522,2019SC005345,2019TR076542 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076504,2019TR076564,2019LM002289,2019TR076309,2019LM002274,2019OV002568 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076455,2019TR076330,2019TR076298,2019LM002282,2019TR076432 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019LM002291,2019SC005354,2019TR076406,2019TR076302,2019SC005356,2019LM002290,2019TR076310,2019TR076407,2019TR076490,2019OV002571,2019TR076341,2019AR001405,2019CF002097,2019TR076533 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076329,2019TR076517 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076386,2019TR076556,2019L 001036,2019LM002277,2019TR076472,2019TR076499,2019TR076491,2019TR076493,2019TR076573,2019CF002095,2019TR076354,2019TR076540,2019TR076419,2019SC005353,2019TR076393,2019TR076467,2019TR076544,2019TR076545 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076387 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076520,2019TR076448,2019L 001037,2019TR076515 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076447 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076306,2019TR076381,2019TR076536,2019TR076290,2019TR076403,2019TR076539,2019SC005337,2019CF002091,2019TR076479 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076433,2019TR076438,2019TR076507,2019SC005349,2019TR076565,2019TR076494,2019SC005351,2019TR076367,2019TR076312 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076509,2019LM002279,2019TR076502 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076380,2019TR076307,2019TR076377 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076560,2019TR076337,2019TR076378 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076558,2019TR076443,2019CF002093,2019TR076390 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076435 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076340 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019AR001404,2019TR076308,2019CH001057,2019AR001401,2019TR076333,2019TR076365,2019TR076799,2019SC005339,2019TR076463,2019TR076410,2019AR001397,2019TR076528,2019TR076409 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076562 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019CH001056,2019SC005335,2019TR076369,2019TR076392,2019TR076431,2019TR076498,2019TR076335,2019TR076357,2019TR076437,2019LM002275,2019CM001955,2019TR076339 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076301,2019TR076521,2019TR076496,2019TR076478,2019TR076375 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019SC005342,2019SC005340,2019TR076458,2019TR076477,2019TR076342,2019TR076303,2019TR076358,2019CM001962 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019L 001038,2019TR076532 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076328,2019TR076566,2019TR076523,2019DT002015,2019TR076492,2019TR076404,2019TR076415,2019TR076389,2019OV002582 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076516 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076535,2019CF002098,2019TR076396,2019TR076574,2019TR076388 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076305,2019TR076554,2019TR076336 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076324,2019TR076332,2019TR076334,2019AR001395,2019TR076512,2019TR076304,2019TR076489,2019TR076319,2019TR076383,2019DT002016,2019TR076345,2019TR076474,2019TR076347 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076514,2019TR076297 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076366,2019AR001393,2019LM002288,2019TR076294,2019LM002283,2019TR076541 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019SC005350,2019TR076321,2019TR076370,2019TR076288,2019OV002577,2019CF002099,2019TR076318,2019TR076374 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019SC005352,2019TR076439 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076465,2019TR076322 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076529,2019TR076295,2019TR076519,2019TR076480,2019TR076481,2019TR076508,2019TR076524,2019AR001403,2019SC005338,2019OV002592,2019OV002583,2019TR076488,2019TR076469 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019OV002579,2019OV002572,2019CM001953,2019TR076534,2019TR076291,2019TR076382,2019TR076391,2019TR076331,2019OV002578,2019TR076538 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019SC005348,2019TR076401,2019TR076450 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date.,2019TR076454,2019CF002100 Must Appear * You have to appear in court on the next court date. As a Team Leader of Prime Real Estate Solutions Group Brokered By EXP, I have the experience, knowledge and expertise to help clients in need. She is married to William Yee. Nadia Comaneci made her mark on the gymnastics scene and on the world with her breathtaking performances at the, Ashford, Evelyn She was inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame in 2005. Police said an arrest warrant for first-degree murder has been issued for 43-year-old William N. Taylor in the shooting death of Clarice Alexander on Monday night. In 1995, she decided to make a return to gymnastics after being inspired from Katarina Witt, who had made a remarkable comeback at the 1994 Winter Olympics. Maybe gymnasts do though? All Filters. However, the date of retrieval is often important. career, starting with a win at the 1986 Jr. European Championships, later | All rights reserved. Boginskaya is among a small group of women to have competed in three Olympic Games; and due to the break-up of the Soviet Union, she competed at each Games under a different flag: USSR, the Unified Team, and Belarus. The couple is blessed with two children; a daughter, Ania Julietta, born in 1999, and a son, Brandon, born in 2003. Svetlana Boguinskayas love story is so sweet. In the 1987 World Championships, she won her first medal, a bronze in the balance beam event. Dictionary of Women Worldwide: 25,000 Women Through the Ages. Anna Julietta: Weight : kg: Start gymnastics: 1979: Gender: Female: Club : Nickname: Savva: Head coach : Spouse name: William Yee: Favourite apparatus World class in 1987: First competition : Last competition: 1995: Last update: 16 October 2000 . These cookies do not store any personal information. By age fourteen, she was a member of the Soviet national team. In 1989, she continued her winning streak in the European Championships as well as World Championships. . She is a three-time Olympic Champion, winning an individual gold in Vault in 1988, and Team gold medals in 1988 and 1992. NCAA gymnastics television, radio and webisodes: Alabama, Michigan, UCLA, Georgia. Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of top medalists at the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships,, Svyatlana Leanidana Bahinskaya ( ), This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 17:37. She was 16th AA at "Boginskaya, Svetlana (1973) So, how much is Svetlana Boginskaya worth at the age of 48 years of age. Championships! The following year, at the 1988 Olympics, she won four medals, which included two golds, one silver and one bronze medal. She won her first world medal, a bronze on balance beam, at the 1987 World Championships. In 2005, she was inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Famously known as the Belarusian Swan for her grace, Svetlana Leonidovna Boginskaya is a former artistic gymnast who has represented the Soviet Union and Belarus in the competitions. She then progressed to the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, where she was one of a number of older gymnasts competing. After the 1992 Olympics, she retired and took part in Born on 9 th February 1973 in Minsk, Svetlana took up figure skating before opting for gymnastics at the age of six. The latest episode seems to be linked here rather than episode 76. The other, Svetlana Boginskaya, the 19-year-old sphinx from Minsk, is tall, exotic, complex and choreographically eleganta woman competing against adolescents. In 1992, Boginskaya, then 19 years old, had a disappointing performance at the 1992 European Championships, falling on her final event, the floor exercise. VALPARAISO | She's competed in three different Olympics under three different flags, but 39-year-old Svetlana Boginskaya's greatest joy now comes from children. 1958- had a disappointing performance at the 1992 European Championships, falling on her final event, the floor exercise. They have two children. They have very different body types but it worked for both of them (though I preferred it on Komova). Miromanova had been a surrogate mother to Boginskaya, coaching and caring for her after she moved from Minsk to train full-time in Moscow. Trivia (2nd at the 1975 Champions All). . Dictionary of Women Worldwide: 25,000 Women Through the Ages. In 1996, at age 23, she placed second in the all-around at the American Cup to one of Karolyi's pupils, Kerri Strug, as well as at the European Championships in Birmingham, behind the defending world all-around champion (and future Olympic all-around champion), Lilia Podkopayeva of Ukraine. Her coach was Lyubov Miromanova, who used to coach Ludmila Savina Before American speed skaters Eric Heiden and Bonnie Blair raced to fame as Olympic champions, Soviet sp, Fanny Blankers-Koen Many in the gymnastics world expected a duel between Boginskaya and Zmeskal at the Olympics, and the media promoted this story. After waking up at 7 A.M. to prepare her son. The Olympics one wasnt from GK though, it was Bosco. "Boginskaya, Svetlana (1973) The 1989 all-around world champion and a controversial second to Zmeskal in '91, Boginskaya is bent on disproving the assertion made by Bela Karolyi, Zmeskal's outspoken coach, that . Under Grosovivichs tutelage, Boginskaya became world champion in 1989 and later dedicated her performance to her late mentor. . window.__mirage2 = {petok:"ZnxML6ga2alMqtIXx.xBg6siJu2d6lCh6lHKxtld8c8-86400-0"}; exhibitions and clinics. But in general, no. the 1995 World Championships and a remarkable 2nd AA at the 1996 European Svetlana Leonidovna Boginskaya (Belarusian: , romanized: Sviatlana Lieanidauna Bahinskaya; Russian: ; born February 9, 1973) is a former artistic gymnast for the Soviet Union and Belarus of Belarusian origin. [1], Boginskaya has remained active in both the American and international gymnastics communities, and works as a consulting guest coach. Boginskaya has remained active in both the American and international gymnastics communities, and works as a consulting guest coach. She is a member of famous Gymnast with the age 48 years of age./b> group. . Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. She led the Belarus team to sixth place and competed in the all-around and vault finals, but won no individual medals, placing 15th in the all-around and fifth on vault. Name variations: Svetlana Boguinskaia. After the 1992 Olympics, she retired from gymnastics and subsequently took part in exhibitions and clinics. Her uneven bars exercise included a signature giant to handstand with 180 split into a toe-on element. Svetlana BOGINSKAYA Soviet Union (URS) Belarus (BLR) Date of birth : 2 September 1973: Hometown . Although she retired from gymnastics after the 1992 Olympics, she made a comeback and competed at the 1996 Olympics, where she led the Belarus team to the sixth place, before retiring from gymnastics for good. Svetlana Boginskaya's income source is mostly from being a successful Gymnast. Police said the suspected gunman, Robert Crimo III, wore women's clothing during the shooting to apparently allow him to . She finished in fifth place, while her young teammate Tatiana Gutsu won the all-around title. and moved to Houston, TX to train under Bela Karolyi. Famous people list on 9 February. See full bio Born: She said that she was inspired by Katarina Witt who had made a memorable comeback of her own at the 1994 Winter Olympics. Svetlana was born on February 9, 1973 in The couple is blessed with two children; a daughter, Ania Julietta, born in 1999, and a son, Brandon, born in 2003. She went on to compete in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, where she won four medals: gold in the team competition, gold on vault, silver on floor, and bronze in the individual all-around. I had 11 scores depending on that one meet and now I had to count 3!!!!! William Kusch may also have lived outside of Hanover Park, such as Crystal Lake, Mchenry and 2 other cities in Illinois. The only other gymnasts to do so were Vra slavsk, Larisa Latynina, and Ludmilla Tourischeva. It was a deep emotional setback for Boginskaya as Miromanova had been like a mother to her ever since she moved from Minsk to train full-time in Moscow. Menu. Leotards that made us want to light a bonfire and dance around it until Project Runway rescues us. . Boginskaya retired after the 1992 Olympics but decided to make a comeback in 1995. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Personal Life. In the early 2010s, she frequently supported former teammate Oksana Chusovitina, who competed well into her 40s and appeared on the competition floor as her coach. Lived In Hanover Park IL, Glenview IL. Belarusian/Soviet gymnast who won three gold medals and was nicknamed the Belarusian Swan and the Goddess of Gymnastics. With her cheng she is just doing a double twisting double layout! Boginskaya moved to Houston, Texas, to train with Bela Karolyi and upgraded the difficulty of her routines. Apart from being a wife and a mother, she is also a businesswoman. Apart from being a wife and a mother, she is also a businesswoman. In 1991, in a controversial finish, Boginskaya lost the gold medal in the all-around to Kim Zmeskal of the United States. Boginskaya's floor routine at the 1988 Olympics was done to the music of Georges Bizet's Carmen, and another routine she performed in parts of 1990 and 1991 was choreographed by the Bolshoi Ballet. So I wonder what they can do. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The No. View details that no one tells you about. Luckily it doesnt take away from her bomb vaulting skills, for which she definitely deserves a perfect ten. European AA Champion. Two years later, she moved to Moscow to train full-time at the Round Lake Gymnastics Center. On our website, Svetlana Boginskaya is one of the successful Gymnast. Under Grosovivich's tutelage, Boginskaya became world champion in 1989 and later dedicated her performance to her late mentor. Miromanova had been a surrogate mother to Boginskaya, coaching and caring for her after she moved from Minsk to train full-time in Moscow. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. She has two children with husband William Yee. Disorderly Conduct: Unlawful USE of Weapons-Possess Firearm in Public,Following Too Closely,Forgery-Makes or Alters Document,Improper Backing of Vehicle on Roadway,Keeping DANGEROUS Animals,Contract Over $50 000,Residential Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure - Tier 3,Aggravated Dui - No Drivers License,Disreg Traffic Control Light - Steady Red,Cdl Not Obtained,No Registration Plate on Vehicle Front or Rear - 1st and 2nd Offense,Overweight on Registration - Over Registration Weight,Speeding Over Statutory Limit 1 10,Speeding Over Statutory Limit 15-20,Unlawful Display of Registration,Manu/Deliver Controlled Substance - Sched I, Ii Narc - Any Other Amount,Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicles,,Speeding Over Statutory Limit 21-25,Speeding Over Statutory Limit 21 25,Eviction (Possession Only),Improper Lane USAGE-CHANGE Lanes Unsafely,Speeding 26-34 Mph Over Limit,Operate Uninsured Motor Vehicle,Criminal Damage to Property Less Than $500,Possession of CANNABIS More Than 30 but Not More Than 100 Grams/1st,Operate Motor Vehicle When Registration SUSPENDED for Noninsurance,Failure to Yield Turning Left,Driving With Expired License Plates,Animal Running at Large 1st Offense,Passing Vehicle While on Shoulder of Road,Arbitration ($15,000.01 to $50k),Change of Name,Driver Required to Wear Seat Belts,Aggravated Dui - License SUSPENDED or Revoked,Tort Money Damages Over $50 000,Eviction (Possession and Money Judgment - Up to $15,000.00),Driving While License SUSPENDED,Speeding 35+ Mph Over Limit,Arbitration Up to $15,000,Battery - CAUSES Bodily Harm,Driving While License SUSPENDED/REVOKED Dui/Sss Fourth to Ninth Offense,Speeding Over Statutory Limit 11-14,No Valid License/Permit - Never Issued,Violation of LOCAL Weight Limit Restrictions,Failure to Report Accident to Police Authority by Driver,Overweight on Axle - 1st Thru 3rd Offenses,Retail Theft - Possess Displayed Merchandise - Not Exceeding $300,Possession of CANNABIS Paraphernalia,Fail to Notify Sos of Address or Name Change to Vehicle Registration,Operate a Motor Vehicle While USING an Electronic COMMUNICATION Device,Passenger Required to Wear Seat Belt,Improper U Turn on Roadway,Failure to Yield at Stop Intersection,Disobey Control Devices for Designated Lanes,Obstructing IDENTIFICATION,Child Pornography - Possess Visual Reproduction on Computer,Driving With License Revoked,Speeding 26 34 Mph Over Limit,Expungement or Seal of Records,Improper Backing on Controlled Access Highway,(ivc) Driver Required To Wear Seat Belts,Tort $2,500.01 - $10,000,Leave Scene of Accident Involving Damage to Attended Vehicle,Disobeyed Stop Sign,No Valid License/Permit - Expired Under 1 Year or Other Petty Offense,Wearing Headset Receiver While Driving,Retail Theft,Contract Up to $2,500,Disobeyed Traffic Control Device,Aggravated Id Theft - Elderly - Stolen Id - Commit Felony,Violation of Bail Bond/Class 3 Felony,Contract $2,500.01 - $10,000,Residential Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure - Tier 1,Passing in No Passing Zone,No Valid License/permit Never Issued (major),Driving Too Fast for Conditions, or Failure to Reduce Speed to Avoid an Accident,Speeding Over Statutory Limit 15 20,Criminal Sexual Assault - Force,Improper Lane Usage Crossing Lane Boundary Unsafely,Improper U Turn at Curve or Crest of Hill. Svetlana Boginskaya is a member of Gymnast Does Svetlana Boginskaya Dead or Alive? She finished in fifth place, while her young teammate Tatiana Gutsu won the all-around title. She is a three-time Olympic champion, with an individual gold medal on vault from the 1988 Summer Olympics and team gold medals from the 1988 and 1992 Summer Olympics. At the age of fourteen, she was in the Soviet national gymnastics team. They have two children. chat about: Follow Svetlana on Instagram atSvetlanaboguinskaia, check out the schedule for her camphereand email her for choreography or speaking engagements Her uneven bars exercise included a signature giant to handstand with 180 split into a toe-on element. Svetlana Boginskaya and her husband tell us both sides of their love story. So, how much is Svetlana Boginskaya worth at the age of 49 years old? In 1992, Boginskaya, then 19 years of age. , coaching and caring for her after she moved from Minsk to train full-time Moscow! 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