As a specialist in moss gardening methods, Ive learned that is critical to move beyond generalizations about moss. Following right place, right moss guidelines, I choose appropriate moss species from both an aesthetic perspective and an environmental needs-assessment of the site. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. A graduate of Concordia University, she left the hustle and bustle of the business after starting a family. Now, shes the editor and a writer for Garden Culture Magazine while also enjoying being a mom to her three young kids. Heat-insulating mats for beehives are made from dry sphagnum by pressing. antiseptic properties on human-affecting bacteria, and to find out which types of mosses and lichen have the strongest of these properties. Spanish moss, also called Old Man's Beard and Pele's Hair, has many magical uses and properties. What were the Allied Powers to do? Mossin Annies favorite moss species, Climacium. According to Green Dean from Eat the Weeds, Spanish moss was brewed by Natives to treat rheumatism, fever, and to ease childbirth contractions. I feel far more like a moss artist than a landscaper when creating magic with mosses. These chunks of living plant material are dried after harvesting, making the final product a pure chunk of the sphagnum moss, not a combination of other dried material. Uses in Gardens and Potted Plants, Guide to Soil Amendments: What They Are and How to Use Them, How to Propagate Orchids Four Different Ways, How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Florida Green, Choosing the Right Orchid Growing Material, How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Bernardopazii, How to Create a Moss Pole for Your Indoor Plants, How to Water Orchids in Bark, Moss, and Other Materials, The Difference Between Potting Soil and Potting Mix. -Simultaneously, to provide an optimum oxygenation to the plant. The sphagnum cells are thin-walled cells with large cavities and their function is to absorb and transport water. Sphagnum moss is also used as a soil conditioner to keep much-needed nutrients in the soil. Sphagnum moss is useful for a variety of gardening and crafting purposes, however, its higher cost and less diverse organic matter make it a better fit for speciality purposes. Peat moss is not just made up of decayed sphagnum moss, though. Lorraine Boissoneault A Thuidium colony (sideways grower) interspersed with Polytrichum moss plants (upright grower) is a beautiful combination. According to the Natives, Spanish moss was sometimes worn by mourners, typically women. "Additional benefits include increasing the soil's water and nutrient-maintaining capacity, serving as a source of trace . The taxonomy of Sphagnum species has been controversial, and various botanists accept quite different numbers of species. There was a Native Princess who fell in love with a Spanish soldier. Fashioned from hollow tree stumps with soft, fluffy cushions of Dicranum, this intimate conversation area beckons visitors to relax over a game of chess or to sit and sip mint juleps. they grow in moss and grass. The nuances of green and variation in textures highlight the distinctive differences between moss species. The lower part of the stem is white-brown. It turned out that sphagnum tissues are inhabited by special endophytic bacteria that inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms for humans and other plants. Lieutenant-Colonel E.P. - - - - - - -, The Sphagnum Moss Presentation of the Product. 8 ounces- enough to mix into the soil medium for 3-4 flats inside or help a few plants outside when planting. Photo by Annie Martin, The research found that the sphagnum moss reduced peak streamflow - the maximum amount of water that enters a river after a storm - by 65%. ). Website:, 2023 Smithsonian Magazine Phenolic compounds make mosses oblivious to cold, and therefore, typical U.S. planting zones are irrelevant when working with mosses. Further, you can remediate issues of erosion control, stormwater run-off and water filtration by intentionally introducing mosses. So that future generations can appreciate mosses in natural settings, please do not take mosses from protected forests and parks. Close up of sphagnum moss growing in a bog. Watering plants is useful with water infused with sphagnum. In areas where moss was easy to stock, farmers used its half-decomposed layer as bedding for livestock. Bog Plant of the month - Sphagnum moss. The metabolic processes of growing peat moss cause an increase in the acidity of the surrounding water, thus reducing bacterial action and preventing decay. Foreign matter ratio > 5%. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Beyond pain management, moss may also be good for our health. She has previously written for The Atlantic, Salon, Nautilus and others. After walking the few steps from the garden, try these simple recipes for fresh, delicious dishes that everyone will enjoy! How to Decorate the Cover of the Septic Tank. Chilean Sphagnum Moss is the 4th layer when setting up a naturalistic vivarium for poison dart frogs, tree frogs, or other tropical reptiles and amphibians. With its help, the beloved Lily was saved and multiplied with scales, and tomatoes collected unripe were perfectly matured. As for herbicides, mosses are not subject to disease. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The first is that the soil stays too moist for the plant because the sphagnum moss retains the moisture for long periods. Advertising Notice But havent gathered enough info on moss. Annie Martin, known as Mossin Annie, is the owner of Mountain Moss. Sphagnum moss is brown, tan, or pink in color. Uses for sphagnum moss. It turns out a real natural sponge this is how the name of this plant is translated from Greek. [The British style] seems to have been looked down upon by the American Red Cross, says Rachel Anderson, a project assistant in the division of medicine and science at the National Museum of American History who studied the museums collection of sphagnum bandages. Thanks to its many positive qualities, it's commonly used to grow or mount plants of all kinds, and has made itself an essential part of terrarium substrates. In the nursery, they are dug up, wrapped in a thick layer of moss and moistened, then Packed in plastic wrap. And theyre supposed to be dead. Deer might stomp around, but they dont eat mosses. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Working on a book, and moss happens to be one of the topic. Whether you feel the magic or not, it is a rewarding experience to rescue native plants. To regrow dry sphagnum moss, completely wet out a large handful of dried moss with rainwater or distilled water. Meanwhile, peat moss is a mix of dead or decaying sphagnum moss, and other decayed matter found in peat bogs. Marsh moss is a natural eco-friendly tool for improving and improving the soil, preserving planting material, and propagating plants. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In this vid, I show you guys how I regrow live moss from dried sphagnum moss, and how I use it to make a terrarium. - - - - - - -, The Sphagnum Moss Properties of the Product. In the horticultural world, sphagnum moss is more of a material/tool than a plant. Its differentiating feature is its mixtures of decayed plants, insect . In the evening hours, a magical aura occurs as mosses glimmer in the light of dancing flames from the river rock fire pit. Sphagnum moss is a small plant that can vary in shade and prefers to grow in nutrient-poor soil. Sphagnum moss also has a long history of use as a wound dressing, reaching a peak in its use during World War I when it was used by both the Germans and the Allies. Bog water possesses this 'strange power' largely due to the unassuming moss known as Sphagnum, or peat moss, and its acidifying properties. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The year-round green of mosses makes them excellent horticultural choices in gardens for all seasons, including the winter. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Stay tuned with the most relevant events happening around you. Then the magic began. And by December 1915, a British report warned that the thousands of wounded men were threatening to exhaust the material for bandages. In part, because the immense amount of labor required to collect it, Anderson says (although manufacturers in the U.S. experimented with using the moss for sanitary napkins called Sfag-Na-Kins). We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. It forms peat moss that is harvested and dried to be used as fuel. Hypnum. Privacy Statement Moss doesnt contain THC, the psychoactive chemical in cannabis. Special thanks can be given to marsh moss lovers of bonsai, orchids, and some succulents that are grown without using the land. Science is also finding that some species may even be great for our bodies, even holding some of the same medicinal properties as cannabis. This moss is collected by harvesting dead moss debris portion located at the bottom of mosses in wet and moist areas that include wetlands, swamps, bogs, and damp surfaces on the soil. It contains a blend of organic materials, such as decaying plant matter and moss. What is the most common opinion about this plant? Each spherical brown sporangium, or spore case, shrinks as it dries, creating internal pressure that casts off the lid (operculum) and shoots the spores as far as 10 cm (4 inches) from the plant. Imagine transforming over 2000 square feet of privet thicket into a serene, moss retreatin the dead of winterand in the midst of snow storms. Dry moss can be mulched garden beds and tree trunks of ornamental and fruit plants. Below are five facts you might not know about the plant: 1. Zoom Out. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? According to Green Dean from Eat the Weeds, The Magical Mandrake: History, Legends and More, Rosemarys Magical Properties & How to Use it in Your Magick, Stuffed into doll-babies for healing and to attract love, Use to make War water and in domination spells, On Southern wreaths and in floral arrangements, Attached to ceremonial clothing or death shrouds, On the altar as a representation of the South/tropics/swamps, In communication and travel spells because of its link to Air. . The tiny and sometimes slightly toothed leaves of sphagnum moss grow close to the stem. It is also good for placing under shelters and hides on top of other substrates to provide humid microclimates. Most often, moss is found on trees that have begun to die. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Photo by Annie Martin, The moss is dried thoroughly before use. Bog moss decoctions are useful for various diseases of the internal organs. Besides, this exceptional propertymakes that thesphagnum moss is more and more used to preserve other products: fishes , fruits, etc. Hence, pure Sphagnum (without the addition of any other organic material) is an ideal medium for re-invigorating . The most important features of this moss, which people have been using for their own purposes for many centuries, are as follows: Sphagnum moss has long been used for medical purposes. Help Them Sprout With These Tips And Tricks, How To Grow Potatoes In Containers And Buckets. Erica Puisis writes about home products for The Spruce and specializes in interior design and plant care. Two problems occur when using the moss for growing plants. It is good to mix sphagnum (no more than a quarter of the volume) in the ground for growing seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. Another study by the University of Adelaide has discovered that moss possesses a complex carbohydrate called a polysaccharide that may be able to cleanse the gut. The researchers behind this study say they still have a lot of work to do. Cookie Settings. Ayres writes, sphagnum was just as popular on the other side of the battle lines. To prepare a valuable product yourself, it is advisable to go away from busy roads and places where human life is raging. The neon green of Atrichums new spring growth contrasts with the yellow-green tints of Thuidium and beckons visitors to enter. In ancient times, Gaelic-Irish sources wrote that warriors in the battle of Clontarf used moss to pack their wounds. Reindeer have been documented eating reindeer moss, but it is a lichen not a true moss (bryophyte). Moss: Duration: Growth Habit: Nonvascular: Native Status: HI N NA N: Powered by Esri. She is also the author of The Last Voyageurs: Retracing La Salle's Journey Across America. The name sphagnol has two meanings: (1) A chemical substance isolated from the cell walls of Sphagnum mosses in 1899. Medicinal use of Sphagnum Moss: The whole fresh plant is antiseptic. And it was worn by women of higher nobility in certain tribes. It may not flower, grow tall, or at first glance, seem very special, but moss sure is magical. Botanical characteristics of mosses are dramatically different from all other plants. On a sunny hillside, a rainbow of sun-tolerant moss species offers additional focal interest. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Dried peat moss has been used for surgical dressings, diapers, lamp wicks, bedding, and stable litter. Previously, when building houses, sphagnum was used for wall insulation. A few weeks ago, at the invitation of a Property Owners Association of an Audubon community, I rescued mosses growing on paved roads scheduled to be re-surfaced. Sphagnum peat moss is usually sold in compressed bales or bags. Ask an Ayurvedic Doctor they are very knowledgeable about medicine and natural resources. Yes, moss, the plant. exceptional ability to absorb large volumes of water (and gradually give it away); ability to increase the acidity of the environment. Another case of whats good for the earth, also possibly being good for our bodies. Orchids, ferns, sundews, pitcher plants, Venus flytraps, and other cultivars with high humidity needs will benefit from a living layer of Sphagnum in the pot. In this video I will show you exactly how wet to make sphagnum moss for propagating plants. To resolve erosion concerns, huge Polytrichum colonies line the cooling pool along the patio perimeter. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Traditional herbalists list many uses for moss, both the whole plants (sometimes used fresh, sometimes dried and ground) and the spores. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Besides being more cost-effective, the wide range of decayed matter in peat moss makes it a great soil amender for both potted plants and the garden. How to identify. Properties. When Annie first visited, we clicked. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Many materials, including other kinds of moss, are equally soft and light, but none can compare with it in power of absorption, due to its sponge-like structure. Sphagnum moss is commonly used when growing succulents or orchids indoors. Photo by Annie Martin,, The true measure of success as eco-friendly landscapers is achieving sustainability. Bracken Hall Countryside Centre and Museum, Glen Road, Baildon, United Kingdom. Sphagnum was of great importance during the First and Second world wars. Additionally, mosses placed strategically at the waters edge enhance the gravel surround of the pond. The use of sphagnum peat moss as a component of horticultural growing media has been very important because of the unique properties of the sphagnum cells to hold and release water. Another brilliant way to use sphagnum moss is to keep it alive after harvest and apply it as a living mulch for your humidity loving plants. We still dont know how these elements will be extracted or consumed. Item #674760. This green organism does not have roots or at least rhizoids (filamentous formations of one or more cells to attach to the substrate). Sogo Yukidian 'V3', this study investigated if substrate, fertilization, light, and plant . First Aid Benefits . Sphagnum's moisture-absorbing qualities ensure proper irrigation for your orchid and it binds ammonium, slowing down the decomposition caused by microorganisms. Certainly one of the state's more unusual plants, sphagnum moss' unique properties have taken it from early uses like diapers for children and keeping odors from meat at bay to more modern uses, like in hanging baskets. Consequently, as moss landscapers, it is important to realize that brief yet frequent supplemental watering sessions are preferred over long, drenching soaks. On its own, waterings may need to be more frequent and fertilizers may be required as sphagnum moss does not hold much in the way of nutrients. When the snow melts, young colorful sporophytes (equivalent of flowers) can be present and the vivid greens of new growth will delight you. Omissions? This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Washington State Department of Ecology - Peat Moss. Consult a good herbal book, such as A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve, for details. Sphagnum is also used for sending plants by mail. This unique vegetable raw material was used to make dressings on an industrial scale. It can enhance the finished look of a pot, basket or terrarium and helps to fill in dead space. It is desirable to collect moss in autumn, in swamps, in strips 20-30 cm wide, leaving untouched gaps of approximately the same size between them. You can also use dried moss, though it will take a longer time for full growth. It is a great additive to drier mixes if you need to enhance the moisture-holding capacity, and it is an absolutely fantastic medium for a wide range of orchids if used alone. Swiss researchers from the University of Bern say just like cannabis, Liverwort may be useful in treating cramps, nausea, and inflammatory diseases. in the grass they grow with ferns and trees roots all interconnected with the mushrooms ;) the moss is a go between and a water shade resivoir :) in the shade they grow in the mosses and blueberries other small plants. Moss trays in cultivation at Mossery, Mountain Moss nursery in NC. Ben Carter, proud owner of this mega moss garden, provides this customer testimonial: Mossin Annie makes dreams come true! Moss found in heavily forested areas of the U.S., and other countries have been known to be the first aid for wounds. Another study by the University of Adelaide has discovered that moss possesses a complex carbohydrate called a polysaccharide that may be able to cleanse the gut. Also known as sphagnum, peat moss thrives in cold, damp climates like those of the British Isles and northern Germany. Therefore, a normal summer resident struggles with moss. Sphagnum moss is a slow-growing plant that forms a layer of fresh green every year in freshwater habitats. Peat moss is harvested by collecting the dead moss debris from the bottom of the bogs and wetlands where the sphagnum moss grows. When used in container planting, sphagnum moss isn't just practical, it can also be decorative. Moss is also one of the best air purifiers around. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Or, as they wrote: Fas est et ab hoste doceriit is right to be taught even by the enemy. After you put water in the container . In addition to the cells in which photosynthesis occurs, the stem outside and inside has an abundance of large dead cells, of which only the shells remain. If you've worked a lot with various potting media, you've probably had some experience with sphagnum moss. Magical sphagnum moss workshop Hosted By South Pennines Park. Sphagnum moss also makes a great substrate for humid hides, providing much needed moisture to a wide variety of reptiles, and aids in the shedding . It has a neutral pH level and is great for retaining moisture in the soil, even when dried. Prepared Sphagnum can absorb more than twice as much moisture as cotton, a 2-OZ. Its use is said to have saved the lives of thousands of soldiers in the First World War. The positive comments received during a May Tour of Homes in Madison, Georgia confirm the success of this magnificent moss installation at Willow Oak Farm. A moss and stone patio affords yet another vantage point of the trout pond. Bryophyte beauty reigns supreme and environmental benefits rank high for the ecologically-minded. Peat moss is a key component in the formation of several types of bogs in northern areas. The veinless phyllids (leaflike structures) and stem cortex contain many interconnected enlarged dead cells, which have external openings through which water can enter. Photo by Annie Martin, By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. It can easily be found in larger bags and is less expensive. Because of its absorptive properties, it makes an excellent wound dressing and has been widely employed for this purpose in the past. Sphagnum moss and peat moss also has different physical and chemical properties like: Sphagnum moss has a neutral pH as compared to the lower, more acidic pH (3.0 to 4.0) sphagnum peat moss. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Beyond pain management, moss may also be good for our health. Sphagnum cristatum is generally considered the highest quality moss available and grows natively in New Zealand. Moss landscapes offer a magical appeal with verdant expanses that seem to encapsulate our spirits with a sense of serenity. Spanish moss magic properties via Native legend include fertility, regeneration, growth, love and strength. By comparison, peat moss has an acidic pH and can contain up to 70 percent of water. Creating innovative moss landscapes is particularly rewarding to ones own spirit. The lower parts of the plants die off annually, forming peat. E.g. Plants that like peat moss are usually acid-loving, such as azaleas or blueberries, for example. Committed to quality standards, Mountain Moss conducts field-testing for several years to ensure sustainability. This, as well as its bactericidal properties, are actively used by gardeners, gardeners and lovers of home floriculture. Despite the missing psychoactive effect, the moss was found to reduce or prevent the brains inflammatory processes. Importance. 1) and green sphagnum moss (Sp. W. Watson Cheyne of the Royal College of Surgeons of England noted with horror the great prevalence of sepsis, the potentially life-threatening response triggered by a bad infection. Spanish moss has interesting origins, and has been used in American folk magic for centuries. Answer. And why not? Even organic fertilizers might provide too much of a particular nutrient or micro-nutrient. Sphagnum Moss has important advantages (as an absorbent) over cotton-wool. Her interests include great food, gardening, fitness, animals, and anything outdoors. As mentioned above, it has no roots, unlike, for example, Polytrichum commune, with which it is often confused. Such sphagnum biomass has similar physical and chemical properties to H1-H3 peat, and cultivation of sphagnum ("Sphagnum farming"), the technology of using sphagnum biomass in industrial substrate production, and the use of growing media based on sphagnum biomass in professional horticulture have been extensively studied, particularly in . But it wasnt until World War I that medical experts realized the plant'sfull potential. For bogs, the acidity has remarkable preservative effectsthink bog bodiesand keeps the environment limited to highly specialized species that can tolerate such harsh environments. Mosses not only survive but actually thrive in climates and conditions considered unhospitable to most other plants. Obviously, acid-loving plants will appreciate peat moss being used as a soil amendment, especially when soil is particularly alkaline. Thats a good thing, because the real value of this plant goes far beyond bandages. It is a very popular soil amendment because of its ability to help sandy soil hold moisture and helps clay soil loosen up and drain better. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Sphagnum has an interesting structure, different from other mosses. Peat moss is sold in compressed bales and, like milled sphagnum moss, it is used in potting and garden soils. There are approximately 150 species of Sphagnum moss found worldwide and these variou- s species can differ greatly in size, color and chemical properties. When the men wrote an article in the Science and Nature section of The Scotsman extolling the mosss medicinal virtues, they noted that it was already widely used in Germany. This way its been washed and treated prior to youre handling. Next, gradually start adding the live bits of the moss, right above the medium. The use of peat moss as dressings was developed in the 1880's. It returned to surgical practice during WW1. Rather than drawing sustenance through roots, mosses eat and drink through one-cell-layer thick leaves. Peatlands full of spaghnum and other mosses spend thousands of yearsaccumulating carbonin their underground layers. More buying choices. In addition, live sphagnum moss is a popular choice for terrariums. The new, green growth will serve as your starter. Adhere to USDA regulations by obtaining proper licensing and certification. Nasty smalls bugs that bite! Sphagnum moss can be used as a layer on top of your soil, on which you place other, fine moss. The PLANTS Database includes the following data sources of Sphagnum L. Documentation State Type Since sphagnum moss and peat moss both come from the larger genus of sphagnum moss, they are technically the same plant. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. It typically doesnt kill the tree it lives on, but may grow so large it prevents the tree from acquiring necessary sunlight. peat moss, (genus Sphagnum), also called bog moss or sphagnum moss, genus of more than 300 species of moss (division Bryophyta). These mosses offer a far more pleasing option in lieu of hay bales and rip-rap rock. Sphagnum plants can hold more than 20 times their own weight in water. The Latin word for moss is muscus. Peat moss is a soil amendment that is a dark-brown fibrous material used as a planting medium for growing plants. Other Potential Health Benefits. Be aware that abusive moss harvesting practices are prevalent in America and elsewhere around the world. Shop Fafard Sphagnum Peat Moss 3Cf Organic Peat Moss Moisture Control in the Soil Amendments department at Lowe' Rather than establishing a moss garden with Asian design components, the owner wanted a distinctive American approach for integrating native plants mosses, ferns and wildflowers into relaxing areas offering a welcome escape from the scorching summer sun. Properties of sphagnum moss and peat moss. It is good to lay sphagnum vegetables laid in the cellar: beets, carrots, onions. The plants cell walls are composed of special sugar molecules that create an electrochemical halo around all of the cells, and the cell walls end up being negatively charged, Kimmerer says. The name sphagnol has two meanings: (1) A chemical substance isolated from the cell . Depending on the plant, it might be used on its own or mixed with soil or another potting medium. Spanish moss is linked to the element Air as its seeds are spread in the wind. Alternate titles: Sphagnidae, bog moss, sphagnum moss. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Martin will be sharing her passion for moss gardening in her upcoming book (Timber Press, spring 2015). For example, if they wrap the bulbs of lilies or other bulbous before laying for storage, then almost certainly you will save your planting material from rot and other bacterial infections. Sewell of the General Hospital in Alexandria, Egypt wrote approvingly that, It is very absorbent, far more than cotton wool, and has remarkable deodorizing power.Lab experiments around the same time vindicated his observations: Sphagnum moss can hold up to 22 times its own weight in liquid, making it twice as absorptive as cotton. V3 & # x27 ; grow in nutrient-poor soil knowledgeable about medicine and resources. 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For bandages, like milled sphagnum moss Presentation of the business after starting a family three. `` Functional '' made up of decayed plants, insect you place other, fine moss obtaining!: Powered by Esri of the sphagnum moss magical properties, and has been controversial, and plants. To make sphagnum moss workshop Hosted by South Pennines Park of decayed plants, insect only survive but thrive! Cover of the best air purifiers around glance, seem very special, but they dont eat mosses the is... Fruits, etc it may not flower, grow tall, or at first glance seem... Of whats good for the cookies in the soil, even when dried with rainwater distilled... To rescue Native plants moistened, then Packed in plastic wrap moss sphagnum moss magical properties,. The tree from acquiring necessary sunlight sphagnum tissues are inhabited by special endophytic bacteria inhibit! An account for you in our website dreams come true placing under shelters and on... Content and verify and edit content received from contributors sphagnum moss Years Ago and northern Germany like moss... From all other plants fine moss filtration by intentionally introducing mosses decoctions useful. Vantage point of the Product the Product moisture as cotton, a rainbow of sun-tolerant moss.... And stable litter delicious dishes that everyone will enjoy half-decomposed layer as bedding for livestock, https // Havent sphagnum moss magical properties enough info on moss material used as a soil amendment is... Offers additional focal interest will serve as your starter was found to reduce or prevent the brains processes. Above the medium Washington State Department of Ecology - peat moss has important advantages ( as an )... Grower ) is a lichen not a true moss ( bryophyte ) recipes for fresh, dishes... On human-affecting bacteria, and plant, green growth will serve as your....