We will also share examples on. Learning from strangers: the art and method of qualitative interview studies. This finding, especially the link between lying and ill health may be relatively unique to this cultural setting. Functionalists also study culture in terms of values. These two ideas were fully appreciated . This article's focus on disease causation derives from the emphasis on the political, economic, and cultural context of illness that characterizes Africanist scholarship in this field. In: Nichter M, editor. TeleFax +91-581-2302188. Infections were also identified as a common cause of illnesses: The use of non-sterilized sharp things for removing a childs milk teeth and female circumcision is consequential. In these communities, illness is perceived to have supernatural (e.g., almighty God/ Allah, nature spirits, and human agents of the supernatural), natural (e.g., environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, poverty, biological and psychological factors) and societal causes (e.g., social trust, experiences of family support and harmony; and violation of social taboos). CAS Download Free PDF This study further underscores the need to incorporate folk theories of disease causation, gender and malaria issues into malaria control strategies in order to improve their coverage and effectiveness in different contexts. 2005;60:50113. Altern Ther Health Med. The current Ethiopian indigenous health strategy (the National health strategies with regard to Indigenous Solution reported in March 2015) acknowledges the need to support components of indigenous medication including recommendations to explore potential beneficial aspects [31]. Correspondence to The study participants also associate illness with unfavourable conditions of the environment (e.g., poor sanitation), infection, poverty and lack of food, as well as biological (e.g., aging, genetics) and psychological causes such as stress and worry. Finally the themes were incorporated into a conceptual model of the participants and their beliefs and perceptions in illness causation [18]. If we see someone leave home at the wrong time, we say he is going to bring affliction [Male, Study Community # 4]. A historical overview of traditional medicine practices and policy in Ethiopia. 93 0 obj <>stream Ulin PR, Segall MH, editors. Correlated with personalistic etiologies are the belief that all misfortune, disease included, is explained in the same way; illness, religion, and Study participants were adults over 30years of age identified by health extension workers in the area to be knowledgeable about local health traditions who were willing to participate in a conversation about their health. 2nd ed. This theme does not appear in Murdocks model. The investigators consulted the Woreda health extension workers (primary health care practitioners) on the selection of study communities. Three views of disease causation may be identified from the literature. Then we stay healthy [Female, Study Community # 4]. 125"128. The present study used a qualitative descriptive design with semi-structured interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomena. The views presented in the article are of the authors and do not necessarily express the views of the funding organization. supernatural theory of disease ecological theory germ theory multifactorial causation theory no unanimous opinion at least 10% of the people in developed countries and 30% in developing countries still believe in supernatural origin even today superstitions are becoming major obstacles in disease control most of the literates view that disease . The participants in the study communities believe that if they honour the spirits, they will be rewarded by good health and that if the spirits are forgotten or ignored, the protection they provide may be withdrawn which will lead to illness or death. Nurse Educ Today. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Mesfin H, Teferi G, Heather B. Seven common Filipino cultural beliefs are presented in this paper namamana, lihi, sumpa, gaba, pasma, namaligno, and kaloob ng Diyos. Bishaw M. Attitudes of modern and traditional medical practitioners toward cooperation. In 1890 Robert Koch proposed specific criteria that should be met before concluding that a disease was caused by a particular bacterium. Epub 2015 Feb 10. Traditional health care delivery in contemporary Africa. TWIO. More than half (n=53) reported that they were illiterate, i.e., didnt read and write Amharic. FOIA This ethnographic study was grounded in participant observations made by the principal investigator (MHK) working as a volunteer heath extension worker in the study area for five months between June and November, 2013. In-depth understanding of disease causation aids in planning prevention and steps to tackle the disease in a population. Medical and cultural considerations. The respondents in the present study perceived that supernatural forces were the most important cause of ill health. Prev Chronic Dis. Helman (1990) presentation of lay theories of illness causation identified four sites; individual patient, the natural Foster M, Anderson B. HENLE-KOCH POSTULATES Henle and Koch have postulated that Each disease will be caused by a . Simple statistics like frequency distribution, percentile were used. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Understanding the study communities perceptions of illness causation and ways of preventing diseases is very important in designing good health promotion and disease prevention strategies [28, 29]. Understanding perceptions of the causes of ill-health common in indigenous communities may help policy makers to design effective integrated primary health care strategies to serve these communities. Letter to the Editor: "Orthopaedic and trauma care in low-resource settings: the burden and its challenges". In case you need help on any kind of academic writing visit website www.HelpWriting.net and place your order, Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. J Hum Lact. Theories of Disease January 20, 2022 by Sagar Aryal A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs and symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury is called a disease. Unusual causes of emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance, Effect of the Gayatri Mantra Playing on Microbial Load in Room Air. Soc Sci Med. Young A. What are Demonic and divine Theory and Ecological theory of disease? A. Social Research Methods. The breakthrough came in 1860, when the French bacteriologist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) demonstrated the presence of bacteria in air. They also talked about how eating spoiled food or inappropriate foods led to illness such as getting diarrhea from consuming raw sorghum (Tinkish), or Kolo (roasted sorghum). HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The first authors (MHK) native status offered both opportunities and limitations for the study [19]. According to Hippocrates the theories of disease causation are the 4 humors, blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile. The ascription of misfortunes to natural objects pervaded by spirits (e.g., qolle or quteb) was observed to be common in the study population. volume17, Articlenumber:124 (2017) Focus groups and interviews continued until the data in the key emerging themes were saturated (i.e., key points were repeated and no significant new information was emerging) [16, 17]. Beliefs on the causes of birth defects as perceived by mothers of children with birth defects in a tertiary care hospital in the Philippines. TG and HB served as supervisors of all data collection, analysis and review of the original paper. He died from Parkinson's disease in 2014, aged 85. . Research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, and even death. Notwithstanding our explanations in regards to the studys academic nature and specific objectives, some community members could have perceived the study as a government supported activity. This ethnographic exploration with the study communities in Tehuledere revealed that perceived causes of ill-health can be grouped into three main categories: supernatural, natural, and social elements. The participants were told that they would be participating in a group discussion about their health and what they do to maintain their health and to respond to illness. In: Fox JP, Hall CE, Elveback LR, editors. He has published more than 15 research articles and book chapters in international journals and well-renowned publishers. The first is the monocausal view and emerges from the "conquest" of the infectious diseases. Similarly, a theoretical approach initially used to frame and subsequently to interpret the data from this study allowed for a more thorough explanation of beliefs and perceptions of illness causation. 2011; 26 (4):275-278. doi: 10.5001 . Germ theory was the third disease causation theory with a characteristic marking of the onset of infectious diseases conquest. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The discoveries of Pasteur and Koch confirmed the germ theory of disease. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. If you dont tell the truth, you and your family will fall ill. Kickbush I. Only single germ is responsible for causation of a specific disease. The focus groups included questions about the meaning of illnesses and health, as well as perceptions about the causes of illnesses and health (see Additional file 1 for the complete focus group guide). I/C Epidemiology; Centre for Animal Disease Research We found that the causes of ill-health were constructed and negotiated within the socio-cultural context of the study communities. Theories of illness causation derive from the underlying cognitive orientation of a cultural group, and therapeutic practice usually follows the same cultural logic. The study participants attribute many ailments to withdrawal of nature spiritsFootnote 1 (e.g., qolle or quteb, wuqabi, awlia, zar and jinn) protection and wrath. A Seminar Work Presented to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar. 2007;2:942. The provision of culturally competent health care is an important professional issue recognized by the pioneer genetic counselors in the Philippines. We say in our culture, if there are arguments and fights there will be no peace then, it would shorten your life and laughter will be away from you. Contrary to the result of this study, circulatory diseases were the leading cause of death in developed countries / high-income countries [7,8,29]. The other criterion was the interest shown by the health extension workers to collaborate in the study. Each transcript was coded line by line and these codes were organized into higher-order conceptual themes. New York: Africana Publishing Corporation; 1969. p. XXXXI. Mesfin H. Kahissay. After their migration from the southern part of Ethiopia, before embracing Islam as their religion, the people of the Tehuledere region continued to make use of their indigenous Cushitic beliefs and practices [7]. A. Sanchez-AiAnguiano Epidemiology 6000 Introduction zzEpidemiology: study of the distribution determinants and deterrents of Epidemiology: study of the distribution, determinants and deterrents of . By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Article Ethnicity pertains to: geographic origins, fam patterns, lang., cultural norms, religion, literature, music, gender roles, etc Racism The belief that some races are superior to others by nature Ethnocentrism So if there is no peace at home, there will be no health [Female, Study Community # 4]. The connection between ill-health and lying needs further exploration for indigenous groups like this. In addition, they shared beliefs about natural causes of illness such as infection or lack of nutrition. In addition to that, diseases may be communicable or non-communicable. After teaching microbiology for more than four years, he joined the Central Department of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University, to pursue his Ph.D. in collaboration with Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Saarbrucken, Germany. Culturally-based attitudes about seeking treatment and trusting traditional medicines and folk remedies are rooted in core belief systems about illness causation, i.e., naturalistic, Ayurvedic, biomedical, etc. New York: Wiley; 1978. In addition, all participants who participated in the focus groups and interviews gave informed consent either in writing or verbally (for those who were illiterate) after they were provided information about the nature of the study, and assurances that specific comments would not be attributed to specific participants. 13. The germ theory of disease came to the forefront, supplanting the earlier theories of disease causation. Nigeria is now the second largest HIV disease burden in the world after South Africa which has 7.1 million (19% of global epidemic) burden of the disease, though prevalence is stable at 3.4% [38,39]. They speak Amharic, Ethiopias official language. The dominant frameworks argue that culture is a set of values, beliefs, and actions that are learned through interactions with others. Accordingly, people used to please the gods by prayers and offerings or used to resort to witchcraft to tame the devils. Murdock G. Theory of illness. power point presentation, Epidemiology and preventive veterinary medicine.docx1, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, University of Amsterdam and University College London, Herbal Antimicrobials to Counter AMR.pptx. All seek to elucidate principles capable of explaining social inequalities in health, and all represent what I would term theories of disease distribution,24which presume but cannot be reduced to mechanism-oriented theories of disease causation. 1983. p. 155. Galenhad written of the possibility of seeds of disease, a view which suggested a belief in the contagious nature of some diseases. I have seen people become amputees and paralyzed [Male, Study Community # 1]. Initially Neolithic (New Stone Age), the Nok culture made the transition to the Iron Age. Epidemiology(Fifth edition.). Spirit Mediumship and society in Africa. For long, man was groping in darkness about the causation of disease. Biomedical health care institutions and policies often do not recognize the important role indigenous ill-health beliefs and medicinal knowledge plays in rural health care, especially in developing countries. These postulates enabled the germ theory of disease to achieve dominance in medicine over other theories, such as humors and miasma. The health extension workers also helped to select 96 participants for 10 focus group discussions and 20 individuals (two from each focus groups) were selected purposively for follow-up individual interviews based on their demonstrated knowledge and ability to describe their experiences in the focus groups. Health effects of social isolation, loneliness. A deeper understanding of the communitys ill-health beliefs is needed to inform the design and implementation of primary health-care services. Kahissay, M., Fenta, T. & Boon, H. Beliefs and perception of ill-health causation: a socio-cultural qualitative study in rural North-Eastern Ethiopia. Despite its existence and continued use, indigenous medicinal knowledge as well as education, training and research in the area, have lacked official recognition and support [3]. statement and Sicknesses, epidemics, contagious diseases and even death were explained in terms of punishment by enraged qolle spirits. The second approach emphasizes the concept of multicausality and derives its popularity largely from the study of the diseases of industrialized societies. THEORIES CONCERNING THE CAUSATION OF DISEASE. Thus for many indigenous peoples, including those in the current study, when health is restored through the use of biomedicine, it is still necessary to conduct ritual acknowledgment of the nature-spirit intervention as part of the recovery process [27]. Disease etiologies in non-western medical systems. It was the golden age of bacteriology. Positive correlation is when you observe A increasing and B increases as well. Federal Ministry of Health. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. A second well respected ritual spirit, articulated in all five female focus groups as a spirit for health, is Chelle. Chelle is regarded as a goddess of fecundity, whose power is associated with fertility of women, maintenance of a healthy family, and acquisition of a good harvest. 2022 Apr;13(2):183-191. doi: 10.1007/s12687-021-00543-2. Semi-structured key informants interviews with 20 interviewees chosen from among the focus group participants were also conducted following the focus groups with a view to obtain more detailed understanding of the perceptions of ill-health causation.. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders. This paper tries to summarise these changing perceptions of disease causation and provide a comprehensive overview. Study participants explained that they believe that if a person violates the required norms, his/her health will be in danger: If a person makes an oath in front of the Abegar with his hands on the Rekebot /an indigenous spot made of mud soil in which isen is served or place of truth/,and then tell lies, he will face problems. This finding is not explained by Murdocks model and thus this study contributes an additional element to Murdocks ill-health theoretical model. Unit 10: Causation z ti f Ci t i lCriteria for causality Association vs. Causation zDifferent models zDifferent Philosophies zHills' Criteria D A S hDr. In 1873, Pasteur advanced the germ theory of disease. It states thatmicroorganismsknown aspathogensor germs can lead to disease. Medical anthropology. Principal Scientist & Act. Similar to Murdock, we have categorized these as natural causes of ill-health. hbbd```b`` (0 (d9 lz`&&$ D&2$#dB@@lHDIe7sL@o30"? Mishra SI, Hess J, Luce PH. The sample consisted of 21 participants, 11 females aged 19-61 years (Median 44 years) and 10 males aged 22-65 years (Median 52 years). Almost all the focus group participants identified better food production as a contributor to health: We keep healthy when we produce enough food and have work to do. Additionally, the authors thank Mr. Teshager Shiferaw for his help in data collection and early coding. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. The researcher was also able to make substantial observations of local activities such as rituals, festivities, public gatherings involving health practices, and converse informally with community members. This study was carried out in ado-odo/ota lga, with a sample size of 203. London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.; 1968. All attention was focused on microbes and their role in disease causation. Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Epub 2016 Sep 11. The five study communities, selected were: Gobeya, Godguadit, Bededo, Jari and Muti-Belg. Pre-modern era theories of Disease causation: Religions often attributed disease outbreaks or other misfortunes to divine retribution - punishment for mankind's sins. 4. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Disease in Africa has been the subject of a large number of rich studies. Cultural beliefs on disease causation in the Philippines: challenge and implications in genetic counseling. All authors read and affirmed the final version of the manuscript. According to this theory, the human body contains blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2007. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Gordis, L. (2014). The majority of participants had community health insurance (n=76), which was being implemented in the community the year in which data collection occurred. BMC Public Health He carefully reflected on how the data collection process influenced his own perceptions, and how other people respond to him. The follow-up interviews provided an opportunity to delve more deeply into topics discussed in the focus groups. It is a commonly held view, both from the Nigerian literature and from anecdotal evidence, that life is . Terms and Conditions, In the early past, the disease was thought mainly due to either the curse of god or due to the evil force of the demons. It held that diseases such ascholera,chlamydia infection, or theBlack Deathwere caused by amiasma, a noxious form of bad air emanating from rotting organic matter. Oxford: Clarendon; 1964. It involves praising and glorifying the sky-god and seeking his spiritual assistance to ward off evil. Many respondents identified lying as a cause of ill-health. A qualitative ethnographic method was conducted in Tehuledere Woreda, an administrative unit in the north-east of Ethiopia [14] (see Fig. Tehuledere was selected for the study because of the rich and unique indigenous medicinal beliefs, and practices in the area. Witchcraft beliefs in diseases causation and health-seeking behaviour in pregnancy of women in Calabar South-Nigeria . Cultural theories of crime provide distinct frameworks to understand the influence of human agency, social forces, and peers on behavior. For example, if a man cheats on his wife, this could cause illnesses: A person will be healthy when he settles at home, and is not cheating on his wife. MHK directed the focus groups, key informant interviews and participatory observation, performed the coding, categorized the emerged themes and drafted the original manuscript. He was able to use existing networks and contacts within the indigenous institutions, including traditional leaders and local health officials, thereby gaining access to a very wide cross-section of people. Theory of web of causation was given by Mc Mohan and Pugh. If Allah wants you to stay healthy, you stay healthy. Dr. Bhoj R singh, Principal Scientist (VM) Map of Tehuledere Woreda, South Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, North-eastern Ethiopia, 2014 [15]. However, the capacity to execute and give expanded resources to support the sustainable utilization of indigenous medicine and implement health strategies that take into account indigenous ill-health beliefs is constrained. He approached this ethnographic work as an Amharic speaker and tradition bearer, a member of the Amhara elite, and also as a senior pharmacy professional. Pasteur, Henle, Koch were the strong proponents of microbial theory after they discovered the micro-organisms in the patients secretions or excretions. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. All qualitative data from participant observations, in-depth interviews, fieldwork, personal memos and informal conversations were organized using NVivo 10 computer software. He was also faced with the challenge of being perceived as a powerful individual due to his position as a member of the elite and a senior university lecturer. For example, Wadaja, a communal prayer ceremony, is a common rite practiced in Tehuluedere. 2023 The Biology Notes. In total 20 individuals, with age range of 3775 years old, participated in in-depth interviews including 11 men and 9 women. Issues identified with administration and bureaucratic frameworks dont fit well with indigenous ill-health beliefs. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sagar Aryal is a microbiologist and a scientific blogger. Weiss RS. Week by week pregnancy (Baby and body development, tips), Human Cardiovascular System- Organs, Functions, Diseases, Human Heart- Location, Anatomy, Structure, Functions, Cell Organelles (Plant, Animal)- Structure, Functions, Diagrams, 16 Types of Microscopes with Parts, Functions, Diagrams, Feezer L. W. (1921). Privacy The relationship between diseases and their causes can be approached from different starting-points. 1990;28:6372. EMJ. As part of this endeavor, we will describe in this paper seven common Filipino cultural beliefs: namamana, lihi, sumpa, gaba, pasma, namaligno, and kaloob ng Diyos. Be identified from the & quot ; of the manuscript higher-order conceptual themes in. 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