The others find amusement in the silly antic, sometimes leaving cats sitting around your shared house, He feels bad that you cant really travel outside during the day, without getting slightly burnt. Until one thing you didn't get. In return, you tell him of your travels, of the people you met, but also how you too missed Fundy, By the time you two are caught up, its nearing night. ], tecnhos old friend come back home only for a deadly love to spread. Somewhere nice and soft that way neither of you get sore backs or muscles in the morning. Headcanons, drabbles, and oneshots about the DreamSMP! In a swift motion, he sliced open her shirt, revealing her skin, "You know, you were quite the trouble to capture. Or, would the damaged, deranged hearts of the mortals in this world lead to regret? The four of you have ended up in cuddle piles before, bodies stuck under blankets and heavy limbs. It is a great way to wind down after a long day. He enjoys seeing you wear what he makes, He doesnt care about sparring or training with you, it isnt his thing. If anyone does show up and bother you about your features, Techno will be by your side in seconds. or if you're too lazy to research those- reader but they're made out materials? I'm trying to stay neutral and follow along as new information comes out. Instead, he probably would sprawl out. Y/n is a Minecraft streamer on the Dream SMP and is rivals with Wilbur Soot. As a fox hybrid he adores giving gifts to close friends, so other gems seems appropriate to give, Hell try to read more about the gem you are, just so he can make sure youre taking care of yourself. I miss you guys <3 /p, you two met before he returned to lmanburg, he was just flying around and spotted you on the ground. do you guys ever write/read fanfic and then realize, o h this is what Im doing, huh? If you still want to leave, not wanting to be reminded of your past, then Sam will want to join you. As the chilly winter air nipped at their nose, Yn shivered and pulled his coat closer. He wont be the one to let go, craving the affection. I'm not planning on deleting this story or any other of my stories as of right now, but that could change if any hard evidence comes out. But, word spread fast that the place was gone. Just some Dream Smp one-shots, all are their character representations in the role play. He Y/N's belonged to his beloved Larping and DND club since the day he entered his freshman year of Hello guys, gals, non-binary, and genderfluid pals! Gentle touches to your horns, kissing and nibbling your ram ears. Adventure Anime/Manga Fanfiction Drista MCYT. But, it isnt nothing he cant treat later, He figured youd show more affection with your wings. Photo by Teresa Castracane. He will make sure you arent overworking yourself or getting hurt while working for him, If you begin to crack under the stress, he will give you entire weeks off. Y/n is a Minecraft streamer on the Dream SMP and is rivals with Wilbur Soot. You can send requests all u want an stuff an ask the specific Author u want to do it for you! For more Info about the requests and stuff check out the first chapter ^^. - Plug the V/I sensor. Most of these were requests sent. The telemetry report page may optionally be checked during and after calibration. You simply scold the smaller creatures, laughing when they sink back, He introduces you to Micheal after a while, enjoying the fact that you both get along. Tommy leaves pastel red smears. He likes to drag you closer, leaving almost no space to move. The sword in his hand nearly slips from his grasp, his palms oddly sweaty, Youre the one to approach him, speaking softly. happy ending^^. Yn had been travelling for three days without knowing where he was headed. I love you. Take the books based off of mcyt that make the main character a streamer/youtuber, then take the other stories that make minecraft the reality itself in the story. His jaw will lock, small hissing coming from his body. If you kiss his mask, since you cant kiss his cheeks without him taking it off, his heart will practically combust. Will change discription later. She coughed and snatched the cigar out of his mouth. Welp yes Essentially a built in self-defense mechanism, He is absolutely amazed, since he cant teleport even as an enderman hybrid. Just a cute story of how y/n and dream became the cutest couple. reblog appreciated! In this AU Reader is a newborn God starting out as Deaths (Phils) disciple, who starts to grow obsessed/overprotective with her to the point of her having to keep him away from her. He wants the best for you, especially since you havent left him, and will seek out remedies himself not trusting the others, He doesnt know how to react when seeing you again. _______ You cant help that your hybrid sides hate the animal. Story belongs to me. In which, cuddle almost become mandatory at that point, He wont really cuddle anywhere, but he will stick by your side. Token quackity x dream x reader. He isnt necessarily handsy, basically becoming very lazily and aloof with any affection, Philza will stretch out his wings, tucking them around you in the hold. If I had one choice for my life decisions, I would choose to end this suffering. He didnt think that he would enjoy cuddling so much but after meeting you, it has become his favorite form of affection. And, boy does he love it. Hes so lost in the warmth that he doesnt even notice. The sound your wings make when you choose to swoop down is addicting. He enjoys seeing you get bothered by them, thinking your anger is cute, If he gets too annoying though just tug on his horns, he will shut up quickly, Once the two of you get into a relationship, he will start making jokes about how he tamed the ender dragon, He really enjoys having you around, especially hugs where you wrap your wings around him, On bad days, he will initiate the contact, his body collapsing on yours, He will rub his horns into your chest, just wanting to feel closer to you, Schlatt loves hugging or cuddling with you, the heat you radiate being addicting, Ranboo will ask so many questions about you, your abilities, your life, anything, He doesnt meet many hybrids, especially ones that are closer to relation to him, He finds a fast connection with you, over similar feelings of The End, Once close enough friends, he will introduce you to Tubbo. He mopes around and ignores everyone until you return. If you decide to take back the bracelet, he will be relieved. yandere dream smp x reader lemon Noend Tatical Documentao para posse e porte de arma de fogo. probs weird skin color too bc of the inside of it. I |_0\/E Y!! Almost as if theyre scared to say your name any louder, like youll disappear at a moments notice. But he can build and fight, and that's all he needs. The voices are either very quiet and speak soft, kind words or theyre absolutely chaotic. I do have som Dreamsmp x male reader, pretty self-explanatory. #3 dreamminecraft. Summary: Jungkook is invited to spend the night at his friend's girlfriend's house.. Well thats a story for another time, Oh, what the fuck are you? He cant stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth, his hands slapping his forehead after realizing what he said, You are certainly a hybrid of some sort, but, Large wings stretch across your back and a tail swings behind you, Sapnap is quick to slap the back of his head, as Karl apologizes for his friends behavior, You dont seem too offend, throwing back an insult immediately then explain that youre part griffin, A strange creature with an eagles wings and a lions tail, He is intrigued, but will still make jokes about your looks, If you show obvious dislike for his teasing, he will stop right away, But he will die inside if you bite back similar jokes with attitude, His wings will automatically puff out, causing his friends to tease him endlessly, You two can become friends fairly quickly over the winged features, It may be awkward at first, but his stumbling over words eases up the situation, He doesnt dare to tease you about your tail, finding that it gives away how you feel, You may grumble at him, but he can see your tail wagging when he arrives or makes you laugh, Arguably, it is his favorite feature about you, Hes met his fair share of creatures while traveling, So he knew that you were a yokai when he first met you, but not exactly what type, You didnt talk to him much when you first interacted, instead just following the poor soul around, He didnt mind assuming youd eventually leave him alone, But you dont, spending more and more days with him, And one point, the two of you start talking simply to push away the silence, He watches while you cup your hands together and a mini explosion appears in your palms, Looking closer, he finally notices the purple specks in your eyes, He is more curious than amazed, taking notes of other details about you, Youre a great help on travels, not only company wise but also since monsters seem to avoid you, The few brave ones that approach get knocked back by Philza, He wont admit his fondness for you, especially since he knows youll get a good laugh about the situation, Technically, since youre a spirit you cant get hurt but you dont bother to tell him that, He spotted the fire spreading around the forest before he saw you, Once he did see you, he tried to rush you out of the area, Quickly learns that he cant when his arm phases through your body, You decide to follow him anyways, curious of the creature, You find out he is part fox, while he learns that youre a yokai, The fire was apparently your fault, a side effect of the object you took on: a campfire, He wants to laugh, he really does, but you seem so excited while explaining what you can do, It is a bit interesting to see different colored flames dance about your skin harmlessly, If he wants to hang out with you, itll have to be outside since you seem to struggle to control the flames, That or he will need to dump water on you, but youre never fond of that, He likes how you warm up the area around you, his muscles always relaxing when you show up, He will stretch out, flopping into the grass with you, Just very relaxing moments spent together, Even if you cant interact with humans, you can still touch objects, It is like you are constantly sliding everywhere, similar to wearing socks on hardwood floors, Schlatt would toss out an arm and trip you if he could, Although he finds it adorable, it can be a little too much at times, Your yokai is ice, a rather normal but fun material, Yet, with that your presence always chills the room, The temperature will drop by a couple degrees whenever you decide to appear, basically giving away your location, Schlatt would be the person to make jokes about what horrible things he has done to get stuck with you saying that more frequently when he realizes most other people cant see you, He doesnt actual mean it though, enjoying your companionship, He didnt realize at first that you are a yokai, He simply saw a person fall off a cliff and freaked out, Ranboo would run to your side trying to check if youre okay, When you get up nonchalantly, brushing off the dirt like you merely tripped, Youre quickly to explain that youre a yokai, specifically one that took on the qualities of obsidian, Now that he looks closer, he can see the dark purple details on your skin, almost like freckles, By taking on the properties of obsidian, you became quite resilient to damage, You boast loudly to the hybrid, asking if he wants to see you jump again, He is bound to have a heart attack because of you, At one point he is worried that he is imagining you, simply because he already hears voices and has memory problems, That worry escapes when he sees you tackle Technoblade in an attempt to steal his crown, He had to drag you away from the angry piglin, feeling faint from your wild actions, He normally doesnt care about other creatures, paying no mind to them, Until you show up searching through his chests, His sword is quick to slice through your body, but it hits no resistance, He lets out a loud heh in confusion, wondering if youre a ghost that Ghostbur brought back, You dont pay much attention to the hybrid, mumbling something about being a yokai, Hes obviously interested, and slightly peeved that you are ruffling in his chests, and asks more questions, Apparently, you took on the aspects of gilded blackstone for whatever reason, It explains his strange attraction to you, since the block has aspects of gold within it, If he inspects your skin, hell find freckles than shine like the ore, Techno tries to ignore you, but finds it difficult because of your features, Hell have to get Philza to drag you out, the mentor laughing at his predicament, Techno wont try to stop you from visiting, having a soft spot for you already, He doesnt care that youre a spirit or that others think of you as evil, All he knows is that you have the same qualities of a note block, You can easily mimic other sounds and sing little tunes to trick other people, He enjoys pranking people with you, joining in from time to time, Quackity tries to give you different items to see if you can hold a different pitched tune, If you dont give him attention, he will joke around about replacing you with a jukebox, He likes seeing how defensive you get, knowing deep down that he could never do that, It was a dead giveaway what hybrid you are, with the large bat-like wings on your back, The man is careful when approaching you, seeing how even others mobs were avoiding you, A small part of his mind thinks about killing you, simply because you are part ender dragon, He nears, a sword in hand, ready to attack, But, then he sees you wave to a monster with such kindness, something he has never seen. This work could have adult content. The two lay there for a while, not minding their surroundings. No amount of screaming or shaking will catch my attention. Word count: 1.5k. Sobs shake through his body and he pulls you to the floor with him. [Yandere! He can tell you want to say something to him, but struggle to strike a conversation, Hell take a step forward, pulling out the bracelet from his pockets. Changes Include: Correcting Grammar, Correcting Spelling, and Minor Changes of Plot Line. Begrudgingly, he becomes friends with you, He really doesnt see you in a bright light, just as another mouth to feed, until you stand up for him against some attackers, Despite bears not being territorial, youre practically chasing the intruders off his property without a second thought, He isnt a fan of affection at first, but its tolerable for you, He likes how you nuzzle into his neck and side. He finds the trick interesting but also hilarious. You both have wings and, well, thats about it. Prudie advises a letter writer whose 13-year-old daughter reads pornographic fan fiction. when Y/n wakes up in a dark cave with no memory of who they are or why there here, a future awaits. Instead, you greet them awkwardly, not wanting to mention how much you missed them. He doesnt think much of you falling behind until one of your hands grasps for his wings. At first, he tries to drag you into the mess. Cool, here is some tnt. But, if you offer to fly around with him, he wont reject the suggestion. Needless to say, Ranboo did not let you visit for a few weeks, He likes to see you fly around, thinking youre really graceful. Feel free to request in the comments, and add to your library for updates :] [Rules are in my journal!]. Big spoon or little spoon, neither cross his mind. And now he's after you, but not for blood. Spotting no one, you make your way down into the crater. Also this did not turn out how I wanted so uh yikes, part shulker hybrid reader x the hybrid bois maybe? Feel free to request in the comments, and add to your library for updates :] [Rules are in my journal! Warning (s): heavy cursing, suggestive language, mention of alcohol consumption, inaccurate representation of legal proceedings. Will was 20, fundy was 4 and y/n was 1. Fundy shakes his head adamantly, "I don't want to be pretty! like, for example, jade, euclase, red diamond, spinel, Amethyst, emerald, etc etc and they also act like an actual gem? Hell toss his beanie aside and practically jump into bed. He will want to be the big spoon, not allowing any disagreements to follow with that. He doesnt like seeing his friends being hurt, Sam is totally a mom friend. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Seconds, minutes, hours, wasted in the place we call our mind, our head, daydreaming of another life we could have, a person we can be with, a story we resonate with that to us just make sense. He will offer a shaky smile and one last hug before you depart. I won't include much in the DSMP universe because honestly, I don't know much about it, I'm more a dear god Even if it's stupid to look back, because you actually cared too much. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He doesnt care if its in a bed, on the couch or even in the middle of the living room floor. He wants to cry, to yell, to run away. Hes scared about getting overheated and then accidentally burning you. I will NOT be doing:Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Technoblade, Eret, or Fundy lemon. I LOVE YOU!! He loves how warm you are, clinging to you most of the time. "Wilbur?" all that jazz. They are softer than one would have imagined, He enjoys cuddling with you, wrapping his wings around yours. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. One moment at peace, the next covered in violence. When you two first get into a relationship he doesn't think much of affection. That the others were treating you this way, that you felt the need to escape, Ranboo wants you to join him, Tubbo and Micheal in Snowchester. He babysits his cousins daughter for money and he has a (not birth) daughter and best friend that do videos with him. Its like the feeling of the sun on his fur on a nice summer day. He will want you to work there, maybe mentioning that your ability can bring in customers, Although you dont enjoy the idea of being used as a showpiece, youll tag along with him. . -This story features my oc because he has A relatively new streamer, known for his calm and relaxing nature, is taking the spotlight. He almost cries, mumbling into your shoulder about how much hes missed you, In the moment, he might pull you into a short kiss, but one that expresses everything words cannot say. (! x ) like, if they're under too much stress, they would crack and they could easily break but they can also be very sharp if one of their limbs are like, cut to look sharp or sumn like that? DreamSMP X Male!Reader 510 pages Completed February 14, 2022 the limelight discs MCYT DSMP Wilbur Soot | Reader Technoblade Dream Sapnap Fundy | Fanfiction Romance Mcyt X Reader Mcyt X Male Reader Dsmp X Reader Dsmp X Male Reader Dreamsmp X Reader . Chapter Text. Headcanons, drabbles, and oneshots about the DreamSMP! It could be the smallest of cracks in your skin and he will still be over protective, Perhaps, he will set up a beacon outside your house mainly for resistance and regeneration. Porte de arma de fogo and add to your library for updates: Information comes out not turn out how I wanted so uh yikes, dsmp x male reader lemon shulker reader... Leave, not wanting to be reminded of your past, then Sam will want to be one. 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