chances of getting caught lying on faa medical

Investigating complaints from citizens and co-workers. However, I also think that the standards for commercial and airline pilots should be more stringent. The Third Class is an absolute joke. The Aerospace Medical Certification Subsystem (AMCS) has been enhanced to provide the capability to print Airman Medical or Airman Medical and Student Pilot Certificates. If the medical dates are incorrect, please contact CAMI at (405) 954-4821. Thus, agencies such as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Federal Bureau of Identification (FBI), for example, will most likely still be able to see your expunged records. Do You Need A PHD To Be A Medical Scientist? The standards are too strict and the FAA bases thier decisions (especially on medication) on generalizaitons instead of listening to the pilots and doctors. It doesnt work like that in mental health cases, and probably never will. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you. No, get a different one. Thank you for the advice and expertise Sir, you just saved me a $50.00 discussion appointment with my AME. Unfortunatley I have seen too many accident reports where the pilot was on prescription medications (found during the toxicological examination)many of them disqulifying, and none of them were reported on the medical application. I understand why a lot of this stuff, like the sport pilot initiative, takes so long and always falls short, but cmon, this one is easy and its gonna bite them in the ass. Is being illiterate a bar to being a pilot conquer? However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. Further more, if an airman lies and is in a serious accident with injuries or fatalities, his entire medical history will be examined and subsequent legal action may not be beneficial to his or her heirs. If you ever need to submit medical records to the FAA, they will review everything you give them. If I have the big one in the seat here is what will happen: 1. From the details they ask about, you would think you were applying to be an astronaut. The Dr. the agency recommended was an AMI. If you qualify for an FAA medical certificate, they will issue it to you at the end of your appointment, document your exam findings, and transmit your application to the FAA. He then went on to work for the leading aviation magazines, including as editor of both AOPA Pilot and Flying. We have a very good AME in our area. All content on Executive Flyers is rigorously reviewed by experienced and qualified fact-checkers. At least my livelihood doesnt depend on it. To stay current, I have been renting/flying 152s and 172s with an instructor, but that is very expensive too (the inclusion of the instructor, that is). Its just not opening an unnecessary can of worms. AS for moving the old trainers into the light sport rules is not really a great option either, just get some training and rent a light sport. Every child at some point decides to spin around and around until they are dizzy and fall down. In example, if you have depression, they dont want to risk the possibility of the pilot (with depression) crashing the aircraft, when in fact flying is the only thing the pilot probably cares about. You want to make it more difficult? Make a copy of the original and keep that in a safe place. You are better off to work truthfully with your AME. He wouldnt go to hell and back (becoming a commercial pilot) if he didnt want his dream. I would like to see how many incidents of NOT seeking medical attention, due to knowing that the FAA will pull their ticket, have led to problems. One assault charge, not so much. It explains a lot of stuff that seems ridiculous, like have you ever been unconscious. Your AME will review your MedXPress application in detail and conduct a physical exam. Id rather be flying but I dont require the FAAs approval for my activities. Returning home, the Civil Aviation Medical Board cleared me for flying. Thats a good way to get into a LOT of trouble. In this application, you must disclose any information about a condition that has the potential to affect your eligibility to fly. If the FAA wants to do the medical process it should be strictly for airlines or commercial pilots for the first and second class medical. Why is such a standard not imposed on motorcycle or car owners ? I Fly America 2021, Paul Engstrom, Aviation Writer and IFA Member, Health for Pilots: A Complete Guide to FAA Medical Certification and Self-Care. Period. For example, what if one is tired or snores. Try walking in my shoes and you will not agree with that statement. If I dont tell him would the FAA find out if I never had another attack? good for 2 years. Your family and friends consider you more important than any flying you may do. He never lied. Meanwhile the FAA now sits on thier collective thumbs deciding what to do. Maybe this will thin out the disastrous ideas, programs, attitudes and regulations coming out of government (like helping poor people buy houses) by ensuring government employees are not under the influence of mind altering drugs or pharmaceuticals and had a good-nights rest unhampered by sleep apnea. Any law or rule, which is widely viewed by those subject to its enforcement as being unfair, unjust, capricious and arbitrary, because it has no basis in fact, will be disrespected and thus unenforceable. Good pilots self certify before every flight and wise, old pilots know when its better to stay home. Its funny that this question even comes up. Took the FAA medical (stand on this leg, stand on that leg can you see anything out of this eye, can you see anything out of that eye). Auto accident deaths 30,000. Gee I wonder how many Pilots become depressed because of the hasseles from the FAA. Further, you fly with your family and maybe some of your employees if you use an aircraft for business transporation. Its about cooperating with your doc so you can keep doing what you love. It was good news. Im not trying to be deceitful, but I really want to be prepared for this interview and I dont see the importance of something that wont effect flying. What you dont want to do is lie. Bury the third class in favor of drivers licenses, who cars come with inches of mine, go against lights, etc. Here is my suggestion: Expand the gross weight of light sport airplanes to something like 1800 pounds. Ones health does not distinguish between ones ability to pilot a 2 seater weighing 1320 lbs and a 4 seat airplane weighing 3500 lbs. If this is a recurrent problem, getting a class 3 medical can be difficult. If you cant pass the physical you need to find another way to fly. On checking this I was advised the costs would be in the region of 600+. Hey Guys as you know there is nothing private on the internet. It is already hard enough to convince the FAA that you are healthy enough to fly after dealing with lifes curve balls. Politicians create government agencies empowered to rule by edict. I would respect them more if they screened for problems and helped people cure them, rather than go over the hill with a knee jerk reaction. During an FAA medical, a urine test will take place that checks sugars and protein levels. Boating accident deaths 750 Out of those, the number of GA deaths from medical incapacitation is tiny. Wouldn't it be nice if, when you opened up Med Expres, all the information that you had included in your last application was there for reference. What to do? When I was active duty Air Force we had a guy pass his medical and they drop from a heart attack the next day while sitting on his couch. I think a regular physical should be required, but the special AME physical in all reality boils down to a tax disguised as safety concern. You are assumed to be lying. No, most pilots have few issues. As they say the truth eventually comes out but sometimes lies can go untold forever and I believe there are pilots who are flying around in our airspace with disqualifying medical conditions that should be special issuance or not even have a medical. That isnt good leadership. Two of the pilots I know of with these problems have Class 1 Medical Certificates. Im 64 and working on my PP license. Most get grounded for a year? I HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY TRIED FOR A MEDICAL OR A LISENSE AS FAR AS THAT GOES. I had the whole Combined Medical Board (CMB) certifying that I had systolic heart murmur that justified them to ground me from Air Force flying. I WAS A BIRD DOG PILOT IN VIETNAM FOR 3+ YEARS WHEN I WAS SENT TO THE DECK BY SMALL ARMS FIRE. The FAA medical process makes it nearly impossible to comply with completely. Stan, what is the diagnosis for which you have special issuance? I see my doctor at least once a year and sometimes twice he says Im healthy, But I dont trust the FAA. The next hell will be finding out what conditions they place on that SI. Im in an odd spot and a bit of a time crunch when it comes to getting a medical certificate. Then we really would have a pilot shortage, now wouldnt we. Governmental overkill? The AME might be required to defer your Medical Certificate, but you will be 3-4 months ahead by having the AME submit your medical information along with the 8500-8 rather than waiting for the FAA to ask for the information. People go to prison all the time because they lied to the FBI, FTC, or other federal agency. The information provided on this website is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice. Like everything els not all AMEs are created equally. I served 6 years with the U.S. Secret Service, protecting POTUS and his family. Before every flight (sometimes several per day) I self qualify myself THAT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY AS PIC!!! How about the person that might have some minor anxiety issues? So if there is cause, e.g a call to the FAA's hotline, an investigation will occur, and these will be seen and rather quickly. Required fields are marked *. BINGO! I forgot to mention that your Idea sounds like a good Idea. But, sooner or later, most pilots will develop a medical condition that they cannot hide. Funny thing is the murmur is gone but Ill never have my life back If you lie on your medical form Best of luck. If youre over 40 and your first-class medical is not renewed within six calendar months, itll revert to the privileges of a second-class medical for an additional six months. My first flightdoctor told me he was very happy about having pilots as clients. I do believe all of the ideas youve presented for your post. If anyone cares to share their thoughts or any advice I would appreciate hearing from you. HIPPA Law prevents them from looking at your medical history without your consent. You are proceeding at your own risk. Learn more here: I am not sure whether the doctors are always correct or what specifically they are looking for to justify one pilot is medically fit while another is unfit. Maybe I misunderstood the content regarding flagging his file, maybe this is an appropriate means of discipline, they did not elaborate. Just waht we need more busybodys like you who cant mind their own business. He knew it. I fly a Cirrus, my wife knows how to pull the parachute. Im not dumb enough to eat a big meal then jump right into a plane for the flight back unless it is one with a toilet and someone else is flying! Delaying your AME appointment over several weeks to gather the right information can eliminate months of review by the FAA. How about medical visits in past 3 years? On the other hand, when I started flying and had to take a 3rd class medical, the AMI was a personal friend and knew of my hearing problems, therefore suggested we do the hearing test with an audiometer in the evening when there was less noise and confusion in the office. In this age of fax machines, email, twitter, facebook, linked in, etc, it is obvious that the FAA is stuck in the past. An aircraft is just another machine. Please don't sabotage your own union's efforts on your behalf. Federal employees should qualify for at least a class three medical for airmen and let us toss in the medication list and drug testing for commercial drivers. They are actually almost the same as for Third Class. should not fly. If your medical expires, there is nothing to stop you from continuing to fly. N.C., one does not have the right to lie to the feds investigating an illegal act. They leave that up to you, but just make sure you read their minds so that your interpretation matches theirs that they dont tell you. I am now 75 years old, and the FAA continues to demand increasily more stringent testing to get the isssuance. FAA Current Detailed Clinical Progress Notes. Moreover, there are strategies that will improve your chances of gaining medical certification legally and more quickly even if health is an issue. I can only speak from my personal experience as a pilot with a special issuance medical. Type 2 diabetes, with oral medication, receiving a special issuance every year, until this last one, when the FAA generously determined my AME could recertify me, annually, for five years. Also, if I lose my medical, Id save a ton of money on flying and could retire a good 10-15 years earlier! Insurance companies now have a way out of paying the claim and if there were passengers or other property damage involved now lawyers get involvedsomething to think about! I hope the AOPA and the EAA will also move quickly, and I want to thank both organizations for this effort. A wise man once said to me that the more you tell them the more you with have to sit through. We all know that volume of cars on the roads vs. number of planes in the air leads to have to deal with more idiots on the ground. FAA doesnt. Also the FAA does check your National Driver Register/Record so make sure you keep your driving safe. It is a good thing that there are no sport airplanes to rent in your location. On the other hand, the 3rd class questionnaire seems more like screening for I know a pilot who lost enough weight for his sleep apnea to disappear. I was even showing a bit of talent for it and progressing very nicely towards my private pilot certificate. My driving record is perfect, but I have been wondering if the FAA will reject my certificate because of an assault charge that happened five years ago back when I was in highschool. If you have a medical issue, may god be with you as you try to figure out exactly what you have to do (e.g. They ask about frequent or severe yet dont define how frequent is frequent or how severe is severe. dangerous individuals about whom one reads in the news at 10. Ask your AME to call Oklahoma City and ask to speak with a physician about your case. First class medical exams can cost up to $200. I had a friend that sold very pricey aircraft (demonstration pilot) that was colorblind. Emmons wait until you have an episode of situational hypertension or have to see a marriage counselor. Yes I can agree even thought I am a pilot right now I do want to work for the airlines one day so I will need a first class which I currently hold. At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. It has caused unnecessary pain and inhibits its mission to promote aviation. The FAA will then require more detailed medical information before they can determine if you qualify for a medical certificate. There are two schools of thought on this issue: 'If you wanna fly, you gotta lie' versus 'honesty is always the best policy.' Thats if they even decide to give you a medical waiver. Did you answer Yes on the question and get you special issue? Bungee jumping. The application states once hired you must obtain a class 2 medical cert So the Medical certification system is statistically, virtually, perfector..redundant AS LONG AS you are in a multi-crew aircraft. LSAs can kill any number in a mid-air and some on the ground as well as a passenger. If you have a disqualifying medical condition, say unexplained loss of consciousness, you cant fly. I love flying and if I had to give it up, I know I would feel like part of me, and who I am, has been lost. Just curious, as I am considering it and wondering about others experiences. The entire aeromedical FAA staff can go kill themselves for all I care. The answer is that the population would not tolerate it. Yeah thought so. That is the FAA point of view. Still there are occasional exceptions where a commercial or airline pilot dies in the cockpit. And, actually, the FAA is making Special Issuance less of a problem for certain diseases. After you complete your MedXPress application, you will need to schedule an FAA flight physical with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). Im depressed, so their answer is to tell me I cant do anything to fix my problem whilst simultaneously denying me something that significantly helps with my depression: Flying? I am an AME and 4,000 hour pilot. People who are actually depressed long term are not really at risk of doing things like this if they were, they wouldnt be here to start with. An exam for a third class medical certificate with a student pilot certificate can cost between $75 and $150. Who would you send them to? That means, 1) applying for brand new medical, 2) taking the written exam (s) over; and 3) taking the check ride (s) again. Flying is no more dangerous than driving when properly trained. Few people have memory of everything diagnosed as a child, how many appoinments one has been to in the last 3 years, or even knowledge of what the doctor has put in your medical record. Im not a Senior AME, Ive only been one for a year. Its not lying its letting them find out, which would probably never happen unless something came out about it. Im no danger to anyone because I dont particularly like myself. I refer them to my TMI rule; if it was transient, dont say it. There is a good chance you can hide some minor medical problems or even some major ones that you recovered from years ago. This is very disturbing to say the least, why bother imposing rules, laws or the like if there is no punishment implemented??? Withholding a medical certificate by the FAA for long periods of time while (somewhat silly in many instances) paperwork is completed does not help with the proficiency issue. The AOPA and the EAA are going to propose an exemption to the third class physical exam that would allow us to use our drivers license as our medical to fly recreational. Pilot organizations offer free advice to members, commercial outfits offer advice and assistance for a fee and printed resources are available. If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue Taint worth messing up folks. It's safer to allow people to self-disclose and get help, rather than non-disclosure and possibly flying impaired. Now then, back to your question do pilots lie about medical conditions to their AME naaaaaaah! John has been quoted or mentioned in major publications, including Chron, Flying Mag, and National Review. Remember that most pilots who have lost their medicals because they lied are probably not around here to talk about it. Yet there is no medical requirement for any of these. All because of a blood pressure medication I put on my 2012 medical form. The FAA has panels of civilian medical experts for each speciality who meet regularly to review the FAA medical regulations and recommend changes based on new research. They always do it under the banner of safety. It does happen. FAX your completed Request for Airman Medical Records Form to (405) 954-9326. John has been quoted or mentioned in major publications, including Chron, Flying Mag, and National Review. If I remember correctly, being off antidepressant medication for 6 months or longer makes the problem that required the medication no longer an issue. The only variable is about what. Dr. House. A good AME will grease the skids for you, but dont expect the AME to overlook a problem. The airman who never was on medication for depression and certinatly never had a hospitible addmitance was now having to prove a negative. Then, I initiated actions to get tested, never dreaming that FAA would punish me for being conscientious and wanting to be fully alert. How do I get a copy of my FAA written test? A large gray area separates these two extremes, however. The system is imperfect in many ways and should be fixed, I do not disagree with that. There's also the possibility that the results of a blood or urine test will expose a condition you tried to hide. Last summer I went to get my 3rd class med. Now I prefer Wingwalking. They will also review how your current application compares to the ones you have submitted in the past and your driving record. What Are the Chances of Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? Smaller countries use the FAA regulations for medical certification and, therefore, use the 8500-8 form and have it submitted to the FAA for approval. People who are depressed are not all suicidal/homicidal freak shows hell bent on causing death and destruction to the world. Just makes you wonder. If your AME does not spot anything on your physical exam, you have a clean driving record and you have never served in the military, chances are that the FAA will not question the information you submit in MedXPress. You and I both know our government never needs to justify their From the archives: Richard Collins goes behind the scenes at Center, First solo out of the pattern: an unexpected adventure in risk management, Press on and get the job done: the aroma of deference, Friday photo: Grand Canyon wrapped in a blanket, Im going to crash! -helping a pilot in distress. The flight surgeon is not my friend. I dont feel it would be correct to try to hide a condition from these people. Self certification is where the FAA should focus their energy. This is likely true for those receiving social security disability benefits as well, What Happens When the FAA gets Suspicious. But here is where the absurdity of this over zealous pursuit of perfect safety is to be seen: Dont take it personally, those are just the facts on the ground. Google "Operation Safe Pilot." In a blatant violation of the privacy act of 1974 as amended, the FAA, DOT Inspector General, and SSA Inspector General, conducted an illegal database match looking for common personally identifying information (names and/or social security numbers) in the FAA medical certificate database and the SSA Title 2 and Title 16 disability databases of 45,000 Northern . Be careful that if you have seen your doctor and are responding yes to question 19 and your doctor diagnosed you with ADHD (or suggested that you had ADHD), you will also likely need to respond yes to question 18m. And, apparently, if and applicant for a first medical certificate with student certificate has had epilepsy, he/she can be deferred even if seizure-free for more than 10 years. Anyway I am long through flying now. The premise of someone getting over long-term depression is laughable. I am unconscious every night. What Dickie did was tell on someone for lying. Like driving big trucks and boats have no such pseudo-medical crap. Due to the self-reporting nature, the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical aren't very high. Specifically, those questions are question 17 (the question about current use of medications), question 18m (the question about mental disorders of any sort), and question 19 (the question about visits to healthcare professionals in the past 3 years). These are a few of the most frequently asked questions pilots have concerning the FAA and their medical certificate. This applies to ANY wildcat actions, including slowdown, work-to-rules, withdrawal of enthusiasm (WOE), sickouts, etc. Lie and get caught, you will lose your ticket, get fined, and possibly go to jail. Told the truth, The FAA took my license. Accident investigators at every crash look for signs of incapacitation and collect items such as medication containers to try to determine if a medical reason caused the crash. One had sleep apnea that resolved with weight loss and the other no longer has type 2 diabetes. I dont know if all pilots lie during medicals, but I do know of one who did. Question:Do you think most pilots fib on applications for medical certificates? Theyll wait until a couple of major airline pilots go postal or have a seizure over the threshold and get the front page bold type, then overreact totally inappropriately, and far too late. Thus by forcing pilots to avoid medical treatment, in order to protect their medical certificate, the FAA actually promotes ill health and thus diminishes safety. To check the validity of the certificate, email a request to Aviation Data Systems Branch, [emailprotected]. They generally do not spend a significant amount of time reviewing each one. Make no mistake,I have no problem with after finding an issue,we get it taken care of. Not only is the medical certificate process flawed, so is the new AOPA iniative. Too little or false information could park a pilot on the ground'permanently'and lead to fines and jail time if authorities detect a lie or deceit. I suggest that every pilot take a look at the AME Guide on the FAA website. If you decide to undergo a physical despite questionable health, first gather all medical documents, such as a letter from your family doctor stating that a condition has been treated and resolved, and present them to the AME. 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