new madrid fault prophecy So three of the reasons for my thinking NYC is at risk are 1) he says the quake will hit where its not expected, 2) in other places he saw a thousand fires ravaging the city and 3) NYC, if it doesnt repent is on course to becoming the epicentre of Babylon, the political and financial center of the new world order where money and sin are its stock in trade. Sandra I couldnt let his eye rolling prevent my getting prepared. . This terrible earthquake may happen in an area that not known as an earthquake belt. On Dec. 16, 1811, the first of three major earthquakes and numerous aftershocks struck what is now known as theNew Madrid Seismic Zone, a series of faults that stretch150 miles from Cairo, Illinois, to Marked Tree, Arkansas. I hope that you and your family are safe. Lord Jesus, keep us safe. Its powerful, sobering, on target, and edifying. Look up John Kilpatrick and his I am a subscriber, but I dont get posts on my email. That would be absolutely catastrophic. ns and Mary-Will be praying for your husbands also! Hope this helps!, Wow, Id not heard about the New Madrid fault line and didnt know where it was so I googled it. The west coast of the US is very important for the internet. I declare that no matter what happens around us, we have a Covenant of Peace (that is, wholeness and security) with God. This was the second time I have had this dream. Down towards Missouri Georgia,Alabama both Louisiana,Texas will be affected not just by this quake but by the asteroid that will come later. The shows are archived, but you could also see probably them on youtube. Malachi 3:17 is a verse I believe the Lord gave me to claim over my two daughters (who are jewels to me). fall into the ocean!!! Last May 23rd I was worshipping when the Lord spoke to me. The measured locations of microseismic earthquakes indicate trends that scientist have used to identify active faults. Fuji erupting thank you for posting, Wow most of my coins in Kucoin are buy and sell orders ! of this eventhe was shown in his dream. As Google's translation is an automated service it may display interpretations that are an approximation of the website's original content. 5) On 1/19/23, again, I saw a map of the United States. N.S., Ive lifted your family in prayer. In all of my many Also everything around the ring of fire is rocking and rolling right now. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it is least expected. ), I had a dream of a large antenna floating in the air, and I KNEW that this was from a HAM was a HAM RADIO ANTENNA! WebThis prophecy details a massive earthquake on the New Madrid fault line. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You know to pray in the Spirit and let God use you. They did this over and over again. On Dec. 16, 1811, the first of three major earthquakes and numerous aftershocks struck what is now known as the New Madrid Seismic Zone, a series of Thats not very soon. You might say well that not very soon to us, but to the Lord it is very soon. I guess we will see. Most of all, as was stated before, please continue to pray saints for God to show mercy and hold back His judgement on NYC and hence the nation and world. Jo Ellen Stevens however generally speaking there are three zones in which earthquakes occur 0-70kms, 70- 300kms and 300-700kms deep. You,,,,,,,,,,, Hands around my ankles and then planted my feet right fast on the ground! (Job 1:10) Greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4). I didnt mark the date of my first dream (which was about 5 years ago) but in it He showed me 9-23 is when something really big will hit. Lord help us ALL!!! This one was a man who was pretending to be the other ones husband and father to the unseen infant in the stroller. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. Many in my own family have had this feeling that something is looming. She was glad and then her spirit sensed something bad is going to happen in the next couple of days. Credit: US Geological Survey Human and Economic Risks No problem at all thank you for trying to help. The following video from 2012 of Pastor Shane Warren on Sid Roths Its Supernatural show also touches on many of the same events that you have included in your post from David Wilkerson. The enemys plans will be thwarted by the Lord if Gods people are aware and act accordingly., 4 earthquakes in one hour today 5.6 Chile 5.3 Japan 5.9 Vanuatu 5.1 Equador. Significant damage will likely extend north up the Mississippi River valley to St. Louis, up the Ohio and Wabash river valleys to near Owensboro, Kentucky and Indianapolis, Indiana and down the Mississippi River valley to near Greenville, Mississippi. Sorry, but everything that can be shaken, will be shaken. The earthquakes in diverse places that Jesus foretold are definitely happening this weekend. Here is one he gave on the end-time revival. Later, after 9/11 happened I made the connection. I understand this will create the massive open water way that looks like a vast ocean occupying the once South and Southeast side of Des Moines. The Great Lakes will be affected not once but several times by earthquakes. It would be bad. Mark, if you think that book is something which in the early 80s I was reading to keep up with the news, his 1985 book Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth is even better and the Chapter 1 is entitled The Destruction of America in which he says in one hour this nation will be no more yet when I was in a Spirit filled Seminary in 1985 virtually all my professors rejected the book as being too harsh. April 18, 2016 I too have been wondering if anyone else thought these earthquakes could be the precursors to what David Wilkerson described in his vision. The thing about earthquakes is that they are unpredictable. With the Lord one day is as 1000 years and 1000 years as one day. Your daughter is wise, Shelley. Refugees leave their homes with nothing. The Mississippi River has strong connections with water ways going up into the Great Lakes flooding states over a series of 3 earthquakes. Wow. WebNew Madrid seismicity is spatially associated with the Reelfoot rift and may be produced by movement on old faults in response to compressive stress related to plate motions. Give him lots of respect for what gifts he has, spiritual or otherwise and him soar. Theyll have to discover that on their own. (Ps. Pastor John Kilpatrick was given a vision of the New Madrid earthquake surging to life. This is what experts have been saying for a long time. To prepare your home, here are some tips from the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government: Fasten shelves,mirrors, picture framesand similar objects securely to walls preferably not over beds, sofas, or other places you may sit. So I will endeavour to answer the specific re:. To be right with God, is the best preparation. Yes Lord annoint us to touch the ones that need your touch .thankyou Father . People will be open to God as they are unable to deny that He is at work. The Lord a few years back revealed The New Madrid Faultline destruction to Patricia. Chinese: shenrentonggong It would not surprise me if he posts on Obamas meeting this week and the grave implications of dividing Gods land. That could be easy to overlook. I truly beleive that it represents Babylon. Thats a different set of faults than Wednesdays quake in theEast Tennessee Seismic Zone. Centre for Research on Globalization As usual, predictions are not something scientists are comfortable making. Our fear of God caused us to leave in obedience. Your email address will not be published. It vividly shows how part of Japan shifted during the quakes. Ive been seeking good info on these subjects for a group of family members. Blessings. Earthquake science is still in the toddling stage compared with theories of the past. Rolla, MO 65402-0250 Today I declare Your complete protection over us against accident, incident, injury, disease and illness, and from sexual, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial damage. The Good Lord said The New Madrid Faultline is what you are seeing in the dream youve had 24xs about Iowa. Thank You for protection from the wiles (deceptions) of the evil one and every demonic power. They are scheduled to be voting this week on Friday April 22 !!!! Providing the service as a convenience is not an endorsement of the product or the results generated, and nothing herein should be construed as such an approval or endorsement. Everyone around here started reporting it and trying to get the fracking stopped. Elizabeth Marie If history repeats itself and the great earthquake of the 1800s happens in the New Madrid zone again it may kill thousands (even millions) of people because the area is much more populated now. Yes All this was caused by the New Madrid Faultline and the 3 earthquakes that hit 1 will be triggered by the Great Lakes triggering The New Madrid. As a further, some have heard the Mississippi will grow to 35 miles wide in some placesthat could extend her banks QUITE A BIT through the Twin Cities, Thank you Kathy,they will be done Lord ,thy will be done, Your vision Kathleen of a bright presence in your yard reminds me of the protection over each family in Israel by the blood on the door posts on the night of the first Passover. And thats cheap right now. Hey Z3 brothers and sisters, there is more to this story. Ali has posted a message recently about the Ohio Valley. You can send a check payable to Jonathan Theiben, Jonathan Theiben It is amazing what happens when we quit trying to control people and just love them and watch how God works with them and does the work of warning and conversion. Been around Fracking. I believe and I marvel how the LORD has used this right at the time I need an answer. I honestly believe, because of HIS great mercy and love these shakings that will be coming is a wake-up call for them. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Last night there was a fairly deep quake off the shore by Mt Fuji. The simulation is based on a detailed geologic model of the central U.S. and is intended to show the general character of the long-period ground shaking expected for a large earthquake in the New Madrid seismic zone. Same premise of judgement here. This could also be a possible scenario for Matt Smiths prophetic poem (March to June) posted here on Z3. For Scott, Stoddard and Dunklin counties the percentage estimates are 0.1-1% killed, 0.5-5%seriously injured, 5% of structures collapsed and 20%with severe structural damage. Computer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earths surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. Cry no more for these people, is what I kept hearing in my spirit Sunday. Im wondering if maybe we should now move out of the USA? I wish I was 1/10th the spiritual man he was. speaking of bigger things to come! And after that, on multiple occasions, came the dreams of this massive earthquake hitting nyc. Secure appliancessuch as your refrigerator and water heater with straps connected to wall studs. But its like a pop bottle ready to explode the loss of life will be major if we continue to defy God over Israel we will regret it., Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. That was back in 1994, over 22 years ago, and still, not a portion has come to pass. The LIGHT SWITCH stands for electricity, and the HAM RADIO stands for communications. Use flexible straps that will allow the furniture to sway without toppling. What difference will our prayers make among those caught in coming destruction? I researched the question a while back to see if the New Madrid fault might affect us should it happen. I feel that sometimes the most unstable people are also the best at sensing the voice of God. God spoke a word to me when I was half awake in the middle of the night. The solid straight line in the middle of the New Madrid seismic zone is the surface projection of the modeled fault, which ruptures in the simulation. Where are you finding this news? This makes sense of Darrell Sansoms neighbor saying The Southeast part of Japan will break off & Its just not talked about as much. May the evil plans of the ennemy come to naught in Jesus Mighty Name ! I am waiting for a new video by dutchsinse to see what he thinks about it i think he will have one out tonight. Several organizations such as St. Louis University, University of Memphis and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) operate a network of seismograph stations to monitor earthquake activity in the NMSZ and Central U.S. Scientists use this network to record and study small microseismic earthquakes (magnitude less than 2.0) that occur on average every other day in the NMSZ. There was another deep one under Mt Fuji that the USGS didnt report. All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. Earthquakes with magnitudes above 2.5 were registered along the New Madrid Fault on Saturday and Monday. This I was made to understand by earthquakes Iowa sits on a massive qualifier. 5/23 (May 23) is significant for me also. 1) I, like many of you, trust him as a mouthpiece of the Lord. Thank you Mark for this very timely post. I believe the epicenter would be somewhere not far from Memphis, TN. Thanks Mark David Wilkerson is my favorite modern-day prophet Probably because mys son is a Teen Challenge graduate. The big thing we prepare for is with New Madrid, Bobel said. This type of quake has the potential to bring New York to its knees and hence the world. I believe this is another one! Please pray I have the courage to share if The Lord leads and that I share it 100 percent accurately as if I were a recorder and The Lord was simply pressing play. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake in the NMSZ is expected to cause major damage near the fault system in the Missouri Bootheel, northeast Arkansas and western Kentucky and Tennessee. David was spot on, and I greatly admired the man (and still do).