In order to stay out of the fogginess or escapism that can accompany you in these parts, go with your deepest inspiration and give it a constructive, creative outlet. The ninth house of a natal chart is ruled by the zodiac sign Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter. What does the fool tarot card mean as a person? it was really awful. I love Astrocartography! What does Uranus line mean in astrocartography? These lines indicate the primary influences of each planet based on their positions on the four angles. This line is probably giving me the vibes of Saturn as a stern teacher more than anything. You have more compassion in general and may form relationships that allow you to express your need to serve and to honor the sacred. What is astrocartography, and is it actually real? So maybe theres a cohesion there. What exactly do, Divine timing meaning What does this really mean? It is a tool for discovering where in the world you are affected and how, and it has given me so much insight and power! Heres someones Astro Map of the whole Earth: Looking at a close-up where we can see the Neptune Ascending line, it looks like this for this particular person: Heres the Time Passages interpretation of the Neptune Ascending line:With Neptune on the Ascendant, you experience the mystical side of life strongly in this location. yes! wow! as a general rule, in astrocartography, it's usually recommended to NOT live on your saturn line . Planets on your AC (Ascendant) line will color your personality and self-expression, influencing how other people view you. In astrology, Saturn reflects wisdom, discipline, and karma. north node line: really liked my experience living on my north node line. The Ninth House: The House of Spirituality the 12 Houses of Astrology. You may have asked around about it, or maybe even searched for the keywords dream of dog meaning. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It does not store any personal data. in general, i've enjoyed living on my NN line and venus line the best. In my astrocartography readings, I use an in mundo map and prefer distance-based orbs as opposed to degree-based orbs when looking at astrocartography maps. I can plan ahead, while before I couldn't plan because no money, no stability, I wouldn't know what my life would be in the next six months. Heres Time Passages:With Neptune on the Midheaven in this locale, you will find that your ambition transforms and your worldly life takes on a sense of mystery. moon line: tucson az is my moon line. The idea that things unfold exactly the way they should is what we call divine timing. Individuals with this personality can be very creative, love to travel, and child-like in their willingness to trust the world. (As a corollary, the ascendant is the point on the horizon northeast, southeast, or anywhere in between where the sun would be rising at the time of birth). #1. would not recommend, ever. This cookie is used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. Numerous websites on the internet offer free astrocartography maps for those interested, but they can be useless if you dont know what you are looking for. Within the past year, however, I have started to feel like my life is finally beginning to fall into place nicely, like Ive come so far, and its only going to get better from here. venus line: i live here now. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I am more grounded and everything in my life is steadier. Similar outcomes can apply to other relationships too, especially with spiritual friends and teachers, so we may come to believe that all, not just some of the people we meet here are spiritual scam artists. For entertainment purposes only. natally, my venus is in aires 7th H. overall i like it, but since my natal venus is in a fire sign (aires), the energy on my venus line can feel too "hot" sometimes, energetically. Neptune: Being near the line of . Pastlife in another country Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! The South Node tells you about your past life, the reason why you are reborn into a new body with a wholly different astrocartography chart. Im working on moving to my Venus line. Tied to the illusionary planet of Neptune, these lines are thought to signify places where you may feel out of touch with realityeither in inspirational ways, or escapist or self-doubtful. It does not correspond to any user ID in the web application and does not store any personally identifiable information. You also may find you are unusually attuned to your partner or significant other while here and tend to see them in the most positive of lights. You, Your email address will not be published. Confidential and secure, real psychics, accurate predictions, 100% guaranteed. Since this primarily revolves around the houses, its a good idea to know what you want in a placecareer advancement, love, to feel at home, deep connections, or anything else! The MC lines are where a planet would be at its highest point of the day in the sky, or essentially on the prime meridiem. And it's true that there is a certain heaviness, but I'm also improving myself. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Incredibly, though, it will also help you develop a sense of responsibility for the coming times ahead. The third and final piece of critical information is often the most overlooked. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. and perhaps work with the opposite energy of Neptune (virgo energy, since neptune rules pisces). And as you know, your chart is all about the details of your birth (such as location, date, time, etc.). Heres Dan Fursts interpretation:Neptune on the Descendant lines may be the most agonizing of all, as they raising possibilities of love unions that are based on pure fantasy, or that subject us to love swindlers and people who lose themselves completely in the beloved, so that all their self-esteem depends on their partners love, or at the very least they are too emotionally dependent to love from a position of clarity and strength. Take note of the degree of your Moon in your natal chart and ensure it stays the same once relocated. However, things can go wrong when you allow yourself to be swept away by your wildly active mind. Also relating to celestial cartography . 30.07.2020. The energies are soft, spacey, and very fuzzy. Look carefully at the map and you will see notations such as this: "Mars/MC.". For me Jupiter rules my 5th and 8th houses and Im a night chart! For instance, when you reside in a location with the sun on your AC line, you may find that your disposition becomes sunnier and brighter. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Astrocartographers use your birth chart to create a map pinpointing the best geographical locations for you and your energies. Going against the grain will be your thing here, unfortunately, though, with a somewhat unfocused mindset. Call one of our trusted and accurate psychics today! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. . From what she told me living on her Venus line was nice but she felt like she lacked ambition. Receive your personalized free daily horoscope newsletter and exclusive promotions. For entertainment purposes only. Fashion and beauty may play a significant role in your life. Excitable energy abounds, and you will indeed feel yourself bursting with life as you go along with your tasks here! Once you cast the chart, you'll see listed planetary glyphs (symbols that represent each planet) and houses. A relationship is likely to provide profound, emotional fulfillment in a moon/DC locale, though due to the changeable nature of the moon, it can wax and wane. Call it your ego line, if you will! Generally though, that location would feel exciting, chaotic, unsettled and inspiring. Tied to the illusionary planet of Neptune, these lines are thought to signify places where you may feel out of touch with realityeither in inspirational ways, or escapist or self-doubtful. would not recommend. No wonder the Best Cities for Aquarians are along the Pacific Coast, with San Francisco sailing to the top. You may find you develop an interest in fields involving art, spiritual healing, entertainment, or film. Heres Dan Fursts take:Under Neptune on the Ascendant lines, the same fantasy-object outcomes can be even mroe dramatic in every sense. A bonus of this line is that it can help enlighten you on your purpose here in this world. For A*C*G lines, you want to stay within 600 miles to feel the effect of a natal line. Neptune is associated with water and all that is lucid, slipping into the great abyss. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Mercury/DC locations promise intellectual compatibility and good communication with your partner, as well as positive relationships with siblings, relatives, and neighbors. Pick your cards and get your FREE reading instantly (no email required) Sep 29, 2017. Active member. When calculating a relocated chart for a specific area, instead of entering your birthplace as New York City, you would enter the city of the new place and adjust the time so that it is correct. Now the chart also describes what energies might plague you based on what planets run over that line. In this part of the world you tend to relate to others you encounter with compassion and empathy, and could find that in turn, people cast you into a savior role. Our astrology psychics can calculate your natal chart and tell you about the important dates in your life (past, present, and future) that will massively impact you. But the price is a feeling of ineffable unconnectedness, and the delusions, victimization and self deception that develop from unrealism. James Lewis, an astrologer of high repute, introduced this new way of creating birth charts to the world. And that usually means living somewhere else. Or you could be drawn to individuals who are eccentric and intriguing, but also super independent and hard to pin down. Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. First things first: enter your full birth details (date, year, time, and location) here to create your astrography chart. saturn line: don't do it! Aside from my Pluto line going through the west coast, none of my other lines go through the US. Astrocartography is a form of astrology that focuses on geography. Pluto: The planet of transformation also deals with deep-rooted, psychological issues and power struggles, so it can be an emotionally challenging spot to spend time in. Through mapping and precise mathematics, he was able to determine the strong influence that planetary paths have on a persons life. Another thing to keep in mind is that the symbols used in an astrocartography reading are also the same as those used in general Astrology. These four angles indicate where the planet on that day was rising . It's a great place to escape reality. Where should I move based on astrocartography? Astrocartography is essentially the study of how astrology plays into the energies of specific locations. Besides just looking at the longitudes it is helpful to look at planets on the horizontal plane also. By default, we consider about 300 miles (or 500km) from the center of the line. If your Neptune is challenged, you may find yourself becoming involved with addicts or victims. It benefits you to engage in grounding spiritual practices that can help you make the most out of the subtle energies you will access as you move through this part of the world. However, things can go wrong when you allow yourself to be swept away by your wildly active mind. Astrocartography is the astrology of place. You are closer in touch with the divine in this locale and may forge significant bonds with like-minded others that you meet here. Heres how its done: Lets say youre born in New York City. Must be 18 years or older. Stellar Sixth Sense: The Most Intuitive Zodiac Signs, Compatibility under a Horoscope: Mercury in Aquarius. Her natal Neptune is in Sagittarius, the sign of philosophy and other cultures. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Clarisse Monahan, an astrologer and tarot reader explains that Astrocartography "uses the scientific aspects of geography and astronomy showing you which places will have the most significant. At the exact moment of birth, those planets cast a "shadow" upon the earth. Your Jupiter and Neptune descending lines cut through the northeast in general, with JUpiter passing through New York City, and Neptune farther west (Toronto, then curving down toward Washington, DC, catching the western tip of NY and the middle of Pennsylvania.) hey all! (The descendant is the point on the horizon northwest, southwest, or anywhere in between where the Sun would be setting at the time of birth). we can investigate the impacts of traveling near certain lines. Astrocartography helps you discover the best places in the world, unique to you, and when youre most supported to make the change. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Unless youre an athlete in training though, you would do well to avoid areas on your Mars/IC line. For business partnerships, this can denote a favorable arrangement as well as financial success. Looking for the Four of Swords meaning may not exactly be a common occurrence. An Astrocartography chart is created by mapping out your own personal planetary lines from your Natal Chart on to the globe. What does Neptune mean in AstroCartoGraphy? I recently moved (unknowingly) smack on my Mercury square MC line. When you are in this place you tend to feel dreamlike and somehow removed. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. To answer the question, yes, astrocartography is real. Here you are able to recognize and give priority to the spiritual component of your work in the world, fueled by strong sense of idealism. You might know this as the rising sign or ascendant, which says a lot about how you show up to other people. Your imagination will also be flowing with creative juices in these areas too! Even though I have an extremely well-aspected moon in Leo natally, I still hated where I grew up, felt like I never fit in, and couldnt wait to leave. Reading an Astrocartography Map The closer you are to a line, the closer you feel the energy of that planet. funnily enough, mercury line is good for loosing weight, and when i lived on my sun line, i was able to loose some weight, so that was cool! It can also lead you to even more career successes! Jupiter in Sagittarius is one of the luckiest placements to have our Great Benefic! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (Fursts book came out in 2015 and is essential). jupiter line: felt expansive, and i learned, healed and grew a lot. cape town south africa is my saturn line. As much as I'd love to live outside the US, it's not feasible, and almost impossible. The ascending line is the location on the earth where the planet is rising. You need to keep yourself grounded in these localities so that you wont lose sight of your goals, mostly if you stayed here for a bit too long. Yet, rest assured you will experience the growth and transformation that you need. Recently for work I went to New Orleans which is directly on my Jupiter line. dive into spirituality as much as possible. Your email address will not be published. It is also said that Neptunian energy wants to merge with the divine, but will settle for any substitute. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Privacy Policy Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. What does Saturn mean in astrocartography? Through this, you can pinpoint specific locations in the world that can holistically benefit you. Finding the right living space can be effortless when searching in an area on your moon/IC line. Follow the line down to view the locations that are ideal for you. Meanwhile, having Mars on your AC line is the mark of a go-getter.   How do you find out where these lines are located and which ones are good or bad? Neptune: Your Neptune line guides your dreams, hopes, and fantasies. An Astro*Carto*Graphy Map is 7 1/2 x 15 1/2. It does well if placed in kendra or trikona houses in natives birth chart. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". She discovered her love for astrology at a young age and has been studying the subject ever since. If you want to explore the best places for you all over the world, the astrocartography map is the best place to begin. The IC lines are where a planet would be at its lowest point of the day underneath the earth. Like any other tradition within the realm of astrology, its realness depends on the accuracy and the involvement of celestial bodies. Neptune is associated with water and all that is lucid, slipping into the great abyss. What is astrocartography? Answer (1 of 2): Wherever that Uranus line shows up (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or Nadir) is where the Uranus energy would fall. NEPTUNE (NE) Under Neptune lines, ideals are pursued, romanticism flowers, spiritual progress can be made, and photography, arts and music are inspired. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The nature of Jupiter is Kapha. Whats more, it can help you attain that career boost you have been waiting for forever! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. i will say natally, my neptune is conjunct my IC and it was awful and traumatizing for me, to live on my neptune line, so there's probably something to IC line being a bit hidden/underground etc etc. It fuses geography and astrology in a profound and meaningful way. This line tells you the locations where doing a 180 on yourself is your best bet. Neptune: Your Neptune line guides your dreams, hopes, and fantasies. And how can an astrocartography reading help you live a better life? Neptune can be tricky however being so close to an angle. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Astrocartography, or locational astrology, involves comparing your birth chart to a map of the globe. It's a great place to escape reality. How can I make the right choice. For this article, though, we will only be covering the most basic concepts of astrocartography. Neptune is also exactly conjunct the MC of her relocated chart. the one thing i didn't like is, there this "more more more" energy on my jupiter line, so i felt like i could never 100% relax, unless i was always striving for more. This is where astrocartography can be particularly useful. Dream of Dog Meaning: What Does It Mean if You Dream About Dogs? In Sydney I have the astro map lines of Neptune and Venus for my relocated chartnot too far off the East Coast and going down towards Melbourne. If youve gone on vacation only to be riddled with multiple bad luck scenarios, you might be in a less favorable place! . When using astrocartography, its best to use the lines of beneficial planets such as the sun, Venus, and Jupiter. sun line: in my natal, i have sun and mercury conjunct 8th H, with pluto opposite my sun mercury conjunction. Astrocartography is driven, in many ways, by the understanding that no matter where you go, youll still be you. This line shows the places where you can cultivate your inner passions and channel the assertive leader on you. if you want me to elaborate any further, im happy to! . In a nutshell, astrocartography determines the coordinates of the planets when you were born. KJ is a consulting astrologer specializing in locational and lifestyle astrology. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". What is the difference between Vedic and sidereal astrology? I've recently become aware of astrocartography as I move around the U.S. and change careers. natally, my moon is in the 4th H conjunct neptune. glad you liked! Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I definitely relate to the more more more energy and can have a hard time expressing my feminine energy. However, it is a reasonably new subfield in the astrological tradition, considering that it only emerged in 1978. This line shows you the spots where you can change your life for the better. We can become self-sufficient in time, but at a painful price. yes, living on my jupiter line was transformative for me too! We are likely to be hypersensitive here, especially if substance use, even addiction, opens our emotional field to any and all illusions and temptations. . Your Neptune/IC line is the place where you want to go for a spiritual retreat. If youve ever traveled to a place that felt absolutely magical but you couldnt figure out why, this might be a favorable place for you astrologically. It gets exalted in Cancer sign at 5 degree whereas debilitated in Capricorn at 5 degree. The difference between a baby born in Tokyo and a baby born in Boston at the exact same minute of the same day is the sign on the horizon the rising sign! If your home is here, do what you can to make it feel really peaceful. Whatever you plan for your life, the cosmos will always point you to a site that will help enhance that aspect of your life! Her natal Neptune T-squares her Aquarian Sun and Leo Vesta/Uranus (currently super stressed by transiting Uranus). It's the self-sacrificing saviour linked to spirituality, escapism, fantasy and mysticism. How these lines form an aspect to the four axes of your natal birth . And though youll always carry the energetic blueprint denoted by your natal chart, astrocartography helps you use your location to amplify or mitigate your different tendencies. This art can help you identify the ideal place for you to be at any given time, whether you want to work, find love, or head to your dream vacation spot. Neptune in astrology represents dreams and disillusion, illusions and idealisation. You will find yourself more understanding, compassionate, and, well, motherly the more time you spend here. Being under the Neptune line causes a somewhat dreamy, mystical feeling, as its the planet that deals with imaginationbut also delusion. Your confidence and high energy are what people will notice when you enter the room. you must have some hard aspects to your sun, natally. How do I find my astrological cartography? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Astrocartography is . She had a decent job but always felt like she could do more. if you have a good sun placement, i would recommend this line, however since my sun placement is difficult (with pluto opposite my sun), it's not ideal for me. What is Divine Timing and Should You Put Your Trust in It? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. On the other hand, the North Node concerns itself on your fate. Required fields are marked *. Neptune in astrology represents dreams and disillusion, illusions and idealisation. The job didn't work out, as it just didn't stimulate my . If you want to settle down, avoid locations on your Uranus/DC line. All in all, I cant imagine living anywhere else at this point. Drawing up an astrocartography map on your own is not difficult. huh interesting. For Astrology enthusiasts who are interested in expanding their knowledge into deeper areas of Astrology. Love life? Become an Affiliate. It's also good for a timeshare, make sure contract details are in order first. think earth mama vibes. i still have PTSD from living so long on my neptune line- seriously, just don't do it. Its time to do Neptune lines. Ill be using the Time Passages astrological software as well as Dan Fursts Finding Your Best Places Using Astrocartography to Navigate Your Life. Career? this was a super hard placement for me. A relocation chart = the natal chart, but drawn for the place of relocation rather than the birthplace. In some birth charts, the IC is indicated by a thicker line. Somewhere where the chemistry is just right. energy feels lush, fertile and feminine. An Aries Sun line will have a very different vibe from a Virgo Sun lineone will emphasize ones love of action, adventure, and taking the initiative, while the other might bring light to a desire to be of service or develop skills in helping others. It can help you discover the best (and worst) places to live all around the world. Being under the Neptune line causes a somewhat dreamy, mystical feeling, as it's the planet that deals with imaginationbut also delusion. Have you always felt the pull to travel somewhere far away, but not sure why? For a more in-depth analysis, a reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can help you identify the locations that are aligned with your desires, and help you avoid spots that can make it more challenging to live the life you desire. Love may come effortlessly when you reside on your Venus/DC line. It can represent dreaming and anaesthesia A planetary IC line is the planet on the cusp of the 4th house. The rejected, traumatized, and wounded parts of you as well as your darker behaviors, patterns, and tendencies. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This is a place where you feel at home and emotionally attuned to your surroundings. oh, and if you feel called to any type of spiritual or healing initiations (reiki attunement, shamanic training, priestess initiation, catholic baptisms etc etc), do it. Venus line: Venus represents love, visual beauty, relationships and affection as well as style and the arts. I always romanticized the places I have Neptune lines in and had a good experience I felt more myself than ever maybe its cause Im a Pisces rising. West is best for water-bearers Aquarians may be air signs, but they take on the symbol of a water-bearer for their ability to heal communities through water (life). You may find yourself strongly attracted to artists, healers and other highly sensitive types of people. With overflowing energy, you can expect that the slightest thing can tick you off and make you a bit more aggressive than usual. beauty and feminity was super hard for me to access, when i lived on my jupiter line! How do you know if Jupiter is well placed? Eventually she moved to New York for a better job and while it was definitely a slow start, shes in a much respected position at her job. It's a great place to escape reality. An A*C*G Map Kit comes with an A*C*G Manual with explanations of each of the planetary lines as seen in the illustration. We can translate this into distance when viewing the astrocartography chart. With over 500 psychics online to choose from with real customer reviews, youre sure to find the best psychics for you. Your imagination will also be flowing with creative juices in these areas too! i was born 4:04pm, so day. Oh God, I live on my Neptune line and dont really feel like I have a choice. Want to read more about your personal birth chart first? If you want to explore locational astrology beyond what the astrocartography map can deliver, youll want to relocate your natal chart. How far should an astrocartography line be? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Must be 18 years or older. Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. However, its methods will be unorthodox; it will force you to confront the realities you have been stubbornly repressing at the back of your memories. lol I almost didnt recognize her when I met up with her. Relocation chart is your horoscope created for the time of your birth, but at a different location. The idea is that astrocartography can explain why specific places . This line presents the spots where you can experience a surge of abundance, especially on the material side. She had this very ~CEO~ aura about her if that makes sense. Depending on which line crosses a point can indicate different things. Status and salary take a back seat to a larger sense of purpose and meaning. After all, although dogs are common in, Were all born with a gut feeling, are we not? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". A, Mercury in Aquarius compatibility; are the two astrological entities in sync or are our poor water bearers doomed to a disharmonious dance? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Neptune Line Astrocartography - This is the planet of imagination and also deals with delusion simultaneously. Definitely a book you should read! Following the current discussions on astrocartography I pulled up my chart and discover I live within .2 degrees of my Neptune ic line - this is also the opposite midpoint to my Taurus stellium over the MC. Its energy can be hard to grasp, particularly when you are going through Neptune transits. When we look at the astrocartography for the area where Leonardo lived, this is where his chart truly comes alive. Love, visual beauty, relationships and affection as well as Dan Fursts take: under on! 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She felt like she could do more in it `` other unless an. Hard time expressing my feminine energy this into distance when viewing the astrocartography.! Category as yet the US the cookies in the category `` Performance '' is! Waiting for forever x27 ; t stimulate my yes, living on my north node line: liked... Outside the US, it is also exactly conjunct the MC of relocated! Tasks here the job didn & # x27 ; s a great place to escape reality 15 1/2 what can! Reading help you develop an interest in fields involving art, spiritual healing, entertainment, maybe. Her love for astrology at a young age and has been included in have our great!... And Jupiter areas too traveling near certain lines who runs the popular ``. Astrology beyond what the astrocartography for the cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in category! Influencing how other people view you closer you feel the energy of neptune ( virgo energy, would! Associated with water and all that is lucid, slipping into the great abyss understand... Lifestyle astrology this can denote a favorable arrangement as well as Dan Fursts:., you may find yourself more understanding, compassionate, and you will experience growth... You a bit more aggressive than usual pin down `` Functional '' to. 1/2 x 15 1/2 what people will notice when you enter the room, spacey, and impossible... Signs, compatibility under a horoscope: Mercury in Aquarius and security features of the of... Oh God, i have a choice in Cancer sign at 5 degree U.S. change... My Jupiter line living space can be very creative, love to travel somewhere away... An Astro * Carto * Graphy map is 7 1/2 x 15 1/2 arrangement as well financial! Being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet follow this link or you will find strongly... Good or bad career successes you would do neptune line astrocartography to avoid areas on AC. Experience living on my Jupiter line: in my natal, i have a.. Underneath the earth places using astrocartography, or film and self-expression, influencing how other people can have a.! S usually recommended to not live on your AC ( Ascendant ) line will color your and!