early settlers of surry county, north carolina

2023 North Carolina Genealogical Society. Haynes, Haywood H (1904) Adams, John (1835) Satterfield, Clementine (1899) Canter, Matilda (1859) Golding, Thomas (1862) Carter, Clement (1822) Ford, John (1856) Stanley, James (1862) History and Formation of Surry County Howell, Thomas (1783) Richardson, William T (1879) Owen, Sir Payton (1896) Thompson, A J (1892) Despite the efforts of the early citizens the legislature focused on the overwhelming tax burden imposed on the colony by Parliament. Moore, Jesse F (1891) Howard, Jesse (1832) Marshall, Moses (1871) They stayed in Onlsow County until 1785 when they left for GA. Several key natural attractions are found within Surry County. Whitaker, I (1892) At that time it extended toward the southwest between Charles City and Isle of Wight (then Warrosquyoake), being terminated later by the boundary with North Carolina. Hunter, Thomas (1846) Coleman, Joseph (1785) Mosby, Samuel (1788) Dodson, Sarah (1879) Banner, Edward (1884) (To do a quick search, use your browser's search function. McKinney, Jesse (1840) Linen thread Miller, Thomas (1815) Fulk, Andrew (1814) A special note as well that consisted of, panel of books. Required fields are marked *. Tucker, Charley (1892) http://www.ncmarkers.com/Results.aspx?k=Search&ct=btn, (accessed on September 5, 2011). Other travel groups from Virginia were the Stone, Lovill, Stow, Denny, Fulk, Key, Faulkner, Dunnegan, Cook, Smith, Jones and Needham families. Hendrick, Frederick (1835) Clanton, Thomas (1794) Winfrey, Thomas & Mary (1840, 1842) . Howell, David (1817) The 1778 tax list of Wilkes County gives some good clues, however, some of the people on this list were land speculators who never lived what became Ashe County, e.g., Enoch Osborne. Walker, Elizabeth (1853) Taylor, James (1837) Stone, Ellen M (1900) Bullington, null (1918) Allen, John (1800) Hall, William (1885) King, Thomas B (1856) Burrus, John (1853) Venable, Mary F (1900) Cockerham, John (1814) Some creeks and smaller estuaries include the Toms, Beaver, Red Hill, and Johnson Creeks. She is buried in Franklinton Community Cemetery. Whittington, John A (1867) Southard, Umberson (1866) Nichols, William (1866) By clicking on the button below, I consent to allowing NCGS to add this data to their MailChimp mailing list. [A] ROANOKE RIVER-headwaters to the south shore of Albemarle Sound: 1-Davis[W], Young[J], Spann(Spanns Mill), Allen, Falls, Reeves, Mellikan[J], Little[W], Mackinne[B],Bryant[T], Ooneroy, Refootketh, Tuskeruro, Cheeweo, Quitzna, Castellan[J], Speller, Charlton[W],Meazle, Blount, Beasly. Chamberlin, Jane P (1825) It was called the Waxhaw settlement and was the birthplace of . Poindexter, Richard R (1896) (P) Pennington's District #4, 43 families, 41 polls, 5055 acres of land. Reynolds, Dudley (1815) Dunnagan, Henry (1899) Cockerham, J E (1862) Dalton, D N (1900) Stewart, Samuel (1909) Williams, John (1798) Perkins, Lee (1893) Jones, William L (1923) Riggs, S F (1905) Galyean, Bennett (1892) Haines, Nathan (1835) But this failed years later due to flooding. Cummings, Isaac (1867) Penn, John (1886) Early Tennessee land acquisition is probably more complex than any other state because of the different governments and the time involved in processing grants. Snow, Thomas (1843) Bingman, L H (1899) Simmons, Armistead (1853) Franklin and others in Wilkes County. Smitherman, Andrew (1844) Voughter, John (1875) Norman, James (1847) Shelton, Julia J (1926) Tufts, James W (1902) differently and better. Downey, Peter (1803) Shore, Ann Mariah (1899) Whitaker, Wesley (1896) educated, practical, wise to the ways of the world and highly Badgett, Coleman (1906) The Land Griffith, Rebecca (1903) Instead, just read the list, as many spellings of surnames are different than the conventionally used spellings. [to be continued], The An unusual relic of a by gone era are the evaluations of property of these settlers, given in pounds, shillings and pence. Reeves, R E (1892) Dietz, Jacob (1777) P.T. Casstevens, M (1823) Dickens, Ethel (1873) West, Nicholas (1825) How early were your ancestors in North Carolina? Gallaway, C W (1884) Bond, John (1818) 1820s were the halcyon days for Surry. Boyden, Nathaniel (1879) Wood for building and for fuel was limitless. The county has voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election since the party first contested North Carolina in the 1868 election. Categories: American Revolutionary War, Anson County, Bladen County, Guilford County, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Orange County, Pennsylvania, Randolph County, Rowan County, The Great Wagon Road, Tagged as: Anson County, Bladen County, Buffalo Ford, Deep River, Deep River Friends Meeting House, Guilford County, Island Ford, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Orange County, Pennsylvania, Randolph County, Virginia. Creson, Rebecca (1837) The Carter, Knight and Foreman Families of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, 1730-1800: Some Ancestors and Descendants. Shows settlements, inhabitants, soil conditions, rivers, and principal products, with insets showing Port Brunswick or Cape Fear Harbour, Port Beaufort or Topsail Inlet, Ocacock [Ocracoke] Inlet, Explanation, and Directions for Ocacock [Ocracoke] Inlet. Kelly, Thomas L (1850) Edwards, Gideon (n. d.) Hoppes, Patsy (1828) Whitlock, Martin (1865) Wishon, Joseph (1842) Humphreys, Samuel (n. d.) Adkins, C C (1906) Collins, Obadiah (1830) Wolff, N A (1904) Roberts, James (1835) Owens, J M (n. d.) Snow, John B (1881) with a spoon and was very much like yogurt. Golding, James (1876) Davis, Drury K (1862) Norman, Polly (1874) Burch, William (1834) Fairfield County shown in red. Stow, Abraham (1846) They are grouped by the historical time periods in the headings below. Jackson, W L (1896) The notable Pilot Mountain, one of the states most touted natural palisades, rests in Surry County. Golding, William (1824) Fleming, William (1859) Carter, Guy (1913) Haymore, C C (1936) Ayers, James A (1906) Windsor, Aquilla (1832) Hurt, John (1797) Moravian leaders were highly Dinkins, John (1844) (To do a quick search, use your browsers search function. Ramey, C W (1861) A New and Correct Map of the Province of North Carolina by Edward Moseley, late surveyor general of the said province ([London]: Sold at the Three Crowns, 1733). Chilton, Stephen (1837) But if you have any history to give I would in deeply appreciate any help. Riggs, C C (1879) In 1791 part of it was removed to form Kershaw County. Morrow, Isaac (1825) Hall, Thomas (1819) York, John (1846) Dicks, R P (1889) If so, they paid quit rents to them, as to avoid being required to work on the landowners land and house. Davis, Matthew (1836) They left the word "CROATAN" carved in a tree. Denny, Polly (1910) The property is located in present day Randolph County. Bray, Thomas H (1839) Atkins, Marshall C (1888) This was done at the request of Jesse Franklin. The title page of A New Voyage to Carolina by John Lawson 1709 Image courtesy of Archive.org Thompson, James (1855) Critz, Eveline (1897) George Fagon-Received a land grant dated September 30th of 1749 consisting of 200 acres. Low, Nancy J B (1898) Waugh, H M (1882) Hill, Moses (1828) needed the friendship and knowledge. Griffith, Solomon (1814) Cockerham, Hughs (1875) Gwyn, Redmond (1882) The early settlers of French Huguenot descent were Poindexter, Laffoon, Lambert, Laurence and Hardin. was effective 15 February 1778. Swepson, George (1893) Holyfield, J H (1911) Cox, Richard (1888) Eastern Parish: 1715: c.1715: Chowan: Chowan: Very soon renamed to St. Paul . Burrus, L H (1883) The Hampton, H C (1901) It was around Aaron Woodruffs and Phillips, John (1843) Strickland, M W (1906) Moore, Edward (1837) Fulk, Joseph (1863) Wilmoth, T S (1889) Another possibility could be that Surry is a derivative of the Saura; the Saura were the first Native Americans to inhabit present-day Surry. (V) Vannoy's District in the 1787 Tax List Bohannon, John (1791) Walker, William (1905) Harrison, Charles (1834) Dickens, Julius (1854) In our family, we dont descend from any Paramores (that I know of), but I have come across them in my research in Pitt County, NC. This is a partial listing of early inhabitants settling along the Yadkin River. Nations, J H (1899) Dobson, John H (1867) Beavers, Abigail (1803) Lovill, Hester E (1854) McArthur, Ruth (1916) Oglesby, Micajah (1831) Bryant, M D (1882) Rothwell, John (1778) McKoin, James (1778) Money, Samuel (1818) in December 1770 by Martin Armstrong, Anthony Hampton and James Dunne. Lundy, Joel (1865) Why was he not found? Gentry, Wiley (1902) Gwyn, Richard (1884) Surry County gained from Rowan County on 6 March 1773. Ingram, John W (1891) Stonestreet, Jeddiah (1886) Wilbourn, S T (1900) Gordon, Ephraim (1798) Gough, Thomas (1825) Cranfill, William (1821) Thompson, J O (1900) Crutchfield, Jesse (1909) My 8x grandfather was named Jasper Hardison. Jenkins, W A (1897) New for 2010 and 2011. Church, John (1866) Creson, Joshua (1822) Dejornatt, George W (1826) Patterson, Julius A (1871) Surry County was formed from It was named after Revolutionary War patriot, Captain John Stokes. Casstevens, John (1841) Martin, Samuel (1844) Gallaway, R R (1901) educated, practical, wise to the ways of the world and highly Jervis, Polly (1881) The Charter of the Town of Mount Airy. Cook, Abel (1874) For a partial list of the original members, click here. Dobson, Henry H (1866) The Virginia Company's development of Virginia did not meet the expectations of the company stockholders or the English government. Linville, John (1898) Simpson, Vinson (1872) Harris, Ephraim D (1832) Surry County, The Andy Griffith Show, and Pilot Mountain. William S. Powell, ed. These characteristics include rivers, creeks, and one of the most distinguishable mountains in the eastern North Carolina. Welbourn, Isaac (1798) Edwards, Gideon (1811) Snow, C T (1900) He also owned 1 cart and 1 pair of wagon wheels. Forkner, Susannah (1848) If a marriage appears to be incorrect, verify using other sources. Martin, J W (1889) Fisher, Rhoda (1843) Hudspeth, John (1781) Troy L. Kickler A Patriot during the Revolutionary War, Jesse Franklin later served his state in the House of Commons, as a state senator, as a U.S. Representative, a U.S. The Tripp family of South Pamlico is noted on the map. Roberts, Logan D (1886) The only NC relation I had was Sir Christopher Gale, the first Chief Justice of the North Carolina Colony. Harville, Matilda (1839) Windsor, Isaac (1821) Snow, Frost (1853) Snow, W W (1901) Tucker, David (1871) Zachary, William (1827) Gillespie, Alexander (1858) Who was Caroline married to cuz? Harbour, M G (1911) Napier, Dora (1898) Shoemaker, Adam (1786) Thompson, Pherebe (1861) County was divided and the southern part became Forsyth County. Whitaker, Melissa (1891) Harris, Margaret (Widow) (n. d.) Isaacks, A H (1895) Holt, Samuel (1881) Richardson, J T (1906) Mustin, Bettie (1911) Hutchens, Joel (1851) Surry County, North Carolina. Early Marriages. Howell Brewer applied for a land grant in Bladen County during the year of 1753. Black, Abraham (1853) Crouse, I W (1898) Jones, Samuel (1814) Warden, Jennette (1892) Jackson, Joseph (1817) Lynch, J C (1903) Word, Charles (1782) These lists have been cross checked against the 1782 tax List of Wilkes County. Harrison, Ruth (1846) Freeman, Hawkins (1857) Taylor, Mark (1835) The first record in which the New River denizens are distinguishable is the 1787 North Carolina State Census. His son, John Hardison was a delegate to the 2nd Continental Congress. 2 (May 1978): 74-86. May, Morgan (1847) Bundy, Alfred (1888) Hill, John W (1904) Rowan County. Rook, Ira (1888) Collins, Ambrose R (1862) Arrington, Daniel (1862) Chilton, Tabbitha (1889) Lewis, Elkanah (1807) Money, Isaac (1841) Jessup, Joseph (1797) Nelson, Isaac (1829) Bowles, Sallie (1894) Axsom, Nancy (1856) Whittington, W R (1885) Lyon, Robert (1835) Gentry, Austin (1896) Welbourn, Edward (1822) Cook, N N (1907) Stone, Elizabeth (1874) Harris, Dicey (1848) Redd, Jesse (1894) Murphy, J M (1905) Logan, George (1826) Cordell, John C (1883) Davis, Jacob (1865) Williams, Robert (1830) Dearman, F R (1888) Whitlock, Charles (1885) Denny, Harvey (1874) Lash, George (1820) Ray, Tryon (1889) Jackson, Joel (1852) Arnold, Daniel (1839) Muse, Ida (1905) Galyean, Jefferson (1866) Faugerson, John (1783) This was while Surry County was still a British Colony. There was also a Hugh Boston, who could have been his father or brother in the same area. Hill, C D (1881) Marsh, John (1881) Chandler, Pleasant (1889) McCraw, James (1846) Nicholson, Micajah (1870) Warren, John P (1899) Venable, I A (1914) John Russell. Linville, Moses (1826) [H] PASQUOTANK PRECINCT between Pasquotank and North Rivers: Spence, Burkham [G] (at Joys Fork), Jones [G], Janson, Mann, Jones, Hawkins. The origins of North Carolina's 18th-century newcomers varied widely. The western boundary limit was indefinite. Balis, James (1830) Venable, Adaline (1865) List of Dobbs County citizens whose guns were taken and used by the King's forces against the Regulators. This is a personal collection . Logan, William (1776) Jervis, William (1837) A partial listing of early inhabitants settling along the Yadkin River, Matthew ( 1836 ) They are by! Charley ( 1892 ) http: //www.ncmarkers.com/Results.aspx? k=Search & ct=btn, ( accessed on September 5, ). Riggs, C W ( 1904 ) Rowan County on 6 March 1773 ( 1897 ) New 2010... 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