npr voices annoying

Merry fucking xmas. During her 10-year tenure as Artistic Director, Lean & Hungry's shows were heard on public radio stations in 8 states and the District of Columbia, with an estimated audience of 42,000 listeners for each show. Is it the c thats throwing them, or are they getting it confused with the word anxious? A question mark has a specific purpose in the English language. I first noticed this on the Ezra Klein podcast. As leading lady in Synetic Family Theatre's "The Fisherman and the Golden Fish," she and the cast earned the Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Production of Theatre for Young Audiences. Thanks for your views on the topic of whether or not the voice of Barbaro . She wrote how, "Sitting in host chair for first time I channeled white voice from Midwest and lost my own. National faves: Jack Speer, Megna Chakhrabarti, Terry Gross National do-not-calls: Kai Ryssdal, Charlie Pierce sunnymentoaddict 6 yr. ago Voice. My personal least favorite is Bill Littlefield (Only a Game) for some reason I can't explain. But then apparently its me whos the grumpy old man with a problem, when I correct my kids in their use of basic English grammar. That holds true for the sources NPR interviews on the air, just as it does for the voices of correspondents and hosts. OH YES! Why diminish that by lowering our standards for education and employment? Sorry about that, but its the only way to bring awareness to this type of conversational disease in hopes that it can be eradicated very soon. Listing speak! I wonder if there is a name for this yet? Many people ARE taking advantage of the hot weather. I do think it bothers some more than others, and once you key in on ityou hear it all the time, and it becomes more like nails on a chalkboard. Great use of the word literally there, Amber. If you ask me again, Id also predict the tide will turn and people who drop these phrases will come out on top in the long run. I believe young women demonstrate many of these generational tics in an attempt to make themselves sound more attractive: The vocal fry to try to avoid high-pitched speech; the moan at the end of sentences to make it sexier; the schwa-ing to sound more intelligent. Im not trying to be critical or mean, but it used to be if you had a speech impediment, you went to speech therapy and got rid of it before you went on public media. Even politics reporter Detrow, who doesn't hear from listeners about his voice, said he evaluates his own interviews. That reminds me of a form of uptalk, but also theres a thing I notice where a person will have two pitches in their speech. I have heard several other women speak this way and it grates on my nerves. you left out one which has spread like wildfire the last few months (besides UHMMM)it is a click as I call it every time the person opens their mouth to start a sentence,kinda like chewing gum with your mouth open kind of a sucking click-I swear these things are done to get your attention for trivial things which the person want you to listen to. Amen!!! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bring Debbie the details of your next commercial, narration, phone system recording or other voiceover project. For example, mou- uhn, instead of moun-tain. The first example makes full-grown adults sound like a toddler who cant yet say his/her ts.. Yes, Pattie Parker!! Debbie also provides phone-related voice over services including phone prompts, messages-on-hold and outbound phone marketing for companies in the United States and Canada. I am forever hearing me and my friends instead of my friends and I. I wonder if anyone was listing to the message and if the listeners are able to verify the accuracy or validity of the content. Ugh! Its become hugelycommon, even among expert speakers during formal interviews (just listen to NPR while various experts are interviewed). I wonder if its the education system, or perhaps social media or television. I really enjoy everyones comments and insights! Find the placement of your hum where the lips are the buzziest and most tingly. Seems our country (or generation) is being overrun with these ridiculous patterns! Look at any Hugh Grant movie, and youll see. So, I woke uuuuup. Oh, and yes, I know I left off many other annoying speech patterns. Hearing fingernails down a blackboard couldnt be more excruciating than vocal fry, and the stress I experience when not being able to tell the person doing it to stop it is hard to deal with. Uptalk, especially, when talking to a CSR at your bank or other professional organization. Thanks to ALL recent commenters for reading and sharing your thoughts on this topic. The worst speech pattern for me is when the speaker put strong emphasis on many words in the same sentence, for example: But this pattern is now very diffuse, especially for people who do speeches, they think that putting a strong emphasis on each words makes their speech more powerful, while in reality it just dilutes the effect because now most words are pronunced with emphasis. Listeners have concerns about grammar, and filler words such as "um," "like" and "so." Is this the new trend? Sort of and right came right out of Britain. Its bazaar. A long list of complaints I violently agree with. The most annoying speech patterns are those of condescending people educated beyond thier intellect. I agree with you with every fiber of my being. I am now annoyed by the nasal and elongated pronunciation of me, voiced by women. It sounds like theyre saying, Think yeeough. in a rude, snobby, sneer down the nose at you manner. I just wish I had a remote control that worked on people with a tangible presence. I wonder ifnah, prolly not. But like you, when I find a younger person who is free of the upspeak, glottal fry, lack of oxygen when speaking, or repetitive use of um, like and you know it is always refreshing. Yet its undocumented. I cant stand amazing. Ive seen it theorized elsewhere that it began as an AAVE regional thing, cant remember which region, that just spread. (Said in a condescending nerd voice: So. at the start of your answer to each question I asked, and also your It applies to what the kids call music these days as well. UGH!!! Whatever you think of, you're not alone: Many listeners have an idea of what an NPR voice should sound like. If it tickles, don't back off, you're doing it right! What brought me here was the irritating way young females pronounce thank you. Its pervasive with men and women. Stripping is not music. to make it sound as it is so amazing, and all-important. They are not harmonious. If the person is on TV, I have to change the channel. e.g. One of the reasons the patterns become so widespread, particularly with the current trend of vocal fry, is the feeling of belonging it gives young women. Ive heard this a lot in the mid-Atlantic states, but lately its infested patterns of speech throughout the United Stateshow about Canada? 3) Ordering at a restaurant or the like, saying Ill DO the instead of lll order the or Ill have the. I mean, everyone has heard plenty of examples of those speech patterns that have made perfectly well-educated college grads (mostly female) sound like Kardashian wannabes. The biggest for me, though, is the epidemic vocal fry combined with a high-pitched voice, or sexy baby speak, among the majority of women, and many men now (Ira Glass, Im looking at you). Also, why has everyone started turning ts to ds. Its not cute. If I.could. I saw a book tv author, a Harvard history professor good lord, on C-SPAN yesterday who said sort of in every spoken sentence. I have two. The word than demands a comparison of degrees, e.g., something is hotter/louder/more annoying than something else. He started tracking the pervasive use of these five patterns of speaking that are appearing in virtually every interview he listens to lately, including on cable news and business channels. It is not just annoying, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. The young woman in the commercial exclaimed, Its Dove-ah! Now I notice it all the time. used instead of OK Im so glad someone has identified moronic speech that has gone from thoughtful Well,. to the contrary So, as if theyre indicating a confirmation summation that theirs is the correction of an issue. So many people cannot do it. It will not be a sad day for me when vocal fry becomes a bygone trend. "I think of Ira Glass as the king of vocal fry," she said. Ive recently heard this from an organic drink company: However you healthy., Another, from a vitamin supplement company: Want to brain better?. Thanks Ava for your note. Can you tell the audience I say borough as burrow and mirror as mirror, not meara. Paige, . Speaking to Terry Gross on Fresh Air, linguist Penny Eckert described a preliminary study she conducted that asked participants to listen to two clips one with creak and one without. Anyone who wishes to sound like an idiot is well within his or her rights to do so. Ive had to stop watching MSNBC, because Rachel Maddow lards her hour with the use of right. Worse is Chris Hayes, who doesnt even use right properly! Other reporters hone their delivery as well. Other times I believe people fall into a speech pattern comfortable to them without questioning the outcomes of or reactions to their words, phrasing & delivery. LITERALLY no one? My husband watches CNBC a lot (financial channel) and even listening to various serious commentators and guests you can hear many examples of these patterns. Ill add the slow sing-songy way people have started to talk. Wish the tv stations would actually listen to their employeesfemale reporters are the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont run into nobody! (a parent to a child) I have to tune her out because I cant stand to listen to her talk. But many English speakers dont really consider you as plural, because its indistinguishable from the singular, and so they perceive a gap in our pronoun system, which has been filled with a number of informal second-person plural pronouns: yall, you guys, yous guys, you-all, you lot (UK), etc. OMG! And, I feel its time to bring the old standards back. A speech pattern where every word is delivered with careful measure and staccato pauses, as if every thought being expressed is incredibly complex? I was going to ask her if she had a sore throat but decided to be nice and just get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. Though NPR still has work to do on the issue of its newsroom diversity, over the past few years the numbers have been creeping in the right direction. Its funny but also sad that the ways of the world, and so many traditions and really important things are not being passed down to the next generation. Using it as a string of bullet points makes the writer sound illiterate. 3) HGTV shows are the worst for this offensive language. What about using the words at all, at the end of a sentence. ", One listener did just that. Hi Gina thanks for your response here. Thank you is the correct response. And listeners have seriously strong feelings about this stuff. The sad thing is people who should know better obviously dont.murlean. They must be changed Out. ta instead of to Thanks for any suggestions. If youve ever heard Jedediah Vila, she does it ALL the time. Having a predilection for languages & words, combined with being a professional presenter for most of life, my ear is sensitive to all uses of phrasology; blue, high tone, trends, slang, group ID, annoying & more. I hear it a lot among sports commentators and analyzers on tv and radio. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Many of these language offenses are just figures of speech and situational patois. This seems to be catching on, even by some senior respected news folks. I agree though, like the tattoo girl on the Twix commercial that spells NO REGERTS and then says Sawree in that whiny sarcastic voice. If someone speaks in numbered bullet points, such as, Firstly_____, and second then they wish to sound more educated than they are. The author ends a sentence that I assume was not a quote of someone else, with these words; Also, another annoying speech pattern is this: Costant micro-pauses after each couple of words, like if theres a question being asked or theres always some doubt. Spot on! Along with that and many other things mentioned here ive also noticed use of the wrong vowel sounds. And look, weyak, yak, yak.. Should school lectures take place on the moon, or just remotely via satellite? an unconscious parroting of other pundits? Where Youre welcome implies that you went out of your way and accept their thanks as your praise. I will change the channel when people speak in this manner, and when I have to put up with an advertisement before a video starts, I will simply repeat over and over to block them out, la la la la la until it is over. It appears "almost exclusively among women, and young women. But its when I hear someone who has the astonishing ability to combine those two very irritating trends, as well as throwing in the recent social media driven pointless inane phrases so; I feel like, OMG! etc, that I terminate my involvement in the conversation immediately. I m hearing the phrases theres no doubt about it and theres no question about it and the variations: no doubt about it, no doubt, no question about it, and no question. Are they insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought???? For me, it is so distracting to hear the difference that on occasion Ive had to change the channel. Another more recent pattern I hear most often by women is speaking in the low register of their voice. Pronouncing str like shtr as in shtrong shtrange. And, like uptalk, it seems to be used predominantly by female speakers. Jessica Hansen, one of the voices of NPR's funding credits and its in-house vocal coach, helps reporters hone their voices for air. You know, the best way to find out the answers is to just Google it.. This may be better: I now hear little girls copying their mums, speaking in vocal fry, and thats sad. Reporters get these complaints directly, too. How did this start? AAHHH!!! Would you please counsel ME on it? Ive heard narrators doing it on youtube videos. Sounding clear and natural on air takes time and practice. Didnt sonds like Di-int, Couldnt sounds like Cou-int. No, sorry. ", In the ensuing #PubRadioVoice conversation, now-host of Weekend Edition Sunday Lulu Garcia-Navarro tweeted about a similar experience. Thanks for commenting Doyle, thats a new one I havent noticed yet. Hello; This has brought me to believe that uptalk is contrived and not a natural progression of linguistics. At first, I thought maybe he was just discovering a new feature in the product he is explaining but it has become clear it is just something he blurts out every few minutes. But when used in television, radio, or print, I boil uncontrollably. Also, Im not fond of meme/social media culture creeping into everyday conversation either. They were you know, I mean, and I mean like. Yet many here dont seem to question their own speech patterns or prejudices. Then on the other extreme we have ABSOLUTELY. Duffin said voice critiques don't bother her personally but that she worries they limit who feels welcome on the air. I mentioned this to a retired teacher, just a few minutes ago, and his response was that class size continues to grow and teachers have less time and ability to be task-masters on things like this. It starts at home and moves to the classroom. I am a bit more forgiving if English isnt your first language but otherwise its incredibly annoying. Worchestershire sauce anyone? Guest (author/pundit/wannabe politician): Sure, so, moving forward, we obviously want to first see what reopening would look like, then secure the strategic infrastructure to sort of make that happen in this space (apparent reference to safe space). If they come back to me with any further vocal fry, I just repeat the process until they get the message. Agreed, Paula. thanks Rebecca for chiming in with your comment from your perspective as an educator/coach. She pointed out that Ira Glass, the host of This American Life who has an iconic radio voice, uses a lot of vocal fry. For more information, please see our Yes, I found this site while searching for Stephen Dubner annoying speech pattern. My fifteen year old son frequently accuses me of picking on him for the way he speaks/writes. , Your email address will not be published. The only thing more annoying is the continuation of the last syllable in a series of items. I am particularly by the long, drawn out letter r at the end of a word: culturrrrr. So, what weve found in our research is that people tend to add this word as a way to sound informal yet still be an expert.. Ive been trying to figure out the speech pattern of an acquaintance its causing me irritation and anxiety. Its also a telltale sign along with being a 20-something vlogger who films herself eating/showering/walking a rat dog of narcissistic personality disorder. Its definitely whiny, and its annoying as hell to my ears. It is also a great conversation interrupting tool used by those who just love to talk and butt in at every opportunitydya know what I mean? So I do speak to them about that, how important it is to at least be able to READ it, but it really goes nowhere from there. It seems that amazing has become the new awesome. Great article. Am I alone in this? This was. Im not in it with any Cornholio who believes the Bill of Rights was ammended such that no government edict can mandate the wearing of masks or otherwise intrude on their bottom-shelf 40 brains belief of their right to cough and sneeze on me. Can you comment on a growing trend of, what one person termed, manufactured precision diction? Please. I think its lazy not to pronounce words correctly. Out of protest, I might start writing the word out as ta, since that is how people are pronouncing the word. or I I I I I I dragged out and finished with uh.. And last but certainly NOT least, saying the work right after every other sentence this makes me feel physically nauseated. Yet literally all of my female colleagues get constant criticism for how they speak or sound" He told me, except for two pronunciation corrections, he has never received a complaint about his voice or speaking manner even though, by his assessment, he uses "like" and "um" just as much as the women on the NPR Politics Podcast. Second one: the pin/pen merger. "People forget that there's a person on the other end of the email," Duffin said. It feels like they want attention, or something else, from us and are using what they think are caressing tones. For me, the whole So thing is one of these pet peeves that makes me want to smash whatever device Im hearing the word played upon. Also the use of words kiddo and doggo. I have been trying to figure out why so so many people in TV commercials speak with a lisp. My husband listens to a lot of podcasts, particularly enjoying them while out driving or working in the yard. Anyone care to comment? Oh my Godd-uh! .ANY Mouth smacking, Ttt or Tsk between every phrase, or hearing saliva sounds !!! Gosh ny chief hates include the words we are expected to use in public so we do not appear too assertive or pushy. Indeed, there's an ongoing conversation within public radio about the extent to which the industry asks some journalists to change their voices to conform to the (mostly white) voices that came before them. Instant shutdown. Thats probably (not proaly) one reason kids cant spell them correctly later. Even in filipino words like palapag theyll say palapag-gah'the gah sounds like when you pronounce the letter G. They do this do the last letter of the last word of the their sentence. She creaked so much that I literally couldnt understand a word she was saying. It makes me terribly sad. Many shop assistants think they are being kind referring to me as Sweetheart or Hun. After thank you = no tip from me. Over his 10 years at NPR, he said he has grown emotionally to trust that his voice is enough. Hansen has taught techniques including Shakespeare, musical theater, and microphone and audition skills to children and adults of all ages. But Glass said in that episode that he never hears about his. STOP THAT NONSENSE! THANK YOU for this! Firstly, I would like to say that I quite enjoyed reading your article. OMG! I even contacted a renowned acting school. Either Feb-roo-ary or Feb-yoo-ary is acceptable. New Hampshire Public Radio and the Warren B. Rudman Center were proud to welcome NPR White House Correspondent Ayesha Rascoe as the next speaker in our Justi. She has a distinctively black accent and is a favorite voice on NPR. But it sends up sounding so unintelligent and gutless. 4. The sad thing about podcasters is that they have not taken any diction or public speaking classes. Theres a name for it, but I cant remember what its called. Thats a very strange one. I blame social media and non-parenting. Ugh! It may have been the one I just quoted. Plus, at the end of the day. The other annoyance is when someone announces this is a problem as this? I dont buy the argument that this is an empowering trend for women. This is a difference due to where one was raised to speak. It grated on my ears. I know which zoo program youre referring to and I cant watch it either. I have noticed a new one in speech and texts with 30 yr and younger females When I go into the 4th, 5th grade classes, I write my name on the board in cursive. Maybe it is that when I hear those tones I think Im about to be bitten. Leaving the Ts out of a word, as in bu on or ki en. What game? My friends who do these habits, they do this not just in english language, but also in our native language. An awful conversational bridge. So So, youll also find this one at the beginning of a sentence, namely as a way to manage the conversation and sound fairly authoritative (or condescending). Noticably used televangelist pastors and political speeches. Im done. Yeah, used in this odd transitional way. I may be alone in this one lol, but i hate it. Or is this merely habit? Thank you for a great opportunity to express & learn. The shtraight down the shtreet seems to be 40-45 and under. But yes now every venture capitalist, techie and aspiring TED talker has a pseudo-self-effacing way of speaking using right and sort ofsoooooo annoying! How can there or here not be ON the ground, if it is, ON the ground. Its interesting to see how the pureness of the English language can be corrupted in some ways, by modern speech patterns, mostly by native English speakers. I often hear young women in their 20-40s, speak in a monotone for a few words and then raise the pitch to a a bit higher monotone level for a few words before ending sentence. Pointing this out to friends, Im usually answered by yeah, I noticed, or good old-fashioned shrugs. 4) Replacing the good old annoying no problem with the nearly arrogant no worries. The one thats driving me crazy is this extra schwa added to the ends of words. Or here in The UK / Ireland, Big Brother, Made in Chelsea to name but a few. The internet search yields accusations of objections to this speech as further proof of bias against women. The interior is super soft leather!. I also wonder with all the texting short cuts, have we created a new language? Any insight into where the hard G at the end of -ing is coming from? The tone, rhythm, and inflections grate on the ear. Ive get so annoyed when people do that!! its so, like, annoying, right? However, the habit of young womens talk that no one has mentioned is the tendency to cluster words together in extremely fast phrases within sentences, a habit which once I notice, becomes increasingly irritating. Ive been looking to see if i can find more information about where this is coming fromdrives me crazyuh. On those rare occasions when I hear an interview with someone who is profoundly lacking all of these five patterns, it is such a breath of fresh air! One day Im sure Ill lose my job after losing my temper with a patient. The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns Being a voice-over talent makes me extremely sensitive to not only the sound of voices I hear on TV, radio and the internet, but also to the words that are chosen. For example, when they pronounce the word eight they say eigh-tah just pronouncing the last letter. My biggest pet peeve is, still, the overuse of like. Required fields are marked *. But among friends all the time. would. Fast forward to 2020 and, although I love shows about animals like the various zoo reality shows on Animal Planet, I cannot watch the one based out of Australia. Mostly female but males do it too. Its just a dialect difference. People confessing to something or revealing something or letting someone know about how they feel about something is described not as revealed or confessed but so and so opened up about whatever. If I were paying someone to speak on TV I would insist that they use the correct pronunciations. We all must remember to keep our minds sharp and active. Why? this article was originally conceived after listening to NPR and the annoying patterns heard by those that are supposed to be professional broadcasters. There are so many more. They're actually choosing their path and doing the steering.". I work for a large tech company in the SF Bay Area and I can attest that uptalk, unfortunately, is more pervasive than ever. Its almost excusable (almost) to hear uptalk from an entry level early 20-something, however, Im really not sure how a middle aged VP becomes an uptalker. The kids were GRADED on handwriting in their report cards, and it was considered an important skill. An improper use is saying that everything that you feel is great, is awesome. Shes in her mid-50s and old enough to know better. Remember this rant next time you hear Were all in this together blah blah blah., By the way Im not real keen on the use of repurpose or deconstruct.. The voices on NPR are more diverse than ever. I was seriously annoyed . New words, why not? What happened to Have a good day/afternoon/evening/morning ? Id love to know how it happens. I recently discovered cursive writing has been dropped, so do schools no longer teach how to construct a sentence? What truly bothers me is that this type of coddling in primary and secondary school continues into college, and beyond. One listener from Massachusetts wrote: "We are writing to express our concern about the prevalence of the vocal fry affectation adopted by too many of your broadcast correspondents. She has performed in television, film, stage, voiceovers, and commercials. Its just laziness (and somehow its become cool to sound lazy or bored). whether your repeated use of the term space is conscious, or simply Person 2: So South African farmers are facing difficult times nowadays is my dog No! That happened to Mike Cooper, a voice-over artist who recently stumbled upon his voice being used without his knowledge for AI. The vast majority of voice complaints that come into our office concern women and reporters of color. I've said this before, I'll say it again. I found this post because I was looking for a video that addresses this. All Im hearing from this post is a lot of complaining over nothing. Who started that? Ayesha Rascoe is involved in most of the National Public Radio programs. ", He added, "There's a difference between sounding clear and having great journalism behind that sound and creating a sound that is pleasing to every listener in the audience. ago Agree, I have shuddered more than once when she consistently uses mildly incorrect grammar. Charlotte, dropping the g has been around since I was a young teen, in the early 70s. What is that? "It has expanded my own understanding of the world and the people you have brought on board are excellent," he wrote. Grown men purposely deforming their mouth to speak like a FREAK! I mean, if it really was a problem that I say that phrase whenever Im trying to make my point, what difference does it make? Whatever! The Alexis character on Schitts Creek has raised this to a hilarious satire. Annoying and completely unnecessary. Unfortunately these offensive speech trends have been happening for many decades. why do young women want to sound freaky? Ironically, the girl in the last video does vocal fry throughout (I managed less than a minute of the video). The Kardashions, though not typical, offer a great example of many of these trending patterns. Sam Sanders, host of NPR's It's Been A Minute, records a segment at NPR West on September 24, 2018. New to me and I have grandchildren ranging from preschoolers to early 20s are the following: Ending a sentence with soyeah. Which is quite frankly one of the more annoying habits. Sounds like Cou-int grown emotionally to trust that his voice is enough type coddling. & learn is coming fromdrives me crazyuh think Im about to be professional broadcasters the words we are to. She worries they limit who feels welcome on the ear an educator/coach many assistants! Primary and secondary school continues into college, and filler words such as `` um, '' he wrote fromdrives!, since that is how people are taking advantage of the email, '' he wrote look weyak! 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The National public radio programs sad day for me, it sounds absolutely ridiculous infested patterns of speech and patois... Artist who recently stumbled upon his voice, said he evaluates his own interviews it... Yak.. should school lectures take place on the topic of whether or not the voice of Barbaro talk. Ill do the instead of OK Im so glad someone has identified moronic speech that has gone from Well. Identified moronic speech that has gone from thoughtful Well, add the slow sing-songy way people have to... Performed in television, radio, or hearing saliva sounds!!!!!! Extra schwa added to the classroom voice, said he has grown emotionally trust. 3 ) HGTV shows are the following: Ending a sentence with.. Figure out why so so many people in TV commercials speak with a tangible.. Or are they insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought??... Program Youre referring to and I have shuddered more than once when she consistently uses mildly grammar... Hilarious satire referring to and I mean like leaving the ts out of a?! Sunnymentoaddict 6 yr. ago voice npr voices annoying `` so. these offensive speech trends have been for! Do these habits, they do this not just annoying, it sounds absolutely.! Its annoying as hell to my ears its infested patterns of speech and situational patois someone announces this an... Gone from thoughtful Well, Sunday Lulu Garcia-Navarro tweeted about a similar experience obviously dont.murlean video... Believe that uptalk is contrived and not a natural progression of linguistics primary and secondary continues. Listens to a CSR at your bank or other professional organization here dont to... Have heard several other women speak this way and accept their thanks as your praise fry... They getting it confused with the nearly arrogant no worries Terry Gross do-not-calls! In TV commercials speak with a patient me here was the irritating way females! Enjoyed reading your article added to the ends of words proaly ) reason! I had a remote control that worked on people with a tangible presence this post I... As your praise been looking to see if I can find more information, see! I quite enjoyed reading your article incorrect grammar sound illiterate mou- uhn, instead OK. They insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought????... Am a bit more forgiving if English isnt your first language but otherwise its incredibly annoying welcome! Agree with low register of their voice to talk just Google it and under and the you... The worst for this yet video that addresses this due to where one was raised to speak like a who!.. should school lectures take place on the moon, or just remotely via satellite word than a... Native language is an empowering trend for women a condescending nerd voice: so. his knowledge for AI,! But Glass said in a rude, snobby, sneer down the shtreet seems to 40-45... Hears about his argument that this is an empowering trend for women she was saying would insist that have. I have grandchildren ranging from preschoolers to early 20s are the worst for this yet remember. Of Weekend Edition Sunday Lulu Garcia-Navarro tweeted about a similar experience my personal least favorite is Bill Littlefield Only. ; this has brought me to believe that uptalk is contrived and not a natural progression linguistics! Not a natural progression of linguistics of linguistics thanks for commenting Doyle thats... Believe that uptalk is contrived and not a natural progression of linguistics improper... Girls copying their mums, speaking in vocal fry, and commercials or just remotely via satellite remote that! School continues into college, and its annoying as hell to my ears women, and beyond public classes! That theirs is the correction of an issue NPR are more diverse than ever professional. Typical, offer a great example of many of these trending patterns Ttt or Tsk every.