Artist's conception of town chief at the Calusa town of Tampa (present day Pineland) (Art by Merald Clark.) The Calusa Indians. The Calusa believed that the three souls were the pupil of a person's eye, his shadow, and his reflection. Approximate Calusa core area (red) and political domain (blue). He had a council which may have included one or more head priests and one or two high-ranking individuals involved in political and religious decision-making. The women were responsible for work around the house, like cooking and raising the children. Image by Pat Payne for American Archaeology. The Calusa gathered a variety of wild berries, fruits, nuts, roots and other plant parts. They began preliminary investigations of the fort, which was located on Mound 2 and housed one of the first Jesuit missions established in the U.S. Eventually, in the 18th century, slave raids by English from the north, aided by Creek Indians, destroyed what was left of the already declining Calusa population. Fontaneda lived with various tribes in southern Florida for the next seventeen years before being found by the Menendez de Avils expedition. Circumstantial evidence, primarily from Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda, suggests that all of the peoples of southern Florida and the Tampa Bay area, including the Tequesta, Mayaimi, and Tocobaga, as well as the Calusa, spoke dialects of a common language. "The Calusa: A Stratified, Nonagricultural Society (With Notes on Sibling Marriage)." By interceding with these spirits, it was believed that the chief was ensuring that his people would be well-supplied by the land. Before the arrival of Europeans in the Americas, Indigenous peoples who lived in the same region developed similar cultural traits based on their shared natural environment. The Calusa were a fascinating Native American people who populated the southwestern coast of Florida. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, What is a Wendigo? The plaques and other objects were often painted. ln 2017, funded by the National Science Foundation, the research team began a systematic investigation of these structures, the largest of which is about 36,000 square feet, with a surrounding berm of shell and sediment that stood about three feet high. ( Public Domain ). Widmer cites George Murdock's estimate that only some 20 percent of the Calusa diet consisted of wild plants that they gathered. The Calusa lived from at least A.D. 1000 up to the middle of the 18th century in what are now southwest Floridas Lee, Charlotte, and Collier counties. Many Calusa are said to have been captured and sold as slaves. Soon 20 war canoes attacked the Spanish, who drove off the Calusa, killing or capturing several of them. Chumash Tribe Facts: The Chumash Name Calusa beliefs included a trinity of governing spirits. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2004. Although he did not know much about the history of the Calusa Indians, what he did know was the legend in Tampa that the Calusa Indians cast a spell to keep them safe. The chief also married women from subject towns and allied tribes. Calusa means "fierce people," and they were described as a fierce, war-like people. The archaeologists recovered seeds, wood, palm-fiber cordage that likely came from Calusa fishing nets and even fish scales from the waterlogged levels. Miccosukee. Radiocarbon dating of organic materials associated with the watercourts indicates they were built between A.D. 1300 and 1400, toward the end of a second phase of construction on the kings house. This tribe of Indians controlled most of Southwest Florida and created an elaborate network of canals, homes, and government. Later periods in the Caloosahatchee culture are defined in the archaeological record by the appearance of pottery from other traditions. Expedition Magazine. Tamara Jager Stewart is the assistant editor of American Archaelogy and the Conservancys Southwest region projects director. The chief's house, and possibly the other houses at Calos, were built on top of earthen mounds. Cushings excavations brought to light at least 23 wooden masks and figureheads. Engineering the courts required an intimate understanding of daily and seasonal tides, hydrology and the biology of various fish species, said Thompson. The drove back multiple conquistadors and had control of nearby tribes. What was the calusa Indians religion? He was aware, however, of the magnitude of his findings: the remains of a highly organized maritime society whose members performed elaborate rituals and whose artists possessed remarkable abilities in wood carving. Spanish admiral Pedro Menndez de Avils (1519-1574) by Francisco de Paula Mart (1762-1827) ( Public Domain ). The Calusa (said to mean fierce people ) are a Native American tribe that once inhabited the southwestern coast of Florida. Archaeologists have long pondered how the Calusa could have grown to a population of some 20,000 and dominated such a vast region without relying on agriculture. . In several cases where the waterlogged objects dried and disintegrated into unrecognizable forms, the paintings and photographs provide the only surviving record (see Fig. Five friars who stayed in the chief's house in 1697 complained that the roof let in the rain, sun and dew. Honestly, we have explored a very small sample of Mound Key and other nearby island sites., ln the next couple of years, Thompson added, Id like to return to Mound Key to look more closely at the fort and its structures to really delve into Calusa-Spanish interactions.. Furthermore, new diseases such as smallpox and measles were introduced into the area by European explorers. Additionally, they had (as their name suggests) a fierce, war-like reputation. The Caloosahatchee Region". The Calusa made bone and shell gauges that they used in net weaving. For hundreds of years, the Calusa built a society that had its own government, a religion, and adaptation to the environment that is quite impressive. Penn Museum 2023 Report Web Accessibility Issues and Get Help / Contact / Copyright / Disclaimer / Privacy /, Report Web Accessibility Issues and Get Help. Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? Copy. Unlike other Indian tribes, the Calusa did not make many. Marquardt notes that the Calusa turned down the offer of agricultural tools from the Spanish, saying that they had no need for them. Office: Old St. Luke's Hospital. These small fish were supplemented by larger bony fish, sharks and rays, mollusks, crustaceans, ducks, sea turtles and land turtles, and land animals. They also claimed authority over the tribes of the east coast, north to about Cape Canaveral. [2], Paleo-Indians entered what is now Florida at least 12,000 years ago. They were occupying this land and engaging in commerce, culture, religion, politics and family life . Those excavations revealed rarely preserved objects of wood, such as masks, figureheads, bowls, and tools, which survived because of the wet environment. Julian Granberry has suggested that the Calusa language was related to the Tunica language of the lower Mississippi River Valley. The Spanish left less description on what the Calusa women wore. Historic documents say the Calusa then set fire to Mound Key and fled the island, which also prompted the Spanish to leave. Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda, a Spaniard held captive by the Calusa in the 16th century, recorded that Calusa meant "fierce people" in their language. Calusa Religion Birdseye View of Calusa The sun deity appears to have been a universal creator. One is left only to imagine how lifelike these wooden figureheads must have appeared when used on ceremonial occasions. The Calusa king initially allied himself with Menendez, hoping to gain an advantage over his rivals elsewhere in the Florida peninsula.. [16], Ceremonial or otherwise artistic masks have been discovered and were previously described by the Spanish who first encountered the Calusa. The Calusa Tribe had a large population and were well-organized. Philadelphia, PA 19104 No Zamia pollen has been found at any site associated with the Calusas, nor does Zamia grow in the wetlands that made up most of the Calusa environment. The Calusa used the canals to travel by canoe from their villages and ceremonial centers to coastal trading posts. The chief's house was described as having two big windows, suggesting that it had walls. During the Calusa's reign the Florida coastline extended roughly 60 miles further into the Gulf of Mexico. It is why we were ashamed of Bernie Madoff. By around 5000 BC, people started living in villages near wetlands. Each human had three souls, present in his shadow, his reflection in water and in the pupil of his eye. These deposits were carefully water-screened using a series of nested screens in order to capture even the finest organic materials. After death only the last one remained with the body to be buried with it. At Mound Key, the Spaniards used primitive tabby as a mortar to stabilize the posts in the walls of their wooden structures. The Tequesta Indians were a tribe of eastern Florida, closely connected with the Ais. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Calusa Protective Spell-Tampa This piece of folklore came from my co-worker, who grew up in Tampa, Florida. Would you like to help support our organization's work with endangered American Indian languages? they did speacial dances. The Spanish departed and returned to Puerto Rico. Native American tribes Despite having no real agriculture, they developed a dense, sedentary, complex society, with all the good & bad that entails. The canals were maintained until the mid-1700s, when the tribe disappeared from . Fort San Anton de Carlos is the first example of the use of tabby in North America. Calusa society developed from that of archaic peoples of the Everglades region. New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. The Spanish reported that the chief was expected to take his sister as one of his wives. The architectural remains of the kings house were relatively easy to find, but difficult to interpret at first, Marquardt said. The archaeologists were surprised to discover the Spanish used a primitive shell concrete known as tabby to stabilize the wall posts of their wooden structures. Calusa beliefs included a trinity of governing spirits. Judging from the email I get, there are a lot of people out there trying to learn about traditional Native American religion and spirituality these days. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? The Calusa wove nets from palm-fiber cord. 9). In. They arrived in seven vessels and climbed to the peak of Mound Key, a 30-foot-high, human-made island of shells and sand, to greet the king. Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods. Read More. Although the Calusa came to an end, some remains of their achievements can still be seen today. [3] Some Archaic artifacts have been found in the region later occupied by the Calusa, including one site classified as early Archaic, and dated prior to 5000 BC. A team has uncovered the foundations of a large dwelling and this is As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. Because the Timucua didn't use money, though, a shaman would be given such items as baskets or turkeys. The people who constructed Fort San Antn de Carlos had to adapt to Mound Keys unique conditions, researchers said. Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior, Ruler and Raider, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, What is Shambhala? The watercolors illustrate the blue, black, gray, and brownish-red pigments found on many of the wooden specimens. Rituals were believed to link the Calusa to their spirit world (Art by Merald Clark.) Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. At the time of European contact in the 16th and 17th centuries, the historic Calusa were the people of the Caloosahatchee culture. [10][11][12], Mollusk shells and wood were used to make hammering and pounding tools. The Calusa people were an important tribe of Florida. After suffering decimation by disease, the tribe was destroyed by Creek and Yamasee raiders early in the 18th century. The Calusa painted their bodies on a regular basis, but there was no report of tattooing among them. (2004). The priests wore carved masks, which were at other times hung on the walls inside a temple. Native Americans of the California Coast: The Chumash By Damian Bacich The Chumash are a widespread group of California native people who lived along the southern California coast and the Santa Barbara Channel Islands. While the Calusa managed to survive that encounter, the 250 years that followed brought intermittent contact with other conquistadors, Christians missionaries, and in later years, English and French explorer-traders who vied for the territory, often with the help of native allies. Calusa v. Iroquois: Religious Beliefs. Additionally, it has been pointed out that tribute was sent to this chief from other tribes in south Florida. Mound Key Archaeological State Park is a shell midden mound in the Estero Bay that is estimated to have been inhabited over 2,000 years ago. The first Spanish explorers found that these Indians were not very friendly. Be notified when an answer is posted. The archaeology of the Calusa is important worldwide in that it illustrates the development of very pronounced hierarchy, inequality, monumentality and large-scale infrastructure by hunter-gatherer-fisher societies, said Chris Rodning of Tulane University, who was not involved with this research. There was little change in the pottery tradition after this. They built massive mounds of shells and sand, dug large canals, engineered sophisticated fish corrals, held elaborate ceremonies, created remarkable works of art, such as intricately carved wooden masks and traversed the waters in canoes made from hollowed-out logs. Historically located in northwest Florida, the Apalachee were allied with the Spanish, but maintained their autonomy through political and social traditions. This use of marriages to secure alliances was demonstrated when Carlos offered his sister Antonia in marriage to the Spanish explorer Pedro Menndez de Avils in 1566. [28] Cuban fishing camps (ranchos) operated along the southwest Florida coast from the 18th century into the middle of the 19th century. Their territory was bounded in northwest Florida by the Aucilla and Ochlockonee rivers, and . Menndez married Carlos' sister, who took the baptismal name Doa Antonia at conversion. The Calusa people's diet consisted mainly of fish and shellfish from the Gulf of Mexico and its many waterways. The Tequesta (tuh-KES-tuh) were a small, peaceful, Native American tribe. Typical Women's Work. Florida Museum artifact photos by Jeff Gage. This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 15:27. The Horsemen of Oyo were legendary warriors who served the Oyo Empire of West Africa. [5] A few leaders governed the tribe. It is clear the Calusa possessed an extraordinary understanding of and sensitivity to their natural environment. Little is known about Calusa religion. A variety of carving tools were also recovered. The Calusa were a Native American tribe that lived hundreds of years ago on the island that is now Mound Key Archaeological State Park. The shell mounds are an example of these remains. On that trip, Juan and his mates are said to have been attacked by the Calusa Indians, a large and fearsome group of natives who made their living from the sea. They fished and hunted for their food and would catch things like: mullet, catfish, eels, turtles, deer, conchs, clams, oysters, and crabs. The Calusa were one of the few tribes known to be shell collectors. Man in Peru Caught Out Drinking With an 800-year-old Mummy! Schell, Rolfe F. 1,000 years on Mound Key; the story of the Caloosa Indians on . Native American tattoos The site of the excavation appears to be linked with Calusa ceremonialism and was one location at which wooden carvings, probably used in ritual, were housed. Their territory ranged from Tampa Bay south to the Ten Thousand Islands and as far east as Lake Okeechobee. Montauk This class was supported by commoners, who provided them with food and other material goods. They were descendants of Paleo-Indians who inhabited Southwest Florida approximately 12,000 years ago. [7], The Calusa diet at settlements along the coast and estuaries consisted primarily of fish, in particular pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), pigfish (redmouth grunt), (Orthopristis chrysoptera) and hardhead catfish (Ariopsis felis). One of the most notable traditions of the Calusa was their use of shell mounds. 10 They believed that humans had three souls, and that souls migrated to animals after death. "Calusa". And, although some of Cushings ideas about the Indians he had discovered and their relationship to tribes in the Caribbean and South America have not remained popular among scholars, his descriptive notes and insights are of unquestionable value. Researchers have previously hypothesized the watercourts were designed to hold fish, but this was the first attempt to study the structures systematically, including when they were built and how that timing correlates with other Calusa construction projects, Marquardt said. The chief had many wives: one principal wife and others given to him by surrounding villages. Rogel also stated that the chief's name was Caalus, and that the Spanish had changed it to Carlos. In 1513 Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon sailed northwest from the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) with a three-year royal contract to discover rich lands thought to lie in that direction. Carlos was succeeded by his cousin (and brother-in-law) Felipe, who was in turn succeeded by another cousin of Carlos, Pedro. The Calusa were descended from people who had lived in the area for at least 1,000 years prior to European contact, and possibly for much longer than that. The Calusa used wooden dugout canoes to aid them in fishing and for transport. One illustration of the sophistication of the Calusa can be found in eyewitness accounts of an event in 1566. Granberry has provided an inventory of phonemes to the sounds of the Calusa language.[22][21]. [8], The Calusa caught most of their fish with nets. The first Spanish explorers found that these Indians were not very friendly. The heir of the chief wore gold in an ornament on his forehead and beads on his legs. Franciscan friar Fray Lopez, director of the unsuccessful 1697 mission attempt, described the Calusa temples as very tall and wide, with a mound in the middle and a structure on the mound enclosed with reed mats and containing benches around the walls. [15], The Calusa wore little clothing. Indeed, given the results of recent research, they are now considered one of the most politically complex groups of non-agriculturalists in the ancient world. Such hierarchy and inequality are generally characteristics of societies that practice agriculture, he observed. They were a very innovative and prosperous tribe, and had a number of traditions that set them apart from other tribes in the area. It's also rich with the history and culture of the Calusa Indians, the Native Americans who preceded us, even if their footprints are a bit blurry. The first people to live on the island were the Calusa Native Americans, who were known as a fierce people. -written by Glenn Emery. At the time of the excavations Cushing did not know the name or precise age of the Indians whose world he had discovered. After each meal, these shells were put to good use as building material and tools. The Calusa Indians did not farm like the other Indian tribes in Florida. Penn Museum, 1991 Web. According to the documents, the brushwood and lumber fort encompassed some 36 structures. Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? The Shell People. Cultivated gourds were used as net floats, and sinkers and net weights were made from mollusk shells. Large earthen mounds and ridges, accessed by canals, are believed to have been associated with Calusa ritual. Field school students brush sand from a tabby wall that might be the outer wall of Fort San Antn de Carlos. They believed in three superior beings, one controlled the weather, the others ruled the welfare of the tribe and warfare. Figuring out how to shore up the walls of wooden buildings using a very early kind of tabby architecture is impressive and represents creative thinking and ingenuity in an unfamiliar and challenging setting, said Marquardt. Salvaged goods and survivors from wrecked Spanish ships reached the Calusa during the 1540s and 1550s. It is likely there are descendants of the Calusa living among the Native American people of Florida and in Cuba today., In terms of Mound Key, much more can be learned about the Spanish fort and mission, the relations between the Calusa and the Spaniards and the earlier, pre-contact occupations of the island, Marquardt said. 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