nancy argentino death photos

They were driving to Allentown in their purple Lincoln carand Argentino needed to relieve herself. With Sam Fatu, Valerie Franzen, Jim Garfield, Chris Jericho. Due to COVID-19 and current government mandated impacts on WWE and the media business generally, the Company went through an extensive evaluation of its operations over the past several weeks,, from the company reads. Complicating matters is Snukas alien file, obtained from U.S. I think Vince Jr. picked me up from the hotel and took me there. In his autobiography, Superfly The Jimmy Snuka Story, written by Jon Chattman, he says that after coming back from the TV tapings, he was surprised to find her still sleeping, and thats when he called for help. When she came back, she told me she slipped on the way and hit her head. He allegedly said she became lethargic and then unresponsive. Picture made on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. Chattman said that while the criminal charges left a blemish on Snukas legacy, he does not think they should define it. Snuka died 10days after the ruling. And of course, as noted earlier, Mihalikis ruled the death a homicide, not an accident. The variety of stories (were not claiming theyre true or false) about what he did with Nancy Argentino or how she got injured could fill this whole page. Now 72 years old and stricken with stomach cancer, the defamed brawler yesterday posted $100,000 bail after forfeiting his passport. ", Dr. Paul Hoyer, a forensic pathologist for the Montgomery County coroners office, added, "Dementia can be a muddy diagnosis, as there is no clear-cut test to determine whether a person suffers from it." I would never use full force. According to a criminal complaint, there are photos and notes of these injuries taken by Debbie Rogers, the wife of Snukas manager at the time, the legendary Nature Boy Buddy Rogers. PHOTO GALLERY: The strange story of Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka and Nancy Argentino. Then they get to the motel and napped. "Dark Side of the Ring" looks into the death of Nancy Argentino, and questions if it wasswept under the rug for thesake of Jimmy Snuka's career. Even the incident with Roddy Piper smashing a coconut on Snukas head was used! Investigating the mysterious story of Jimmy Snuka, whose girlfriend Nancy Argentino died in their motel room in 1983, and revealing her family's 30-year stru. Finally, I just kept looking at her and trying to talk to her and she didnt even respond like when I left. That was until yesterday when Pennsylvania prosecutors publicly dropped a motherload of hard evidence citing inconsistent Snuka stories, conclusive forensic and revelatory autopsy reportsall pointing to classifying Argentinos death as a homicide, and suggesting that the killer was Superfly himself. He communicated to her that Snuka was now a free man. When I woke her up, I picked her up and said, Are you okay, honey? And Argentino apparently replied, Yeah, but its just my head, my bump.. We tried to talk some sense into her but she went back on the road with him, Salome said. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka arrives with his wife Carole (right) for day four of his competency hearing at the Lehigh County Courthouse in Allentown on June 1, 2016. Due to COVID-19 and current government mandated impacts on WWE and the media business generally, the Company went through an extensive evaluation of its operations over the past several weeks, a statement from the company reads. Died? I love women, he writes. Snuka also has difficulty reading road signs. In the same interview, McMahon would, in Procanyns words, tell the detective that he did not ever see or hear of any problems between the victim and Snuka, in spite of the New York arrest having been national news. It wasn't long before she caught the eyes of the wrestlers. The same goes for a dismissed charge of issuing a bad check, mentioned on the same certificate. At one point, I went with Vince McMahon Jr. to either a court or law office, I dont remember which because I was still in shock. All I remember is he had a briefcase with him. June 21st, 2016: Prosecutors ask Judge Banach to force Snuka to undergo mental health treatment. ", "I dont know how to reconcile this mans heroic feats inside our world, with the tragedy he likely played a role in outside of it, but I have always found wisdom and comfort in these simple words from Bruce Springsteen: Trust the art, not the artist." Nancy Argentino's surviving sisters had lobbied authorities to reopen the case into her 1983 death in Lehigh County. When Argentino was killed, the WWF had been bringing its TV tapings to Allentown which borders Whitehall every three weeks for several years, making the company key to the local economy. Feel free to discuss this on the Pro Wrestling Stories Facebook and Twitter pages. The paramedic wrote that Snuka said they may have wrestled too much last night and as a result Argentino hit her head on the concrete last night., That lovers quarrel line was repeated to an ER doctor who learned that Snuka and Argentino were fooling around and then he pushed her, she fell striking the back of head she lost consciousness and he picked her up by the upper arms and she came to.. Its been known within the business if not exactly a topic of conversation every f*****g day that something f*****g happened.". Her daughter was dead. He argued Snukas head trauma had progressed to the point where he couldnt understand what was happening in a courtroom and commented that his private doctors detected memory impairment in him as early as 2010 and that Snuka might develop CTE in the future. I think she died of a fracture to her skull. Ultimately, it took eight deputy sheriffs and K-9s to bring Snuka under arrest. A Lehigh County judge has dropped homicide charges against Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka after viewing the former WWE wrestler's medical records. However, he accepted a plea deal that dropped all of those charges. Investigating the mysterious story of Jimmy Snuka, whose girlfriend Nancy Argentino died in their motel room in 1983, and revealing her family's 30-year struggle for justice. In 1985, they won a $500K wrongful death lawsuit against Snuka but he contended he was broke and never paid it, the Morning Call reported. I think we stopped drinking after thatshe did at least, according to Snuka. In 1969, Senator Ted Kennedy left a party near midnight with Kopechne. Some outlets inexplicably found humor in it: The Associated Press wire story, for example, glosses over the underlying domestic violence, choosing to frame Snuka violently resisting arrest in joking terms like a pro wrestling match, using phrases such as the match was on and a nine-deputy tag-team. Local media wasnt much better, with a short Syracuse Post-Standard item running with the headline, Police, Dogs Win Round.. Dr. Mihalikis did not find any evidence of recent sexual contact. The latter made national headlines not so much because a married celebrity had been arrested for beating his girlfriend in a Salina, New York, motel room, but rather because Snuka fought off a cadre of deputies and police dogs from the Onondaga County Sheriffs Office in the process. Speculation has long swirled around McMahons involvement in the murder investigation, specifically his presence during Snukas last police interview, the contents of which unlike every other interview summary in the Whitehall file are notoriously not described in the report at all (a fact that then-Chief Frederic Conjour wrote off as nothing in the VICE documentary). (Former ADA Plochocki hasnt responded to my requests for an interview as of this writing, while his then-boss, DA Richard Hennessy, is deceased, as is Justice Harding.). He was the mouthpiece, trying to direct the conversation.. Vice's "Dark Side of the Ring" took on the death of Nancy Argentino in a new episode, which aired April 12. Specifically, those other incidents of domestic abuse were that of Snuka hospitalizing his then-wife Sharon in September 1983 (no charges filed, but testified to by both Sharon and then-neighbor Debbie Rogers); and Snukas January 18, 1983 arrest for beating Argentino. The only thing I know for sure is that I didnt hurt Nancy.. According to the experts, there is no proof that people who suffer from CTE are also legally incompetent. However, by the next day, he apparently changed his story and claimed that. The WWE has also furloughed manyworkers amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Nancy Argentino in an undated photo. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Yeah, there was some excitement. In addition, Mihalikis absolutely, find, bruises, lacerations or other indications of a beating or prior injuries. Over two dozen, to be more specific, to the point that the report states that they could suggest mate abuse., But the revelation that if we take Procanyns contemporaneous interview with Bronstad and Romanenko at face value Vince McMahon may have been one of these failures is something that, in 2020, casts her death in a different light. Authorities even tossed the WWE Hall of Famers tell-all autobiography as the cherry on top of the mountain of facts. Snuka told her to hurry up as she jumped across the grass onto the road she slipped and fell backwards and hit her head. However, as of this publication, you can find images and videos of him restored on In addition, Mihalikis absolutely did find, bruises, lacerations or other indications of a beating or prior injuries. Over two dozen, to be more specific, to the point that the report states that they could suggest mate abuse.. The 1983 death of Nancy Argentino has become one the most infamous chapters in pro wrestling history. The countys investigative grand jury found that Jimmy Snuka assaulted Nancy Argentino on May 10, 1983, then left her in a Whitehall Township motel room to die. Unlike Chris Benoit, the "Superfly" has not been erased from WWEs history books as of yet. But there were clear signs that her sisters love affair was rocky. Again, speculation has long run rampant about whether or not McMahon swooped in after her death with his briefcase to finagle Snuka out of trouble (which has never been proven, and McMahon has denied doing so through counsel and a company spokesperson). During the hearings to determine whether Jimmy Snuka was mentally competent to stand trial, his defense attorney Robert Kirwin said that Snuka suffered from brain trauma so severe that he had developed CTE and, subsequently, dementia. Twenty-three year old Nancy Argentino found herself traveling the country with her new boyfriend, wrestling superstar Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. I never wanted to harm her. In a single sentence summary from the same phone interview between Bronstad and Romanenko referenced above, Procanyn wrote, , Vince McMahon tried to talk her out of making the complaint against Snuka. As she did, I moved in front of the doorway and the male ran towards me and struck me in the chest area with his left forearm and pushed me against the wall. ). He writes in his book, Sharon and I fought all the time. The case seemed all but forgotten by the general public until interest was renewed in 2013, when the Morning Call did an anniversary story on Argentinos death. It is a sobering tale filled with possible cover-ups and the needless death of a young woman. Investigating the mysterious story of Jimmy Snuka, whose girlfriend Nancy Argentino died in . The medical evidence showed that he was not getting better, and in fact, hes getting worse.". The docuseries noted that police documents prove that the meeting took place and lastedan hour but there are no notes to indicate what was discussed duringthat meeting. ", Deputy Lehigh County coroner Wayne Snyder later said, Upon viewing the body and speaking to the pathologist, I immediately suspected foul play and so notified the district attorney.. Conjour insistedthe case was investigated the best it could have been investigated. Specifically, those other incidents of domestic abuse were that of Snuka hospitalizing his then-wife Sharon in September 1983 (no charges filed, but testified to by both Sharon and then-neighbor Debbie Rogers); and Snukas January 18, 1983 arrest for beating Argentino. I felt bad about it brother. This time he saw Argentino, naked, soon followed by Snuka, also naked. Get all your true crime news from Oxygen. In a moment that, with hindsight, should have been the crossroads where someone intervened to help Argentino, the assembled media largely failed her, refusing to take her story seriously enough to tell it properly. However, the file for the investigation of her murder from Pennsylvanias Whitehall Township Bureau of Police which I obtained from the same lawsuit appendix that included the New York file points to one possible reason. Picture made on Wednesday, October 7, 2015. Charges were not immediately pressed at the time against Jimmy Snuka though the case was left officially open. Snukas attorney, Robert J. Kirwan, argued that the fliers and videos did not prove anything about Snukas competency. [Argentino] was evidently beaten up and banged up and bruised upyou know, a couple of dozen bruises and cuts on her body, besides a fractured f*****g skull in a wrestlers hotel room that had just been previously arrested, in the f*****g same state I believe, about 6 months beforehand by eight cops and two police dogs for beating up the same girl!, Cornette continued, Even in Snukas book, he wrote that Vince [McMahon] came to represent him at the meeting, which everyone agrees on, but Vince was carrying a briefcase! Nancy was Italian, 5 feet 7 inches tall, 115 pounds with dark, curly hair and brown eyes. Even a movie was made in 2018 about the Chappaquiddick scandal where many people believe the senator got away with murder. The trouble is the brawler allegedly inflicted multiple beatdowns on his wife. On September 1st, 2015: After a grand jurys recommendation, Martin proceeds to charge Snuka with third-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. Detective Procanyn was a former Whitehall detective on the scene at the motel when Argentino was rushed to the hospital in 1983. The autopsy report told cops to consider Nancy Argentinos death a homicide. An illustration of a heart shape Donate. The Events of Nancy Argentino's Death. Many critics, however, would argue that justice delayed was justice denied.". In his autobiography, Jimmy Snuka publicly admitted to drinking heavily, smoking tobacco, liberal marijuana use, ingesting cocaine and using anabolic steroids throughout his adult life. Argentino was dating World Wrestling Entertainment wrestling star James Reiher Snuka known professionally as Jimmy Superfly Snuka when she died under suspicious circumstances in 1983. You have to think about this and get out of this relationship., But it was too late. This episode looks at the mysterious death of Nancy Argentino, a young woman who Jimmy Snuka dated in the early 80's at the height of his wrestling popularity. Nancy called me at 2 in the morning saying, I have to get out of here, her sister recalled. And he was an innovator, and he inspired so many people. Other doctors in 2010 said they also noticed developing signs of dementia. Ill be right back as soon as I get done, as he kissed her, according to the 30-page criminal complaint. If you bring up pro wrestling to someone from the Northeast whose fandom peaked around this time, theyll inevitably: 1) gush about Superfly being their favorite; and 2) reminisce about imitating him by jumping off their bed or dresser. However, the, for the investigation of her murder from Pennsylvanias Whitehall Township Bureau of Police which I obtained from the same lawsuit appendix that included the New York file points to one possible reason. After the one hour meeting in the district attorneys law library, there are no records of Jimmy Snuka ever being questioned by police again. But according to newly uncovered police records, Vince McMahon himself may have played a larger role in the events that led to Argentinos later death. That was a blatant lie, said Muchnick. The Lehigh County district attorney's office has refused to allow the coroner to release her autopsy report over the past three. As for the presence of dirt and gravel that could have indicated Argentino had indeed fallen at the side of the road, to say that Mihalikis did not find any unusual amounts is being generous no such particles were found in Argentinos clothing, hair or scalp at all. His widow, Carol, claims that he died of CTE, not cancer. Argentino swore in a deposition after the alleged assault that Snuka never hit her or intentionally harmed her. It was a. Reached by phone yesterday, Sharon Georgi said she was having dinner. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. In the commotion Argentino managed to call her sister Salome. Nancy Argentino, in happier times. Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka wrestles on September 4, 1995 in New Hampshire. There is much that is not publicly known about this case. I just look at the whole thing as a shame because theres a loss of human life there.. These changing stories and the official manner of death werent known publicly until 2013, when the, discovered the autopsy report and a Snuka police interview transcript both previously unavailable due to the case still being open in court records from the Argentino familys later wrongful death lawsuit against Superfly. That, and other provable incidents of domestic abuse. Thats to say nothing of any potential reputational harm to the organization. I respect them. The latter made national headlines not so much because a married celebrity had been arrested for beating his girlfriend in a. , motel room, but rather because Snuka fought off a cadre of deputies and police dogs from the Onondaga County Sheriffs Office in the process. In a contemporaneous memo, addressed from a lawyer identified as DNZ to colleague SRW (Steven R. Waxman, according to filings from the civil case), the lawyer recounts what he learned from his discussions with Platt while going over the prosecutors file, which he wasnt allowed to copy. They do not want a public apology and would not be a part of it, replied Lieutenant Paul Zemenz, the officers supervisor, in a letter sent back to Sparkes. If he does, hes responsible., On the matter, Jim Cornette lamented, "The word started getting around. , an ebook that Argentinos sisters collaborated on with, , who had been doing the seminal reporting on the case. Take Dr. Isidore Mihalakiss autopsy report noting that the multiplicity and magnitude of Nancy Argentinos dozen or more craniocerbral blows may even be suggestive of mate abuse and that this case should be investigated as a homicide until proven otherwise.. Bronstad does remember, though, that someone claiming to be Snukas manager showed up to post bail, going on and on about how he needed to be able to wrestle the next night. Reporters from The Morning Call revealed the unreported autopsy findings and put heat under the case again in 2013 to ring in the 30th anniversary of the unsolved mystery. Dattilio testified Snuka was unable to recall many of the debilitating injuries that led to his head trauma but did recount the shocking incident mentioned above, which he says left him dizzy and disoriented. He was 73. On that night Snuka claims he was just drinking a lot of booze. He later noted he had been smoking some pot too. -. Hamilton mentioned the case of Chris Benoit in 2007 who reportedly killed his wife and son. This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. In the same letter, Zemenz appears to imply that Sparkes was attempting to get the charges dropped extrajudicially, as he added that the officers felt that if any plea bargain, etc., was done[,] it more properly should come from the District Attorneys Office or the Courts. More pointedly, he stipulated, It was generally felt that this is turning into a publicity gimmick to benefit only Snuka, of which they want no part, citing the media coverage. This has been very hard on me and very hard on my family I never hit Nancy or threatened her. When speaking to the Whitehall Police hours after Argentino died as the result of a skull fracture (four months after the New York motel room attack), McMahon backed up the claims around Snukas needing Argentino to be able to travel between live shows and taping venues.