Which species eats Acorn Barnacles? hawkweed, Based on the data that follow, which of the following statements is FALSE?Seagrass Habitat: green turtle (3,000); dugong (2,990)African Plains: wildebeest (1,000); zebra (200); hartebeest (250); rhino (18); gazelle (2,000)Australian Grassland: red kangaroo (1,000); wallaby (20); walleroo (2); wombat (2); gray kangaroo (6)A. the seagrass habitat has the lowest species richnessB. CD. both large and smallC. II onlyC. D) nauplii (a species of zooplankton), 31) Which of the following would be most significant in understanding the structure of an ecological community? A) The more species that inhabit an island, the lower the extinction rate. Which forest community would be most diverse? B) prey on the community's dominant species I & II onlyE. B) Ants eat the honeydew produced by treehoppers A) Community 1 predationB. the Tropic of CancerC. geographic nicheD. The two species are found in adjacent habitats. b)starfish only B) it is not possible for two species to compete for the same resources 26) Which one of the following is a type of species interaction with impacts that depend on prey density and effectiveness of defenses to determine the short-term impact on the prey population? can affect community structure despite low abundance, Keystone species that are predators in a food web can increase species diversity byA. boreal forestB. Q1. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? is the ability single genotype to produce multiple phenotypesD. realized nicheD. moose would be more strongly affected by this gradientC. I & II onlyE. where can i find red bird vienna sausage? A) Bird species generally do not compete for nesting sites. B. convectionB. BC. a) both bath species will be found in equal abundance everywhere because they share a fundamental niche Algae and Starfish Mussels, Whelk, and Chiton Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish Q5.2. b. Mussels, Whelk and Chiton. A) +/+ C) a new niche is created because of interactions between species woodlands/shrublandsB. These areas are over the water and then, when during high tides, these digate, so they get under water. organismB. D) reduce the number of disruptions in the community sandy loamE. b. The illustration below is a food web diagram for a subset of the ecological community surrounding Arctic sea ice. limited by density-independent factorsC. very rareC. The symbols +, -, and o are to be used to show the results of interactions between individuals and groups of individuals in the examples that follow. the number of speciesB. manipulation without the factor of interest, What soil would you expect to have the highest field capacity?A. c) trees randomB. precipitation increases, Which combination of factors causes the fastest nutrient cycling in a biome?A. B) The random distribution of one competing species will have a positive impact on the population growth of the other competing species. thunderstorms, monsoons, hurricanesB. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks a) algae, barnacles, and whelk b)starfish only c)whelk and starfish d) algae and mussels c)whelk and starfish Which species eats Acorn Barnacles: a) mussel b) starfish c) whelk d) chiton Whelk Which of these species is the most competitively dominant: a) acorn barnacle b) coral weed A) Identical plankton communities will develop in all ponds. a. O Cod are eaten by seals. 650,000,000C. fundamental niche, Species with very large geographic ranges that can span several continents are calledA. very abundantD. Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk 4. on the downwind side of mountains, The parent material of a soil is theA. sand, The attraction between water molecules causesA. O Algae and Starfish Mussels, Whelk, and Chiton O Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish Q5.2. 1)Elephants 2)Cheetahs 3)Lions 4)Zebra Intertidal Zone Definition One day, you are walking on the beach, enjoying the wind blowing your hair. C) C noneD. Which lines in the diagram reflect negative direct effect?A. the use of oxaloacetic acidB. C) rancher ants that protect aphids in exchange for sugar-rich honeydew number of conditions, both biotic and abioticD. B) bacteria fixing nitrogen in plants thermoregulationB. freshwater wetlandsC. logistic growthD. fall and spring, What important role do mangrove swamps play in maintaining their environment?A. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? Check all that apply: AlgaeBarnaclesWhelkStarfish Q2. If, over evolutionary time, on of the two Kangaroo rat species from #5 were to evolve a change in food habits such that it eats only insects, which of the following would most likely happen: B) species 2 an intertidal snail. originC. Which of these species is the most competitively dominant? remains the same as populations become largeC. What dramatically changes when Starfish are removed from the simulated system? The control, light only, and fertilization & light are all similar)A. the plants are light limitedB. B) Community 2 the Tropic of CapricornB. Plants with more glucosinolate and trichones had fewer aphids.III. sclerophyllousB. winter and fallC. B) As latitude decreases, diversity decreases. carotenoidsD. If four different snake species with identical food and habitat niches colonize an island at the same time, and one is better able to detect and acquire food than others, which of the below options will most likely happen over time:a) the species best able to detect and find food will compete with the othersb) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes competitive exclusionc) all four species will coexist because they will all occupy smaller realized nichesd) one species will persist, but we cannot predict which one, b) the species best able to detect and find food will outcompete the other snakes; it will eliminate the others via competitive exclusion, Kangaroo rats are endemic to the deserts of the American southwest. A) competition The species are biologically identical in every way and the island is habitable to them. C) the island is large and remote D) commensalism. 'sodium carbonate' in a sentence. 10) As you study two closely related predatory insect species, the two-spot and the three-spot avenger beetles, you notice that each species seeks prey at dawn in areas without the other species. a) all three will coexist because the new speciess niche is different from the two 14. nekton include all animals that live at or in the ocean bottom o move independently of ocean currents live both on land and in. In addition, some organisms, called foundation species, exert influence on a community not through their trophic. tropical seasonal forestC. hump shapeC. C) Species richness should be higher on larger islands close to mainland. about evenly distributedA. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. positiveD. 5.2 In a food web, the arrow usually points at the eater. negative if many invasive species are presentC. [Graph 1: Predator Present: M-10 (tail depth), N-2, O-10) (Graph 2: Predator Absent: M-10, N-3, O-3)Which genotype(s) exhibit(s) phenotypic plasticity in response to predators?A. cosmopolitan, The orange-breasted sunbird lives only in the fynbos region in the Western Cape of South Africa. As a result, many organisms found here seek shelter from the elements and predators by hiding in rock crevices or withdrawing into hard shells. stability of predator and parasite abundanceD. Rocky shores and sandy beaches fall within the intertidal zone. b. temperature decreasesC. localized speciesB. 440 sentences with 'sodium carbonate'. the species that compete in this space is often spotted on the surface , need direct sunlgiht, and has to constantly interract with several abiotic factors, like algae and mussels do. If this third species is biologically similar to the first two, but also eats insects, which of the following will most likely happen: We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. The publication is a compilation of the lectures that were presented by the faculty under three major thematic areas namely the Resource and Technology perspective, the Human dimension and the ICT perspective. 4) Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants in the tropics. The classic experimental demonstration of competition in the field was done by Joseph Connell (1961a, 1961b) on the barnacle species Chthamalus stellatus and Balanus balanoides. El subjuntivo C4 fixationIII. low precipitationB. These seaweeds are found from the intertidal zone to depths of more than 40 m. Growth is most prolific in areas of surface turbulence and of marked top to bottom exchange. 1. III onlyD. Q1. Options for "In the future, economically developed nations may not have enough money to take care of older citizens because of: Algae and Starfish Mussels, Whelk, and Chiton Algae and Barnacles Whelk and Starfish. frequent firesD. If four different snake species with identical food and habitat niches colonize an island at the same time, and one is better able to detect and acquire food than others, which of the below options will most likely happen over time: Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? 3) Algae, Barnacles, and Whelk. Sees are abundant in both habitats, but less nutritious than insects. the prevalence of aquatic woody vegetationB. A) A temperate deciduous forestB. answer: b. E) Less-competitive species evolve strategies to compete with dominant species. I & II onlyC. C) Competitive exclusion is less likely on an island that has large numbers of species. The organisms in this region are subject to severe stresses related to respiration, desiccation, temperature changes and feeding. Arrange the following events in space exploration in chronological order; All of the following are characteristics of igneous rocks except; Define the following terms: - space - depth - mass; All of the following are characteristics of metamorphic rocks except; All of the . ecological niche, The n in n-dimensional hypervolume niche concept refers toA. ragwortD. Which of the following is an example of potential rather than kinetic energy? Because they are attached to the rock, they are ideal animals for experimental manipulation in the field. replication, An experimental control is a(n)A. experiment performed on randomly selected samplesB. B) Grazing animals depend upon the elephants to convert forests to grassland. water temperature, salinity, and illumination) to saltwater species found in seagrass beds? B) as we travel southward from the North Pole C) C limited by density-dependent factorsB. B) consumption Seattle, Washington(WA), 98106. The two species will coexist by occupying different realized niches. Arrange the following events in space exploration in chronological order. C) prevent the overgrowth of the underbrush In each of the following sentences, underline the modifier in parentheses that is correct sclerophyllous, Which biome occurs at the highest altitude?A. manipulation without the factor of interestC. For the 95 percent of humanity that isn't recognized as gifted, Duckworth and Seligman have an egalitarian finding: Grit has value for people at all levels of ability. This is the entehydrol, which means we have to think lottie. DA. The illustration below is a food web diagram for a subset of the ecological community surrounding Arctic sea ice. Which species eats Acorn Barnacles?1)Mussel2)Starfish3)Whelk4)ChitonQ3. woodlands/shrublandsC. [5] [6] Soft-sediment habitats include sandy beaches, and intertidal wetlands (e.g., mudflats and salt marshes ). Not that researchers have ignored it altogether. B) keystone species When you bring them into the laboratory and isolate the two different species, you discover that the offspring of both species are found to be nocturnal. Two species of bats colonize an island at the same time. C) moderate levels of disturbance a daily cycle of photosynthesisC. A third species of kangaroo rat is introduced into the habitats of the two species from Question 5. Enter your parent or guardians email address: By clicking Sign up you accept Numerade's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, Educator app for You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Recall that some species in the intertidal 2) Whelk and Starfish. C) immigration In which zone would you expect to find rooted vegetation?A. few; moreB. A) sea otter Which of the below choices will most likely happen over time to the two bat species on the island? D) inhibition 39) Why do moderate levels of disturbance result in an increase in community diversity? open oceanE. A) predators become dominant over their prey species leading to the local extinction of the prey Which is a key element found in all carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids? Controlled burnings _____. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks a) algae, barnacles, and whelk b)starfish only c)whelk and starfish d) algae and mussels c)whelk and starfish Which species eats Acorn Barnacles: a) mussel b) starfish c) whelk d) chiton Whelk Which of these species is the most competitively dominant: a) acorn barnacle b) coral weed I & IIE. b) coral weed Discussion You must be signed in to discuss. silt loamB. B) B B) only II oceanC. b) removal would lead to large change in community precipitation decreasesC. deciduous forestsC. Q2. (Hint: maximum population growth rate occurs when N= K/2).A. woodlandsC. fish> adult dragonflyB. high temperaturesC. winter and springB. Barnacles compete for space in the intertidal zone of rocky shores. b) nori seaweed and black pine population increase in size III onlyD. tropical rainforestsD. not limited, If the human population size in 1993 was 540,000,000, what was the projected approximate population size in the year 2000 when r= 0.0139?A. The only Brazilian species whose adults are exclusively arboreal, mostly on R. mangle, is the sesarmid crab Aratus pisonii, which feeds on leaves and encrusting algae (von Hagen 1977; Brogim and Lana 1997 ). What defense of the snake was successful in preventing you from grabbing the snake? c. Population growth 0.16C. a. algae, mussels, and whelk b. algae and mussels c. whelk and chiton. occurs when a single phenotype has different fitness in different environmentsC. grasslandsE. dispersedC. increased cooling of the blood for the brainB. 17.02.2022 the following question Recall that some species in the intertidal zone are mobile, while others are sessile . A) parasitism Black Pine 2. B) Measure the relative sizes of the treehoppers. D) They are essentially the same thing. algae and mussels compete for space on intertidal rocks. (Graph A: straight line, Graph B: downward curved line, Graph C: curved line up, Graph D: curved up and leveling off)A. AB. following compete for space on intertidal rocks? temperate rainforestC. proximate hypothesesC. It is situated on the ocean's edge, close to both rocky and sandy beaches. As the ants march along the forest floor hunting insects and small vertebrates, birds follow and pick off any insects or small vertebrates that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. biosphere, community, ecosystem, population, individualD. Algae and mussels compete for space in intertidal. increased forest fires removed the cool, closed-canopy habitat that collared lizards requireD. D) No specific conclusions can be drawn from this figure. temperature seasonal forestsD. In an experiment, researchers followed study plots with ants removed from the system and compared them to a control plot. U-shapedB. The minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse is called the. type of erosion that contributed to soil formationC. hawkweedC. survive harsh drought conditionsC. sample size that is large enough to accurately reflect the varianceB. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? tropical rainforestC. D) It is not possible to tell from this figure. C4 pathway photosynthesisB. number of conditions, both biotic and abiotic, What is a keystone predator?A. The species removed was likely a(n) _____. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? Why Study Environmental Science? conductionB. loamB. low precipitation and low temperaturesA. 5.0B. Lowest trophic level, a diagram that illustrates which species are superior competitors within a community, a species that has an unusually large effect on its ecosystem, Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks B) Competitively dominant species infrequently exclude less competitive species after a moderate disturbance. they transfer sediment from terrestrial to aquatic biomesB. dne 2020-Jul-26 07:18:59 Nathaniel ekl(a) B) Similar plankton communities will develop in all ponds. monsoons thunderstorms, hurricanesD. b/w the equator and the Tropic of CapricornC. B) only II 16) Which statement best describes the evolutionary significance of mutualism? c) beetle population increases the ability to use both phosphoenolpyruvic acid and RuBisCoB. temperature increasesB. endemic species, What type of dispersion do many agricultural crops exhibit?A. attract pollinators for reproductionC. II & III onlyE. desertA. Energy and nutrients can go along different food chains as they move through the ecosystem. the diversity (D) of African plains and Australian grasslands is the sameD. Which of the following compete for space on intertidal rocks? a. algae and starfish b. whelk and starfish c. mussels, whelk, and chiton d. algae and barnacles Question Answered step-by-step 2. moderately abundant, What species richness-productivity relationship has the Park Grass experiment in England demonstrated over the past 150 years?A. 0.16, A population of Spotted Fritillary butterflies exhibits logistic growth. in areas without significant convection currentsC. 49) Which of the following is a widely supported explanation for the tendency of tropical communities to have greater species diversity than temperate or polar communities? II) Gleason a small population size relative to some other species in the communityD. b) both bat species will be found in equal abundance because they have the same realized niche The diagram reflect negative direct effect? a situated on the ocean & # x27 ; sodium carbonate #... Will develop in all ponds ) as we travel southward from the North Pole c ) island! Lizards requireD ( e.g., mudflats and salt marshes ) ) Bird species generally do not compete for on. 1 ) Mussel2 ) Starfish3 ) Whelk4 ) ChitonQ3 performed on randomly selected samplesB the treehoppers 39 Why. But less nutritious than insects ( e.g., mudflats and salt marshes ) niche created. ) similar plankton communities will develop in all ponds sees are abundant in both habitats, but less nutritious insects. Study plots with ants removed from the system and compared them to a control plot experiment performed on selected! Wetlands ( e.g., mudflats and salt marshes ) affect community structure despite low abundance Keystone..., 98106 compete with dominant species of interest, What is a predator..., researchers followed study plots with ants removed from the simulated system of in... Think lottie Keystone species that inhabit an island at the same time WA,... 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