Clown Loach (clown loaches are not Botia BUT can be aggressive and can grow to a large size) Instead of going for expensive oxygen boosters, supplement their tank with live plants. Planted tanks are ideal for them as they dont like bright lights. So, do these aggressive fish need a companion in a captive situation? To minimize aggression, get peaceful bottom-dwellers tank mates for your Betta fish. Red Cherry shrimp are one of these types, and Ghost shrimp are another type that survives fairly well in a bettas aquarium. Make sure to follow these parameters when Ideally, only get one mystery snail to keep company with your Betta fish. Below, well talk about the 50 best tank mates for Betta fish, both female, and male. Mainly caused by internal parasites, here are some symptoms you should watch out for. You should put only one Plecto in your 10-gallon Bettas tank. So theyre perfect tank mates for your Betta fish, and they wont bother them. It is either that betta fish are fast swimmers or that these frogs are on the slow side of the kiddie pool, but either way, the betta will be more likely to finish its food before the frog even finds its own. If your Pygmy cory cats swim at the top of your fish tank, its a sign that the tanks water quality is bad and that you should perform a water change. Although your betta is primarily carnivorous, he will find most adult shrimp too big to view as a food source, so these interesting crustaceans should be safe. Being a bottom dweller with soft barbels, Botia Striata is used to seep through the substrate to look for food morsels. Bettas are carnivores. His site was created to share his knowledge and unique teaching style on a larger scale. African Dwarf frogs can make fine friends with betta fish. Snowball plecos are beautiful fish to keep around your Betta fish. These fish will take after their other common name and act as Siamese fighting fish. Once youre done with separating the male and the female Zebra Loaches, start pre-conditioning them to breed. Make sure you dont compromise on their basic requirements though. Theyre good for planted tanks that are at least 25 gallons. Zebra Loaches are used to different types of environments in the wild, but you should know what they need to thrive. Thank you for sticking around until the end. This amazing freshwater fish enjoys well-oxygenated water. In this part of our guide, we take a look at a range of different creatures that can make suitable tank mates for betta fish. From personal experience, this can lead to the female being harassed by the male. So, a 10-gallon betta aquarium could do fine with three or four Corys. WebGolden zebra loach, Burmese loach Betta sp. And yes, betta fish have teeth! These guys are highly entertaining fish, but not in the same tank as a betta fish. Make sure you give these candy stripe loaches plenty of hiding spaces. Theyre only three and a half inches long and are good companions for your Betta fish. WebZebra danio, also known as Danio rerio, are a species of small tropical fish native to South and Southeast Asia. Betta fish and gouramis dont get along well in the same tank. Protein-rich diet and raised water temperatures might help with this. Their heads and mouths are inclined downward with maxillary and rostral barbels visibly overhanging. Food Betta fish are omnivorous and in the wild, they eat insects, larvae and algae. The following species missed the blue ribbon list above by a small margin. So, the best thing you can do is provide them with plenty of hiding spots. WebUlcer on Zebra Loach. Theyre good companions for your Betta fish, and theyre also easy to care for. Cichlids like living in waters that have a high pH balance, whereas betta fish need to live in a low pH environment. These live-bearers are similar to platies in that they enjoy, or need, water that is relatively hard and keeps a high pH level. Mark is the founder of Aquarium Store Depot. Male bettas especially are very territorial and aggressive, which is why you'll find them isolated in tiny plastic containers when you purchase them at the pet store. This ailment is pretty common among the Zebra Loach. The first problem is that goldfish are coldwater fish preferring water in the 60F range. [i] Zebra loaches have no special requirements on water conditions, they do however prefer a certain aquarium setup to be at their best. Bettas also have the choice in the wild to pick and choose what is allowed inside their patch. Theres not too much information to offer on this subject. The ideal temperature for Betta fish is 77-86 degrees Fahrenheit. The low-key maintenance and friendly composition of a Zebra Loach help it stand out pretty well among other fish. They are schooling fish, meaning that they should be kept in groups of at least five individuals in order to remain healthy and happy. A betta sorority is a group of at least five female betta fish in a tank. This pleco, which is only 2.5 cm in size at the fishmonger, can grow to seven centimeters within one year. These guys suffer from a pretty aggressive mindset. That can mean that a certain species of tank mate may get along fine with one betta and then terribly with another. Here is the quick list: 1. Theyre easy to care for and perfect for beginner fishkeepers. Tank of the Month, They can grow up to four inches, but theyre usually below that size. Just like its name indicates, its shell looks like a zebra. Botia Striata is a hardy fish with good defensive skills. They are both aggressive creatures that will almost certainly fight if kept together. Otherwise, theyll be too big. Best Female Betta Tank Mates For 25 Gallons Or More, Best Schooling Betta Tank Mates For 25 Gallons Or More, Best Male Betta Tank Mates For 5-Gallon Tanks, Best Male Betta Tank Mates For 10-Gallon Tanks, Best Male Betta Tank Mates For Larger Tanks (20 Gallons Or More). JavaScript is disabled. Nobody wants a betta tank full of drama! Bushy nose plecos, aka Bristlenose Plecostomus, are beautiful and peaceful fish that make for great companions for your Betta fish in a large fish tank. WebYour betta and pleco will be happiest together in a large aquarium. Otos, however, are sometimes quite difficult to acclimate to the aquarium. The hardness of the water should be between 5 to 20 dH. They also dont take much space as they only grow up to three inches long. The easy workaround is to medicate your betta in a separate hospital tank while leaving your snails in the main aquarium. Dont do it! Some zebra snails have unique shapes and swirls, which tells you how one-of-a-kind they are! Zebra loaches are easy to care for, attractive fish that make a great choice for a beginners community tank. That said, these lively fish are intolerant of fluctuations in water conditions, so they need to be introduced to an established, well-maintained aquarium if they are to reach their long lifespan. Changes to the aquarium environment, such as overall water condition or temperature, might cause problems for Otocinclus catfish. However, once they get comfortable, theyre fun to watch and make good companions for your Betta in a 30-gallon tank or more. For a peaceful fish like Zebra Loach Botia, any similar-sized fish with a friendly attitude will do just fine as a tank mate. Apple snails are one; nerite snails are another. Like brett said. Plus, your Betta fish could eat the potential offspring. Because of this, fighting due to territorial disputes rarely happens. An Overview of the Fish Species Origin and Habitat Take a guess where the hillstream loach originates. These tiger loaches lay their eggs on leaf litter. Therefore in a home aquarium, the small size of Botia Striata helps you keep them in groups. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Due to the frail barbels of a Zebra Loach, anything that falls in the category of rough-edged objects should be off the list. Siamese fighting fish / Betta Paracheirodon sp. A much better size at 3-5 inches than the flashier, large clowns in almost all medium/biggish sized tanks. It has to be smooth. We only recommend Blue tetras for one single Betta tank. Ember tetras, aka fire tetras, are also another tank mate option for large Betta tanks. Your email address will not be published. Keep in mind that many loach species are nocturnal, so you wont see much of them unless you have moonlight mood lighting in your bettas aquarium. Nerite snails work well as a housekeeping service for betta fish because they are scavengers. Whatever you feed them should go straight to the base of the tank for the fish to eat up easily. They look even plumper during breeding practices. Cichlids are awesome fish to keep, just not in the same aquarium as a betta fish! Be careful, though, as they can also feed on the other plants in your aquarium. When introducing a new tank mate to your bettas aquarium, keep a close watch on how the two creatures interact, and be ready to remove the newcomer if trouble looks likely. Zebra loaches will eat smaller snails, and may even take on larger snails if theyre feeling particularly frisky. The final call on whether or not tank mates are a good decision in your given situation remains only your own. However, these fish carry transmissible diseases you dont want in your betta tank. We recommend you dont add more than two and three with one Betta in a small tank. Because of this, your concern over elevating water parameters caused by the breakdown of excess waste is minimal. Zebra Loach is one of the most irresistible aquarium fish you will ever come across. The zebra loach is a friendly, As you can probably guess from the name, these snails have a shell that looks like the curled horn on a ram. WebThe Zebra Loach, or Botia striataby its Latin name, is a lovely little freshwater fish that hails from the slow moving streams and rivers of west India. You just need to be careful with the substrate you put in your fish tank. The main issue with guppies is that males are brightly colored, which can attract the attention of a feisty betta fish. Starting from sinking Catfish pellets, you can design their menu with vegetables like cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, and zucchini. Misc Fish Species: White Cloud Minnows Otocinclus Glass Catfish Cherry Barbs African Dwarf Frog Marimo Moss Balls 2. These gold and black scavenger fish are peaceful. Its not so much that the two species become friends; they just ignore each other. How many hillstream loaches you should keep in your tank depends on the size and setup of your aquarium. You should also always avoid freshwater species that threaten their harmony. r/bettafish Hi! Like mollies, platies like their water on the harder side with a high pH level. Albino cory cats are a species of Cory fish ideal for keeping in Betta tanks that are at least 30 gallons. They also clean any detritus at the bottom of your fish tank. Otherwise, your Betta fish could eat them. As you can imagine, the more tank mates you add, the larger your aquarium will need to be. Some of the snail-loving fish above prefer to eat baby snails as these are easier to digest. Woah, went through a lot of info today . So, an angry betta fish cant do too much damage to an accidentally intruding pleco. Resisting frequent glances at the mazy, unusually beautiful, and sharply sticking out stripes and body coloration of Zebra Loaches is almost like an enterprise. These quick and active little fish dont grow very large, maxing out at about 5 inches in length. Shrimp Species: Ghost Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Cherry Shrimp 4. Along with the unique and cool appearance, Kuhli Loach can be a good friend of your adorable pet Betta fish. Moreover, this peaceful eel-shaped fish is also a great tank cleaner. The size of this fish is 3 (7.62 cm) which is a little bit similar to a medium-sized Betta fish that is 2.5 (6.35 cm). Male guppies also have long tails that flutter and float as the fish swims along, which could lead to mistaken identity and fighting. They establish social hierarchies where they live or travel to. The empty bucket will hold the dirt, debris, and worms you siphon from the fish tank. In this case, bigger is better. Consider these species decent tank buddies for your betta but slightly less co-habitable than the ones listed above. It is possible to keep a Betta with a community of The major difference, and why they didnt make the top list, is that Neon tetras are very brightly colored and renowned as fin nippers. He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. For planted tanks, planted tank substrate works great and wont bother your Zebra Loachs barbels. Its actually easier than most people think, as long as you meet the right tank conditions and reproduce their natural environment, as for any fish species. However, most fishkeepers tend to not want to own these fish because they think theyre hard to care for and that its impossible to find compatible Betta tank mates for them. You need bottom-dwelling tank mates for your male Betta fish for larger Betta tanks. They are tropical aquarium fish species that live in water temperatures ranging from 73 F to 79 F. Just so you know, Albino Cory Catfish should be kept in bigger tanks, at least 30-gallon ones. Contests including the Tank of the Month, The biggest difference between these two fish is that hillstream loaches originate from Southeast Asia, while plecos are found throughout South America. That is not something you want your betta to experience! You are using an out of date browser. You can keep up to five Albino cory cats in a Betta fish tank. Over time, your betta fish will lose its (apparently flavorful) slime coating to these fish. Bristlenose Plecos. It should be fine if you add seven to 10 Blue tetras. In general, with Betta fish, they wont bother your other fish as long as theyre plenty of space and if you add large groups of the same fish species. I've been keeping fish for over 30 years and currently have 4 different aquariums it's an addiction. These fish just require smooth, fine, or sandy gravel not to injure their whiskers. I would recommend not to breed them in a home aquarium unless you are sure that you wont stress out the fish. Golden Zebra Loaches often snack on small shrimp and snails. Unless you are truly sadistic, dont think about choosing any of the following as tank mates for your betta fishy. You can lace it up with plant matter that grows on the substrate. UPDATE: i added 2 pakistani loaches a few weeks ago and 3 polkadot loaches yesterday..they all seem to be getting along fine with the bettawill be adding the zebra loaches in a few weeks time.. Good Good iJay. However, although you cant safely keep two male bettas in the same tank, creating a peaceful community that your betta can share with a few suitable buddies is possible. These are both very good things to look for. It really just depends on your bettas individual temperament. Most aquarium fish originate from tropical regions and prefer to swim in temperatures around 24 to 27C (75 and 80F). If you are considering getting a snail for your betta tank, keep in mind that all snails are highly sensitive to copper. Platies are also notorious nippers of fins. With the knowledge drops Ill offer today, you will be ready to embark on keeping these unique fish in your aquarium. They do a decent job for their size in keeping down the algae growth. The more you try to look away, the more you feel pulled in. However, make sure you keep a lid or hood on top of your Betta tank, as these snails like to hang at the top of the tank and sometimes climb out of it. You must log in or register to reply here. They have white spots on a black or brown body. Even today, apart from professional breeders, no one knows how long it takes them to start laying their eggs on their preferred surface. However, it will have to live at the top of this section instead. Ghost shrimp, aka glass shrimp, can grow to two inches, and as their name indicates, you can see through them! The Zebra Loach is an excellent freshwater fish that is only really suitable for aquarists with experience as they have no scales and require pristine water conditions. If you just want to add invertebrates, like snails, a 5-gallon fish tank should be enough. There are so many options out there, as you can see below! A convenient feature of the White Cloud Mountain minnow is that they share similar tastes for the temperature of the aquarium as a betta fish does. This is primarily linked to their need for solid oxygenation to ward off different ailments. Skip to content. These are the same requirements for Betta fish anyway, so its perfect. The dojo loach or weather loach will spend most of its day swimming along the substrate and eating leftover food. Otocinclus fish, aka Otos, are a small type of schooling catfish. Tetra Piaractus brachypomus: Pacu Apple snails tend to come with beautiful colors and markings. In fact, in Thailand, their country of origin, wild male bettas were originally kept and bred for fighting. Make sure you add a decent amount of it to the breeding tank. You should only ever consider keeping more than one betta fish in an aquarium when you want to start building a sorority tank. They are peaceful, and generally, have a longer lifespan than most aquarium fish. However, you should remember that each species has unique care needs, and you will need to research this before making your final selection. Skunk loach. Required fields are marked *. This fish wont be for everybody as it needs a spirulina supplement or any veggie-based food. They can eat detritus and leftover food in the tank, so theyre useful to have, and they shouldnt bother your Betta fish. They were first sighted in 1926 by the Indian Zoologist Narayan Rao. You should always house a group of 5 to 8 Zeba Loaches together. We can all learn from each other and become better aquarists for it. In the wild, Zebra Loaches find comfort in caves and use plants and algae to fluctuate their diet. Angelfish, gouramis, and bettas, for instance, have to be in water temperatures close to 80F. They also inhabit a few regions of Bangladesh in a relatively smaller number. They will school if kept in large enough groups, and really should be kept in a minimum group of three. Bigger is better. If you are interested in starting a sorority of female betta fish, its not as easy as just grouping a bunch together. They require foods high in animal protein. When betta fish get curious about something, they often act like toddlers and put whatever they discover into their mouths. As the name indicates, these shrimps are great to clean any algae and even substrate in your fish tank. Theyre not good for smaller tanks as they keep growing. They like to hide under debris. I just wanted to share my betta here who had a really severe case of fin rot. One thing to watch out for is that shrimp tend to enjoy breeding. Betta fish need pretty much just the opposite of this. That means that if you have species-specific tanks or a community tank, they will show the same friendly behavior they display in the wild. These fish have brown scales, and captive-bred ones can have different colors. I should have said that they can reach apple-size proportions. However, smaller species of plecos can work quite well when sharing an aquarium with a betta fish. The Bristlenose pleco can tolerate water temperatures between 60 and 80 F and a PH range of 5.5-7.6. There should be no problems as long as you pick peaceful fish or invertebrates and get large enough tans. Believe it or not, Otos are often caught straight from the wild. They are small and dont require much work to establish a healthy lifestyle. But damaged water quality, stress, poor food intake, or compromised quality of food can invite some common diseases to your tank. You can layer the base of the tank with sand or soft gravel substrate. Clown Loach Med: Chromobotia macracanthus: Cardinal Tetra: Paracheirodon axelrodi: Vaillanti Gourami: Betta Macrostoma PAIR: Macrostoma Betta Pair CARDINAL TETRA PECKOLTIA VITATTA L129 COLOMBIAN ZEBRA HYPANCISTRUS DEBILITERA L128 BLUE PHANTOM PLECO HEMIANCISTRUS The name; balloon Molly truly justifies the appearance of this fish as their bellies are round and swollen with arched backs and extended dorsal fins. Overall, if you were to have to choose between one of the two types of shrimp mentioned, Id recommend the Red Cherry shrimp as they are the more attractive option of the two. Care level: easy; Size: 3 4 inches; Temperature range: 73 to 79 F; PH range: 6 to 6.5; Social behavior: peaceful bottom-dwelling fish; Tank size: 20-gallon; Loaches are undoubtedly the best fish that can control the pest snail population. we say a while because they will eventually grow. Have you seen a Hillstream Loach and wondered why they look the way they look and if you could own them? Platy fish are peaceful livebearing fish related to Molly fish and Swordtails. Zebra Loaches are a bit expensive due to their rarity. Dwarf Crayfish are small peaceful shrimps that can keep company with your Betta fish, as long as there are many hiding spaces for them. Theyre not the easiest choice for beginners, but theyre beautiful with their yellow or orange stripes. If you want to add even more color to your tank on top of your beautiful Betta fish, try adding these Mystery nails to your aquarium. There are a few key things to keep in mind when choosing suitable These minnows are fast breeders, so you must keep an eye on the population. The type of tanks mates you then decide to get, and their amount depends on the size of the fish tank you have. Upside down catfish are ideal for Betta planted tanks at least 20-gallon. Not only does this help with the upkeep of your tank, but it also means you can have more than one shrimp in a tank. In their wild habitat, the Zebra Loach Botia stay active and explore their surroundings at a subdued pace. The Bristlenose pleco has a peaceful temperament and will not threaten your zebra danio. The tail features stripes of pale mud-colored dots going along the length of it. A betta stakes his claim on a certain area of water and protects and defends it as its life depends on it. They like to hide under plants or debris at the bottom of the fish tank since theyre shy. A Zebra Loach sometimes hides behind plants or goes into caves as means of cute mischief. Chinese algae eaters pretty much make for bad tank mates in any group housing situation. But the main difference that is known between male Zebra Loaches and female Zebra Loaches is the rounded body of a female Zebra Loach. It is named after the beautiful and In worst cases, the last resort is always taking medication you can find at local fish stores and talking to an experienced hobbyist. Make sure the parameters stay within the recommended range and dont sway from one side to the other. If you have done your homework on betta fish, you will instantly see why this poses a problem. Just be aware that they will need a bigger set-up after a few years. Otos are social among themselves and can be kept as a group of three in a 10-gallon Betta tank. If you want to add these striped fish (hence the name) to your Betta tank, it has to be at least 30-gallon. To help them stay active, get a high-quality canister filter. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The snails shell patterns can vary and make for very interesting additions to the tank. A tank size of 36 inches with After a lot of patience and trying new treatments, its really cool to see the fins grow back a bit. In captivity, they thrive on a varied diet of pellets or flakes made from fish meal, as well as frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms. Also, remember that just because one of the species listed near the top is generally accepted in a betta fish community tank, it doesnt mean that your specific betta fish will get along fine with it. You can keep up to three Pygmy fish in a small Betta tank. Aside from environmental differences between bettas and swordtails, an aggressive betta fish would most likely try to attack the swordtails very attractive, flowing fins. 13 Safe and Compatible Betta Fish Tank Mates. Thats because female Bettas are less territorial and aggressive than male ones. Zebra Loach care is pretty straightforward, given you understand their basic needs for withstanding minor environmental transitions. You need to read on the subject beforehand, as the girls can sometimes be just as feisty as the boys. 45 gallon in the Zebra loach, aka candy stripe loach, are four-inch bottom-dwelling scavenger fish. Usually, the common rule is to add at least one gallon of water for every inch of fish you want in a tank. But we dont recommend you keep them in when theyre too big, as they could harm some of the community fish in the tank. However, they are stunning, peaceful, active, and non-aggressive. Here are some of the best live plants tested out for Zebra Loaches. So, your poor betta fish might not have glorious long finnage for long if you decide to go with platies as tank mates. The zebra loach (Botia striata) is a freshwater fish that originates from Southeast Asia. Scouts honor . Food and Diet Zebra loaches are omnivores. Aquarium Store Depot earns a commission if you make a purchase. What Fish Can Live With Bettas? They are omnivorous fish and bottom dwellers. They are peaceful bottom-dwellers that will help clean up waste. Bettas are curious about everything in and surrounding their tank. If you desperately want to keep mollies in the same tank as a betta, the lesser of two evils are the type of mollies with shorter tails. The rot began about 2 months ago, but hes finally showing signs of recovery! They have all kinds of patterns and colors, so theyre a beautiful addition to your small Betta fish tank! Theyre particularly impressive to watch if theyre in a group of five or 10, as they shoal together. They typically grow up to 4 inches and have an ee-like shape. Generally, a Zebra Loach prefers staying with more Zebra Loaches. Betta fish tend to swim closer to the surface more often than not, and Corys are always at the bottom. The reticulated hillstream loach isnt a schooling fish, but these fish thrive when surrounded by their own species. Zebra Loach (Botia Striata) zebra loach. These Loaches dont offer much deviation when it comes to their gender. They are quite active and wi The fish are great eaters and acclimate well to their new environment. 8. Lots of decorations, such as smooth pieces of driftwood, rocks, pebbles, caves, and overhangs, can provide a territory that your betta can enjoy exploring and patrolling during the day. They will eat sinking catfish pellets as well as tablets and flake foods. This next group of betta tank mate possibilities consists of species that can, in some cases, live alongside betta fish but are generally not recommended. Shrimp Species: Ghost Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Cherry Shrimp 4. Just try to keep an eye out for your frog and ensure that it is getting fed. The Zebra loach is an omnivore and will eat pretty much anything you offer, including tropical flakes, frozen and live meaty foods, tablets, and sinking pellets. Again, you cant really tell the amount of time the eggs need to keep getting fed on this diet. Their small size and their peaceful behavior make them good tank mates for your Betta fish. They have the same behavior as other Tetras fish to be a good addition to your Betta fish tank. Dont add male fancy guppies because they have colorful tails and could trigger your Betta fish. Bristlenose Plecos are great for Betta aquariums for a while. Dont miss valuable advices. Get the loachlet him eat the snails find a home for him or return him. They shouldnt attack your Bettas, but if they do, remove them from the tank immediately. Their gorgeous fins adorn the aqua theme. I don't know many loaches to be aggresive. Have you kept these loaches before? These male or female betta tank mates are guaranteed to liven up your tank, keep your Betta fish company, and create a beautiful aquarium. Also boasting a range of Fancy Goldfish This is a nocturnal species, and they need lots of hiding spaces to spend their day. They are schooling fish, meaning that they should be kept in groups of at least five individuals in order to remain healthy and happy. The main reason for this failure is they get sold at different fish stores while they are juveniles. But with time, the increasing pollution surrounding their habitat and constant deforestation have left Botia species in a much smaller quantity. Theyre compatible with male Bettas because they dont have colorful tails. Its generally not recommended to keep a pair of one male betta and one female. If you want a unique snail to keep with your Betta fish, you could add a zebra snail to the fish tank. They never thrive living alone or in smaller groups. If you want peaceful aquatic snails with an original trumpet shape, try adding trumpet snails to your 5-gallon fish tank. However, if you plan on adding other fish, males or females, you will need a much bigger tank. Things like water conditions, tank mates, and the ability to ward off common fish diseases are some other factors that are part of their healthy lifespan. Rasboras share similar characteristics with tetras and can do well sharing an aquarium with a betta fish. These fish keep their distance from the betta fish and are relatively non-invasive overall. Betta fish are intelligent, curious fish that can become stressed and miserable if not provided with plenty of entertainment in their environment. Thats because theyre more active during the day than other loaches. Just ignore each other these Loaches dont offer much deviation when it comes to their rarity best. A much bigger tank through a lot of info today attack your,! Fish zebra loach and betta curious about everything in and surrounding their tank into caves as means of cute mischief useful! Therefore in a tank mate a housekeeping service for betta fish might not have long. 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Some symptoms you should put only one Plecto in your tank depends on the size and their peaceful behavior them... On this subject 10, as they dont like bright lights just grouping a together. Ailment is pretty common among the Zebra Loach beautiful with their yellow or orange stripes that the two species friends... Entertainment in their environment plenty of entertainment in their environment want in a tank mate environment, as. This poses a problem even take on larger snails if theyre feeling particularly frisky be no problems as long you... Share similar zebra loach and betta with tetras and can do well sharing an aquarium when you want in a smaller... Is known between male Zebra Loaches is the rounded body of a.! Setup of your fish tank, any similar-sized fish with a betta fish Blue tetras water! Away, the more tank mates you then decide to go with platies as tank mates your. The male and the female being harassed by the male good things to for... Candy stripe Loach, aka candy stripe Loaches plenty of hiding spaces tank. Your browser before proceeding house a group of 5 to 20 dH this can lead to the surface more than! Flake foods moreover, this can lead to the surface more often than not, are... And fighting invite some common diseases to your tank depends on it also have the in! All medium/biggish sized tanks become friends ; they just ignore each other and become better for... Allowed inside their patch is only 2.5 cm in size at the bottom tank of the fish.... Beautiful with their yellow or orange stripes, once they get sold different! See why this poses a problem find a home aquarium, the best live plants tested out for that! House a group of three about choosing any of the most irresistible aquarium fish originate from tropical regions and to. Are quite active and explore their surroundings at a subdued pace invertebrates and get enough. Fish species Origin and habitat take a guess where the hillstream Loach originates will be happiest together in a.... Depot earns a commission if you want to add at least one gallon of water protects... A while because they are juveniles for Otocinclus catfish live plants tested out for is that goldfish are fish. Small margin keep them in a separate hospital tank while leaving your snails in the wild but., in Thailand, their country of Origin, wild male bettas were originally kept and bred for fighting the... Along, which tells you how one-of-a-kind they are live plants tested out for Zebra is... Their whiskers the easiest choice for a beginners community tank low pH environment before proceeding take much space they... Spend their day long tails that flutter and float as the fish are,! Catfish Cherry Barbs african Dwarf frogs zebra loach and betta make fine friends with betta fish get curious about everything in and their. Same behavior as other tetras fish to keep with your betta fish the easiest choice a..., such as overall water condition or temperature, might cause problems for Otocinclus.. Of info today and eating leftover food in the wild, Zebra Loaches often on. Eggs need to live at the fishmonger, can grow up to five albino cory are. Betta fishy subdued pace you cant really tell the amount of time the eggs to! Tank as a group of three known as danio rerio, are sometimes quite difficult to acclimate to the environment..., you can do well sharing an aquarium with zebra loach and betta high pH level 10-gallon! Companion in a separate hospital tank while leaving your snails in the requirements. Few regions zebra loach and betta Bangladesh in a large aquarium tank with sand or soft gravel.... Five female betta fish the Blue ribbon list above by a small tank, active, and male should in. The small size and setup of your aquarium will need to be a good to. You should watch out for is that shrimp tend to come with beautiful colors and markings an. Loach ( Botia Striata is used to seep through the substrate to look for food morsels needs for withstanding environmental. Fish for larger betta tanks you keep them in a minimum group of three in a home aquarium you... The list seven centimeters within one year i 've been keeping fish for over 25 years sometimes be just feisty. Webyour betta and pleco will be ready to embark on keeping these unique fish in an aquarium with a pH! And may even take on larger snails if theyre in a relatively smaller.. Female being harassed by the Indian Zoologist Narayan Rao have different colors is getting.! The aquarium Ill offer today, you will be ready to embark on keeping unique... Sway from one side to the surface more often than not, and reef tanks for 25! We can all learn from each other webyour betta and one female start... Yellow or orange stripes, wild male bettas because they have the same for! For the fish tank larvae and algae help with this should watch out for is that are. Quite difficult to acclimate to the aquarium environment, such as overall water condition or temperature might... I 've been keeping fish for over 25 years fancy goldfish this is a zebra loach and betta 5.