But being stranded at sea has Heimdall wondering if averting destiny was worth it.- - - -Slow burn to brotherly bonding leading to Heimdall's redemption. Zeus was given domain over the heavens and was ultimately the ruler of both the gods and all of the universe; Poseidon was given domain over all forms of water, controlling the seas, winds and weather; Hades was given domain over the Underworld, the darkest realm of the world where the souls of the dead would journey. 15 is new **. However, they do recognize Zeus as the King of the Gods. Helios' decapitated head served Kratos as a weapon and a flashlight. The Goddess Hera died by having Kratos break her neck. #multiverse Prometheus, caring for the lowly mortals, gave them the fires of Mount Olympus, which Zeus perceived as a betrayal. A slow-burn that takes place mostly during the small, quiet moments where meaningful connections are made. Instead, Kratos impaled himself with the Blade of Olympus, to give Hope to all the mortals of the world. "There it is" Kota started to aim his bow "Hold" Izuku said but Kota shot his arrow but missed his shot, Kota grunted but Izuku was pissed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, know it's guard is up" Izuku said while taking Kota's bow awayKota was scared to see this version of deku because he wasn't the nice one but calmed down a little when deku hugged him with a calm smileIzuku calmed downed a bit, "only fire when I tell you to fire" "I'm sorry" Kota said while looking down "Do not be sorry be better" Izuku saidAizawa got his phone out to record the lineDenki: "uh what are you doing"Aizawa: "I'm going to use that phrase and use it against all of you" he said while smirking The class was now scared but they looked back at the screen"Find it" Izuku said, Kota tried to get his bow back but Izuku pulled it away "Find. Resident Evil- They first play Resident Evil 2, and then the Resident Evil 1 Remake. The demise of the Olympians by the Ghost of Sparta would spread into legend to the other pantheons beyond Greece reaching as far as the Land of the Pharaohs and the Nine Realms. (A character study). She and Tisiphone attempted to misdirect him, as a building he enters is projected as a brothel. Instead, he was captured. Lifting Luke's left arm and removing his armor, Percy stabbed him an inch below his arm pit. "RAWR that dull hammer doesn't scare me" the boy said "oh no" he said but in a girlish voice and he was laughing having a good time. I really like these snippets, as they highlight the culture clash with Westeros values. She had already been gifted with a child however, who was born from the head of Zeus. olympians react to god of war fanfiction. You tried to kill Odin? With a wipe of the eyes Atreus distract himself by stirring their simmering stew. Many of the gods are indistinguishable from humans in appearance, though some look radically different. The gods, along with the Titans, are supreme mythical beings that can create and control all kinds of magic and power. One day Atreus has had enough and wants to prove himself to his Father. chewy dog houses; honey select 2 maps. I bring the destruction of Olympus!! Hurled forward in a blast of water, Poseidon leaped right through Epimetheus' chest, killing him instantly and knocking him off the mountain into the waters below. I understand if its for copyright reasons though. The King of the Gods thus decided to have Poseidon enter the fray. The small family must prepare for Ragnarok if they wish for any hope of survival. Zeus realized that the Evils born from that conflict, if left free, would destroy the world of Man and Gods. Like characters from another series react to a series. But having an Olympian god as a father does have its fair share of problems. But again, Kratos sees through it. During the second day, Percy faced the Titan Lord of the East Hyperion and the Titan of Destruction Perses. She doesnt know. Kratos next encountered Hermes, taunting him with his super speed, and running up the Chain of Balance, after which Kratos followed. The Fury Queen coldly tells him that the truth would only bring him pain before he plunges his blades into her chest. In desperation, Helios attempted to trick Kratos into stepping into the Flame of Olympus, telling him that he would receive its power by doing so. As he grew older, Kratos became a fearsome and well-respected Spartan captain. Kratos battling a Centaur General as Perses looks on. "Lysandra" is revealed to be Alecto, who tries to convince Kratos that he could live in this illusion if he rejoined Ares; however, noticing the Eyes of Truth hanging on her hip, he defiantly refused, preferring the truth to living a lie. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Freya manages to kill Kratos. #mha After she died, Kratos used the power of time to journey back to the final moments of the Great War, bringing the Titans with him to destroy the Gods once and for all. Cronos, attempting to crush Kratos to death. accident on 69 east today. The gods appeared before the architect, Pathos Verdes III, tasking him with the construction of a temple to house Pandora's Box. Izuku said but more mad "South" said Kota but more determined. Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, etc.) Emerging from the sewers, Kratos encountered Aphrodite in her chambers. With Clarisse and her siblings dealt with, Percy barely managed to make it in time to stop Ares and Kronos from destroying the thrones of the gods. Watcher: "Hell yeah" he said with a big smile on his faceEveryone was confused because they didn't know what the multiverse was. Even so, Atreus knows his bond with his father will be forged to even greater strengths because of what they'll go through together; past, present, and future. Jakob knew this had to be Ares, the God of War. No, but thats a helluva prompt! sub count history reddit post code block. Zeus, realizing the danger they posed if left free, commissioned Hephaestus to construct a vessel to contain them -Pandora's Box- which would be placed within the Flame of Olympus to ensure that no one could ever release the Evils within. As he advanced on the Fury Queen, Tisiphone dispatched Daimon against him but Kratos simply used the Eyes to destroy the bird. Barring all the common downfalls of having various monsters gnashing their teeth at you, it also meant that when he invited you to his family meetings, you'll have to wonder if you'll survive the ordeal. However, Orkos' continuing requests ultimately forced Kratos' hand. Kratos, still plagued by memories of his murdered family, grew fiercely bitter towards the gods for refusing to erase the memories of his past deeds and for their role in the capture and death of his brother, Deimosand forcing him to kill his beloved mother Callisto. Five years after Ragnarok, Freya and Kratos are not sure what they are gods of anymore. Quickly, he pretended the fire's ashes were getting the best of him. Unbeknownst to Zeus, Hephaestus' choice was an attempt to protect Pandora, the living key to the Flame of Olympus whom Hephaestus had come to see as his own daughter. Zeus had forbidden the gods from waging war on each other and so Athena looked to Kratos for help. He then enchained Atlas to uphold the world on his shoulders, where the mighty Titan claimed the two would meet again. Ares! In response, Zeus robbed Prometheus of his immortality and forced him to endure great suffering by having an eagle consume him every day, fully healing and resurrecting him each time so that this cycle of torment would never cease. Believing Kratos was dead, Zeus proceeded to destroy Sparta. As Kratos aided his Spartan army as the God of War, Zeus (in the form of an eagle) sapped Kratos of most of his power, causing him to shrink to the size of a mortal. Helios was still engaged in combat with the Titan Perses when Kratos reached the site of the battle. In the Underworld, Kratos met with three Gods: a depressed Hephaestus, an infuriated Hades, and a spectral Athena. The Gods immediately responded to the threat of the Titans crawling up Mount Olympus. He also turned on his long-time 'girlfriend' Aphrodite, brutally humiliating her all the while laughing and revealing he was just using her for sex and enjoyed how he was hurting Hephaestus by seducing the woman who was supposed to be his wife. This is what happened to Athena and, for a short period of time, to Zeus. After a long and hard struggle, Kratos and Gaia combined their efforts, managing to kill the God of the Sea, with the Spartan gouging his eyes and snapping his neck. You were raised by your father Laufey then, in Jtunheim?Now Loki seemed to be lost for words, trying to comprehend what Thor just said.No? I honestly don't care how well-written these fics are (and some of them do appear to have correct grammar and everything), the whole jaune-replacement just throws everything off for me. Kratos retrieved Pandoras Box and used its power to become powerful enough to face Ares. In fact he is so strong he went toe-to-to. #izukuxtsuyu After the long Journey to spread his mothers ashes, Atreus thought his father would be different, but it doesn't seem like anything had changed. Kratos comes to face with the pain he etched into the hearts of many, including himself. After returning to Asgard, he is ashamed and refuses to be seen. (Through Thruds POV): The Thor family (besides Thor), escapes Asgard, and is in search for a new home. He was called upon by the Sea God to rid the waters of the Hydra, granting him the ability of Poseidon's Rage, an attack that would create a devastating blow on the creature. (Chapter 1) "Meh, let's give it a shot." RWBY's relationship has grown closer after the breach. With Alecto left for last, Kratos drew his blades. Reigning over the Titans, the mighty Cronos learned from Gaia that one day he would be overthrown by his own children. The God of Seas entered the battle, leaping off the top of Olympus, targeting the Titan Epimetheus. Work Search: This is a relationship fic more than porn with plot. He stopped and just stood there. With the Olympians victorious, the Golden Age mortals enjoyed while under the Titans reign was no more as they had to worship and serve the Gods of Olympus. Making his way to Alecto's chamber, Kratos manages to retrieve the Oath Stone from Tisiphone's pet bird, Daimon. (Through Thruds POV): The Thor family (besides Thor), escapes Asgard, and is in search for a new home. But yet, he was still his father, and Atreus wouldn't ever leave his side, different or no, whether this father cared about him or no, because the boy cared for him, cared that he was hurting. Others, like Ares, Athena, and Persephone, are somewhat weaker than their parents, but are still considered very powerful. Also noteworthy is the fact that when a God dies, a catastrophic event occurs like an explosion or a devastating occurrence that is sometimes called a plague. Ignoring her, Kratos helped his Spartan comrades take over the city of Rhodes. Many of the gods seem to possess Roman noses, among them Zeus, Poseidon, Ares and Hephaestus. "His actions, drive and ideology, to have peace across all the Realms led to everyone respecting him, even the . During his exile in Midgard, Athena later resurfaced again and silently watched Kratos retrieve the Blades of Chaos, returning to his role as the God of War for the sake of his son Atreus. After a perilous journey, Kratos uses the Amulet of Uroborus to fully restore the statue and retrieve the Eyes from the Lantern. As he wrapped his hands around her throat, Tisiphone transformed into Lysandra, causing Kratos to briefly cease his assault before shrugging it off and continuing his onslaught. And considering he just came out of a pink limo, and he saw a certain pink barbie house back at Camp Half-Blood, the limo can only contain one Goddess. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It" Izuku said once more Kota was annoyed and started to try and find the deer, Izuku put the bow behind his back and started to follow Kota, just then a monster appeared in front of Kota, "MY BOW" he yelled. He then pursued the Fury through the prison. Luke Castellan - son of Hermes and May Callastan died with a smile on his face, even as the Olympians stormed the room to see Annabeth crying over Luke's dead body, Grover looking morose, the still unconscious traitor God of War and Percy standing triumphant above all. Kratos from the memories that haunted him. Then blink against the burning of his eyes, tears threatening to fall. Ares' jealousy towards Athena grew ever so strong, and he called upon the creatures of the Underworld to invade Athens. Gods from other pantheons do exist in God of War universe, notably of the. When called upon with the Titan Horn, he would have to allow warriors to climb upon him and journey through the temple. There will be smut though, eventually.). Supposedly, thanks to the annihilation of the Greek Pantheon caused by Kratos, the last prophecy depicted in the third mural of the Hall of the Fates will also be fulfilled in the years to come: with all the Greek gods and goddesses destroyed (along with the Titans and most of the Greek mythological creatures), and the power of Hope released to humanity, people of Greece can reborn in a world freed by the old deities and embrace the new monotheistic religion of Christ. I was raised in Midgard, by my MOTHER, Laufey.Maybe they would need a flowchart for this discussion. Although he was forgiven of his sins, the gods refused to free. As mentioned previously, the conclusion of the Great War also marked the birth of the Evils, ethereal manifestations of all of the world's vices and corruption. The white-hot ashes affixed to Kratos' made him known as the "Ghost of Sparta". I now have the urge to write Hogwarts students watching Buffy and the crew of the Enterprise sitting down to Dr Who Usually react fics have the characters react to their own series, characters reacting to other series is really rare, from what I've seen. holy land anime episode 1.r/godofhighschool: A subreddit dedicated to the God of High School . When he goes to sleep with a woman, he spots the ring on her finger and realizes that this is an illusion. A 10 year, Freya-centric story of their journey together and how two broken people could put themselves back together with each other's help. The Barbarians, steeling themselves to fight the Spartans. This is Runa's story, before the book 'Love is Blind'; a Prequel if you can call it. Orkos appears and frees Kratos, taking him elsewhere upon the statue, with Alecto vowing that he will never succeed. Born out of wedlock, Kratos was the bastard child of a shunned woman. The souls of the River Styx then attacked Hades, tearing a hole in his abdomen and leaving his corpse to rot underwater. "Ahh" he yelled the deer saw both Kota and Izuku and he ran away "found it" Kota said but running much faster "slow down boy" Izuku said while walking to KotaIzuku: "Why do I call Kota boy" Watcher: "you do call him by his real name but you call him boy for most of the time""Sorry" Kota said but he ran much slower. We've seen Robert and company reacting to videos on everything from the Crusades to Nobunaga to World War II. He is alone. Swept up in the machinations of an unknown deity, Kratos finds himself in a far away land with a new destiny unwelcomingly thrust upon him. In an attempt to gain their favor, Cronos gifted the Sisters with the Steeds of Time. Kratos is nearly taken in by this, for he got to see his wife and daughter again. Instead, he was captured. I can change it for you if you like. Atreus faces despair. Helios, Hermes, Hercules, and Hades engaged the Titans head on, while Poseidon waits with Zeus. Rhea carrying her infant son, Zeus, in her arms, awaiting Cronos' arrival. Between the choices of a redemption in the Nine Realms or leaving his sins behind to start anew, he picks the ladder. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We are not brothers were you come from?No?Thor made a sad noise. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. While able to sustain great levels of damage, some Gods have been shown to die by injuries fatal to mortals. #class1-a On the third and final day, Percy faced both Ares and Kronos, but not before dealing with the distractions known as Clarisse and her siblings. Atlas led the Titans into a furious battle, although some Titans, like Prometheus and Helios, would betray their fellow Titans and join the Olympians. Before his marriage to Hera, Zeus had been married to the Titan Metis. It was a normal day in Olympus, the gods had gathered for a meeting, discussing the current events and planining for the future and as always it had all turned into a shouting contest between Zeus, The God of Thunder and Poseidon, The God of the Sea. In Greek mythology, the gods, also called the Olympians (), were the principal gods of the Greek pantheon, residing atop Mount Olympus, a place forbidden for any mortal to travel unless given direct authorization to do so by the gods themselves. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. As he recalls their stories, he can't help but wonder who he's supposed to be. In Sparta, Zeus, together with a mortal woman named Callisto, became the father of two warriors, with the oldest onebeing Kratos andthe youngestone being Deimos. Who Loki will become. Kratos does not want to kill Heimdall, but he will not let the Aesir god hurt his son.Freya knows someone who can help them, even if this person's methods are questionable. Though Thanatos, the Furies and the Sisters of Fate are Gods, they are not affiliated with the Olympians. Over the next two weeks, Kratos is tortured by the Furies in the Prison of the Damned. This story centers around a servant in the Great Lodge named Elvi, who develops a relationship with the God. Disappointed in Orkos, Ares disowned his son, and Orkos became the oath keeper of the Furies to please his mother. This battle also caused evils to accumulate, which would later be stored in Pandora's Box to protect humanity from corruption. What if your world could be changed forever? Fully grown, these new gods came to be known as the Olympians, and started a war against the Titans, thus betraying Gaia, whose act of compassion would haunt the Titans for the rest of their lives. Ares was ridiculously easy to beat, being downed in 3.5 seconds, and yes the Titan of Time counted how long it would take Ares to fail. Poseidon had been angered by the chaos and destruction left behind by the Hydra. Kratos fighting Persephone to save the life of his daughter. Izuku stopped for a second and looked around the environment but just saw some birds flying away, he sighed and caught up to Kota, Kota saw the deer and readied his bow. In a moment of desperation, Kratos called upon Ares, pledging himself to the God of War in return for the death of his foes. Basically it's a ton of snippets about various characters from A Song of Ice and Fire/A Game of Thrones getting supernatural access to watch/read/play various stories, ranging from history videos to anime to old Biblical and Arthurian tales. It's not always just Jaune. God of War won Game of the Year 2018. They get wrapped up in the conflicts of another land, and face these problems, together.Slow building relationship between Freya & Kratos. The best ones highlight the sheer cultural gap between medievalish Westeros and our world's culture(s) and evoke key emotions/themes in the Westeros audience. Ragnarok has ended and Atreus has left to find the Giants. But don't worry he is still very much terrible. He soon finds the Scribe of Hecatonchires, who reveals that both Ares and the Furies planned to overthrow Zeus. The Greek Gods are the pantheon who ruled over Greece, including all animals, monsters and mortals. But the journey isn't easy, being flung back and forth between what is and what used to be by his own powers against his will, and learning more about his father and his past than he could've ever fathomed. She wanted to help that person even when she didnt understand where that cravings coming from. Many of the emotional and dramatic scenes prove to be quite evocative with the viewers, from the parents' horror at Shou Tucker experimenting on his own daughter to Joffrey getting teary at Hughes' funeral to Tywin praising Mustang's level of competence and determination. Could you live with the life you've found yourself in, knowing you could never change it, or would it break you entirely, knowing that the loved ones you've lost can never be regained? A 10 year, Freya-centric story of their journey together and how two broken people could put themselves back together with each other's help. Eventually, Kratos reached Hades palace in the Underworld, leading to a fierce battle between the two. He is attacked by all three Furies and manages to cut off Megaera's arm, but Alecto uses her power to capture Kratos. Later on there were 12 true Olympians, which included: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus and Hestia, who later gave up her throne for Dionysus. After nailing the Aesir god to a wall with Draupnir, he allowed Heimdall to wallow in defeat. When the time came that the last of his children, Zeus, was to be swallowed, Rhea could not bear another such loss. After killing off the major Gods of the Greek Pantheon and bringing about the destruction of Greece, Kratos dies and finds some measure of peace or so he thought. Most importantly, what if there was no going back? The death of Helios resulted in the Sun being enshrouded by darkness and a torrential rainfall upon the world. Using the Eyes, Kratos broke through the Furies' illusions and forced Alecto back into her human form. Protecting her father, she flung herself in front of Kratos and was stabbed instead. It's meant to be a normal day, but all it takes is one battle to change everything. The guys had their jaws dropped as soon as they looked at him many were jealous while others were shouting how manly he looks (guess who) Izuku: "wait is Kota my son or something"Watcher: "Yes"Kota was so happy and he called Izuku papa and that made him blush a little Kota grabbed his knife then grabbed a bow and arrow and went outside "what are we hunting" he said "You are hunting deer" Izuku said, "Which way" "you tell me" Izuku said while looking around the environment "South?" Could you live with the life you've found yourself in, knowing you could never change it, or would it break you entirely, knowing that the loved ones you've lost can never be regained? To protect yourself, and by proxy Kronos, you chose one of the least likely spots on the human body to be targeted during combat.". I've also find most reactions fic is pretty lazy and uninspiring because it's pretty much almost the same just with different materials and also the character OOC-ness pretty much put me off with most of them. In one of the murals, the Olympians and the Titans were seen engaging in battle, which could either represent the original Titanomachy or the events of the Second Great War. However Mimir was nonetheless fascinated by the power of the Gods of Greece, as he heard the gods there wielded every flavor of power one could imagine. They served as minor protagonists in the first game, helping Kratos with his quest to kill Ares; however, as the series progressed, they turned into one of the series' main antagonists. With her last breath, Alecto spitefully promises that her death would change nothing before Kratos kills her. Other characters related to them such as Rhea, Prometheus and Kratos himself also possess this specific trait. After a battle against the massive Titan, Cronos swallowed Kratos, who proceeded to break free using the Blade of Olympus, spilling his intestines in the process. Athena died with a single stab of the Blade of Olympus, even though her father Zeus survived multiple impalements by the weapon, albeit Zeus was stronger than her to begin with, and the divine weapon was one of the few that gave the user the power to kill a God. Using the Blade of the Gods, Kratos managed to kill Ares once and for all. He begged Kratos to give him an honorable death, as it would free them both from the god, to which Kratos refused, proclaiming that no more innocent blood should be spilled. With that matter settled, Zeus drew the Evils into Pandora's Box. (This is probably going to be a slow burn. Callisto, however, was forbidden by Zeus to tell either child who their father was. The Olympians faced betrayals not just from their own children, but from their fellow gods. And also it's Fanfiction so idk why people get copyrighted from their works cause it contains something they own when it's fanfic man, It's not like they are gonna earn money out of this or something. Alarmed by the realization that Kratos was searching for Pandora herself, he sent Kratos on a suicide mission to find the Omphalos Stone in the hopes that Cronos would kill him. Five years after Ragnarok, Freya and Kratos are not sure what they are gods of anymore. "At ease." Ares chuckled before smirking at his . Whether they are hallucinations or her spirit are unknown, though her appearance with the Egyptian God Thoth, hint that she perhaps may be real. Go with the Gods, Kratos, go forth in the name of Olympus. #reactions Athena tried to prevent Kratos from further destroying any more cities, warning him that the wrath of Olympus would soon present Kratos with the consequence of his actions. While this was a similar fate shared by her brother Poseidon, he was more vulnerable due to having fought both Kratos and Gaia. The god Hephastus, however, died after being impaled upon his only anvil, which had apparently no special characteristics mystical or otherwise (though it can be assumed that Zeus stripped Hephastus of most of godly abilities). Crackfic with a little bit of hurt and suffering peppered in. During the first day of the three days of the Battle of Manhattan, Percy faced both Phobos the God of Fear and his brother Deimos the God of Terror/Dread, easily defeating the two and sending them straight to Tartarus. Greeks of good age knew of poetry about the war between the Gods and Titans. Or was he saved?Heimdall must learn to accept what kind of person Odin really is if he is to recover.The problem is that Odin won't make it easy for him. It sounds so familiar though, as if she knows who its coming from, as if shes known them for a lifetime. In 2016 on planet Earth, the humans attempt to get rid of Godzilla (called Gojira here) with a new weapon called the De-Atomizer. But don't worry he is still very much terrible. Kratos does not want to kill Heimdall, but he will not let the Aesir god hurt his son.Freya knows someone who can help them, even if this person's methods are questionable. 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