charge nurse exemplar

My assignment was a general float RN (someone who assists in helping the whole department). No matter the career path, the traits gained as a charge nurse can serve a person well throughout their professional life. I returned to the holding room approximately 45 minutes later. Other pertinent advice it to take one of the OTC antacids such as Milk of Magnesia, Maalox, Alka-Seltzer or Amphogel. (Effective Management of Rapidly Changing Situations) Before I put patient on hold I told her to chew a tablet of ASA and find someone to take her to ED. Communication Communication is the process that people use to exchange information, ( Gaining social support from other nurses. I took the time to really listen to her history and her feelings. h I became the point of care for this mans treatments. These drugs include some ATB, Propranolol, Captopril and H2 blockers. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. They were a very spiritual couple and she brought in incense to burn and body oils to apply that had a distinct smell. Because of my education and experience, I am able to observe even small subtle changes in their demeanor, voice, color etc. She stated she wanted to try an Ibuprofen first and was going to call afterwards if the HA did not get better. The patient trusts in this nurses expertise and ability to handle even critical situations that involve life and death. Give concrete illustrations of how you met your outcomes. Multitasking is a quality that I possessed as an OR nurse. the experience. Provides safe environment. She appeared agitated and anxious. This is why I was amazed he was awake and attempting to speak. Needham, Massachusetts 02492. Three letters of recommendation dated within the last 12 months RN peer familiar with the applicant's practice Nursing supervisor familiar with the applicant's practice Health Team member (MD, PT, Social Worker, etc.) Throughout the crisis, the Staff Nurse III draws upon excellent clinical skills and judgment, along with lessons learned from the past experience. This guide covers the top traits charge nurses need to be effective leaders. After introducing myself to them, I began checking Mr. Kinneys identification bracelet, consent form, and operative site marking. Bilateral knee replacements, diabetes, sepsis, pancreatitis and so many surgeries that it was hard to count them all. This number must equal twenty-four (24) hours or more in order for a nurse to meet the hours worked qualification. Visit our online job search to find a Registered Nurse job near you. Why did your work succeed or fail? I will join a hospital committee this year and bring information back to the staff within one week after each monthly meeting. In addition to being charge nurse, you're caring for 8 complicated patients. I at once began colostomy teaching. I was not going to let this go. Friendly and extroverted, she had shared much of her personal life and appeared comfortable with me and confident in my judgment and skills. Charge Nurse Salary & Employment Charge nurses can expect to earn between $50,400 and $90,523 annually, with the median salary landing at $68,863 per year. The charge nurse's role is to gather information from all sources and represent this information on the public display board. Facility Selection Committee Names of the Selection Committee Members will be posted on the Associations bulletin board in each facility. Colleague to physicians. Flexible charge nurses maintain stability in the unit and treat nurses as individuals, accommodating different work styles. (Taylor et al., 2019), Stress is a condition in which the human system responds to Learning is the process by which a person acquires or increases Continuing Education must be within the 12 months before the application deadline. The letter stated that my patient had been diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage and that the QA nurse wanted to thank me for my triage and comprehensive thinking. Monitoring her daily 1 & Os I noticed that her fluid status was a lot more out than in that out. She thanked me and put the phone down. Mrs. B. confided in me that she was having a hard time with the food; she would push it around a lot of the plate and not consume nearly enough of it. A day came when he asked me what would happen next, What happens when I cant talk anymore. By the middle of the call Mrs. C. was able to understand what my intentions are and by the end of the call she trusted me and she followed my advice. I informed him of my assessment and that I thought something was going on. He surely did not have his Mr. P smile and he was just not right. process of nourishment (Taylor et al., 2019). WebThe exemplar is written in the first person. A charge nurse oversees a hospital unit or department. Work in the area of clinical specialty with the Employer an average of twenty-four (24) hours per week over the past year. She wanted a quick solution but intuitively I knew she probably would need more emergent care. In no time we were able to position the patient taking into consideration that he was well supported and padded. The facility did have Ativan available. %%EOF Her history included Parkinsons disease, CKD, COPD, and HTN and elevated K. She was now in a health center where she lived for 3 months prior to her hospitalization. I reassured her that she would be in very capable hands and nothing was going to be done without an explanation and her consent. By his side stood his wife, a very sweet lady. legislators. Here's an example of a charge nurse resume you can use as a reference when writing your own: John Delaney Pasadena, California | 626-555-0928 | Summary Dedicated Registered Nurse with 10 years of experience in neonatal and emergency care units in hospital settings. A mentor is an advisor and teacher who can guide an aspiring or new charge nurse. Now faith in God is great, but I had to constantly encourage her to verbalize to me her discomfort and pain. Appeals Process Any applicant denied the Clinical Expert designation may appeal the decision of the Facility Selection Committee (FSC) as follows: A written appeal, clearly stating the basis for the appeal, must be submitted to the FSC that made the original decision no later than thirty (30) days after written notification of denial. A leader helps people work toward a goal through: Using these traits, a charge nurse unites staff members striving for successful patient outcomes. Patient charts are the backbone of all patient care, dictating everything an individual has undergone. Committee work may be hospital or professionally based GRASP PPC Performance Improvement Policy and Procedure Other The applicant may document the role of the committee (charter), meeting frequency, and your contribution by completing the optional form on committee participation documentation included in this packet. She took 600mg of ibuprofen, fed her baby and tried to go back to sleep. Determination Act, and licensure. The center even incentivizes nurses joining particular units via a net sign-on bonus of $3,000, while in the same vein clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners can earn an impressive $8,000. ( Acting as psychological and cultural mediator. I explained to her that we were concerned by her symptoms and we would like her sister in law to driver her to the ER. My teammates became an invaluable source of support for me as I processed my patients death and proceeded to care for the next patient. (Marquis & A clot big enough to block the blood flow through a coronary artery can damage or destroy a part of the heath muscle. WebAn exemplar is a story of a real patient that is told in order to illustrate an RNs practice. If the nurse goes on non-paid status (no sick leave) the leave of absence cannot exceed three (3) months. Browse books, pocket cards, practice tools, certification reviews, products and more. blood can shift and brain tissue comply. Current license to practice as an RN in California. Nursing; Feeling; University of Massachusetts, Boston NUR 347. Acting as a mediator, I was able to help his family process what was happening with their loved one, as well as preserving the patients dignity in the face of his emotional breakdown at realizing he had to say goodbye. The Staff Nurse III or HH/H Nurse III will apply for renewal at the end of the three (3) year classification. Precepting Orienting/cross-training Other Examples are: teaching guidelines, new grad preceptor, assisting with a complex skills day or facility-wide training, such as blood borne pathogens. High risk patients (HBP, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Obesity, family history of heart attack) with typical chest pain should be evaluated in ED. (Hinkle & Cheever, 2018), Health Policy Health policy refers to the laws that a nation establishes to He was uncomfortable with the proposed plan, but he felt he needed to do as he was advised. Soon enough I was helping anesthesia with more stat book work orders, circulating and communicating with the blood bank and laboratory at the same time. WebCharge Nurse Operating Room-spine & Joint Center Resume Examples & Samples. I assisted her and taught her that following the ET tube, she could place the NGT without any further injury. I believe a less experienced nurse would not have thought about hemorrhage since the symptoms were getting better. Health Care Systems A health care system is the system a nation uses to deliver and pay for A surgeon once put her medical condition and her risk for surgical complications into perspective in a phrase I will never forget. It was not for me to question their rituals. the activities involved in managing the work environment and, Room 5- Mr. H., blood alcohol in the 400s, holding until he can metabolizes to less than 200 then discharge planner. The family accepted the Chaplins and social workers role more intensely. This infusion, as with any, required much long range planning before the infusion could be started. 2020), Thermoregulation Thermoregulation is regulation of the bodys temperature by cells (Karch, 2020). My experience helped me teach and assist a novice nurse, which in turn helped the patient. A charge nurse is a registered nurse lead that supervises a medical unit. (Videbeck, 2020). Her faith got her through the news, after her anesthesia wore off. She sighed and asked if she could call me back, saying she was a little overwhelmed at the moment and she needed to breast feed her daughter. To everyones astonishment the missing sponge was still inside the patient. of clients and must detect problems and intervene early to prevent life- She could take up to 10 at once with no relief. I worked with patients in the past that the hallucinations, whether auditory or visual, were so debilitating that they could not interact with the world because they were so occupied with their hallucinations they couldnt get past that to true reality. Photocopies of CEs, CMEs, college credit certification, need to be included in the portfolio when the application is submitted. You will be contacted by a member of the committee shortly after the monthly meeting in which your portfolio was reviewed. She agreed. I directed my surgical technician the need to open and count the instruments trays necessary to do an open case thinking in mind the severity of my patients bleeding. The purpose of the exemplar is to communicate the chapters contributions and accomplishments that Model of proficiency for co-workers. This special knowledge base allows me to recognize subtle changes in my patients that otherwise might be missed. A key component of this nurses professionalism is the consistent choice to maintain and projects both caring and sensitively toward patients, using touch and presence. Charge nurses also encourage professional growth and development among nurses in their unit. She was able to trust me and agree to go to the ER. University of Massachusetts, Boston. She slept for an hour or so, the HA got better, but it did not go away completely. I assisted by holding the jaw line with both hands to help keep the lower jaw stable. I was stunned by the turn of events, bleeding became significant; both surgeons attempts to control bleeding were unsuccessful. I questioned the surgical technician about the 2 missing sponges and I was told that the surgeon had one sponge in his hand and that the other one was resting on the drape. WebRNss ppracttice. For example, Nursing At the bottom of the page, you will find a link to View your Performance or Development history this link will allow you to print out all of your completed performance evaluations. Charge nurses need high organizational and critical thinking skills to successfully handle sudden issues that may come up. Being a cardiac nurse, I immediately placed a heart monitor on her she was in atrial fibrillation and I feared she was also becoming septic. On August 6th T. climbed out of his bed during the night and pulled out his line. The expected that the health center had the order for hospice and that the hospice would start as soon as she arrived at the facility. 7. Practice newfound skills in and out of work until they become second nature. I told her to tell her sister-in-law if the situation became unsafe to pull over and call 911. A regional appeal may not be completed before the next application deadline. bloodstream collect at the site of vascular injury, form a plug, formation of a stable clot composed of fibrin to prevent excessive WebABOUT YOU To join us as a Charge Nurse youll need to be a Registered Nurse with a current NMC registration and supervision qualification. living, including meal preparation, grocery shopping, household The boundaries for She agreed. Finally I felt relieved! In the best interest of this patient I was able to adapt when she needed to breastfeed her daughter and put me on speaker phone. I chose this story for several reasons. These signatures certify that calculations are correct as of the specified date. I was self directed, confident and well prepared when calling the CCMD- I gave my SBART rationale for emergent outcome, which he agreed. The applicant may contact a member of the Facility Selection Committee to verify completeness of the application prior to submission. $JI=SM0V;$E)@z;;_zX6Juq(hx\n5. Along the way identify new options, closing old options, channeling, teaching and mediating on behalf of the patient. ADLs are Her current admission to 4E had been in response to her diagnosis and pancreatitis after her knee replacement. WebLeadership Exemplar March 2013 (10 months into nursing school): For my second Med/Surg clinical, I worked in the Emergency Department, an assignment I requested. At the back of my mind, I knew the promise that I had made to my patient and his wife. I quickly prioritized my patient load so as I would not be interrupted in the middle of Mr. R.s would care. Acid-base imbalances occur when the pH of the blood falls outside The following Benners Domains will be addressed: The Helping Role The Teaching-Coaching Function The Diagnostic and Monitoring Function Effective Management of Rapidly Changing Situations Monitoring and Ensuring the Quality of Health Care Practices Exemplar #4 I received a call last May via the GYN line from a 27 yr women named J.. She was requesting advice or a message be sent to her doctor. As I continued to follow Mr. P, he had increased confusion, changes in vital signs and increasingly abnormal liver studies. Nursing staff, patients, and management are more likely to engage with and take advice from a respectful charge nurse. proceeds through life, characterized by a series of ascents, plateaus, ( Getting appropriate and timely responses from physician. ( Using goals therapeutically. I alerted the only physician left on the station; who was eating his lunch he also happened to be a brand new MD as well as new to Kaiser. By initiating a plan to have her newborn watched it reassured her that she can get treatment and be less anxious about leaving her daughter. A sample of the standard should be included in the portfolio if possible. I explained my thoughts and concerns with Mrs. S. and advised her of the upcoming transfer to the holding room to further evaluate her symptoms. While working I heard someone yell for help and it sounded as if it were coming from A side. T.s pain was increasing so quickly I requested the most concentrated morphine, knowing I had a maximum of two ml per hour into the sub q site and could not attain this with a more diluted concentration. The charge nurse also evaluates patient outcomes during their shift. We are bringing in an 88 year old male patient complaining of chest pain, alert, with stable vital signs. I used calm, clear communication, while at the same time expertly navigating through CIPS, triaging her and listening to her history. A Clinical Exemplar is a description of a patient care situation that is significant to you and reflects your current practice. His family arrived at that time. He was a quiet, giant of a man, months later I would realize that he when he stood up was 64 or taller. Expand your skills with Care of the Acutely Ill Pediatric Patient Respiratory Bundle. I T E M W E I G H T R A T I N G I T E M T O T A L T O T A L S C O R E P e r f o r m a n c e E valuation 15 Letters of Recommendation 10 Continuing Education 15 Exemplars 30 All minimum qualifications & all application Professional Participation 20 requirements must be met for the Interview 10 applicant to advance. Perfusion Perfusion refers to the passage of oxygenated capillary blood The Staff Nurse III, then, draws not only upon past experiences but also upon inquisitiveness, intuition and an organized use of the nursing process to anticipate problems and intervene before the patients condition deteriorates. The feeling of uncertainty, first because of his Renal Cancer and worst, the fear of impending lose of a loved one in surgery. ( Identifying and managing a patient crisis until physician assistance is available. learning. It had been a long but good day in the ED. At that point I really understood the saying that there are two sides to nursing the art and the heart. This research investigated charge nurse decision making during the nurse-patient assignment process as an exemplar of the larger The Regional Appeals Committees review shall be limited to a consideration of the same appeal presented to the Facility Selection Committee. Explore why nursing should be recognized as a STEM profession and how that recognition can happen. At the bottom of the page, you will find a link to View your Performance or Development history this link will allow you to print out all of your completed performance evaluations. WebVA Department of Veterans Affairs PROFICIENCY REPORT SECTION A - INDIVIDUAL REPORTED ON 1. Communication behaviors in clinical settings have been studied through observation, 9 self-report logs, 810 and ethnographic 13 methods. (Marquis & Huston, 2021). %PDF-1.6 % Remember that the charge nurse role is about leading a group of highly educated, motivated individuals. A narrative summary must be included highlighting the applicants strengths in clinical practice and/or professional activities. When she came back she thanked me again and expressed to me again how tired and overwhelmed she was. 3. The team of nurses, physicians, physician residents, pharmacy and respiratory responded to the Trauma Bay to prepare for the patients arrival. What was I missing? Stimulation of I was able to actively listen to her anxieties, pain and frustration and reassure her throughout the call. NAME AND LOCATION OF FACILITY 4. Before, working in the ED, I worked in locked psychiatric facilitates for several years. separation or by death. (Taylor This nurse does whatever is possible to integrate the patients beliefs and practices into the plan of care. The rapid change in the patients condition under anesthesia was crucial. I knew that the patients vital signs were deteriorating. If needed, appeal to the Regional Appeals Committee in writing within 30 days of the Facility Selection Committee appeal decision. In the same visit, it was necessary to instruct and coordinate the technical side of managing his pain. By August 11th T. began to decline rapidly and as the cancer invaded his brachial plexus and it was becoming evident something more than morphine was needed to achieve comfort. The next two weeks of T.s life were full of much loving intervention by our whole team and was able to pass peacefully on August 19th. I place a line, applied oxygen, and drew labs to be transported with the patient. The following Benner Domains will be addressed: The helping role The teaching-coaching function The diagnostic & ensuring the quality of health care practices Monitoring & ensuring the quality of health care practices Administering & monitoring therapeutic interventions & regimens Exemplar #10 I can still remember the first time I set eyes on Mrs. B.s chart. I told her she could put me on speaker phone so she could effectively feed her daughter, which she agreed to do. The CMS-proposed rule is being met with resistance by professional organizations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to Tracys ProfessionalPortfolio. llx7QLbS My actions were important because I was patient and persistent. WebWriting Exemplars Page 1 of 3 Adapted from: Presentation Notes: Nurse Action Days (2006) Christine M. Pacini, PhD, RN Director, Center for Professional Development, Research and Innovation University of Michigan Health Systems Introduction - Definitions An exemplar is a story of a real patient that is told in order to illustrate an RNs Submit a live session abstract for NTI 2024. Who did you work with? Mrs. Kinney told me she was entrusting her husband to me. In a professional and competent manner I was able to educate and explain the risk of a brain hemorrhage after delivery and the possibility of this happening now. Then you put relevant pieces together and solve the mystery. In nursing terms you make the best disposition that fits patients needs. She said she felt fine the next day but then woke up last night with another severe HA. She was coming in for ultra violet treatment twice per week for her psoriasis. The Helping Role I am a Kaiser Hospice Volunteer who attended several weekly staff rounds and knew that if there had been an administrative error with the order not getting transcribed correctly before discharge, it could and would be fixed immediately the next day. I was able to initiate a plan for her husband to come home from work and stay with the newborn while her sister-in-law drove her in. I was concerned that something else other than just a HA due to stress could be going on and that I wanted to consult my call center doctor. %PDF-1.6 % If a person struggles with organization, interpersonal skills, humility, or nurse burnout, it's time to work on those areas. I then called that physician to let her know my assessment and concerns. After the flurry of activity, I noted the patient appeared to be quite restless in the bed. I asked the clerk what was going on after hearing a cry for help. The exemplars must be reflective of events that occurred in the last twenty four (24) months. I continue doing the correct count and finally the skin count, but this time I was confident that I had done the correct count. sweating) or to preserve warmth through vasoconstriction and In this first link you will find an exemplar Achievement of this level of expertise is the result of the ongoing application of theory to practice for validation of the theory and expansion of the nurses experience. Admission, discharges, and intensity of patient care can create chaos within minutes. I escorted him to our injection room and had him take a seat. 9 I was delighted for making the right decision and happy for Mrs. C. that she got there just on time. It wasnt long after entering the room that I noticed that this patients GLASGOWCOMA scale had deteriorated from 13 to 7 (a GLASGOW score less than 8 may indicate severe brain injury). A critical thinker can apply their knowledge in changing circumstances, "thinking outside the box" to solve problems and evaluate situations. Visit our online job search to find a Registered nurse lead that supervises a medical unit her personal and! Pertinent advice it to take one of the exemplar is a story of a real patient that is told order! Give concrete illustrations of how you met your outcomes each facility III HH/H! Nurse to meet the hours worked qualification then woke up last night with another severe.. Her knee replacement need to be effective leaders Operating Room-spine & Joint Center Resume Examples &.. To communicate the chapters contributions and accomplishments that Model of proficiency for co-workers could put me on phone! 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