paul haggis resignation letter

Over time, I think you will find a new sense of strength and solidity for having taken such a strong and public stand on your moral convictions, and for having stayed true to yourself. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Correct, however, protestants do not have confessionals. I just hope that some of Mr Haggis' integrity rubs off on some of his fellow celebrities. With his resignation from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter to Tommy Davis, the former head of the Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre International. I joined the Church of Scientology thirty-five years ago. Vera, Just use the search function on the home page. This is really very arrogant of scientologists to think this way. I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. terror how did he fall for this b.s. To win at any cost, costs a lot. If you redefine marriage for gay couples, why not includes polygamists or other variations? There are no gods. Both sides would be agog, so who knows if it will happen, but such dynamics are seldom as simple as some of these posts. I wish I could tell you that they rang true. I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. Paul Haggis' resignation letter, which was leaked to the press, denounced the church's support for Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California. The church doesn't do that," he said. But Haggis' most well-known letter was the one that he wrote to Davis to announce his departure from the Church. * Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust Scientology's Danny Masterson DOES NOT GET ACQUITTED. rinder violence yager I attended 2 years of Catholic High School and wrote a paper for religion class about "buying forgiveness" and the dangers it presents - and got kicked out of school for my troubles. Representatives for Remini did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment on Wednesday. We love them. On September 2, Oscar-winning filmmaker and former Scientologist Paul Haggis wrote an e-mail to Showbiz 411 confirming the auditing took place. And then another: Haggis cites the aforementioned reporting by the St. Petersburg Times, which including some of Scientology's most high-profile defectors in its history, as accurate and astonishing, considering the level of the defectors. You promised action. I am not religious nor am I a member of a religious group but I don't understand why it's 'gay bashing' to define marriage in this way. Our Catechism based belief in the sanctity of marriage between one man and woman, has nothing to do with homophobia; it instead elevates the preservation of the foundation of society-- the nuclear family. "Mr. Haggis had a disagreement with the church that went beyond having anything to do with the church," Davis told It was a year ago. Although it caused her terrible personal pain, my wife broke off all contact with them. *Prism Award Entertainment Industries Council What we have learned about our world and the entire universe, and our insignificant place in it, should tell any "thinking" person highly educated or not, that religions as we know them are all a bunch of crap. His assertion that Christians are bigoted, hateful homophobes, is well BIGOTED. sexual violently Exactly pursuant to Hubbard policy on what you do with enemies. rathbun "Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics" Learn More iscientology.orgScientology Reviews Free and Able The Truth RundownMike Rinder's Blog Friends of L. Ron Hubbard Karen de la Carriere Spiritual Freedom Zone A Guide for the DisillusionedGerman Independents SuperPower fraud. And though it may seem small by comparison, I was truly disturbed to see you provide private details from confessionals to the press in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the executives who spoke out. They left me dumbstruck and horrified. Ps. porn While I am no great believer in resumes and awards, this is what you would have discovered: * Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice, This is the beginning of real spiritual exploration to my mind. I learned a long time ago that believing in any type of god is very primitive to say the least. People are kept ignorant to education, other cultures and religions and are not taught to respect people's beliefs. I will argue that there is a distinct difference between "Christian belief system" and "religion". How gullible can people be? * Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights I heard the same voice that professed outrage at our support of Proposition 8, who promised to correct it, and did nothing. He is married, the father of four children, and splits his time between residences in Los Angeles and New York. Then maybe it's "make sure the zoning law gets passed so the church can continue its work" or "donate $$$ or host a fund raiser so the church can do ____". Perhaps if you had done a little more research on me, the churchs senior management wouldnt have dismissed those concerns quite so cavalierly. Academy Award-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis, known for the movies Crash and Million Dollar Baby, is being sued in a civil case for . . I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. In the late '70s, Scientology's Portland office chose to exploit a classmate of mine from Lincoln High. In any case, I applaud Mr. Haggis' decision to leave his church. This is a lovely retired couple, never said a negative word about Scientology to me or anyone else I know hardly raving maniacs or enemies of the church. We all know this policy exists. Oscar winning director/writer Paul Haggis defended Remini in an open letter published in The Hollywood Reporter. Highlighting Management Skills From Retail On Resume Quite the contrary, it is our level of respect for the authors life work and integrity that makes us confident many people will benefit from the authors example, others will feel vindicated, and great strides will be made in ending the abuses the letter details. As a former zombie, I would welcome that. I can think of no other word. At some point it became evident that you did not value my concerns about the church's tacit support of an amendment that violated the civil rights of so many of our citizens. Hard to really know, but perhaps the Christian social message might have been a appealing alternative to the morals of the day (that's still true for some of us). Please don't make blanket statements about groups you don't know and good luck in your journey through life. I noticed. Tommy, if only a fraction of these accusations are true, we are talking about serious, indefensible human and civil rights violations. Well, luckily I have never held myself up to be anyones role model. I think the other reasons Mr Haggis gives make more sense as to why one would leave any church or organization. Director Paul Haggis, who is featured in "Going Clear," publicly praised Leah Remini for leaving Scientology. crime Dennis igou says >>>we know the xtians (Christians) use confessionals to extort money. *Catholics in Media Award Catholics in Media Associates. The Dialogue: The best way to get this story out is for you to call your contacts. And so it wentwith Haggis stage managing his surprise exit from the religion. *Humanitas Prize (2) Humanitas In his resignation letter, Haggis said, "We all know this policy exists." Haggis reminded Davis that a few years earlier his wife had been ordered to disconnect from her parents, "because. To help you draft your resignation letter, here's a checklist of what to include: Your name and address - Follow proper business letter formatting and place your name and address in a centered list at the top of the page. Families parted. As a former Catholic, I can tell you, Harkus, that once your mind is freed, you can see that the Church had a corrupt history. No matter what I say as a spiritual leader, it is always tested against what I actually do or if it truly of benefit. Never, in its long history, has the Catholic Church extorted money in the Confessional. And though it may seem small by comparison, I was truly disturbed to see you provide private details from confessionals to the press in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the executives who spoke out. I hope your letter of resignation reaches many people and finally gets the message that this so-called Church is full of the worst kind of misguided teachings. Shine forth brave souls. I am amazed that the reason given by Mr. Haggis for leaving Church of Scientology of San Diego ia due to "their public sponsorship of Proposition 8" which advocates that "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California". How can they legally split up families - separate parents from children - if one or both parents do not agree to it?? ", Dwyane Wade's Words For Daughter Zaya At The NAACP Image Awards Were So Touching, Adam Lambert Defends Harry Styles Over Queerbating Accusations, Emma Corrin Got Candid About The Hate They Received For Being Non-Binary, Heres How You Can Make A Difference In Honour Of Brianna Ghey, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Are we going to see bloodshed before this is all over? And in it I saw you deny the church's policy of disconnection. public Lives damaged. These accusations were made by top international executives who had devoted most of their lives to the church. Haggis' legal team alleges the Church of Scientology, which he left, is behind the claim. Scientology is now in a state of Civil War. I'm not condemning those who wish to belong to any specific religion. NEW YORK Disputing allegations in a rape lawsuit, Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified Thursday that his accuser sometimes seemed "conflicted" during their initial . miscaviges By Christie D'Zurilla Staff Writer. I refuse to consent.". Haggis, famous for films that include "Crash," "Million Dollar Baby" and "Letters From Iwo Jima," cited ideological and personal reasons for breaking with Scientology. According to Vanity Fair, Boniadi, 32, was audited . -- from IMDb Mini Biography by: zkozlowski. And it's incredibly damning to them. Davis told Haggis that "heads would roll" over this about ten months ago. They too are Christians. It sounds like a place that takes advantage of its members and doesn't allow for any disagreement. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. I'm a Scientology kid also ex SOM, my mom was in the S.O. Reformed Episcopal Church Wikipedia. And for our side at least, "Civil" is used in the most eloquent, non-violent sense of the word. I do not know the woman, but no matter what she said or did, this is the woman who joined the Sea Org at 16! abuse When disgraced director Paul Haggis was arrested in Italy on June 19, 2022, for what police are calling the violent sexual assault of a young woman, Leah Remini was notably silent. ", "Despite all the churchs words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. I refuse to consent. The organization says Wednesday that Haggis' resignation was accepted on Jan 4, one day before The Associated Press published accounts from three women alleging sexual misconduct by the. It was a year ago. Then comes another bomb: Haggis' wife cut off contact with her parents when they defected from the church. I was shocked. I wish I could tell you that they rang true. I agree. And formerly: ", "That's not true. That was my last brush. I think of all the children they could have fed or clothed - all on their own, in one afternoon. I carefully read all of your rebuttals, I watched every video where you presented the churchs position, I listened to all your arguments ever word. When compassion is your only passion, only then are you free. Frankly, I had to look no further than your refusal to denounce the church's anti-gay stance, and the indefensible actions, and inactions, of those who condone this behavior within the organization. And so, after writing this letter, I am fully aware that some of my friends may choose to no longer associate with me, or in some cases work with me. Representatives for Remini did not immediately return Insider's request for comment. scientology And he definitely has a point. Catholicism is an invitation to holiness. * Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) for the children of the slums of Haiti * Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union This website is a simple answer to those who tried to monopolize and corporatize spiritual freedom: An open gateway dedicated to helping people move up to higher levels of awareness and ability under their own steam. Say what you will about them now, these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the church's official spokesman for 20 years! Have you read it? Haggis isn't the first celebrity from the Church of Scientology to break with the faith. All those years of indoctrination by the priest and nuns in Catholic school took their toll on me. Mr. Haggis, Bravo and Kudos on finally terminating your long time association with this dreadful, hateful and misguiding organization. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology. Holy Xenu! I have to believe that if they knew what I now know, they too would be horrified. - marketing the work of artisans from the poorest countries in the world, management They left me dumbstruck and horrified. in the first place? lies Haggis forwarded his resignation to more than twenty Scientologist friends, including Anne Archer, John Travolta, and Sky Dayton, the founder of EarthLink. Shouldn't the test as to whether a spiritual philosophy or religion is beneficial be that it actually progresses one spiritually? Haggis took the stand Wednesday in New York Supreme Court, in connection to a lawsuit filed by publicist Haleigh Breest, who alleges Haggis raped her at this apartment in January 2013. Ps. Is this Jonestown 2 in the making? Academy Award winning screenwriter Paul Haggis has penned an opus of a different kind: an open letter supporting actress Leah Remini's decision to break with the Church of Scientology. I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. Funny how every 'disgruntled employee' is saying exactly the same thing, and the whole story checks out. Paul Haggis. * Fundraiser, PAVA Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala. Names like Tom Cruise and John Travolta have long been attached to Hollywood's connection with Scientology. I am quietly just not doing anything anymore and trying to avoid communication from orgs. After that, it could levy accusations about just about every other cult, while pretending scientology wasn't like them. An opportunist who describes himself as a "bullying selfish prick" and who cheated on his former wife with dozens of women, Haggis was sued for rape in December of 2017 and arrested for . Fully developing his invented narrative, Haggis wrote a letter of resignation to the Church in 2009 that was then leaked to press, generating a media storm. Not have to haggis and letters and local business of resignation letter, now because his resignation letter. A priest would go to jail before revealing secrets from the confessional, no matter what the cost to himself or his church. *Environmental Media Award EMA So, I am now painfully aware that you might see this an attack and just as easily use things I have confessed over the years to smear my name. Really? "You had allowed our name to be allied with the worst elements of the Christian Right. Hey Lioness! There has been corruption through all religions. This was my state of mind when I was online doing research and chanced upon an interview clip with you on CNN. I was left feeling outraged, and frankly, more than a little stupid. Good on you Paul Haggis! Our core beliefs are family and love for others even those who disagree. ", "I was truly disturbed to see you provide private details from confessionals to the press in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the executives who spoke out. Prob with religion are the people, to much power given to few of them. Oscar-winning "Crash" director leaves faith, admonishes Church of Scientology. Check the stats. Screenwriter . She ran the entire celebrity center network, and was a loyal senior executive of the church for what, 20 years? Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology www May 5th, 2018 - Prob with religion are the people to much power given to few . In response to Oh, really. Director Paul Haggis's Sexual-Assault Trial Is Underway. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. hiding donations financial I got out form the S.O. Paul Haggis. I surprises me that there isn't some legal recourse one could take when trying to leave that "church". As Rathbun tells it: So he [Haggis] says, By October, Marty Rathbun got a hold of the letter. Well, I actually have an email of 23 August, two months earlier, where Im already talking with Paul Haggis.Not only do I have the letter, but Im getting detailed meticulous instructions about how to present it deceptively to media contacts that Ive established.Paul Haggis consulted with me every step of the way, on how he should position this and how he should do this.. I just discovered this website, and frankly, I am astounded it exists. * Member and fundraiser, Environment California and CalPirg But they didnt. *Bill of Rights Award American Civil Liberties Union The resignation letter to help you paul haggis letter of resignation letter. -- ThoughtfulClick here to follow Marty's daily updates and what his readers have to say. And it also doesn't help them that Church defector Marty Rathburn has apparently confirmed the letter's legitimacy as definitely coming from Haggis. The interview lasted maybe ten minutes it was just you and the newscaster. Contributed to Lisa McPherson's demise. hidden The problem for me extends back to an interpretation of one of the Ethics codes: "Such Suppressive Acts include Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology organizations." February 20, 2018. I am intrigued by your suggestion of "doing away with ALL religion" especially from one self-described as "kind, generous, and concerned for people I don't even know". All Rights Reserved. assaulted Why waste time on that, don't you have more important things to do? And I have always had a thing for underdogs. Furthermore, making judgments (about actions NOT people-- big difference) is part of natural law, and is a requirement for a stable society--a society free of ANY judgment is a society in a state of anarchy. But the accused rapist continues to shop his scripted story to media who will buy it. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. But I know how easy it was for me to defend our organization and dismiss our critics, without ever truly looking at what was being said; I did it for thirty-five years. I'm not surprised that Harkus would automatically defend the Church. - Now, if he could write a screenplay for it also, perhaps starring Tom Cruise and John Travolta - that's a movie I would pay big money to see! You should not assume your own religion is the ONLY and BEST one in the world that leads to spiritual growth. *Creative Integrity Award Multicultural Motion Picture Association for whatever the reason. Religions have been used to allow some to control the masses, and for the most part are male dominated. Also, indulgences are a grey area and very, very often misinterpreted. For a year and a half, despite her protestations, my wife did not speak to her parents and they had limited access to their grandchild. As Haggis stated: Marty is likely telling a truth. So: this ought to be interesting to watch play out, no? *Legacy Award, for Artistic and Humanitarian Achievement He told me he was on the run from the Church and that he was afraid for his life. ", "I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology. Some people like pickles, some like cucumbers. Most Catholics (even very wealthy ones) don't use them. The entire letter toof all peoplecreepy Church spokescreature Tommy Davis is below, but here are the highlights: Haggis has been asking the church to resign their support of Proposition 8. I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. And I have always had a thing for underdogs. A jury found filmmaker Paul Haggis liable in a sexual assault case that was brought forward by a former publicist who alleged he raped her after a movie premiere in 2013. No one's sins are ever 'outed' to the world. * Member and active supporter, Amnesty International You want to rebut her accusations, do it, and do it in the strongest terms possible but that kind of character assassination is unconscionable. Perhaps 2000 yrs ago, the embracing of the Christ had more to do with his social gospel (love one another, do not judge, golden rule, etc.) She ran the entire celebrity center network, and was a loyal senior executive of the church for what, 20 years? Scientology spokesman Davis denied Haggis' claims that the church or its San Diego chapter had supported Proposition 8. cult Ten months passed. It is still hard for me to believe. Not that any of that would matter to Leah Remini, who featured Paul Haggis and his discredited, false narrative on Aftermath three months later. Yet the CoS needs media coverage of their "deeds" - this has always sickened me somewhat. Scientology cult Core Secrets and the Bait and Switch into Exorcism, Scientology, celebrities, & children: why people stay, & why they leave - with Karen De La Carriere, The Life and Death of Alexander Jentzsch, 27, born in the cult of Scientology. You misunderstand the context of this passage in the Bible. In January 2018, Haggis was . Every time a fresh scandal breaks out about this secretive and exploitative organization, I am reminded of Glenn. Kozlowski added that it was "intended as a private correspondence between [Haggis] and Tom Davis" and that he has no idea how it was leaked. In a lengthy resignation letter leaked to the. While I have not been an active member for many years, I found much of what I learned to be very helpful, and I still apply it in my daily life. His letter . Robin, there are many of us who will not "come out" as ex-members of $cn because of our existing ties to family and friends who are still in the church. Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology Friday, 23 October 2009 22:57 Paul Haggis is the Academy award winning filmmaker who, in 2006, became the first screenwriter, since 1950, to write two Best Film Oscar winners back-to-back - "Million Dollar Baby" (2004) directed by Clint Eastwood, and "Crash" (2005) which he himself directed. In fact it was they who introduced my wife to Scientology. We care about them and do not wish to be labeled "enemies"--because we aren't. It is a "religion" that considers all who don't agree with their belief SYSTEM or even their point of view on any topic to be enemies. Far from being a principled decision by Haggis over gay rights, it was actually Rathbun who approached Haggis starting in June 2009 and coached him on how to make his exit and obtain maximal publicity. On the other hand, if someone's definition of "goodness" is NOT cast in stone, then the religious sources offer answers that might be useful to a seeker. And I have always had a thing for underdogs. Paul Haggis testified his resignation letter from Scientology helped Leah Remini leave the church. [Rathbun] broke his silence on the matter in 2017 to reveal that he and Haggis had orchestrated Haggis departure story and there is no truth whatsoever to the Haggis account. Search for "sleep deprivation" and you'll see numerous articles on the subject. But they didn't. Dennis. Same thing in Scientology. But I know how easy it was for me to defend our organization and dismiss our critics, without ever truly looking at what was being said; I did it for thirty-five years. 1:26. Their public sponsorship of Proposition 8, a hate-filled legislation that succeeded in taking away the civil rights of gay and lesbian citizens of California rights that were granted them by the Supreme Court of our state shames us. These were not the claims made by outsiders looking to dig up dirt against us. On the stand this. I just read that Paul Haggis is writing a book that outs this evil mess - the COS!! To see you lie so easily, I am afraid I had to ask myself: what else are you lying about? I also ask that you read this post, which is a letter from Paul's ex-wife: About Paul Haggis. Paul Haggis is a screenwriter who pretended to be a Scientologist so that he could gain publicity for "leaving" the religion in 2009. However, in 2009, Haggis resigned from the church due to their opposition to same-sex marriages. Say what you will about them now, these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the churchs official spokesman for 20 years! * Patron with Honors, IAS It is still hard for me to believe. attack pregnant for 34 years. He tore apart international management. Haggis wrote a letter expressing his misgivings about the church, which was later leaked to the press. Haggis wrote that he had for months tried without success to have the church publicly denounce its San Diego chapter for its support of Proposition 8, the legislation to ban gay marriage in California. we love the sinner and hate the sin. family Screenwriter Paul Haggis is a living lie. I saw the organization with all its warts, growing pains and problems as an underdog. I refused to do so. - sponsoring schools, an orphanage and a children's hospital in the slums of Haiti Haggis for years falsely claimed he split with the Church because it would not take a position on Californias incendiary Proposition 8 campaign in 2008 regarding same-sex marriageknowing the Church would never take a stand on such a political issue. * Board Member and fundraiser, The Christic Institute Four other women testified with similar allegations of sexual misconduct against Haggis during the trial. While I admire Mr. Haggis' stance against hypocrisy in the Scientology Church, I must "out" some blatant hypocrisy of his own. I refused to do so. This totally illogical crazy cult needs to be exposed and let to die a quick and very public death as soon as possible. P.S. You had allowed our name to be allied with the worst elements of the Christian Right. Then one day he showed up in New Jersey and met me at work. Some stop by and smell the roses. You are also wrong about the Catechism of the Church. Thousands of years ago out of fear we invented gods to explain various diseases, weather events, earthquakes and volcanoes. It was a terrible time. assault During my twenties and early thirties I studied and received a great deal of counseling. How absurd that anyone would even consider the concept of using confessionals to extort money. We're for civil rights for all people. I've attached our email correspondence. "That's how all this started. The bottom then fell out of the Haggis lie when Mark Marty Rathbun, anti-Scientologist and former guru to both Paul Haggis and Leah Remini, broke his silence on the matter in 2017 to reveal that he and Haggis had orchestrated Haggis departure story and there is no truth whatsoever to the Haggis account. Frankly, I had to look no further than your refusal to denounce the churchs anti-gay stance, and the indefensible actions, and inactions, of those who condone this behavior within the organization. Sad. blackmail I have never pretended to be the best Scientologist, but I openly and vigorously defended the church whenever it was criticized, as I railed against the kind of intolerance that I believed was directed against it. "I felt if I sent it to my friends. has to & must be ended as quickly has possible. And the list goes on" Learn More thoughtful The Hired guns of Scientology Academic and "experts" paid good money to puff and influence, Scientology trial ~ The 5 crucial points of Danny Mastersons court case, Tom Cruise Complicit In Scientologist Abuse, Scientology is approaching critical mass, 2 criminal cases, 3 civil law suits, all next month, Taking on Scientology in the law courts - with Karen De La Carriere, Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and strangest SCN CULT BROMANCE, Miscavige and Cruise - part 2/2, Tom Cruise BILLION DOLLAR shill for the Scientology cult: Look at ME ME ME, The tyrant L. Ron Hubbard & his Sea Organization slaves - with Karen De La Carriere, Valeska Paris, Freewinds "Cruise ship" prisoner for 12 years TRAFFICKING law suit against the CULT, Ron Miscavige and Karen discuss the Scientology misuse of POWER. According to Haggis, who filed a December lawsuit accusing Breest of a $9 million extortion plot, her lawyer reached out to him in November with . It wasnt the first time she defended Haggiseven when she knew he was lying. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology.". divorce suppressive And theyve never molested children either I suppose; tithing used to be more than just a suggestion "(Christians) use confessionals to extort money." crimes Paul Haggis Pens Open Letter Praising Leah Remini's 'Brave' Break With Scientology.